rAQI FOB. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden an Denmark at Current Rate of Exchange. Make your reservations for thai Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Kates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agenoy. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fer Special Appointments. rVL S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit .. ..75c Phone 77. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Uox 88. Prince Rupert, 1J.C. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous Kdson Coal. From now on wo can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and l Furniture Moving. S WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the homo. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. TH1 DAILY MIWH. Wednesday, July 16, 1924 BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManiu Mf COT HE. irD H0 40QD TmC ooctok too ewe. hin Yut VN" TO THINK VAJZ. CT REMAIN ON DUTf r v BEAR STOLE GREEN PEAS FROM GARDEN SHOT BY OWNER Stewart Man Objected to Bruin Making so Free With His Legumes Hcautiful pardons are an attraction not only to human beings, says th Portland Canal News, The other itay a black bear wandered into the pardon of V. H. George and started lo have a food of preen oas. This not moot ing wilh approval of the owner, and there leing po trespassers law that will prosecute boars, MV. George had no other recourse but to despatcli I ho intruder with bis high-powered rifle. BURNS LAKE A daughter was born to Mr. Mrs. E. II. Moohts of Francois Lake at tiio Hazelton Hospital on July 8. Mrs. Percival Carr lias loft for Vancouver. Misses lloatrice and Harriot t Harrison and Clifford Harrison of Wistaria wore visitors hero I lie end of last week.' H. .1. Macdonald has arrived from Vancouver and is leaving for Ibo Rahine lo undertake fur ther development -work on the Silver Island claim. C. ft. Hinton is a Francois ake visitor. K. H. Meenls of Fast Francois Lake has pone to Hazelton lo visit bis wife and newly arrived baby girl. Mr. Meenls has an ideal location at the east end of Francois Lake and he reports bis pardon truck in a flourish inp condition and tomatoes in full bloom. Miss Zella Clark has loft for Hazelton and Smilbors lo spend holiday. Professor Huckell, assistant loniinion entomologist of Ver uon, was in the district last week with D. 1). Monro looking over the prasshoppor situation. I'be poison for control is being sent in free for the use of the fanners. ALICE ARM Misses Helen and Christine N'ucich arrived homo last week from Prince Rupert to spem summer holidays with their mother. They are both attend ing school at Prince, Rupert. J. n. Haffner, general suporin lemienl or trio (iranby uo., was a visitor in town last week in spooling Ibo logging Operations of the company. Mrs. I'liippen ami family ar ived from Anyox on Thursday and will spend h.nlidays bore,. J. Hopper and daughter Maud of Areola, Sask., arrived on BRIER f MII!ul!IUlXIUIUIU!1lB Chew it after every meal It stimulates appetite and aids digestion. It makes yonr food do you more oood. Note bow It relieves Ibat stully ieellng alter hearty eating. Whiten teeth. an iwtdcai h. lh n .1 r& ah H lflhc goody itliat WJk Diursday on a visit to bis nephews. Messrs. T. V. and Al. alconor. Mr. Hopper and daughter are also visiting various towns mi the coast. Constable H. Martin arrived back on Thursday from holidays pent in Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Loftus and child arrived hero recently to spend holidays. I). Falconer arrived on Thurs- lay from, Vancouver on a visit fo his sons Messrs. Al. and T. W. Falconer. S. Dumas has left on a visit lo Prince Rupert. Another strike of high grade ore lias neon made on the None properly of J ..Slrotnbeck, who as been developing the pro perty during the past few weeks. he new strike was made at a iislance of only 150 fool from the trail lo the Wolf property tnd 50 feel south of the strike that was made two years ago lhe ledge has been proven to be six feci wide and I lie ore is composed of ruby, native, and brittle silver. Tim ore also car ries galena. Samples will, bo sent out for assaying. If the building boom at. Alice Arm continues for the next few years at ilie same pace as u nas during the past three years, I here will be at the bead of the Arm a town of considerable pro portions. Several buildings are in Ibo course of construction and several more are planned to bo built before the next snow flies. Th'o new home of H. F. Kergin on Sea View lleighls, midway be tween the town and I he wharf, is well under way and the in terior finishing is about all Ibat remains lo be done. N. P. Wiekslrom is building