onrtar. August 25, 1924. Sweep vtlUi a broom! then se a crrrpci sweeper. . mc floor looks pretty clean. 'ov use upon U a Hoover Mini. Ill nwcrrci (iiiu ill nui i n in i uiiliidii I ir n n lines annsanuauon can IMIIJ ov'" 'Huiiviu niellious. eucn a laiior saver. Let u demonstrate one in I . nli . t V1 .1 ..I. I II u ii i n m mnn n 'lrfiiii'irn r The (fjan4y Andy Store. nu Mni a vp I'rmnn -i Hardware and Sporting ' 'Goods i NOTICE OF SALE. .i...t.,lir H ft fttill' foiil In .fi ml iimiiniui IinW King III LUHKHiJU LflKC B11Q Indian will l nrmvid uy uwifln lures- uimi pnr. win en n me iowcm rmuaiHP, is i:i:x.ur, urmw ac- . latiul a I ii tuna m rwt fita Ii t rMin 1 11711 III' " I'" " "IVIITJ UI IITI , Ht ill . r irf"t in uu il iTHfri ink prirp Uil, Th hlahi"t or any tender ssonnieiii oi 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll IIUIIV t.lm Two Captains in One Boat Being an account of a trip to the Ecslnll River as recounted by Newton Piillen of Victoria under the noui de plume of Marcus Drexeil in the Victoria ColouisL i'he next article of the series appears soon. OETTIXO OFF SUBMMUlEll IvOUS It was aliout 5.30 or 0 o'clock in the afternoon when we iled up almost within sight or our goal, mid when darkness began to descend our efforts had gained u nothing. There vrtts no solution in sight. We had had no nupper, hut we were too tired to worry about such trifles. After' demolishing a raisin square apiece we "turned in." We hail put the canvas cover up, having decided, to .sleep on hoard. The Other Captain choso to make his bed in the bottom of the boat, for' a rd of the engine. He is a tall man, and the accommodation was limited, with the result that every lime he turned oxer lie had to arrange himself in a curve to avoid tanking his feet in the carbureter. I slept on one of the side seats, and as the launch was tilted I filled in excellently inlo the angle between the seat and the side pf the Hwen, while the water gurgled past all niRhl only a few inches belo'w the lop of the gunwale. We hadn't the faintest idea as to how we were poinff. to &ct out of thai predicament. There was not another soul that side of Brown's Hiver, fifteen or twenly below, so far as we knew. We. werje too exhausted to think, and so we slept. The-boat was not tied to anythinp, but if the river could pel it loose it was certainly welcome. In the morninp we had breakfast on board, pul the cover down, and set to work to salvage the Owen. Standing on the submerged lops in our high boots we struggled to move the boat, hot could do nothing of any consei sailed for Ocean Full.-- on the bagfrapre to the bow and tried pul- i . i I... i H . i 1. it. I I..T..I. li.lllM IIIV I'MVn . W 11.1. Hats! Hats! Zi .1.11. I il... nnflnin.l J, ENGLISH FELTS VELOURS and DRESS HATS Our prices ;ird quality "defjj Q()inpe- "DEMERS" P.O. Box 327. OLD CROW BOURBOM WHISKEY m PS? mm av.:: NJk 1 ' II I I in I I fl I I I m y.v. .w.".i x r - ci ii ijri lit i i g e im j n.-i a BKiW ur' WX m W : UlVJtf WW I VI I fl S S S m SKi" 5i iaWjvija u uiunitjif. imt m MMmri ray m vi -m v.v ,' . T viL-mrKpnn AtiranuruT inarmimi aJ'H m YiXfJi No. M In its Field Superlatively the Best NoUd'for Its great age and mellow maturity. "Awaken old memories." 26 or. bottle 32 oz. bottle is ntlverliseincnt Is not published or displayed by the hiquor uuiroL Hoard or Ijv Uio uovcruincut oi nnuau uu.uu.w.