X t a j. as T a C." EXCHANGE RATES s 7 The Latest In Restaurant. TAXI 99 we BOSTON GRILL hurry in a Third Avenue. Phone Best of Food Good Service. it Can and Best Servloe al wore of 33 lu nothing. !: of Iter opponent In ; ot Ibe three games scored an- goal. Against Czeeho-a she mailt 30 goal and ?- Sweden yesterday 22. v ory over Sweden by such wore makes (he Caita-i he favorites for Ihe Olym ho key championship a J: i-onstdered the slrong- ' 'he European teams. aila played three games in the la.t and won each a result will enler IhciruarylS mall on rebruary and. uy the final against the. in Ctafi'"5 on February Tho preliminary hockey 'on i nine until Friday butt 3 a due nol play again urt- srini-final". I .() .ral llriliiin defeated u ;o to 3, this being ' second Kami and I win, rht having defeated yesterday 15 lo 2. i i: I titled Slale hockey Irani "-i Km n it by n wore of olhing today. BRITAIN CHAMP i CURLING TEAM Beats France and Wine First. Place with Sweden Second and France Third I IIAMONIX. Jan. 30. 5real llrifiiiu won the eliainpioiibip here loday In the final curliiitf ' niipeUlloii. She defeated France by a score of U lo . Swctlon pf tired seeoutl place nut! France lb I I'd. WILL FIGHT TAX ON SALMON IN ALASKA Jl M AI . Jan. 30. Suit ha t I I.. ll.i inli.l- '-i-tr IM'lill lll'IIS 11. Il-L it.. ... . . . .... 11.11 tiy ot uic miiiiiiiiien tax uu caiiiit'il Kiiliiiiin oiilpnt. ranging from tf cenU lo 20 renin per .... . .. .i . . i- ..f Tlicre is a rather serious drop III L'lllll-il Slnlixi iivnliiiiiun IllilaV. LONDON, Jan. .'JO Premier J. Itamay Mai'donald recently lit a personal letter In Premier Poincare of France expressing Hie tJeniri! In meet linn half wuy to achieve u final and complete settlement of the outstanding difficulties between lite two iiu-lioiis. Poincare's uiiswt, according to a telegraphic despatch received Imre, was. sympathetic, giving rise to Ihe hope of a bel-ler ulmophcre for Ihe diciisjon of troublesome question. The Herald, the London labor daily, says no liilch lia tlcvelop-1 til in Ihe (Uivernmenl'N preparation fur the recognition of llusla. It declare the contrary! reports were Ihe action of Lib-; rral and Conservatives. The' Herald ridicules the report that' a mission of investigation is go-j ing In Moscow prior lo rcrogni-lion of (hat country by (treat llrilain. Full diploinalie recognition of ItuoKia by the Jirillsh Is expect-1 ed within ten day according to pl il leal observer. It is saidi that I'remirr Hamsay Mardouald is anxious lo have the recoxni-; Hon accomplished prior to the' opening of parliament ou Feb-; Sir Abe OFFERED NEW POST- western region, Canadian National Hallways, will arrive by Irain from (lie Has I litis afler- ease, ucpenuing upon ine sue ;,. Ml. vvni.,.(M1. o u px,.eled. II... 1. l . si.. .acK, auopie.i ny t.. w, ti. wiif,aniel by PURCHASE HOME J. II. ,,.,u"v: . ... it .'Cameron, assistant general man-I ho suit wns brought I" Hie ... ,,,, uinie of Mm pacific. America n' Mh Ar. ... . fisheries Co., but nil Ihe can-neries aro Mild lo lot behliid It. Allorney fieuentl Jolm riusl- .. I ... ill I ,pecl waterfront sites anil exist Ing facilities, lie will return south on Friday morning aeenm i a.ino.iiice.1 U.iU l.o win urtitK anl(1( iy Mr, Nvnlrei, nml Mr Mills inimedialely against all j.an),ron; viiiuit'ties uiai nne not jtuiu tin-" 'lies in full under Hie graduated lax law. Llpsln of Acme Importers Secures Residence In Westvlew Hie rale belmz now three and a! Abe Llpsln, senior partner of Hdrd. Other countries show little 41m Acme Importer, has pur-cliaiiue. Following nw. iiieniio- chased (lie 5-roomed California lallons: bungalow sllualed at the corner Sterling, 4.3y, or (indium ami Allln Avenues, United Blulos, 3 1-3. Westvlew, from George- Dal- Hong Kong, 51.00. garno. and vvll be moving in liu- I rance, 4.60, tr. fdiately HOUSES NOT FIT LIVE IN National Housing Council Estimates Over Three Million Dwellings Needed