PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 9 p.m. The George Fitzmaurice Production "THE ETERNAL CITY" Sir Wall Caiue's romantic story laid amidol the scenic wonders of the City of Love. Rome, splendour, love, beauty, the Coliseum, the Human llalhs, the Imperial Palace, the Appian Way, romance, whirling-mobs, the historic Forum, sacred places never before shown, the Italian Lancers, the Fascisli, Premier .Mussolini, the King and his officers, all' this and more in this thrilling drama of tempestuous loves, brave hearts, and great sacrifices. Lionel Barrymore. Bert Lytell, Richard Bennett, Montague Love, Barbara La Marr and 20,000 others. Note The entire company spent nine months in Home to fiim this picture. The New Leather Pushers "He Loops to Conquer." Fun From The Press Admission 35c and 10c. Walk Downstairs and SAVE MONEY While Pickling Onions now in 15c lb., 7 lbs. $1.00 Medium sized Cucumbers, splendid for pickling, 0 for 25c Fresh Citron, first shipment now in, lb 8c Fre3h Outdoor Tomatoes, 5 lb. basket . . 50c Hothouse Tomal"es, per 5 lb. basket 75c Large Head Celery 15c Oolden Bantam rn, dozen 50c New Carrots, C lis. ... 25c Cooking Oniont-. B.C.. 0 ib. 25c Vegetable .Marrow, Ib. . . 5c Bart left Preserving Pears, heavy pack in apple boxes per case $2.50 Choice Cooking Apples, unwrapped, per box . . $2.50 This store will be open all day Thursday RupertTableSupply Three Phones aioiirt SUCKER WEATHER! Children's and Boys' Slickers from .... 54.50 to $8.50 Children's Waterproof Hain-capes with Plaid Hoods, from 83.75 to $1.75 Ladies' English Kubber Coats with Velvet Collar $14.50 H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd Cor. Fulton & 3rd Avr Phone 9 NEXT AUDITORIUM Dance Friday Evening, Sept 5th. Moonlight Dances During Hie Evening Knssoii's Orchestra Refreshments Served Gontlomcn $1.00; Ladles 50o Phone Black 49. L. F. Marrcn, Proi "hlor. ; Dactor (meeting patient casu-ally:': "Well, how ore you feel. lug Patient: "Will it cost mc any-thihS If I answer?"' SATURDAY SPECIALS Mjlk any kind , per tin 10c Limit to each person, C tins. Bacon, extra value, Ib. 21c Brooms. 12 to sell, each 50c Apples, extra value, per box $2.25 Sugar, in bulk, 5 lbs. . . 45c Our FRESH MEAT MARKET can give you Ihe highest quality at lowest prices. Give us a trial. Farmers Market Phone Blue 428. Orders over $3.00 delivered. 7 r. - - ONE YOUNG WOMAN WHO KNOWS a lot about the proper care of her wardrobe is Dainty Dorothy. She knows how to make serviceable frocks out of last season's dresses and believes that the science of dry cleaning is the friendliest service that ever helped a woman dress economically and well. PHONES X&gy BOX392 PRINCET-r R.UPERT TIMBER SALE X 6425. Sealed Tendera will be received by the Minuter of Land, at Victoria, not later than noon cm the llth day of September. ISii, rur tho purclia-e or l.iceine x etxa. to cut I17.U00 lineal feet or Poles and I'llliiir on Una iiii and 1033, altuated about 3 Mi Milieu and on either tide of sneena mver irom neinu siauuii, nature 5, Ciiaot Land Dlatrlrt. Two (S) j-eara win ue anowea tor re- limval of timber. Further particulars or tne t.nier tores- ler, Victoria. B.r. or District Forciter, I'rlnre llur-rt. U.C. TIMBER SALE X 6370. There will be offered for aale at i'liblle. Auction, at noon on the 4th day or sep- leiiiDpr. iuzi. in 1110 01 me 01 me ui- IHct f'oreater, Snilthern. B.C., the Licence X 5370, to rut ?u,ouu jarxjiine nea on an area adjoining tlin norm iHiuniiary tr l.ot 0701, ntlualed approjimateiy i'i tinier north and east of Decker Lake Station, nature I, Coant IHstrlct. Two (S) years will bo allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction tn person may rtibnilt a tcaled ten der to be oened at the hmir of auction anil treated as one bid." Further particular of the Chief Forester, victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince lur, ert, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, September 4 High 4:30 a.m. 18.9 ft, 10:52 p.m. 20.1 Low 10:35 a.m. 5.3 23:18 