- r and went to work again. Care bad to Ire taken not to f?et left on the lops when the boat would til. tlmalely come free for Ihe swim-' ming was poor at lhat spot. Rudder 8 mashed We had made pood progress, hut we fount! fresh difficulties. The boat had caught on some-thing new at Ihe ijtern. I looked down and discovered that the rudder had been janilmed apalnsl a submerged big and solit Inmri. miles imiinnlly, rendering it useless. i3 We finally worked it loose and fliliml ii in lu'n nioAao ClnAinw nn. 1. . . 1 11 1 1. I .11 ui, iiui yik iri, luuL iiiiiiirr ku , lin lf . ,i Slichl advances in the egg, The flour market is nouilng vice on preserving peaches given in these columns a few week9 ago saved money. Market conditions -of extreme shortage have forced nriees up, eases now selling at f 1.85. Citrus fruits are considerably higher. Oranges, especially large sizes, have advanced more than $1 per case. Tomatoes are down in price, hothouse retailing at 20c per lb. and outdoor at 12V4c Pork Going Up Pork products aire stiffening Jn juice, a 5c a pound advance having already lake place in fresh lines. Lard is also higher and cured meals are beginning to feel the effect nf 4)m raise in frp-ili stern airain, and tried shoving n0rk. the launch backwards. Tlnrt. fi,A,)en bantam corn Is now in wax further movement as we an,i ,,B flliany iB goodt Thn heaved together, and we decided Vailinjr price is 50c per dozen, it was tin; to tie the brute up ' nHail prices in "the city today for fear she am loose. We nro as follows: look a hitch around the s'nagj. Butter Mini jmiih imiw awi siern lines,'! Alberta 45e Jtrookficld ami Shamrock, 2 lbs. 85c E. C. D ... . 45c Vanderhoof . i .. ... 45c Dairy No; 1, 2 lbs. for 75c Lard Pure 20c Compound 20c Pure Bulk Lard 17 Vjc i Cheese Ontario solids 30c Slillon. lb 35c Kraft 45c Wisconsin Brick, lb COc Swiss Loaf 75c Hn'0 Napoleon Limberger u-,.,,1,1 l,v. i i n.m, n 70c Iloquefort 90c the time being and concentrated ' ' on gelling the Owen free. She Eflfl refuseil lo move fnriher anrl . -Mherla, rresh Seconds we ileri.leil i nin stilff the Alberta, Fresh Firsts ),T,r.nrn iai urm iopi.i B.C. Fresh Pullet Extras xmi Hie Inmii-li 1 1.1 tpnr of tier vegetaoies iiieuiix-i-rti ..... - Oraoefruil Calif 'iaP,J"in, ..n Soveral limes we struck apainst hidden obstacles, but ,. ""7 F.xtractftd r.xiracien uu . i i.u nnmtt nr nm mn .... . uv Flrawberries.? boxes for . Raisins, bulk,, per lb. Raisins, package, lb. Drained Cherries; lb. Spanish Cluster Raisins steady at the present level but H.Chestnuts, lb. ..... is impossible to say what the, Peanuts trend in the Inilmedlate futuro.Oround Almonds will be. Fruit Market Concord grapes are now In, over. next big seller. llousowlvos who took the ad- Almond Paste 'UH.tU M i AA .-HI.... t or. ..am 1. ...... n ' . 1 1 .. ... .. x . j rin V Finnan Baddies, lb. e t e e e . . . ... Sugar riiii. ui Ti.. IT' 'i."-t "i"', li-liun, (.ft iu ..... pounds. Tokays, Iho big seller ln Flour the grape line, are com,menelng Flour, 40's, No. 1 bread to arrive and prices will be lower Pastry Flour, A9's with future shipments, I Flan The apple market Is showing Beit Salmon, fresh, lb. more varieties. Mcintosh Reds Halibut, lb. ., are expected within the next few Hmoked Kippers, lb. ... , days. California Oravensteins are Kippered Salmon, lb. . A ' .. .. 