Wednesday, July 16, 15)24. L Blue Ribbon Tea Good house-keepers are careful to specify BLUE RIBBON when order-IngTEA. Theydo this because they know they will get the best tea in the market at the lowest price that the best can be sold for. There is no tea in Canada so good or economical as BLUE RIBBON. Ii Lak else Lodsre Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now open for service under management of Mrs. M. Haven. Meal place to spend your summer holidays. Reasonable rules, (ioiid liome cooking. Coin forlulile rooms. Fishing, Hoaling, H.tlhmg in Lakelse Lake and Streams. DATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE HOT SPRINGS. Terrace J, Motors Operating 'l'.ixi ami Lanm-h Sersice between Terrace and Lodge lamling, .i--iu ing giu -( ol tpiick, eoniforlahle trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. For reservations and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. amatco For panelling your r it n vuis the most costly hardwoods. Hejuvt'.'alc your Hume Qui. kl and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. embassyV b Special Old mS UqueurWhisky I I Jvrthonwho discriminate! Jg This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Litpior Control Hoard or by the Govenini'cnt of British Columbia. OURIST PARTY IS EXPECTED TODAY tourist parly of 15 people, organized by the L. H. Wloodi tours of lMiiladelphia, will arrive on the westhound train this after noon en roule to Anyox and re turn to Vancouver. On arrival (lie parly wilt visit the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Go's plant mil will tuke a launch trip around the harbor. The parly is being conducted personally by J. I Donnelly of Philadelphia. BIRTHS A daughter was born to Mr. ind Mrs. V. -Smith, toll, Sixth Ave. West at the Prince Hupert Jcueral Hospital on July 15. At the Prince Rupert General Hospital on July 15, a daughter was born 16 Mr. and Mrs lugene Clancy, Thurston' Har bor. V son was born at the Prince Hupert General Hospital on luly 10 lo Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackenzie, Tallow Street. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. HULL IIAIUIOII. Paining light southeast wind; barometer, du.uj; temperature, 50; sea smooth; 11.30 a.m. spoke steamer Cardena crossing Milbank Sound southbound. DEAD 'I'll UK POINT. llain ing; calm; barometer, 30.05 temperature, 50; sea smooth. DIGIIY ISLAM). Cloudy calm; barometer, 30.18; temper iture 52; sea smooth; 7:15 p.m spoke steamer Admiral Hodman at Hidden Inlet southbound 11.50 p.m. spoke steamer Gray at Xaden Harbor. Noon DKAl) TIIKK POINT. Over cast; calm; barometer 30.08 temperature 5H; sea smooth. DIUHY ISLAND. Cloudy ealm; barometer 30. 22; temper attire 50; sea smooth; H.30 a. in spoke Prince Alice leavin Ketchikan southbound; 10 a. in spoke steamer Prince John abeam Dipby Island inward bound from Massed. SALT LAKES SERVICE The Launch "23" will leavo Swanson's Float on Thursdays Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. un til C.30 p.m. and on other week days at 2, 4 an-d 6.45 p.m. The last boat home each day will leave the Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboals and canoes for sale and hire. Prince fluperl Poal house. FASHIONS & FOIBLES by Shirley Sharon Tf BOTTTIICIC 4 Lff 5385 The slashrJ front with its in-and-out cravat ami nrx collar shows the trend toward greater consideration of the neck treatment. Tiifrf. has ltn a vtry marked change in the last few months in the attitude of the French dressmakers toward the neck. The day has passed when there was practically only one outline used and that collarless. Now the bateau neck in many cases shows the softening influence of a collar, and the V, square and high round neck are used a great deal for all types of day dresses. Paris is making very smart frocks of beige or Invin green silk alpaca on the new, narrow and belt-less lines with small collars, hour-glass cuffs and the capette. They are also very nice " In heavy silk crepe, flannel or kaiha. . . . THM DAILY IfWWB. PAT3H THRBA Local and Personal 11. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynera, Undertaker. Phone 351. tf Prince lldpert Annual Exhibi tion, September 0 to 13. tf Father Godfrey is booked to sail on the steamer Prince John tonight for Jcdway. Mrs. Georgel Tile, Horden St.". will not receive tomorrow nor again until October. - Mis. A. Carlson left on the Cardena yesterday afternoon on holiday trip in southern cities. G.W.V.A. general meeting will be held in the. rooms on Wed nesday, July Iti at 8.30 p.m. J. Gillis is booked to sail on the Princess Alice this afternoon eh route to San Francisco on a prolonged holiday visit. CP. II. ..?. steamer Princess Mice, CaoL.Ormiston, is due in port this afternoon from north ern Alask'ariTpoints en route to 4 ' Vancouver.' M, AivazoiT, who has been in the city for. the past few days on a business visit, left for Van couver on the jCardena yesterday afternoon. . ... The funeral of the late Mrs Kerr is to be held tomorrow afternoon from the Haynor funeral parlor to Fairview ceme tery at 2.30. Steamer Prince John is re ported due from the north is lands this evening at &ix o'clock