LONDON, Jan. 30. More than a million homes In England are not fit to live In, according to a report of the National Housing Council. It estimates that 3,-3C0.000 houses ouqht to be erected within the next twenty years In England and more, than 600,000 new houses are required In ALBERTA LIQUOR PROBLEM TO' FORE Draft Bill Is Prepared Which Gives Idea of Trend There H I Flk.MO.YHlN. Jan. .'in. A roiiKh ... . . .. .i - I l.:tl t I jiirHii in i lie pnipusoi uni 111 ii-ui Iwith the lian.lliii of liquor in the province of Alberta has been prepared. In il negative as I. pect it provide: Invent 'NiffttM." IXo No ltitinr aderliiu. No canva!-ing lor booze. rHiur (Surrio who it is re-! No drinking in hotels except in porled may b'u lo Washington. ;''uet rooms. ELEVATOR MAN EXPECTED HERE THIS AFTERNOON To look over Ibis port asi pus. sible millet for grain from the prairies and investigate elevator sites. C. H. Coles, of Kerr-Klffuril Co., I'oilland, Oregon. large gr.ain handler!, is expeetetl lo arrive this ariernooit on the Prince (tit pert from the south. To meet .Mr. Coles and also lo attend lo various rotiliiie mailers. Warren, general manager. o gtiesi lomii jiriv ticjirs a bona fide guest at the hotel Willi "ItlggllKC." No litttor on Ihe hip or else where unless the possessor is fortified with n"gof rittncnl per mit. No sales or deliveries of litpior over eight hours in twniiy-iour, nor after K p.m. ou holidays or elect ion days. No permits lo.be issued lo per sons under 21 years of age, or with less (ban one month's residence in the province, and all permits to expire on hecembcr 3t each year. No club licenses, except lo clubs measuring up lo retpiire- ments established by Hie pro posed Albert u Liquor Control Hoard and by statute. No bars or counters lo be allowed in premises licensed lo sell beer. No liquor to be sold lo persons apparently under Ihe Influence of liquor, or lo interdicted persons. No distribution of beer by the brewers except to bolder of per mits and to clubs. PRESIDENT OF MINE INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 30. Unofficial figures gave Iho ad- m I ii I a I Kit I ll III flll'ftjld lit Milk ITltll.til PRINCE RUPERT HOSPITAL HAS NEW DIRECTORS Five Chosen at Annual Meeting Held Last Night In City Hall: D. Q. Stewart Retires At Ihe annual meeting of Ihe; ieneral Hospital Association held hi the Council Chamber last; nialil. 1 1. ('. Stewart pri-siilimr, Judge Young via axain chosen ' honorary president and the ofll-J cers will be'icliosrn from the' directors. Tjie meeting last) liigltl chose A. Ilanes, J. II.' Thompson, I C. Mcltae, T. Hoss McKay and S. K. Campbell as directors. The hospital auxiliary is represented by Mrs. Morrissey and Mrs. Heuiiiiig; Ihe provincial voveruuient by Kev. V. K. Col-lison and H. II. Mortimer; the city by Ablirmen Macdonald and Kvill. These will meet and choose oflieers for Ihe year. A feature of the election was jibe definite n-fusal lo accept jiiominalion of l. (.. Stewart, iwlio had held lite position of chairman of Ihe board for many iyears. He said lie-believed iu lbe (idea of rotation of oltlccs and Ihe introduction of new- blood inlo'lhr bQr$A0! r " ".. . Resolution of Regret Archiieacon Hix moved a resolution of appreciation of the services of Mr. Stewart and of regret thai he no longer felt he could continue lo act on the board. This was. seconded by Mrs. Jarvis Mcl.eod who also spoke appreciatively of the work done by Ihu retiring chairman. Mayor Newton in support of lite motion said he wished to udd his quota of praise lo Ihal of the ones who had preceded. Some found fault with the. hospital board but that was Usually because they were not informed of Ihe facts. Mr. Stewart had brought Ihe hospital through the early and dillicult days, lie emphasized Ihe bless ing a huspilal was lo those whtvj were without homes and who might bu (aken sick. I). C. Mcltae, as Ihe. oldest re maining director, regretted that