nday August 25, 1924. School Opening SEPTEMBER 2, 1924. 9 PM k wm Dvtloptd by Mellon tnilllul f, Ttnc.uvtr, It, C. fo) School Supplies Belter get your supply now and look them over. Avoid (he rush and get exactly wlial you require. He-sides hooks you will need a school bag, paint-, rulers?, set 'squares, cx-ercisp bit'oks, scriltltlors, etc. t , Prices right you cannot heat them our service the best - Specially equipped to take care of mail orders. Goods' shipped same day. Canadian National Railways . Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern . fmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON Rupert Brand" Selected Skeena Sockeye For picnics, c hoose "Ilupcrl Brand" Salmon. A few l,ui in lln pan Icy .ire always handy. Stock a supply on your boa! - that's a good idea. 80LD EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. by R" r.J.,w,uirP!l -R,",th t; I A1 IKK V r I Ita&uitoes Misjleas oacra.es BedBugs, House Ants FLY.TOX wonderful Insecticide. Nothing exactly like it. Harmless to humans and animals. ' Has pleasant odor. Won't' stain. Easily applied. NoJ'dust or . dirt. Fifty cents buys complt trial outfit. Sold by Grocers, Druftfists, Hardware Deal-era and Department Stores; I"1" 'ill II I nti b.d 8pr,m Mik Sprjrr. FREE mihcir.d by R. hniy Co. Ltd. " ' Local and Personal 11. C. Undertakers. Phono 41. HilyfltrV, Undertakers. Thtme 351, , y J. A. llinlon sailed Saturday nijtlil on (be Prince Hubert for Vancouver on a combined bust ifess and holiday trip. l'ylbian Sisters Social tonigbt p.m. Doston Hall. Visit of bupreme Temple Olllcer. All Knights invited. Special excursion fares from Prince Ilunert to Smitliers Fair 1'liursJaV and Friday 'tlii. week. S.MIT11EHS'. FAIR on Thursday and Friday this week. You arc invited, to join in the fun of the otlicial holiday of the Dulkley Valley. - C.N.H. steamer I'rince John Capl. Neil McLean, arrived at 7,30 this inorning from southern Queen Charlotte Island points and will sail at midnight for the north .end. Mss, . Margaret Palmer, sailed on Saturday night, by the. Prince Ilupcrl for Victoria where' she wTII'arteiiU Ihe Provincial, Xbr'mal School I. If. llarlness, principal of Booth Memorial School, returned lo the city on the Cardena last night after having spent the summer vacation in the south. 4 Miss Way who has been spend ing a week at Terrace expects lo be hoiirtStm Wednesday when she will reorganize her music classes for the fall i term. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLeod and niily, after jiaving spent si couple of weeks in the city- rej. last night. W. S. FrshrtV ' provincial tar collector, sailed last night-by the Cardena fpr;AVyox , pn depart- mt'dtat business. ;He "will be back towards the end of the week. nUm V.- - .sir, 'w: MMiDdMi1-';:Ww Ki WHHflHis niiil family left ntllte'endiof the week for -a 'ten day cruise down Grcuvillc Channel on (heir r boat. Frank Vickers, city cashier, re turned on the Cardena last night from Vancouver afler having been ew.iy on a vacation tn'i Mrs. Vickers and daughter are still in (he south. .. E, C. La Trace sailed last night on the Cardena for Anyox where he will make preparations for t lie building of an addition to I lip public .school. E. H. Shockley of this city has the "contract. Prof, dell's Trained Animal Empress, Theatre, Aug. 20, at P.m. our cnililren are Peller today because of what they saw lasl night," says superintendent of a Washington school. Mrs, Albert Moore arrived on Hie Prince John Ibis morning from Thurston Harbor and is re gislered al the Prince Hupert Hotel. She will sail on the Prince George tonight. 4b Mr. and Mrs. Harry Birch and family sailed on Ihe Prince Hu pert Saturday night for the south Mr. Birch will be away for about ten days attending the B.C. Hos pilals Association convention in Victoria and Mrs. Birch will visit with friends in aVncouver.. Miss Bessie McKnight of Brit annia Beach, who has been visit ing here and al llazeltou for the jkisI. few. weeks, arrived from the interior on Saturday night's I r'u in ami .will sail lonight by the steamer Prince George on her return south. Horse .Hacing and alhetic con- ests are among the attractions Smilhers Fair on Thursday and Friday Jhls. .week, in addition lii the big exhibit ion. Cheap railway fares from all points between Prince Hupert and Vander-lioof. . II. II, Litlle, who is to assume the management of Ihe local blanch of the Union Bank sue- eding A. T. Broderiek, who has been superannuated, arrived Willi Mrs. I.U tie .from Hiucllmi on Sat urday night's ruin; They will take up their residence in the Summit Apartments. