~ ! | eae Home Cali action Costs = ==> Show 15 Per Cent Increase investment Greater For Fewer ‘ Houses Built Than in 1951 rTAWA (CP) — Despite higher higher costs bi WINTE! increased difficu investments in nf vared with $36,000,000 in and «elilld Canada totalled 1950. 2 HovUsNe DRIFTS- iin a nea sipping dock aa 3 nc Housing | Canada ree | aid val Less Scotc Sea Left Legacy of Wealth s ior more than | laif oF GLASGOW («€P The Sc Rain Puddles Red With Iron Ore . = Same [ac ee Seats ) LHe ytch ties in obt aining *, | ROI OID SCREEN x * FLASHES FBI GIRL unusual chase | } t i | | One of the most sequences in the sparkplugs the FBI-Girl,” thrillir which opens ior today al film ex- annals of crime-hunts citement of murder mystery a three-day run Totem Theatre. Describing the pursuit of gvv- rnment agents after a fleeing criminal, the film portrays a ich takes place on Pursuit commences witn police forces following their prey in automoopiles, But, when} the leading villain takes fight in laUlah across 4a river, they are obliged to switch to a helicopter and follow th2 fugitive at an altitude of 25 feet above the water's surface. Starring Cesar Romero, George Brent and Audrey Totter, the localled in Washington, cnase wth jana sea anc alr a Stoien motor film 1s D.C. } s b reasing 5 & ’ N ve : las}| Produced and directed by Will- SB -a¥*¥ Life, a 9) f wi 6 kn ) 72.079 1 ANN AND iam Berke, the “FBI Girl” cast a a r got into L 270 in th prev- ort target. Canada| also boasts Tom Drake, Raymond BY = ht , 000 less than in Burr and Raymond Greenleaf. = a p ‘ it 2 ss than . s : s in- staritaitantibinneg we cs y }) iWa WiliCii » nt in ee 2 Fa re : 2 “ The woes yea MARA MARU t [ > ott 7 , 7 By FORBES RHUDE 3a UE r gates both Average owner's down pay- T k A . E Business Editor west . ment jumped to $3,188 in 1951 anks rrive A tale of violence and intrigue, e 6 g W at sea me I from 31,928 in 1950. A sample OTTERDAM The Nether- “Mar Maru,” co-starring Errol € as : ga survey showed average cost of AP An American freigh- Flynn and Ruth Roman, begins a. a | I in her and it left a les acquiring a new home increas- arrive Saturday with 22 its three-day run today at the & * we millions of yea g ed by 16 per cent to $10,211 in i ae the Th Capito! Theatre S ’ n tanks for the Dutch = - : etired a : 195i from 38,805 in 1950. A Set against the colorful oack- ae ge Of the $844,000,000 invested in a : ground of post-war Manila, the ® = in your ow! kK The . ere ; I ‘ vernment ad- Warner adventure drama shows a * ni the fourtl the western piains suppil a | Vance $150.0 j rw 18 per Veteran Club Flynn as a marine salvage oper- e e thine in ie earth jiments from which me nt of the total. In 1950, it ad- 5 ator in love with his partner's : . kir 1p about five r i ea that rolled througn | \ $16 i r 19 pez Worker Dies wife, played by Miss Roman. Soon a : > after Labrador-Ungava—tnrougn wna ent ital aa after the partner learns of the . * ’ , nown S tl Labrac HALIFAX (CP)Funeral arrange- " am * nd al Se ee ea ee . I report said that 1951 ee eae >*~ | whereabouts of a diamond treas- B s ' gh—suppied the seaime! ost-wa : T te aes (OF NS: ure buried beneath the China , 1 wt y ror E - spine, 8 ape : vo | Laura illey, , widov f @e il aaa x = a . which came iron « he Ueki a ean SE eee Ch ee {964 he is murdered, and Flyni : ie he . } ! : wetiemal ~s Conservative pre a Or} i, suspected . i ‘ 1e€ r de . , * * S New runswick, who alea nere se 1 Beant : t ¢ $431,000,- | rriday atfer a lengthy illness The killers themselves pel * hg z s ipproved la yeat : ” ea baa suade” Flynn, an expert diver af " = - ashe ypar With 75.950 loans i er husband Was tie 1at@! and navigator, to lead them to 2 by - > é i Lat we know , : ; ; ; idge Leonard P, D. Tilley, sop), au . ‘ me oa * sar ah 4 1950 wi value Of $523,000,000.