p.m. 4.6 Friday, September 5 , Hhili 5:37 a.m. 17.6 17:18 p.hi. 19. i Low 11:27 a.m. ,0.0 Advertise in tiie' fiiy 'N'ews. Optician and Optometrist YOU CAN'T AFFORD BAD SIGHT. WE FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Carefully trained, experienced, registered optometrist. Qualified by experience and practical knowledge of optometry, to render you the very best service possible, while our charges will be found reasonable In every instance. WE REPLACE BROKEN LENSES. Diamonds, watches, clocks, silverware, cut glass, Ivory, genuine leather goods, and a large stock of umbrellas. OUR MOTTO "Price and quality." Inspection Invited. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist SPECIALS ON SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR GIRLS AND BOYSl Watch our windows for Selio'd Supplies. Special for week of s'rhod opening inlv. Scribblers, per doz. . . . 4Cc Pencils, per doz. 25c and 50c School Bags, each 50c, $1.00 Note Books, per doz. . . 45c Pencil Boxes, each 25c, 35c Many other items such as Hulers, Crayons, Compasses, Set Squares, Erasers, etc., at lowest prices. . Come to us for Bargains in School Supplies. E CONOMY STOR E 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. Sterling Furnace COAL Dallvtred In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This l- a very superior furuare oil It gtvri a clean hot fire lift i. nliri-iN Tree from kikjI, clinkers, sU'-k slut 'lirl Some of tL.' largeM healing plant In the city are now ustna It ultli entirely sallsfaitory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. Wc arc als: Agents for the Fanu LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Officii HoUl Central. Pho.ia 16 JUDGING OF FAIR BABIES Will Commence In Demer's Old Store on Saturday and Continue Into Next Week Judging-in the Heller Habies' Contest in connection with the animal exhibition will commence un Saturday afternoon in Demer's old store on Third Avenue. Habit: under six months will then he examined with those between 0 and 12 months following, on Monday, between 12 and 18 .months on Wednesday. As lias been already announced, the judging will be carried out in a manner, simijar to last year. The contest is bcinpr stuiied un- tier the auspices of Municipal. Chapter, Imperial Order Diujih-lers of Ihe Km pi re, with Mis. IL Ulance convener of the committee in charge,. Frank Dibb is chairman of the Fair Hoard's Haby Show committee. The Judging will be done by doctors of the city assisted by the graduate nurses. Score cards will be filled up by the doctors ami the parents will receive these. They will cover all points brought out in the examinations ' and, therefdre, should be valuable to the parents. I lie awards will be matte at a dale to be set during Fair Week. The trophies are now on cxliibiT lion in Hulger it Cameron's how windows. ' The Pair Hoard announce In its advertisements when entries ; for the various, classes cIoe. 1 Subscribe for the Dally News. TELKWA BARBECUE PROVED TO BE GREAT EVENT IN HIS TORY OF THE BULKLEY VALLEY: RACES ATTRACTIVE (continued from page one ) Dandelion, ridden by Ihe owner. Hoy Wakefield, second being Hot Cake, ridden by Lamb, owner Alec Chisliolm. Indian race. Winner Nellie ridden by T, Miehell, owner A Michel! of Moricetown. Second. Dick, ridden by D. Abraham, owner J. Batiste. Uuarlcr mile open. Winner, 1 Queen, ridden, by Hoy Wakefield. second Marmalade, ridden by W. Hrodie, owner J. J. McNeill third Bird, ridden by L. Ilaggland, owner, W.Skelhorne. Half mile open. Winner, Warrior, ridden, by T. Ovens, owner Dr. (i. C. Paine. Second, Dandelion, ridden by B. Swift, owner Hoy Wakefield. Bulkley Valley Derby. One mile. There were five entries. Dr. Paine' .h "Warrior, ,T Ovens up. romping' home ahead of (In field as usual. Second was Hoy Wakefield's-Queen ridden by the owner. This was the big event of the day and caused the greatest excitement of any of tho events. Warrior .did not havo to extend himself and at the last quarter mile, shot ahead in fine style. Bronco