PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. TOM MIX IN "EYES OF THE FOREST" A new mix-up wilh Tom and Tony aces up. When Tom leaps from his horse lo an aeroplane you'll leap right out of yonr seal. A thrilling tale of love and daring in which Tom out-Mixes himself. The athletic star with his wonder horse in a pholo-play full of action and pep. Pauline Stark and selected cast. COMEDY "ROARING LIONS." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. TIMBER SALE X 6425. Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Land, at Victoria, not later than noon on the 11th day or September, IVil, for the purchase of Licence X6IJ5, to cut 1 17.000 lineal feet of I'oleJ and rilinir on Lots 195 ami !:. situated about 3 V, miles and id other side or Skeena Hiver rmm Iti-nm Station, Ilanfre 5. Coast Land Dlslri'-t. Two i y-ar will be allowed Tor re nioval or timber. Further particulars or the :hier Fore. ter, Victoria, H.i:.. or District Forester Prince Rupert, U.:. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY PRESERVING PEARS ARRIVING WEDNESDAY Unwrapped stuck, per case $2.50 Book your orders early. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Now in, per dozen .... 50c Wax or Green Leans, 2 IIjs. 25c Celery 15c and 20c Cauliflower 15, 20, 25, 30c (According to size. . Cucumbers . . 5,-10c and 15c Vegetable Marrow, lb. .. Gc Hubbard Squash, Pumpkin, lb 8c RupcrtTableSupblvr Three Phones, aio211, 212 j NOTICE. WHEREAS under tlic urovtslons or thfl Hoyalty Act, chapter 7'., statutes (SU, Hie royalty on limber to be collected be KiiininR January 1st, 1v5, will, from In formation now available, be more than three Hints tue royalty now belli? col lcrted. AM) WIIEIIKAS urireiit representations have been made, that this Increase In royally Is much heavier than the Industry can bear. AM) WHEREAS Hie representations In.ide have Bom: so far as to say that anv attempt to collect this royalty ue?liiiiinir January ih next as upon the oasis or ine. Meseiil Hoyalty Act would Immediately re Hilt In a shutdown or the entire Industry In the Province, NOTICE is hereby riven that a nubile liearinir upon this (meslion will be held lif uie r.vcruuvc ennmner, rsriiameui nunu Infts. Victoria, before fhe Executive Coun It or such Members thereof as may be then present, beginning: at 10 o'clock Wednesday, September 3rd next. Anyone who lia.- any evidence to tub lull or representations to make on the duration or timber Hoyallles' will lie given opportunity to be heard and the public Is requested to take notice accordingly. T. I). PATTUI.LO, Minister or Lands. MOONLIGHT Dances At the Auditorium Dance Friday Evening, Aug. 29. . Easson's Orchestra. Refreshments served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone IJlack 440. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Tea and Coffee PRICES ARE ADVANCING firy rapidly and we have been fortunate to secure a quantity of very high grade qualily at a low price. We have installed a new up-to-date Klectric Coffee mill and (ran give you fresh ground coffee daily. Samples free. Our Highest Grade Coffee 65c value, per lb 50c 3 lbs. for $1.35 Our Highest Grade Tea None heller. 75c value, per lb. . . G5c 2 lbs. for S1.25 Orders including Tea and Coffee delivered. Order Preserving Peaches now from us. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how lo make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes lhal the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONE 8 Vfetfj 60X392 PRINCE-"7"; RUPERT SEALED lENDEItS Iddressed to the unilrr.ilfnii'd, and endorsed "Tender for wliair mialri, at I'ort Slinnxon. n r. will lie received it thin oirice until 12 o'clock neon (aayiigni aavlng), Thuraday, September 4, 1924, ror iImi construction or ic palm to wharf at I'ort Simpson, Skeena UlsJilct. B.C. Plan and forms of contract can lie see!' and M'ectricalloti and forms or tender ob tained at till Department, at the ofrice of the Mxtrirt EiiRlneer, Old Tost Office lliilldlnir, Victoria, B.C., and at the Pom Office, Vancouver, B.C.i Prince Itupert. It.O.s Stewart, n.C, and Port Simpson. BC Tenders will not lie considered, utiles made on printed forms npplled by the Department and In accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheniie on a chartered lmnlr nav. ahle to Ihe order or the Minister of public