a liuncrnlow on River Drive near Falls Creek. The commodious now resi dence of .Morris Peterson, nenr 80 rafe p- 1 ' 'j' " the lonnis courts, is fast near- jing completion, and will sliorlly iw rrauy mr occupation. STEWART i Mrs. .1. A. Hall has returned from a visit of several weeks in Seattle. E. .1. Comvay, field engineer for the (iranby, spent the week end in caiiip. Mrs. P. it. Ilaekus returned Saturday from a visit to Ketchikan and Rupert. Mrs. 1). A, Smitlierjngale returned Saturday from a round trip to Chicago. fieorgo Young, distant road superintendent, left Alice Arm on Wednesday. - S. P. Fitzgerald, president and managing director of the dependence (Jo., returned .Saturday from a business trip to Seattle, Victoria and Vancou- ver. Vinco Lade lias left on a visit lo Prince Rupert. Miss McConkey lias left for Anynx to viwil friends before proceeding lo her homo in Vancouver. She was accompanied by her friend Miss Viola Dill, who has, arrived from Maple Hay the same morning' in the course of a holiday trip to northern points. Jack Leo, 1 1 year old son of Thomas Lee, arrived from Vic Ipria on the Cardcua Monday evening. Sport Chat a -m In the first game of the Stuarl Shield series between I he Sons of Canada ami the (-allies play od on Monday night it is re ported that a player on the field lost his lemper and deliberately tried lo injure an opposing player. Such procedure is a very serious matter and reflects discredit not only upon bis own loam but on football player generally. Any man who loses his temper at any form of spoil should refrain from taking an active part at all. If a player loses bis temper it is a very easy mailer mr Hint lo no seri ous physical injury to an oppos up player, especially in certain positions on the field. In an umaleur football game played in England one of the players in Ibo forward line liad evidently sot out lo get one of the oppos ing backs. He repeatedly ran with Ihe ball and without con tinually playing it would I urn his attention t.o the back in (ineslion wilh the idea of injuring him. Unfortunately the referee had no idea of the tactics intended by the forward. Eventually the ;aH was "skied" ami as Ibo back rushed lo clear the forward rushed forward lo meet him, and instead of kicking at Ihe ball hit the man at back full ft 39 THE ECONOMY buy (Also in Packages I54 & 20 1) told mb to CO On CHJTt IT'5 JOST FIVE 1 oclocx: n : l24 mr Int l FiaturI Si Gf I BritaiiwifliUitf tved i nvici. Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leaa than SOe WANTKD WANTKD Immediately. Smart girl for general work in hotel. Wasfes 110 a month and board. Permanent place for suilablo girl. Send particulars. 11. Carvalh. (irandviow Hotel, South Hazelton, ll.C. WANTKD. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phone C52. WANTKD. Experienced steno grapher. Apply in writing staling experience lo Cold Storage. 170 WANTKD TO RENT Small fur nished shack. Apply A. Peterson, general delivery. BOARD AND ROOM HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block' from Post Ofllcc, 830 Second Aven. Phono 137. tf LOST .OST. Pocketbook between Grand Trunk Wharf and Third Avenue. Finder please return to Daily News olliee. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner car. have same at Daily News ofllce by proving ownership and paying for this advertisement, t.f. FOUND gold walch chain. Apply Daily News office. tf under the chin wilh bis knee. I'be result was thai Ihe back player nearly bit his tongue in two and had lo be removed from the Held on a gale, being laid up for weeks. It was . not until some time afterwards that the forward player owiied up to his action although be had contin ually visited the sick man. It was a lesson to him in after life never lo try lo mm an op ponent. Jack Burns, a likely looking lighl-heavyweipbl wrestler is in the city from Spokane, Wash inglon, and is seeking a bout wilh Nels Jepson, light heavy weight wrestling champion of Canada, who resides in Edmon ton. J no promnunn or such a match locally would doubtless bo quite an expensive undertaking, but Hie staging and ultimate sue cess of the undertaking rests with those who have bad experience in such mailers. Such a match would be a big drawing card and, judging from the size of past audiences al local sport ex hibitions, a pood crowd would be on hand. As ar as is known I here is no local boy who. would bo a match for llurns. On Ibo other hand if a "dark horse" could be unearthed to give him a bout it would doubtless bo a paying proportion for the pro moters, and the merits of the Sniiknno . bov . Coil til then - . ho lift- ..... lor judged. W resiling is a fino clean sport and it