1 -. n. l ...in i.A 1 1 , c l . .j til t. n j at. filling n I 1 1 1 1 will no . im lUUKru imidh mm, II'. - . . 'f 50c 30c 40c 40c 4 45c Fresh Firsts lo do so, the Oilier Captain, who wa standing on a submergel lop Jrs1 Extras at the bow, gave one. final shove ""L,u -,,vv ,'JH1 o 50c COc 8 lbs 25c i.,j.. ...:n.. i.-- i .Vw Potatoes. clinging desperately to her bow. aJ'a 'a!,la ""ions, 4 lbs. . 25c He pulled himself aboard and - adjusted the bow .and slern lines '1 '"'"V '"i ' attached to the snag, sn that the -anit., o iui ... .... .. .. .i i New ax Means. 2,11);:..,. ... 20c liill jmiiiiiiiik .nmii niii.iiii. . - . jij. . 'Vw "" 1 2 2o while "" She was held there steadily Yakima 4 lbs. 25c ltulabag,es . . we pot ren,ly for the next phase. ,,.., ' oi B.C. New Carrots. 4 lbs. .. .. 25c .u iu a.i laini nun hit.i- Npw 4 IDs. . . . Beets, lion over ihe stern to replace the Binrh 1 (stratghl) urnips ,.,.,i w,iP n,i,i n. nmnp started. We did not fare to pull ' "'"m. the Owen into the snap in order """""J to unfasten our ropes. ill-Al " nunc ..... c conjure up. Mam An WAV rtn. i i i 1 1 that locality, and so agreed to ""; ""i'""- 'd house leave our mooring lines behind .,",Ia,,"'f' lomaloes 2 lbs. as mute evidence of whatever the ;- . ..n-. iv,inniinn miirlit nhubart). ouldoor, lb. a:..i. ,i ,, Mm W;fldish, 3 bunches. 25c &C Mireeri i.orn. per Jioxfii .. .. ovv B.C. Head' Lettuce ...'...' ..M0r: 50o 20c 25c, , 6c Parsley, per bunch 5c lOreen Onions, 2 bunches .... 5c 10c oiiiuiikiii. v..- ).. r. 4fi jr. and stern, lines. I jumped to the "' ' engine, the Other Captain stood! f I..... -..i. on. I nnpp ' 1 - - 8 '",r..,,"J ' t. . Oranges, Sunkist. doz., 35c to 85cJ Ilinre we nr .... t e.,ll.l .An,- JIW, In i(rt-nat ci Uo-.in. 4 ..: li.biuti tnr wp re. ,-...? - . t 1 1 1 1 rt t i .ui. ariiApiAtiA pnnvintp cause any mMi.ur,.,..... - . .An,, ini l.emtlnir risht alonp ami v-; ' , ... .... I'.nnipiiinnea.-enen sW,n were free of tl.e worst ,. - i i.-akii iiAQf I noji 111 --f - - .WH,7 " "r,:: V;;: i.l "re-li. Wum. pe.- lb -ii- Ip .Inriiiff our tnn. e uai. : ; im1 made Johnson Creek, but at least we had tried. ADVANCESIN MANY LINES Eggs, 8ugar and Butter Re- Uillng Higner 20c and 25c 12Hc . 25o 25o 25c 40c 25o . 35o . 20o . 85o . 75o $9.50 $9.00 $2.40 $2.35 25c 15c to 25c ...... IQo 25o . m. .. 20c . , .... 25o ... 25o THE LITTLE RED HEN IfQUCK, puck, puck, pucKAYah" cackles the little JL red hen, as she steps off the warm nest, broadcasting to the barnyard that she has just laid a fine, fresh egg. She makes a product that any "manufacturer" might be proud of, and doesn't hesitate to advertise the fact. " A duck egg, might be just as good, but the duck evidently doesnrt think so. She doesn't advertise, and duck eggs have! no market To be absolutely sure in buying ANY merchandise stick to the advertised brands. For their manufacturers believe in them and tell you about them daily in the advertising columns of this newspaper, over their signatures. v The duck-egg brands might be just as good, but you cannot be sure, if the manufacturers themselves will not admit it! Read the advertisements regularly. Buy. from them. You will then know the source of the products, and whom to look to if they don't measure up. Advertising lis the radio of commerce-broadcasting things 3Tou should know Beef, roast prime rib Mutton, leg ... ... ... Mutton, chops ... v.. ... Mutton, shoulder Lamb, leg Poultry Mash ... . . ... ..... supar and butter markets are lo Lemon and Orange Peel .... 