Works-, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. Bond of Ihe Dominion of Canada or bonds or ihe Canadian National Hallway Company will also be accepted a security, or bonds and a cheque ir required to make up an odd amount. NOTK. Blue print ran be obtained this Department by depositing an accepted cheque for ihe sum of mo.oo payable lo the order of the Mlntwter or p'uhlle Works, which will be returned if tho Intending; bidder suhmll a retrnlar bid. iiy orner, S. E. OTtniF.N. Department of public Work0"'"' Ottawa, Auirust 8, 1931. CUTTING IT SHORT "Why are you. .fooling so with I hat clock. Nnnih?" long "I'm cleaning Its hands, inuni "Well, just wipe 'em. You needn't manicure 'em." Hoslon Transcript. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every Instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS taw en Frmls Pears, iO lb. boies, per box $3.50 Peaches, per crate . . . $1.85 Plums, per crate .... $1.75 Buy Them Now. Apples, per box $3.00 3 lbs .for 25c ECDNOSVIY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. E FORMER DRUGGIST OF THIS CITY IS WED IN OKANAGAN The following account of the wedding of W. McGill, form erly of this cily, who was here last week with his bride enroute to Alaska on a honeymoon I rip, appears in a recent Vancouver paper: Parkdale llaplist Church, West Summcrland, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday. Aug; 19, when Miss Gertrude Elizabeth Klsey, youngest daughter of Mr. tnd Mrs. H. II. Klsey, became Ihe bride of Mr. William Weir Mc Gill of Vancouver. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Z. L. Fash. To the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Ruth Dale, 'tin brute entered the church with 'mi- fallioi- win) gave her in mar-riagf. Her wedding gown was of ivory knife-plealed georgette Irimineil with Limerick lace. Her long flowing veil was held in place by natural orange blossoms and she carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia rosos and lily of the valley. Sho was attended by her cousin, Miss Dorothy Avery of Winnipeg, attired in orchid satin striped Canton crepe, and Miss lean Htbhit of Vancouver, in pale pink georgette. Holli wore large while hats and carried shower bouquets of mauve and pink sweel peas. The groom was supported by Mr. 11. N. McCorkindale of Vancouver. A .reception was held after the service al tho home of Ihe bride's parents, where a wedding breakfast was served on the verandah. Later Mr. and Mrs. McGill leT! for Vancouver en route lo Alaska, Hie hride travelling In a three piece costume of French suodo clolh heavily embroidered in sil ver, with hat in bright lones. Her costume was completed with n squirrel fur, the gift of the groom. On their return from Alaska they will reside in Van couver. Among the oul-of-lown guests were Mrs. J. McGill of London, Uiil., mother of the groom'; Mrs . h. Avery of Winnipeg, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. F. II, Hay ward of Aancotiver, sisler of Ihe bride. THE DAILT NEWS Monday, August 25, t9j, TERRACE NOTES Mrs. Heid and Miss May Real l Hazeltou Thursday evening, lo attend Ihe flower show where she is to be one of the judges. Mrs. Hilt and children Prince Hupert is visiting J. Cook of Lakelse. Miss Mary Allistone and brother of Prince Hupert visiting Mrs. Arthur Carr. Producls Mill at Usk was in town on Friday. . Miss Jcssop of t lie Hulkley 'alley Hospital at Smithcrs was Ihe guest of Mrs. Frost this week. Mrs. Geo. Little gave a party hall. Jas, Floyd of Usk was in town on iliursilay. OBJECTION TAKEN TO Trappers Handicapped In Territories to North: British Columbia Pointed to as ' 'Model EDMONTON, Aug. 23. Northern trapper?Mare voicing strong protests against the federal license fees, according to W. A. Hritish Columbia," said Mr. Taylor. "The way to develop the country is lo let the wliite men not ;.. I... i i :..l license only results in keeping them out. For instance, Ihe license for a non-resident is 8125 and (hat hits one man at' Fort Nelson who has been on overseas mililary service." Fort Nelson is one of Ihe best fur districts in Ihe north country, according to Mr. Taylor. In addition to being a good marten country, there arc lots of lynx and foxes. During the past season, prices for lynx ranged from M lo 815, while marten brought all the way froiu 818 to 822. Pacific Milk Is Better JvapoRsTW. B