~ ! 2 Prince Rupert Daily News ‘UNDER | — . appearance Col 2ffing- i setts know that it has a majority of assure > . Aid Cadet League an outlet of extraordinary value |#PPearance of Col. S. Skeffing-) gaitor Legis! chind it. Otl ee: . ; -” 2 ;ton-Smutts and Anastasia. And | Qe Daily News the Legislature behind it. Oth- such a trip would be most ‘for the ¢ ambit ions and energy of any Canadian |when 1 say appearance I am ‘oe Ae @ apres |ers SAY it's not necessary at all, interesting personally and I . 3 I most certainiy cannot agree . . : Bi pat ‘ | making a nderstatement. The : that the Government will have feel it would be the kind of yuth who is interested in aviation. There is ae. | ™Anns *) Une with your argument as €Xx-|, , ; , asture th: ans : . 5 : ere. ES Ee all the money it wants until gesture that most Canadians She aL ee 4s ‘ Se a Colonel was wearing a pork-pie | pressed in the editorial af July March 31 next year and that it would like te see made when- doubt that formation of a unit in Prince Rupert | hat with a large feather in it, al9g re conti , — euy year aes ae 3S as : ; J - : ee 28 re continuity of CBC pro-| aouia be allowed to feel its ever the time is convenient ould prove an immediate success scarlet hunting jacket, somMe€- grams. Do you actually advo- duce. “aces wheres ST ties ® to make it t what soiled white shorts, and|¢ate a catch-as-cateh-can sys- sede - mais te eal * + ¢ inthe ; . . =a z " 3 Siallv Ogre . . cavalry boots. There was. @/tem of national broadeasting? Premier-clect Bennett omnia a I GET a real thrill out of my bugle hung around his neck! qpat jis apparently what YOu! nésed to a session tetere’ next /o%? small job as the messenge: and he Was corrying a shotgun. |infer when you argue that cer- gn ais _». 80y¥ whe passed on to our own ee : m3 EB spring—and it’s this observer's Anastasia was much more'tsin programs should be carried ae , |Prime Minister some of the arya tiy mn tweed bowler |. peur opinion that he should be al ae conservative in tweeds, a Dow'er over their allotted time for the | \qweq to have his way. Without ae Snes Beet Been tone hat “ hip boots. Her weapon, | penefit of certain listeners legislative approval he can’t | ™@* last year. One was that In ates Ga cena ado viniinn ae ae naturally, was her elephant €un| ffeaven knows the CBC has! pring in any sweeping changes |S fet Cluwer to Canada ‘men = : abalone ‘auth acinomae tate : rhe <6 oe © and she had our dog on a leash.| pienty of faults, but they do at ,,, existing legislation. it’s this tally or spiritually) than shx Mr. Wi July 22, asked . a tee shouted the |jeast have a schedule of Pr0- | observer's opinion that those aid to any other country in the i" tele der the new by-law Colonel ve grams which enables the listener who want an autumn session west. It seemed easier, he said ‘ re s Hamish immediately shoulder-j¢o have a certain sense of cet hope that then Mr. Bennett's for Canada and India to under nn ed his broom, but Little Augi¢ tainty about what he is to hear. government. will be swept from end cach other's approach t (1) At the resent time a 1aements h demurred. “Listen, General,” he |-vhat may not always apply here effice befere it gets a chance world problems than it was bt tT time arrangements nave | muttered, “I don’t get this gim-fgue to local line conditions, but to-do anything acti people it| ween India and others * 1 , j nick That am sa { . : d © » Bu ? ¥ . . een to borrow the amount needed to renew sonal so am I supposed t0/ that’s beside the point would seem. want constant po-}. Mmeidentally, I came hom an do wit’ the broom? ; , ample 2 caked . . , from Asia chuckling to myself the Telephone Utility and with present d ‘Be: or trenttic In the two examples quoted jitieal confusion. Social Credit ’ the telephone | ' vith present day costs of Beat the grouse towards US,/in the editorial jet’s take the|\ias been elected with most leg-|2t one of the great ironies o: iabor and mater 14 the payments of principal oie - re ws ‘sae stro a golf commentary first. Granted jciative seats, so let's see what history (there must be “a de and interest t fs ih i lb ae, ally-ho aN there are a gpodly number Of|tney'll do before throwing them| ‘My ‘that shapes our ends”) ' ' ; . ncrease in rates wi € | yoicks a golf enthusiasts in Canada (al-| gut. Nehru, the man who many 6i required The two “beaters” reluctantly | though. 