am) she leaves for the south is lands at 9.30. It is advisable for those in lending lo take the trip to Ket chikau on July 20, to gel their tickets at once. The committee cannot guarantee reservation for ladies aflef Monday, July 21 Sunday, July 20, Pioneers' Picnic at Salt Lakes. Every body come. Transportation from from Prince Rupert Boathouse free. ..Admission to the grounds, under 12 years, 25c. Over 12, 50c. 107 .Mrs. Geo. Casey and her two daughters, Mary ami Mickie, are booked to sail on the Princes Alice this afternoon. Mrs. Casey is going to Hosslaud, B.C. to visil her parents, Mr. and Mrs. llailfield. Jas. Krikevsky is building a residence on Kiglilh Ave. Last on lot 17. block 21. The house is to contain six rooms and will be built on a cedar pile foundation. , The cost will be approximately $3,500. Royal Hank inspectors K. J. Evenetl, L. F. Martin and F. E. Hubert son, who have been in the city for past few days on local bank business, are returning lo Vancouver on the Prince Hupert niiwrrow night. - - (1. W. Kent, secretary of the Elks' Lodge, Vancouver, who has been visiting in the city for the past few days with V. Cruick-shank, or the ticket ollice stalT, is reluming south on the steamer Prince Hupert tomorrow night. steamer Prince Hupert, Capl. D. Donald, due to arrive at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and wayports is re ported on time. The westbound train due lo arrive this afternoon at 1 o'clock is also reported on time. The Tennis Club will hold a tournament day on Saturday, July 10, the program taking the form of American tournaments. Play will commence at 2 p.m. All players wishing to take purl are requested lo get in touch with Mr. Hartlell, Mr, Press or Miss Tremayne. 108 . Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens of Prince Hupert, and two youngest children,, spent a few days in town during the week. They travellod on their own launch, the Vera S. Fry. Mr. Stephens was busy writing fire insurance while in town, Theyi left on Wednesday evening, and will visit Anyox and Stewart be fore returning to Prince Hu- port.-frAlice Ann' Herald. yl big milk chocolate bar full of tasty peanuts! 5 c. buys it Chocolate Bars Over Forty Delightful Kinds The baseball game scheduled! for last night, Oil's vs. K.C.'s, was cancelled. The condition of Ceo. Suther land, who was admitted to the (eneial Hospital last Sunday, is much improved. Mrs. P. J. Hyan ami two will arrive on the Prince this afternoon after holidaying in Vancouver. Joe Heul, who is taking medi cal treatment at the Mayo clinic, Hochester, is improving and expecletl home about the end of the month. Reservations are quickly beiug disposed of for. the Elks Ketchi kan Excursion on July 20, and according to reports from the committee, the number of lickels for disposal will likely be sold out in a few days. 107 Union steamer. Chileoot finish- ed loading 150,000 feet of rough clear iiruce at the Georgetown mill yesterday for I he II. It. Mc Millan Kxporling Co. of Vancou ver. 1 lie lumber will be snipped to England via I lie CG.M.M. The remains of the late Mrs. Mrs. Harris Kerr will arrive on the Prince Hupert this afternoon from Vancouver. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon under (lie auspices of the Womens Mooseheart Legion and I lie Loyal Order of Moose. The meeting of the Football Association called for last nielil to discuss (Jie formation of a junior football league was not held. It is considered by the otllcials that it is too late in the season to organize such a lea gue and action in this connec tion will be taken at the beginning of the outdoor sport season next year. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Thos. Davis, II. E, Goulbourd, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Johnston, Inverness Cannery; J. Barmen, city. Hotel Central J. H. Jones, C.X.H.; V. Hearn, Massed. B.C. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED. Experienced bookkeeper. Apply Canadian Steam Laundry. tf i USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are of a toughness which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every usage. .... SIMON DS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED VHCOUVIH MONTREAL T.JONN.M.. Have you ever longed for a peanut bar that really had enough peanuts in It ? Here it isl A generous bar of Neilson's finest milk , chocolate, just chock full of delicious peanuts. The tastiest 5c. worth of nuts and chocolate you can buy anywhere Neilson's Virginia Peanut Bar. OOKS ARE GOOD COMPANIONS Keep them neat and clean in an improved Sectional Book-case We sell Den and Library Furniture of the best quality. Barrie's Home Furnishings The House of Quality. I 3rd Avenue. Phone 123. I NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. Freo Delivery in Prince Rupert. eBeerwithoutaPeer c cause s pure. Ptia5f Because it we comes to you in light - excluding, sterilized bottles from the most perfectly equipped brewery in the west, where "purity" is the password. INSIST on" Cascade" at tho Govt. Liquor Store VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Donrd or by the Governnjeut of British Columbia. mi