|" ¢.. samuel Tilley. the Father the hidden wealth. How he out- [ = 5 a his represented a drop of 94)°! 9° Same, a ae. . ae wits his opponents once the a ; ; oe ts nt in number and 18 per ceralion, who litst Used diamonds are recovered midst a s e was bui : the title “Dominion” in referrng = Purses To a i t in value = _ . ®©/ tropical storm, makes, according = ca : I a or ta mort- Canada _ |to preview audiences, for one of a Com lement a Ge 4 4 tros Mrs, Tilley had a long associ-| the season's most absorbing film : g Ve rom ‘ J h « A an “a ; : tion with the Canadian Red| climaxes ' il ranging : : igs = Y ry & S generaiy eS | Cross and at her death she was : ; r n 1 Ontari Saag eT tee ee . ; Although made mostly at the a our cw . 2 $0 °F arf siren soln national vice-president She} ,, cae : ; a * « ” ‘ , low foundland : ff “ith huge Warner Bros, studios in a Outfit i : ‘a The apita figure for Bri-|;\°° ro De ‘d as ? os with ' Burbank, California, some seq- * “i : what they 'i8h Columbia was 333 ced Cl a a omen's! uences of “Mara Maru” wert r re W fle ul y lian } li a e I r Pecos Canadian Clb shot on locations at Balboa Is- s WA LLACE'S . De a a r . land, Newport Harbor, Catalina . ~ SIMILAR TO MESABI oe a ag dian MGM St Hi | { COLOR LACKING |Island, the San Fernando Miss- g © Tr t y ee oy : us hue ars e Blue is unknown as a pigment) ion and Warner ranch near Cala- ® Dept. Store = Mesat "i ed : ° 1 feathers basas = ™ en er grave F A — } An r thir wher sarin BSREARRRERERRERER EEE . th ame thing, when rom Ppearing SR | i eat pr olincoT PURIFIED BY WATER On IV Pro rams } PPI iC rE Wei | ww i C sediments would not qualify fe r cookstove or crowba By BOB THOMAS | 1 water action at som HOI LYWOOD AP)—The Uni cy i oe ‘ {4 a d had not wished out most ted States government last week - On% f their Silica 4 ling to force i vO I q unpaid by 3list July, 172 some of the sediments which! lease their pictures to televisior t f ce n August st 6Or ettled nearby didn’t have this|B tne major companies stil Zz oO 2 ; m onl ° onl > »< 0 > wf m x “ + + r noait iney AVE yng again ee h silica and I wi u € I — Shion eat et I ’ j H. M. FOOTE hem-—not yet. - hold : & , if ‘ tor ‘ + + + rg, Sask na geoiogi i ve Ca i al I Ore Company of Can- tures to T MGM bo. D apnea eae la, says. that, w € pecial H wood A } treatment than is given to some, Vertising Club 1e Studio y || United States ores 1 a ract playe ydies of iron ore in yr- appear Om the home screer Uneay would b ‘ ible. STARS FADE ss ‘ I hat n ne pou First of all re are 10 All Membess of Local 180, UA. | ro All | 5 tructio aqiven me at tne f asking whodunit they ask = i be et ondly, we ant co DA ono r what ppened and they, &FO! of @ Stars perlormance W si om 74 “nn 1792, Civic follow clue after clue, and that|“ave but up the reputation Ce r Kiupert t C All members are leads them to ore bodies pre > and power of our stal er rder to hand in or mail to the present In Labrador-Ungava, long af- | **5' oe have protected INAN ter the ore bodies were formed, sta f Tos € A . | tr se I On ' es mer 20A) Atl the ice age moved about 2000 Th us ntl cutting and ; f Ve ( tir (6) days from feet of ice in over them, and|©4@mera angi IV are not up ( , | per rt rejatinga t the lopped off the ore-tops, so that oe ee andards. We canno | ar i what is found today are their A1OTG WO