Busting In the Bronco Busting exhibition, Jimmy Morgan of Ootsa Lake was the winner, he being adjudged U'e nest rider. Oilier entries were A. D. Ailport, of Toplcy, K. W. Willmms, Topley, K. Joseph, Moricetown and It. Smith, Topley. Steer Biding competition, the best rider was 11. M. Homing, Topley, while second prize went to 11. Shaw, Telkwa. Other riders were Pete Wakefield, Telkwa. Ben Nelson, SmilliPrs, F. Williams, Decker Lake, Percy Sparks Uale of Prince llupert) Telkwa; E. O. Stromboldt, Topley; A. D. Ailport, TOpley; B. Krrirson, Topley; J Christian, Telkwa; II. S. Christ fimson, I'raser Lake, and II. Shaw, Telkwa. The final event was an 'impromptu exhibition of horsemanship by K. . Striniboldt of Top- ley with "Cataclysm" one of the horses which had thrown its rider earlier in the day. lie was a black snorter with a long tail and mane and had already showed signs somewhat of acting up towards his name. But Striniboldt rode him successfully notwithstanding the bucking. It was a pretty sight, and a quieter horse returned to tho corral. " Riding a Steer As the crowd were dispersing, on? of the visitors moved over to where the boys were still mount - ed and boldly 'declared that there was nothing to this riding a steer and that he could do it easy They took him at his word and the first thing he knew, he was dressed In chaps and spurs like the others. The surcingle was tightened around a s'eer and Sirvzcrj&i he was dropped on the beasts! back. Whooping her up with1 enthusiasm, the boys-Jazzed thej steer plenty, but two bucks was. 11 -n rrli t if u I lin wrk 1 1 1 ! Kak uluiti' I IIUUII UIIU CI -J UUIUt'U V V- buster picked himself up from the bard ground with his face rubbed in sand, he had to admit dial it was some job. CANADIANS OBTAINED HIGHEST PRICES FOR HALIBUT AT EXCHANGE Canadian boats averaged about two cents a puffin d more than Americans for the halibut mar- keted here today. Prices varied from 1 1.80 to 1 3.D0 Following were the sales: American I Prosperity 31,000 at 12.10 and 5 to Col( Storage. i Sitka 35,000 at 11.80 and 5 to Atlin Fisheries. Canadian Scrub 13,00(1 at 1 3.110 and 7. CO to Atlin Fisheries. Lillian M. 10,000 at 13.90 and 8 to Cold Storage. D.S.T. 8,000 at 13.10 and 7 to ltoyal Fish Co. Iteveille 10.000. at 13.10 and 7 to ltoyal Fish Co. Koyousu 0,500 at 13,80 and 7.50 to ltoyal Fish Co. LEVIN COMMITTED ON THEFT CHARGE ELECTS SPEEDY TRIAL II. Levin, charged with theft from Ihe person of Hose Hoffman of cash and jewelry to the value of ?550, was committed for trial by Magistrate MeClvmont thi tnornititr. AiitipaririC hpforn JiiiIzp --- 1 Young, Levin elected for speedy ' 1 riai ami me uaic 01 Hearing was set for Monday morning. In the meantime, accused Is out on $500 bail. City Solicitor E, F. Jones is prosecuting and L. W, Patmore, defending. MOVIE COLONY IS DISTURBED Police Came Down In Hollywood Last Night and Arrested Prominent People LOS AXCKLKS, Sept. L Jules Lebanon, studio head. Itobert Couvillc, movie director, five unnamed women, Jack Sberill, former director, and sev ral others of the Hollywood pic- lure colony were arrested ' last inisht when police interrupted a 'gay parly in the home of W Sberill who is charged with baV- ing liquor unlawfully in his pus. session. j Miss C Dodd, Auyox. candi- date in the Oneen' Contest will arrive in the city tonight. II Un4t994. BOTTLE pa 4 1 ' 14 Jbr over 160 years mil3 TOBERWOOD DRY GIN the ginYou will ash jor again I $3.25 i fliis advertisement Is not publislied or displayed by the Liquor control Hoard or by the Uovcrnmciu of Hritlsh Columbia Thursday, September I, 19 Cash & Carry Specials FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MALKIN'S 4 nrer DLJI m 5 SPECIAL CLEARANCE LADIES' HOUSEDRESSES - Crepe, Gingham, Chamliray $1.60, 52.00 MEN'S FINE WOOL SHIRTS hi Fancy Checks, Hrown, llcallier nud drey shades. Sizes lU to IK $2.50, $3.50 mid $4.75 BOYS' BLOOMERS In Brown and Grey Tweeds. Sizes 20 to 3i. Special, per pair $1.95 Universal Trading Co. THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY THURSDAY WELL KNOWN BARBER ...... .... w v. ' -aiUI uait.s STOPPING OFF HERE!'