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE iFTROUBLtD WITH DIARRHOEA You, Should Use It Will Give You PROMPT RELIEF This valuable preparation has bees on the market for the put 80 years, and holds a reputation, second to none 'for the relief of all bowel complainti whether of children or adults. Manufactured only by The T. Mil-burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Nick Gurvicli sailed for Vancouver on thc'I'rince Hupert Sat urday night. 4- - George McIItnoylc' sailed for Victoria on the' Prince Hupert Saturday night.' I). S. Cameron, 'fisheries over seer for the central division, is in port from fewanson Hay on the leparlmenlal gas boat Ilividis Mr. and Mrs.' I). 'Cochrane and family alrrived id" Hie cily from Queen Charlotte City on the Prince JohiT this morning and will go Easl'.ouj tonight's train. Miss. Catlie'liheiXewdH, of WashiiiiAdTi f visiting Prince Kujc,r the guest of Nickerson .fnJuuiday and is 'Zslj, Ind Mrs. G". W. ELKS' WhisLIlndge Drive and Dance, tonigni, r.iKs Home Cards 8.15 p.m. ' .Dancing II p.m. Wesllitiljiiq Orchestra. Ar mission 50 welcome. eehUj. eiils. Everyboi Everybody H. .V. McNauKlitpn. C'.N.ll. dis trict passengfti; agent, sailed on the Prince Hupert .Saturday nig J P. Wheeler' field supervisor for the ijoldiCM i; eltlemenl boqrd, and Mrs.. h.eeler, arrived on Hie. Prince John tins morning from Ihe soulJiern,.,Uuecn Char lotte. Islands where they havi been. ."pending (he. past week and will leave lonighl.bx train for Telkwa. C. Woodwortji,, formerly vice- principal of the, local High School, returned sgulh on Sal. urday night after having spent a few days in the city making arrangeineuU fur .the moving of Ids effects lo Vancouver where he has beeiiVfckppidnted to the stair of , -Britannia High School. .... , Mrs. D. .MeInloslfiainl Miss Leona Mclnlosh of "Edmonton, who have been In the city for the past few weeks visiting Mrs. Mc intosh's daughter, Mrs. W. 1) Vance, Fourth Avenue Easl, will leave lonight on their return home. Gordon Mclnlosh, Mrsi Nance's brother, who is -connect ed with (he C.K.H. at Edmonton, will remain In the1' cily a few lays longer. Miss Mclnlosh was queen of Ihe wilder carnival al Edmonton last year and was in Ihe compel itioii for the winter queen of Canada; Union steamer Cardena, Capl. E. Dicksoii'horllibound from Vancouver lo Ariyox, Alice Arm and Stewart," was in port from 0.15 lo 8 o'clock last night. The vessel had Ihe'fbllowing passen- ers: for Prna-e. Rupert Mrs. Ileda, J. Sollerti, I).' II. llarlness, J. G. Sutherland. F. Vickers,' Miss -Marion Hadna 'and Miss l.. Gar-rell; for Anyosr T. Mclnlosh, Mr. Grigg, P. J.'Cnrmody, Mrs. J. B. Ileifner, Mr; Tornrose, Maslers Sorey, Mr. ami Mrs. A. Croiio and Mrs. S. A. McKeowit; for Alice rm ,1. B. Wiekhaui; for Slew-ut- F. W. Woods; round trip. Palerson, Mr.' and Mrs. Tittle- borne. Mrs. Hogan, Miss Hogan, H. Davison, Mrs. Davison. Master Davison VMV. and Mrs. W.I HEUOttRHOIDS Do not auffuc another day rUi ltchlnp, UlaeUlnff. or Protruding- I'liea or iiemormoius. jo surgical operation. required. Dr. Cliaae's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasting' benff.t. .60a a box; all dealers, or Kdmanvon, Pates & Co Limited, Toronto. Sample box fits. i J. C, Oavigan sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a business trip. Thomas A. Kelley the well known Moresby Island timber operator, arrived from the Is lands on the Prince John this morning andwill -leave for Van couver this evening. Tilt- Somerville Cannery Co.'s iower boat Haluna. Capl. Dunlop. was in port yesterday loading emply cans for the Laura Whalen hi for Vanrouver i;m;0uje to Edmon ton wjiere be wyl.'aflefld a con fere.nce of wjipassenger re preseniauves. floating cannery in Mussel! iruel near Port Clements. Miss Clarion Ilanna, school teacher at Smilhers, returned by the Cardena last nighl afler hav ing spent a summer 'holidaying in Ihe south and