Nave a ir make 1 AGS roots. As the ice retreated it left | POOT appearance on rv. 4 A then hand them to ehind the gravel and bouiders| 44450, Mage hink stars would ‘ nt t for a aeneral idit had collected in its advance wens ou en welcuns if they ; The ore found so far is under | #Ppeared too often on TV. W { ¢ it ‘ ig 17 “de P nhave proven in the movie busi D, iy 2 non-compliance: fine of $5 00 a relatively light overburden of “ hte! Ss a ; ; this mateyial. Dr. Moss says thay | M@SS ‘hat stars ike lark Gable | 120 1} other ore bodies may lie deeper; | 4" Spencer racy cannot re . ‘ o 80.U.A ind that maybe the real centre main popular if they appear in : , heen | five or six pictures every yea rE S WEAT Y of the iron deposits has not been) oo Ag on GEO. 5. WEATHERLY, found yet SIGN OF THE TIMES Pe eee The ‘deposits found are in The MGM production cha ] 3¢ -ature . “p . a pockets which go down about) ‘Sts 39 feature pictures being 450 feet from the surface, with, '"4* Bu ‘Six are shooting in i don: and one mgece tha 3,000,000 to 50,000,000 tons of ore ort on, an ane Mere in Uh in a pocket. These are spaced 4, i Island Pari 1 New York ome Kicc anat Tho} of from a quarter-mile to five’ 01 > ere a xico, Kanab, Utah, and 1 f J " 1 y third six miles apart and run in a oe Va. Thus one-third ; eries. It is possible that they of the films are ‘un location, z tly f +} ores ois are tied together further down. | ™OStly out of the country, Is i and ge-|2My wonder film workers ar: drilling tracing answers to “what So far, enough an been found to justify of $20,000,000 Drillers are ologists are for further happened?” | swers have |the expenditure out rock 2 TOaning SILVER EXPORT In the first four months of 1952 Canada exported 5,745,661 fine ounces of refined silver, nearly 700,000 more than in 1951 RE - ROOF NOW Your Roof May Not Last Through Another Year |, elite ee OL ee te er rr We will give your free estimates on re-roofing with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115 ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 . aaah ti a ai \ published or isement is not ‘ 3oard or by the Governemnt lisplayed by the Liquor Control ish Columbia This advert TIE A) A ase. on & Man hu.) ee wee yt GIRL, De Le WALTER BRENNAy > me aL € "eC bY Today to Wednesday Show Starts 7: p.m. Last Complete Show 8:12 TOTE A FAMOUS PLayers THEA .Thorical Treasure! Wenoon! and Tip, aU aC A nna wan WARNER BROS. rersewr CARTOON } Today to Wedneg HeLa hh) ee “Ie Shows 7 - 9:00 a JUST ARRIVED New 1952 Austin Station Wagon SPECTAL—1948 Indian Chief Motoreycle 11949 Austin 1939 Chevrolet Sedan Panel 1198 Thames 1—1950 Austin i—. 1949 Austin 1—1949 Morris Van TRUCKS 1—1946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—1951 5-ton Truck 1--1941 International Austin -ton Panel Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenuc W. LIMITED = Phone Green 2] From a farm to a fiddle—Daily News Classifi Today's more powerful engines re- quire a highly complex gasoline to deliver their full pow @s many as 1500 different chemical compounds in a gallon of gasoline. To select the best cals, and to arrange t and scientific skill.” - SHELL PREMIUM fulfill the needs of your car calls for the last word in refinery equipment It is Shell’s manufacturing policy make “The most powerful gasolit¢ your car can use.” Shell activates gasoline by splitting and rearranginé petroleum molecules. of these chemi- a hem properly to The result—Shell Premium—th¢ most powerful gasoline your car ca" use. See the Shell Dealer in your neighborhood GASOLINE er. There can be