There is some qualily of flavor in the milk produced In the Fraser Valley which cxcclls lhal of any other part of Ihe Dominion. Our climate is ideal for dairying. The fine, rich-flavor of Pacific is this natural goodness relnined. Our only credit for ihis superiority or lasle is in Ihe improved process which retains Ihat which nature has made. PACIFIC MILK Is Bettor Quality. Pacific Milk Co. Limited 328 DRAKE STREET, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. ! Local News Notes oi j-rince unpen are mo guests jj K of Mrs. Sundal for a few days. , , i Herbert Hauiplou is condticlingj Mrs. Harry King leU on Tues- cnnva ,r "aler users in thel day to visit her sisler in Tclkwa.,f '' , lMit 13 ,w,ln 51 view bringing about a revision of K. G. Davis who has a sub-:rnu's W1,IC" 1,10 Cll council will contract on the Terrace bridge 0"'y left nn 'l'lmi'Ailiiv fin" Viinci)iivr. I - . Hubert H. Payne, production Mr. ami Mrs. Morse Halt and a"ngcr for tho Canadian Fish-family relurneil froiu Victoria '. inS Uo., arrived from down the Wednesday night. Mrs. Mgel Sherwood and Miss Ilarbara Sherwood arc spending a few days iii Prince Hupert. .Mrs. D. I). Monro left for coast on Ihe Cardena Iirst night and left Ihis morning by gas boat for Wales Island. He is making a lour or the company's various plants on the coast. JliMi Hratland failed toamear in the police court this morning lo answer lo a charge of Hssault and his bail of $25 was estreated. I It was alleged that Hratland as of suited Louis Mazzei at Cow Hay Mrs, her are Saturday night by striking him in the face. I he charge against K. O. Ho- pen of Cow Hay of having liquor on his premises for sale was dismissed in the cily polico court H. Hiley who left for Hazellon lbis morning for lack of evi Hospital last week has undergone. dencc. '1'bc case was first called a successful operation for appen- several weeks ago and has been incuts. I'. Edwards of fhe (Canada adjourned several times since. The power boat Prosperity, Capt. Ilrindle, arrived in port last night with 30 tons of palladium ore consigned from the Sail Chuck mine near Ketchikan to Ihe smeller at Irvinglon, New Jersey. The vessel will return north this afternoon after having discharged her cargo for transshipment East over the luesuay aiiernuon in nonor oiuanauian .Minimal naiiways. nine .uiss uaiisou oi Dimmers. ' The Faill Fair board held a most enjoyable balloon dance riday evening in Ihe G.W.V.A. Capl. W. Wright, C.X.Il. marine superintendent, and Mrs. Wright returned lo the cily on Saturday night after making Hie trip to Sfewart and will leave Ihis evening on the Prince John to make the round trip to Hie north end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. The ; ower boal Snev. skinnered DOMINION LICENSES I',,rric l-My ln port mis iiiDi'iung mini i.ewis island having on board the Misses Oral and Hernice Ross, Miss lieverley Jack, Rupert Ross and llrure Stevens, who have returned home after spending summer holidays a the Lainhley ranch. JURORS FAVOR SOLDIERS DRF.SDKN, Germany Declar- laylor, formerly in charge or jug that "women jurors arc en-Ihe Lampson-Hubbard company's j tirely too sofl on mjittry offend-posl at Fort Nelnon. The levy is! ers and therefore endanger the felt to be unduly high, making it j discipline of the army" Ihe at a Handicap ror one lo earn nuicu for the fur catch before Christmas in the Northwest Territories. torney general of Saxony has issued a decree that no military offenders shall he brought before "ltns license Is 975, while we. civil courts with women jurors. are lold that it is only 810 in1 PREACHER HAS BIQ CHARGE F.UGKNF., Ore. The Rev. Wil Ham Hiard has a charge that covers one-third of the slate of Oregon. Of one part of his rounds through Ihe eastern end of the slate, he remarked, "Sixty-fivo miles without seeing a ranch house or a dog to bark al me." In this district there are 20,000 square miles given to calllc ranges. Dr. Hiard works under Ihe synod of the' Presbyterian church. ARE WOMEN IN POLITICS FAIR? Lord Banbury Declares They Use Their Sex Power and Privileges In Parliament LONDON, Aug. 25. Lord Han-bury, -who is Sir Frederick Han-bury, was among the most consistent die-hards who ever sal in the House or Commons, has lost none or his conservatism since he shifted lo the House of Lords. His Lordship stirred up