1 doubt there are as| wcieoildiihi the old era “pukka sahib” im- H ' entered the woods which adjoin) jany as the golfers themselves| Talk of filling the vacant BC. | PeTialists consider the wrecke1 wever rust en Ve ur s ur thi is a ‘ i ” ee b . «)} x > i : : be pointed out that as the on oy — a a ‘Si might think), there are alsO|seat in the Senate cropped up of the oid British Empire, i generally a retty n tog; t , ; : 7 y t , : r number of sul ribe: ncrease telephone rates of ee! ip a iP at ao oie people waiting to hear the news- again in Victoria recently turning out to hee am godfather nec ty must : 7 . oe ak * ~. Interestimé \cast at scheduled time. What if Fveryone wonders who'll get of the new, greatest Commor necessity mu Acré ‘ The possibility of changing = started to pon dragging the game had taken another 20) that t. with $6000 a year wealth of all time. It’s coming . ; nastasia with him ‘ Si s ian ; yet, we'll see ts over twent f peri nates j Os j Wagzon) |" minutes to reach its conclusian much prestige, and, jey of joys|~** “** “i — f 1 makes it impossible a ae wetal —or even longer? Would you! to politicians, without the .ne- ti, ee " to undertake that there will r 5 - Ai ta Pag ex “a ; still have the balance of pr0-/cessity of running for office MY READING of the Prime be no change in rates durina that Hetind of time —_. and I — not — grams set back by that margim/every four years. Once in the Minister’s statement in par- mr). 7 Rr : ' a - eae Le te Parva yor eliminated entirely? Such @]Sénate, you're there for life liament is that he will nvake the (2) In respect to question No. 2. The. first aia a ae of the Colone’ S| system would create no end of] 1 feel almost sure, for some | ‘t!p to ier he can, as soon : savalry boots " - ‘ a ~aie’ ‘ .,as he can. We all know that n oint to be clarified is nt the ac hp cme canal ‘ chaos, as I see it. eason thet I can't explain, be-| @ hk i t to be clarified is that there has not been gross Not much of a bird-dog In regard to the Red Gross|cause I don't know, that the|these troubled times it is not c ~ ~ commente i ANastasia : ¥ . ‘ i . “e > . nismanagement of City utility services at any time. Th Col aoe ¢ his leg |SPakers broadcast, maybe you) new Senator from B.C. is going | Possible for responsible heads of ; ne ornei, ink is ieg would have been satisfied to hear the completion of the ad- dress by the official whose talk was cuftailed by program seched- uling. Maybe I would have wanted to hear a speaker from well down on the list. Should the program have been contin- ued for my benefit alone or a few others? I'll admit the ab-~ "int inte it has been the p pect to reserves for maintenance, free, suddenly yelled: “I can ‘ er hear the beaters! Away to the licy, since 1943, to set aside 25 |wooas!” He gav ee gave me a trium- percent of the profit of both water and telephone phant look. “Grouse for dir utilities f r purposes of maintenance c my teuy? UTUITIeS TK [ : main lance reserves I didn't each vear there has been [Point telling him that this was) lion bI tai se : not the grouse season, so my appreciable maintenance work and capital expendi- | wife and I retired to the shed to tures out of revenue which have been charged to jwait for the return of the safari s We heard a fwsilade of shots. sence of the Prairie Schooner utility expense before determination of the reserve for maintenance based on protits The first to re-appear was our would have been no great tess As an example dog. He flew inte the shed, pant- | 25 far as I was concerned, but $53,241.92 has been paid from the telephone reve- nues for capital expenses during the last two years. ing cngent and cowered in|! Suppose someone must Hike it the rner. Then. as my wife|or it wouldn't have kept run- “The matter of e telephone sys and I pt to the door, we saw Ning all these years obviously been cx think there was any “In addition to this provision for replacement of |@n amazing sight. The Cotonel| But 7 think The ea a tem at the end of its useful life has |2n4, Anastasia came conning ciamees of lateness. and. a ct i } ‘ KW 2 S hg - > wildly « GF the woods. their/ ll classes of listeners and that onsidered clothes in disorder, both of them |#mount on a scheduled basis, “The policy as suggested by Mr. Wilford would s and with bits of straw|must stand. Else all must De result in the subscribers to the utility services paying i¢ in their hair. They | confusion. lm de a beeline for the house| . Now, if you really want some- for the same system twice for the period of the bond issue 1 I could hear the door ee to hammer at, why not “Firstly, there must be charged in the rates an aaa 1a them. on the likes ef that pre- A moment later Hamish and|grame we so often get between Little Augie appeared. Hamish,|six and seven of an evening amount sufficient to repay the original bond issue (his cheeks slightly pale, was which is supposed to give pleas- together with interest. It would then be necessary, ‘emonstrating: “But, Little ant listening during the sup- ’ | Augie, you don’t understand—|per hour. Boy! I'd be right be- if a replacement reserve is to be created, to charge in the rates an amount sufficient to provide for replacement. “To charge in the rate for the original invest- | that’s the way they hunt.” hind you on: that one! Turning Litth Augie brandished ajthe knob is the only thing that broom stick that had been de-|must prevent an orgy of indi- | nuded of its straw head. “So I| gestion in this district! , }€o along with the gag,” he said | — W.HP. ment ar rd also for the replacement of the investment | heatedly They tell me to go ’ over the same period would be most inequitable and jee the woods and make wit’) bud, nobody starts throwing . . ” |the broom. I think that’s nuts, /| lead ‘at Little Augie without se- - not done by other public utilities. | sweeping in the woods. But I go.