is a pity wo do nol see more of it participat ed in locally. BILLS AFFECTING THIS COAST IN PARLIAMENT OTTAWA, July 15. motig the' bills advanced toward the final stages by parliament is one In reduce Ihe license fees on canneries in lirilish Columbia and anothor to regulate Ihe manufacture of bl-prodiicls of fish canneries and to impose n tax of 25 cents a Ion on dry salt herring in Hritish Columbia. AlsUCEP AlU TME TIMII THE OTHG ISOJ" V7U2-HCRE I Cvt VT FOR SALE FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming, bouse and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building is right in front of Ihe Dry Dock, 1)2 u Ambrose Avenue. If FOR SALE. Pleasure launch, 32 fool, 8 h.p. Palmer engine, in first class condition. Also 28 foot trolling boat with new ( h.p. Yalo engine. Make an offer. Must be sold by July I, ,N. M. .McLean, Cow Hay. tf FOR SALE. Waterfront lots, one and two acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlet, Porcbor 'Island. Apply Hox ID I Daily News OIHce. FOR SALE. Quantity of used lumber, frames and sashes. Apply Filer's Planing Mill, Cow Hay. 10 1 FOR SALE. Pleasure' boat Echo length 28 foot, beam 5 feel. C. L. Ileindel, Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, lloats and Engines. Northern Exchange. If PIANO fjtr Sale.--rl'ljonc Urceji 1M " IC7 FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR RENT FOR RENT. Two large apart ments down town near Post Ofllce. Apply Stork's Hard ware, tf FOR REN T. Three large house keeping rooms, furnished complete. 2I8 Second Avenue. TO RENT. Furnished iiouse- kecping suile. Apply 110 Sixth Ave. East or phone Illuc 217. FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rates and home com forts. Houses for rent also. If FOR RENT Four room, modem, healed apartments. Apply Smith & Mallctt, Ltd. tf THIIKE ROOMED HOUSE to rent on Summit Avenue. Phone (523. H'o MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rp.nl. Weslenhaver Jtros. EXCHANGE WILL TRADE IBO acres farm, well improved, iu the rain belt of Alberta for an island Ibat is granled and improved. Wrile C. A. Garvin. Princo George, H.C. MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 127. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni turo Store We liny, Sell and Kx change New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phono CIO AUCTION SALES. Goods Houghl, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. , Phones Ulack 130 and Red 442 TAXI Taxi 67 Phone (Call George, Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: nOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Mcekor Block, Across from Empreaa Hotel. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East tr Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl, days, closes at 3.15 p.'m. From the East . Mondays, Thursdays , and Saturdays, t p.m. To Vancouver-Mondays, mall closes al 10 P M. Tuesdays, Mall closes, at P.M. Thursdays jo j m, Saturdays .... A.M. Saturdays lo p M, C.P.R. June 1 1, 21 ana 23. Prom Vancouver-Sundays P. M. Mondays ;i P M, Wednesdays ,'f P M, Fridays '. A.M. Fridays 3 P.M. C.P.R. June 9, 10, 20, 27 and 30. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 9 P.M. Sundays 7 P M. From Anyox, Alice Arm- Tuesdays I'M, Thursdays P M To Stewart and Premlsr- Sundays 7 I'M. Fridays 9 Pit From Stewart and Premier- Saturdays ..P M Tuesdays I' M, To Port Simpson Sundays JL...1 P.M. Thursdays .. JO P M. From Port Simpson Tuesdays P.M. Saturdays A.M. To Alaska Points June . 10. 20. 27 and 30. From Alaska Points June I t, ?l and 25. " To Queen Charlotte Island Points June 7 anl 21. From Queen Charlotte Points June 5 and 19. To Naas River Points and Port Simpson-Thursdays ....10 P.M. From Naas River Points -. Saturdays .". 'tt.j.A..U. BOX COLLECTION' P.M. P M, Graham Atlin Aves. 2.15 8.15 1st Ave. A Eighth St. 2.20 8.20 0th Ave. A Fulton St. 2.25 8.25 8th Ave, A Thompson llth Ave. A Sherbrooke Ave 2.35 8.35 I lht Ave. A Conrad SI. 2.10 8. tO 01 h Ave, A Hays Covo Avo 2.15 8,(5 Olli Ave. A Hays Cove Circle 2.50 8.50 8th Ave. A Cotton St... 8.55 nth Ave. A McllrideSt. 3.00L 0.00 Pro. Gov. Rhigs 3.5 9.5 Prow Gov. Wharf .... 3.10 9.10 G.T.P. Wharf 3".15 9.15 2nd Avo. A 2nd SI 3.20 9.S0 3rd Ave. A Fulton St. 3.155 9.5 Jrd Ave. A fith St 3.28 9.28 PRINCE RUPERT TJDE8 Wednesday, JulyJlG IliKb 0:19 a.iiit- 22.0 13:50 p.m.. 20.1 i.nw 7:25 a.m. U 19:38 p.m. . 5.0 Thursday, July 17 lllprh 1 :3tt a.m. 22 7 1 1:5)0 p.m. 20.1 Low 8:0i) a.m. 0.5 20:-MJ p.m. 1,0 Friday, IJuly 18 High 2:22 a.m. .234! 15:20 p.m,, 20.1 Low 8;52 a. in,' 0.2 21:12 p.m. ,' 1.7 Saturday, July 19 High 3:09 a.m. 21. 5 10:03 p.m. 20.1 Low v 9:31 a.im, ,0.8 21:57 P-m. 5.1 ft. ft ft. fl.