a hornet's nest by declaring, in op. position lo Lord Astor's bill to permit peeresses in their own right to sit in the House or Lords, that the contemplated action would lower the dignity of the upper chamber. The right which ihe bill would confer would lifted only about a dozen peeresses, but it has always elicited strenuous opposition because of lis supposed revolutionary tendency. Did their lordships propose, Lord Hanbury asked, that the body which for centuries had been a model of a parliamentary house should "lose dignity in order to secure elllclency by ad. milting women?" Are Different x oooocoeooOQoeoo0 Fall Millinery A Ploasing Assortment or tho nowost styles, All Very Moderately Priced. ASK TO SEE THEM H.S. dilfereul and yott cannot prevunl a woman from exercising in l'ar. liainent Ihe privilege of her sex which she had been nccuslomcil !o exercise. Women exercise Fheir facinalion unwillingly, ami men could not Ireat Ihem as equals in Parliament." "All nonsense," said Dorothy .lewson. Labor Member ot I'arlia- menl from Norwich. "Lord Han- lniry has opposed all progressive measures all his life." "The noble Lord's speech is most uiigallaut and had il come from any one else il might have been taken seriously," said Lady Terringlon, another woman M.IM Hut what has made women of old friend. Wallace Co,. Limited Phone 9. 3rd Ave. snH r..i. ROOMS FOR RENT IN WALLACE BLOCK I lJCO00000000000000 Cash & Carry Specials FOR TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY Loss of Dignity "There has been no loss of dignity since women came into Ihe House of Commons," said Mrs. Wintriugliani, another woman memlier. Lady Aslnr declined lo make any comment on Lord Hanbury's outburst. When ho was in the House of Commons Lord Hanbury anlagonired virtually every re form measure which Lady Astor put forward and tho parlliinen-lary lilts between the venerable diehard and the vivacious AmerU can woman enlivened many sessions of Ihe House of Commons. Hill (hey ate Ihe best of friends hillside of pollMcs, and Lady Aslnr asked lo be excused from engaging In a controversy with an A BOB TEA 2 lbs. $1.25 CALIFORNIA PEACHES Slices or Halves. Kxtra special, litis for $1.00 SUNMAID SEEDED RAISINS 10 oz. Package. Special, U for "'. 25c OLDE TYME WOOL SOCKS 100 per cent Pure Wool, medium weighl. rib- bedi Colors Mark, Oxford, Lot at, Alumunr Silver Grey, Hlne, lirowu, Oreoii and P'i , Heather. Meg. 75c. Hxlra spccinl, pair LADIES' WAISTS in Voiles, Georgettes, Salin nml Silks. VaPies up to $7.50. To clear,' each W-W BOYS' SHOES In Hlaelv dir. strong ami servirealde. Il g. Si. 00. School Opening pri'T . All . zf.- $2.35 Universal Trading Co, Kngland in polities and out of polities- inad as March hares was Lord Banbury's accusal m-i that women made an unfair exercise of sex in their participa tion in politics. TIMBER SALE X 6370. Thrri' will be .)ff-f1 1 Aiti'tliiii, at ikxii 'in me i ..v. . iw r.M.j irifl rp..IWHT, mill III" i " we heirin Ibis wnV" iiiktIciI Lor.i I x J7H- ' n" J"''1 wc m gin whs way. iiuinui uni arM atJol mnr the imrti. D !' 'j, Hanbury. "Men and women, are otoi, muuu-ii ipr "i"""''3, .v. iiiirtii fliiti caKi in i' 1 ltan i. Omul iilri''t, . Two ( ! Will 1I' II"F moval if tliiibiM-. , Jt unable ' '" "I'nivldisl unyitM aiirtti.n in KT4im m: n1' j dtr to ! olirnnd l I'1' 1 "' ' ami oral ell a one lill. . ,! ...r,,.'.r J?rliPI!Ul ' .. U'l, i5T: i W a If till III, " 1'rlnr ttuprl. It.' Sterling Furnace CI O.llxrtd In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thla la verr W ! nial. It Klvca l clean I hl rt4 la enilrrly free from c - alark ami illrl, Some S" hrallnir plant.. In H' rl'y..uf,.lo'l t0nw" iiln It with entirely re'""8- .nil STERLING STOVE - C0U Dellvereil In Srk At $12.60 per ton. We are Im Aen for " LADYSMITH-WELLINOTO" and TELKWA COALS- Prince Ruoert Coal Ci 9 Main Offlo.l Moltl'- rmlJ ""Wool, I. " none oi imnuun w, ... n . i. nil P'-k In Queen Chnrimie WJ lleconlliilt Dlslllrl "i., Entrm" and alluate In tin , j Jiiatknfla Inlet, ,.,..,,. shin"''?,.. Tk Kotlre that, 'll""rv,lll.e ( fS roit (:i.ii...tit. In iliJS', iifW CoIiiiiiIiIh, Oaidenrr. Intel " ' .'ninf pRriiilaalnn to purulmso crllied lands r u, -Hnti'il '.'.Jrt umitheaM and on ""'"".''.''"ninre ol.Zt menreiiient, nd ,nlilMr e!.,A half arrea of land, more 'smaSVJJ-j lH ' rmted a I I'nrt Clement iily, 1921.