Mr. Stewart wonld not be on Ihe board this year. s. K. Cnmphell also spoke of the valuable work Mr. Stewart had done. Heart In Work lu reply Mr. Stewart said if his heart had not been in (he work lie would not have done il. He thanked them all mosd heartily for Ihu kind expressions. CURRIEMAYGO TO WASHINGTON Said to Have Been Offered Post as Canadian Representative But May Refuse VA.NCOUVKIl, Jan. 30. Hriga-dier-Oeucral Sir Arthur Currle, principal of Mcflilt University, lias been offered the post of Can- nillnil lilllllli.p In Wnyl.lnvliitl llADITCDC ITCCDC DAUCD ..... ,., ... , .:.. Mine Workers a majority of 111) CANADIAN IS SIXTH voles on the roll call or dele-gales to t do biennial convention, and retained to them the ap pointive powers of Iho organlza IN FANCY SKATING CHAMONIX, Jan. 30. Miss A fire engine was used ns the bridal car when Fireman Jt (1 Feitson was married to Miss Florence Hlindell at Chis-wick. England. The couple drov off on the fire engine with a full guard of honor and the clanging of the bell. -r 1 1 Special Service for Children on all Canadian National Dining Cars Throughout Company's Lines designed lo so add lo dining car service that every juvenile Ias-.'rause(j senger will be catereu to in tne most satisfactory manner. Cnua-i MR. WALTER TRATT MiiMitr t nlU. Slrplf mi Dlnlur Cra, Cidln NiiUhI RI1j ..iln.r iii'iriiiiltiilliiiiv uliii have commissioners das foremost dieticians collaborated in the completion of the menu ami the result is not only, a guide to Ihe .proper food children up to leu years but also : who are travelling with children so that plenty of time, is allowed for the choice of food and the icosl is known before the passcn- Ige.r enters the dining car. Attractively printed, and em-i. in 1....1 ...in, ..:..i.. .....I .... ill It....' I ...11 OCIIISIHU llll l.lltu.v.1 uuu Who has Just instilule, a special ehildrens menu on dining cars Jnu Js throughout Ihe system. lwi pilerla 1C k,(I(k.s , wcU as assist their fillers in choosing FriMllNNIN RH I KS iihdr food. lmMUl il,,u M'rvic,! al 0,,ec B,H,!i rnMTC ta ffi ca ICC uKAMlJ ID $1DU,1uJ all dining and parlor cars or the iCanadiait National system. Kh.MO.NTON. Jan. 30. - Ornnts1 (to cltarilable institutions and NQRTHFRN R f HAS VFv..'. . ....-. ha .....ah n,irr,. been receiving assislance from. Nil MIIIIIIK NUITL.I .i . ...... ... II. .... I ...111 l. .... i s. - tne ciiy to i hit imai in HUftntna AlUil J rUTVLIX 11 1 '",,i.,u"l..l ....nUnti.ms in tl.n form of eonsiiiereii iiouoifiii, thai Is grants .,.. totalled MKQAAr Tho accortiiug to u nespalcli to the Dally Province here from Ottawa. Been Closed Owing to Prohibition Against Importing VICTOUIA, Jan. 30. The nor- Private Boxes for Parly Use. ih. city. iut.. " H" to Th B"ton " jn, Northern and Central British Columbia. Newspaper fl " " 'itr!1' 4 - ' ' . - VOL, XIV., NO, 20. . '', 'fltfH I'HI.NCB Hl'PKHT, IMI, WHDNKSDAY, JANUARY 30, I2i. tirum.,-. ciKuirtk- imt itr.it mm ut PMCE FIVE CENTS r r--r-- - BRITISH PREMIER AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS STARTLING REPORT IS MADE ON HOUSES IN WHICH ENGLISH PEOPLE LIVE CANADA WINS Premier Ramsay Macdonald Sent THIRD GAME! Personal Letter to Poincare on This Country's Hockey Team Is Now Favorite for Olympic Championship BRITAIN WINS AOAIN Seml'flnals are to be Played on Saturday Following Completion First Round l II A. MOM X. Jan. 30. Cuii-a a has won each of her pre-i ury yumc lit the Olympic l:-: -ry i'oiiIi'sIk here. Today she 0 Trai J fjwilierlarid hy Ihe stib- Attitude of Labor Government MEMBER C01NG ONSATURDAY Mr. Pattullo Will Attend Liberal , Annual Meeting on Monday ' Evening I Hon. T. 1). l'attullo, member for Ibis district, is expected to arrive here ou Saturday afternoon's train after visiting Ottawa, Montreal and other points in counec-itiou with provincial business. It is understood that among other 'business be has been arranging for the final signing of the agree-jment