!""i"" di-mied M nliiini il lin lull., 1 . . . , J. A. snanns lena impn . Stewart After Working There Four Months J. A. Shanks, the well known .uii-iier of Victoria, who has spent our months in Stewart and is. stopping oir here a short ttni on his way back to the Capital' City. Concerning conditions in; the northern nulling town mi. Shanks said: That the Portland Canal is a; richly laden district is very ap - ' parparenl to anyone who lives in, Stewart long enough to lake ou-, servations and talk with the inilny' intelligent prospectors who work out from that town, mere can, be no doubt whatsoever as to the genuine wealth of the Hear llivcrj valley. The many high-grade' producing properties adjacent to I that turbulent anu swui Howiug, stream, noticeably the Dunwell which has proven the great sur - tn ise of the mining world, snows conclusively that a gulden future is in store for adventurous and inr.seeiiiK individuals who have staked their commercial aspirations in the Portland Canal town.; "Stcwatl is wonderfully situ-' aled on a picturesque and really! ideal site. With a shcllercu; gateway to the broad Pacific at its feet, it nestles safely among the ore-bearing hills that rear .snow-capped peaks on either side, while behind the town stretches the green and fertile valley of the Hear. iSo place in all Hritish Columbia has belter surroundings or greater possi bilities. Optimistic and Energetic The citizens of Stewart are optimistic ami energetic. They are there with the glad hand when newcomers arrive and give 111 enthusiastic welcome to any one who appears inclined to make a home among them, iney are liberal in I heir dealings and broad-minded in their criticisms. Hut above all felewarliles are lovnt In their own town. The mail onler houses of Ihe east would tlie a natural death if all Ittwiis were like Slewart. Sel dom is money sent out for goods ami then only for sucli coninnj-ditics as are absolutely not purchasable in Iho well sloqked stores that line Fifth Street. There are no cross factions in Stewart, I lie cllizens work with one accord for one supreme object, viz., the building of a permanent, prosperous milling town, in the heart of a genuine, until rc-endowed minernl zone." "Slew-art's future, in my esti. million ,ls a cinch. It cannot fail 10 grow ami develop as lime goes 011 because it has stupendous, rugged beauty; it possesses n M. B. JELLY POWDEflS Assorled Flavors for 25c. Per Dozen 70c COOKING APPLES His. for . 25c woinlerfully healthy atnviiph?- """ " MII13 . .... I ... 1,1. Uy-..4 .I'M UlliO Wl'illlll. .. Shank is tem Ihe employ of Jack Keefe Sc-r,; Avenue. TIMBER SALE X(4S4. Srtlttl TrhW will ! tmlrri Y V Vliil'tcr of lAwtt twit h:'i t ttL 3 J Km l(l itljr of SrplTiAM ltd, (nr (Ik HirrhM nf Mrrnrft X In. ' i . -1 frrl i.r Spmrr tni i Irtl hi n irr liuaird 'in i i- tttrt t rrnriil Ijikr, iiiiimmIip m ;a Jinn I. IHMrli t. Thrw (J i yfr will l !!. 1 In r mural uf timber. !' Ftirllwr inrllcnUrj- 'if lly t r -lor, Virinrl. H.: nr li:i'.:' t f entire itiiKrt, B.C. j "Savage" Electric Wisher) 'Hoover" Suction Ceanert "Monarch" Malletblt Rtngei "Hotpolnt" Electrical Oooii "Valspar" Varnish and Enamili "Martln-Senour" 100; Sanola'' Bathroom II Wis "Kyanlie" Floor IH EnamMll III "Sunoco" Motor Oils W LAND ACT. - . .... IF ...... ......i. Innll 10 wv::..m1 I In Otiwii tharlollf lL'!'' lnmft, neriirdltiR "'l"JirL,V... ii, . 0riim. 1? TAliK MITII'.K t Dt 1. v.nrtU"'' apply for ie rilll. . '.J-inf U Ina ilrscrlled lancU: " " "'. to 2 pot Kilnnleil near lh f ,0 (,, a"" norttierl? ",, east Kle. tlienco rliiltil; ttienru rlfrly ' S II or cmnwiicrnient and cotiUin'i imoie or Icsa. 0E()n0E w poWIJjL PAVE RUTTE'i lute Jim . IS- TIMBER SALE X 'M tw l.uirin Korratrr, iioi ;r , (l,r i kllfrme CliannH. ? f.,.liir rwt or sprtn-r. lii-tnKxa. Mitt Saw loir. .. iM, nil.iwM moval of ilnitier. . , r.W ';r, "r KiirilMT tmrlli'tilii ;,r.l F"1 ler. Vlrlorta. rrin.-e impert, !"