40o tamb, chops ... .. .;. .... 1m recorded in Ibis week's mar-;cilron Peel .. . . 55cLamb, shoulder... ... ket report. jBlack Cooking Figs ... 25c reed Kggs are. commencing ineirtWhitc figs 15c usual sual fall ellmb, it being the sea-Currants .-, 22 o .Wheat, No. 5 ... , son of Ihe year when II is alwnys uvosl dlffieult fresh slock. lo secure good, Prunes Apples .. . . , . ... Peaches, peeled During the past ten days, sugar, Apricots, lb. has advanced c per pound. The butler market is slightly .Almonds higher and furl her advances are expected. ee Nuta Brazils and filberts t e Walnuts, California No. 1 Walnuts, Manchurian 20c-25o Oals 25c Bran 25c,Shorts 25ciBarley LAND ACT. 25c Uananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Salt Codfish Fillets' lb.:.. .. 30c Honey, per lb. 3 for ... 25c Boneless Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25c . . ... ... 40c!llolland Herrings, per keg $1:65 perlwisket ... ... ... $1.00 Freestone Peaches, per dor. . 40e Peaches, per crale $1.85 Apricots, erate, I'ears, dnz.- . . , Raspberries; basket $1.85i 60c, 15c; Crate , .... $2 to $3 Apds, flraveijsteins, 2 lbs. 25o, Cookinpi 3 lbs. for .. .. 25c DrUd Frulte Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. ... .... 40c Market Report This" Week. Showarjae!i, Dromedary 30c 15c 20o 75c 40o . Meats Fowl, No. 1 lb. ... ..4 30c Roasting Chicken, lb. 40c and 45c Ham, sliced, first grade-.,.. 45c Ham, whole, first grade ... 35c Bacon, back, sliced ..f . ;.. 45c Baron, side ... 35c, to 45c Ayrshire Bacon, lb. ......... 35c Veal, shoulder Veal, loin Veal, leg Pork, shoulder Pork, loin ... . Pork, leg Beef, pot roast Beef, boiling ... Beef, steak e e e e e 18c 35o 26c 34c 35c 35c . . . 10c to 15c . .... 8c to 10c .... ..... AUU.IU uuv 25c 35 b; 22 c 45o 45c 28c 10Q Ib's, ; $3.25 $2.65 $2.00 $2;10 $3.00 $3.55 Mrs. W. C. Sparkes arrived from Terrace on Saturday night's train and sailed for Vancouver enroute lo Buffalo, New York, on a holiday trip, Nolle of InUntton U plf to U4M Lend. lu o two ii tjurkum ihudu i.iau uinn,i llfronlin Dlitrlct of Krtnce H.iDert. B.C. ami nlluatf ntir Tow lull, Orabaai lutsnd., TAKK .NOTICE lhat I. Oforre W., Howling, ot 3C8 Cambridge Strrrt, VnrMi, n.u.. iH-rupatiou mauurafiurrr, luwnoi io apply for iM-rniHMoii to ra. the follow-ln ovscriiwit latil.i: Conuiwiuinr at t po.it I'liuU'd near the foot of Tow Hill, rail aide, theta'c imatierly to h.w water mark) llieur. wlwly folkiwliia low atfr mark 10 chains: thenr aimtherlT tbrre rhalna; thtnre aMM; -chain to Hlnt of roniDicnrrnifiit and coutalnlnt 11 acres. mora or ivaa. OEOflOE W. D0WL1N0. Applicant. PAVE ftUTTEN. Aenl. Data, luna 6, 1H. Say PAGE FIVE f WHY NOT TRY AN ELECTRIC BAKE POUND CAKE FROM YOUR GROCERS ? Today t CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings from Prince Rupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For. Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For iutedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea-i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. BACK AGAIN! AND AT YOUR SERVICE. If HIGH CLASS DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. Dr. J. F. Maguire Smith Block. Phone 575.