| vere repercusstons. I don’t have And this crow flies from tree to|my trusty gat, unfortunately, |tree and the Colénel shouts, | ;but I up and at \‘“They’re flushed” — whatever | broom.” j that is—anmd he and his wife| He fung down the broomstick. Scripture P. assage for Today ‘em wit’ the “The Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot to be a woman. And, if so, that woman is bound to be Mrs Nancy Hodges She has been a ‘oval Liberal through storm and “alm, she has been president wf the Canadian National Ped- aration of Liberal Women, she! served three years as B.C. legis-| ‘ative speaker ' i Prime Minister St. Laurent when the time comes io fill the Senate vacancies, a few months before the general election next vear, is almost bound to wou the ladies of Canada by ap- nointing several women to the Senate. Miss Charlotte Whittor may or Ottawa, im an article in Maclean’s Magazine savs ; much. It’s obvious, too. The re- eent Vancouver convention of Canadian Business and Profes- sional Women’s Clubs decided to get out and fight for a wom- em in the Senate from every wrovince in Canada. At present there are two—Hon. Cairine Wilson, a Liberal, and Hon. Iva Pallis, a Conservative Se, it looks very much at this point as if Mrs. Nancy Hodges about a year from now, will be summoned (as the saying is) to the plush Red Chamber in Ottawa and then her political worries will be over for life “Strange Treadmill CANTERBURY, England ® — Five hundred years ago Monks the 300-foot Dell Harry (or | start popping off wit’ their en Fig wanted beating,” he add- save.”’—Isa. 59:1. But in my direction, see? Well,|ed. “They got beating.” ous cathedral. It’s still in use. |} peace. And he is installed a treadmill on top of governments to plan goodwill missions many in advance But I have a hunch our own Prime Minister will go and turn out to be the greatest ambassa- dor of goodwill that the West has ever sent to south Asia Like Nehru, he is a man of personally, the living proof, to newly free na- tions like Pakistan, India anc Ceylon, that in wealth people of different re- ligions, languages and racial crigins can live and now work side by side in harmony and — freedom. US Climbers | Reach Peak SEATTLE climbers have become purely mont? in the Yukon Territory Until this year it was the Nortis | American continent's highest unclimbed mountain A telegram today from Fred | Melberg 3. pilot of the expedl | tion’s supply plane, told of the} “Entire party climbed King Peak on July 24,” successful ascent { | a Message Said. AVERAGE WAGE Average wages of male farm | Angel) tower of the city’s fam- help in Canada at May 15 was ‘$490 a day with board. | moves the ends pi be in snervous exhaustion | thinking house and the) the Common-, (AP)—Four Seattle the sec- | end group to successfully con-| quer the snow and ice- covered | slopes of 17,130-foot King Peak | REFLECTS Ray and RE A vote of 2,500 barbers in’ gin: mills an Chicago to fix haircuts at $1.50 Rows; too mieh'g and $1 for shove. And how much out ght. The do they “fix for the pink hued. the empty feeling ’ Gazette? the man who wr anticipation for the he, never come, the charging that happen just about the time they feel the prison able to make ends meet, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Abbott, Police MOVING TIME Some folks are vistty @ The teal Only th lived within its "i know.” Tourist The father of quadruplets in ggnqg day ae Portland (Maine) is reported to | found Pri hospital, suffering from something to nal He must be | study. scores a L more mouths | taken, and the te to feed. And that's enough to) constant uttraction ruin anything in the shape of ie slumber A Caroline found INNOCENT Of fy der. There had beat ment as to whether gl should be used ing of four FALIANG OUT Tt dees not follow that the issuing of a licetree means a marriage. It is declared that in Canada hundreds who fell in eas legal “as jove at first sight have yet to} it be used) 7 wed. This must surely mean the if taking of a second, and far more | PERMANENT 4 careful look The former King Z : Egypt is cruising ing A bachelor never quite gets | ranean. He owns § over the idea that he is a thing! vacht, has 4 of beauty and a boy fer ever in banks and still B 4 Indiana News In Farouk's case, bie would appear to agtecable change Brac THAT EMPTY FEELING Writes H. J. Letts in the Presl- | dio: “The real prison is lonelin- | ess that sinks it’s teeth in the soul’ of men, and an emptiness; that leaves a sick feeling inside. | It is crowded with men wh9/ have seen too many third rate] hotel rooms in too many cities; | too many cheap, smoke filled |] NOW A MARINE BAN BATTERY RAD Designed especially for the fishe s CALL RUPERT RADIO & ELEC Phone 644 FOR SHOES OF Fine Q Lasting AGENT FOR: SLATER SHOES - DAYTON work GEORGE HILL & SONS P.O. Box 737 Brighten Your He BY See Our Fine Select of Modern TRILIGHTS FLOOR LAMPS TABLE x Gordon & Ande Phone 46 Hee TIRE prov ON TH INDIAN