between the provincial government and the. Canadian National Itailway- Company in re-Jgard to the transfer of lauds ou tKaicn Island to the province and the protection of the rights of the people of this city at the Salt Lakes by the transfer of the land surrounding them to the province for jiark purposes. Arrangements have been mada lo bold the annual meeting of the Prince Ituperl Liberal Association while Mr. Pattullo is in the Icily. This will lake place at an 'early dale. He expects to leave ifor the south on Tuesday. j Last year there was a distinct 'pikvlvat .if inlarnul in tlm l.inArul annual gathering, the meeting Joeing a record1 i)u(j. WINMPKfJ, Jan. :io."Tlieir .Majesties Ihe llabics" ar? ,,,.rri.fiiimmi r .timing into their own on dining cars of Hit Canadian .National Mil I I H Yh I IN Itaiiwavs where a special menu for children' will be introduced XuVvl 1 lillllill 1 111 Ihis week. Thik menu, first of its kind ever ued on a Canadian rail way, was conceived oy waller rrau, general manager of the sleeping and dining car ami hold department, (IN. It., and it is STOCK MARKET by United States Steel Common Giving Extra Dividend of 50c for ,NKW YollK- Jan- 3,v 0,1(5 of the wildest slock market sessions .... .,H-,...i. .. ......... .. K.,.1. ..-ill ' ii-ii-m jrais was lo'!,,is Ibousan.ls of buy- be a source of entertainment the children during the; journey. lions of fare; breakfast ranging ing oiuers were reeetveo ioiiow- 'i- fri...,ii r ...i "IK tne ueciarauoii ot i uv nil in un ; x .vi' i it hi, v'i jj in price from 10 to 00 rents;! jdinner. od lo 85 cents; and a I '-a i ESKIMO EXECUTION nuritiTinn 'from 33 to do cents. As the dining car steward announces the uieals he also distributes the children s menu to passengers Two au extra parents in choosing meals for""" ",u u -w" -r children from Ihe regular n.enul'1 f"'"; ,1,,e m, H.1 fr,a"1" is overcome by Ibe special child-c. " f'"t "ale of Ln",,', aU,s sl,et1 com-Ihere ten's service. For each meal are offered four combina- sevea l"'"U!iUd 8'ar" tor iou. reconled IS SET FOR FRIDAY Men of North Will Pay Penalty vfor Murder of Mounted Policeman OTl'AWA. Jan. 30. -The closing chapter of the tragedy of the far north will be written on Fri day of this week with the execution of two Kskiino murderers, at llerschel Island.,; No wonl of I tho execution will likely coma The new children's:1""" . " duced this year by .proximately ;store al Atn s Empty and H( One tllllit uii'uiuiiiH iu nu nottnreinent made by the commissioners. Last year the total antouut given to eighteen differ i. ... .i..Mt it..:. i montits alter u takes place. The two Kskimos were sentenced lo death for tho .murder of Corporal lioak of the Iloyat Canadian Mounted Police and Otto Kinder, a trader. KING'S PRINTER HAS RESIGNED POSITION VIC-TOMA, Jan, 30 AV. II. Cul-len, King's printer, resigned yesterday and will be superannuated. He was an appointee ot have discusseddhern areas of liritish Columbia Ihe Mcllride government and had this year's grants with representatives of these, various organizations and .the reductions that have been approved will bring Ibe total Down to 109,925. C-V.H. steamer Prince, (lupurt, Ihni. Thus Iho president can Kuslace Siuilh of Toronto won Gap!. John McKernan, from Van continue to. appoint organizers'sixlh place In the Olympic fancy couver and way ports, is due In'shipmi shipment ftud" other oilkials. Isiai'ng e&t.tt bM 'strday 'psri th iveniug al 5 o'clock. Ika have been cut off from theitheld the position for a number liquor supply by American terri-(or years, lory and are today liquorles.. The Allin liquor store is empty and closed. No liquor has been SKI MARATHON sent into the Atlin country since CHAMONIX, Jan. 30. Thor- November, when the United Slates lief llaug, a Norwegian, won tho government refusetl lo allow a lo be m'ado across Alas- ,.i Utu Vuk.'ii ''utdry. ski marathon at the Olymplo sports being carried on here thi week.