will, fcav.e for the east on this evening's train Mr. and Mrs. Mi Milfer and Miss Marian Miller of George town, who have been spending a week on vacation at Lakelse Lake, returned to the city Saturday night and will leave for George town today. Arthur P. Miller, charged with intoxication, was fined $25 in the cily police court this morn ing by Magistrate McClymont. (', .ang, charged similarly, estreat ed bail of 825. Miss. Hutb lix, daughter of Archdeacon and Mrs. G. A. Hix, sails tonight on the Prince ieorge for New Westminster where she will lake a position vas lomeslic science instructor on I he public school staff. WERE MARRIED SATURDAY EVE Miss Lorraine Brochu Became Bride of Carl Llndqulst at Pretty Ceremony With some loo or so friends of the contracting couple present lo witness the pretty ceremony Ihe wedding look place at 8 0' clock Saturday evening in the Melropole Hall of Miss Lorraine Valeda Brochu, daughter of Mr. anl Mrs. Godfrey .Brochu.of Ibis city, and Carl August Lindqujst son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick l.indquist of Sweden. The ."er- vicc, which was read by Rev. P, E. Baisler, pastor of (lie- St Paul's Lutheran Church, took place under a canopy of British and Norwegian-Swedish flags and the platform was decorated with vases of fall foliage and flqwrrs.. The bride, who entered the Itall on IJie anil of her father) was charming in a wedding dress of white satin with Haniton lace and silver trimmings. The conventional veil was held in place with a bandeau of Orange blossoms She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and gypsophila. Bridesmaids. Misses Evelyn Johnson and Bernice Brochu were pretty bridesmaids in simple, gowns of (due lalfeta. They carried bou quets of pink carnations. Sweel litlle flower girls were, the Misses Lilly Johnson and Emily Skatlc-bol who wore frocks of blue satin and carried baskets of weel peas and gypsophila. Mls Edna Unger, dainty in blue satin with net overdress, was ring bearer, (ieorge Brochu and Ross Anderson acted in Ihe capacity of groomsmen. t Afler Hie bridal parly bad. re tired to the ante-room to sign Ihe register,- Mrs. J. Field sang Because." Mrs. Alf Chrislian sen played (he "Bridal Chorus" from Lohengrin and (tie accoin paiiimciits. mv. anu .Mrs. i.inuquisi received Ihe congratulations and best wishes of Ihe large assem. blagu present and dancing followed, music being furnished by hasson's Orchestra. Shortly be fore midnight, supper was served in Hie banquet room, the bride culling (he large and beautiful wedding cake. Costly Gifts 1 a I in ine supper room was a table on which were displayed many of the beautiful and costly gifts which bad been presented the couple. The groom is well known in local nautical circles and - Has South. Miss South; Miss Fearon.i folded here for the past eight years. He is the captain of Hie halibut schooner Ingred H. The bride lias lived in the cily with her parents since early girlhood and is very popular. Mr, and Mrs. Lindquisl ure taking up their residence in the Levin 'Apartments, Sixth Avenue West. ; v FOR SALE Alaska Blue Fox Breeders IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR QUALITY STOCK BLUE FOXES COMMUNICATE WITH JACOB OTNESS Petersburg, Alaska Our Foxes Guaranteed to be a Number One Stock. Dr. Watson's Tonic ALE and STOUT One package makes 'J gallons of the most wholesome and nourishing daily drink. Easily prepared. 75c Per Package. ORMES LIMITED THE REXALL STORE. Phones 82 and 200. TT amatco 3 PLCOTTONOODVENEEPANEL For panelling your rooms it rivals the most costly hardwoods. Rejuvenate your Home Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. The Acme of Sweet Perfection! The Autocrat of Ihe Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIG AR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. FA SUPREME OPFI Save The Coupons Boautlful English Transparent China Cups and Saucors FREE! In every package of "Supreme" Coffee You will find a Coupon. 20 Coupons will entitle you St,..-. M rtf- . to a leuuurul English C"tNoVlART & MOBLfcY Sktc" J Transparent china Cj and ns s. whoi.-, r ffm 'Smifpp. nr JT'iNCEnUPEJOi ZrrTWllllPw' . . ' . ... io coupons ami ao icents, in cash. STEWART & MOBLEY LIMITED Ask Your Grocer for "Supreme" Prince Rupert, B.C.