PAGE TWO. Particular People ff choose SALADA Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . I . II H8XB The moat delicious blend procurable. The Daily News PltlNCR I.UPJHtT - HIUTLSII COI.IJ.UIHA. Pnhlished Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, th Lrince Hnpert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRN, Managing Kdilor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month st TiO Iiy mail to all parts nf the British Empire and the United States, jn advance, per year Irt.OO To all other countries, jn advance, per year ;!!!!! $7!r0 Transient Display Advertising St. AO nee Irieli i imuinn mivt-rusiiiK on i rnni rase . m nr ini Local Readers, ner insertion. Classified Advertising, per insertion .. Legal Notices, each insertion.. Yr.V Contract Hates on Application. , , per line .2c per word per agale line 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject lo approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Wednesday. April Hi, tJi. High Tariffs Or Lower. The question of tariffs ha at last become nu important one beranx; or the action or the Dominion linvcriimenl-lii lowering Hie duties on a good many articles .imperially machinery and other things used by farmers, miners, lumbermen ami fishermen. This action ha made the manufacturers anxious, a -el-ling a preredenl for further reduction in'lhe larirf. The apparent working agreement between the Liberals and Progressives has made possible thee reductions, which were promised by the Liberal but which it was impossible lo make without the cOMiperation of the Progressives. Will, a movement for closer union between the, two parlies, both of which stand for the same general principles, it is clear that the policv had to i.e eniorceo. i ne mange will mean a good deal in some indus ines, especially the elimination or reduction or sale ta wtiich oas oecn a Heavy charge. It is to b hoped that eventuallv the Ul.x wi" U? clintiiialeil altogether as it keeps he coC of living nigi anu is ,.,rl ,,f the virion? circle which keeps IM prices. . ' . Infant Industries Must Be Encouraged. Infant industries must be encouraged. We are all in agreement with that principle. The main difficulty is that industries remain in swaddling clothes too lou?. As they become more mature and develop into the adult elas thev dine rhmer (iian ever (u the aid which comes to them through the operation of Hi ft k ft in. (Ill 111. No one wants lo e the iuduMrie-yof Canada injured. We must raise money from rutonis duties and if the policy or placing those duties in surh a way as to help Canadian iiidutrie is adopted, there will be little cJiance or the maiiuracturers nf-reruig. Help Canadian industries in every way possible but do not do it at the espense or the (imadjan taxpayer who is already overburdened with taxes. The Ltd ;thal Hie lax is simply added lo he eosl the Ihings we eat, and drink and wear doe m,l make it any the less burdensome. Boundary Line Keeps Up Cost Of Living. . A,FO'r' n,a"' Mf lhe articles i pommnn use are higher on his s1(e the boundary line lhan on the other, the maiiuracturers . f . ' r ,n, ",ly lo kee' ,,ie Price up. That is ,,., he Hrilish Hag as a cloak for extortion. ir there wt-re no .......,..r,-iuie. me maiiuiariiirer would have (o sell at the -same price as ,s charged on the other side. Knctories there do o and flourish We have lo pay ror our allegiance lo the Hrilish flasr in cold dollars and cents and then we are asked whv it j that (nadians leave lhe country ror the United .States. These arc things to think about, and especially at a tim-when the mailer or customs tariffs are being considered. Congratulations And Regrets. , ', iii?raltiilioii arr dnf , i xvallon. assistant general .superiiilendent here, on his appointment to the portion of geu-rral Miperinlnidei.t for Manitoba The promotion is generally acknowledged lo be a mo-t .ileorfoug one and all Mr. Wallon's friends will lie glad to hear of his success. The flv in the ointment that lhe change necessitate, the superiulendenl ami hi-hoiiseioll moving to Winnipeg. Mr. Wallon has proved hiniclf to be one of the nrot popular off.ciaN that has ever been here. While having at al June he mlercts of the company at heart he has beeVable o keep the resiK-cl and good will or all employees and of j,e general publ..! ! w.lh whon. the company has had to deal. In losing him lhe city will lose one of its best friends. h senlly they all trooiied off lo tin waning motors. Street Car Ride Willi the exodus or lhe women Hie jneii el about unloading mountains or baggage rroni the cars, and presently at WPr(. started on their way to the lal si reel ear. Here freml trtun the prying eye or the street crowds, the islanders relaxed. and a torrent or Uaelie hroi-n rorlh, and was kepi up until lhe civic vehicle reached lhe Immi. ii t Kuiiiou nan. wnere lhe new comers visualized lhe women and children grouped on the steps awaiting them. 4ilhilo .. Ihr lltllw Nov. 1 VUUVIkj PLUG ' J i THE DAILY NHW8. Wednesday, iHEBRIDEANS PORT CLEMENTS AT EDMONTON' MEN SENTENCED (Large Party Arrives Ther and Found Qulltw nr sutnn i tn... Will Settle In Province of ; Oscar Dunlap and William Alberta ; Hattle Get SU Months I Each KHMOXTOX. April If,. To . skin or Hie lia?mees. the snenr- JOSEPHINE ROUSSEAU Flisirn TO-.-IU in ,i nis year s lletiriileau im-imtgfnUoii-' i-each.-sl Ijluionlon yrsslerday eveninsr shorlly nHer r? .hy "-.special train over lite Inl'.ll. Itll liiirr:ins suinrinL ... in 4- lhe breee. Pipe Major v-" l.aiior and Piper McAllister or lhe till li hatlaliuu welcomed lhe islanders with lhe appropriate air or "Ma a in name." Tired . women. races peered out of the windows as (he train drew in. and as Hie eeho of lhe familiar air reache.1 their ears joine or the boys slanditis in lhe corridors waved their hats. Here was lhe new home al last, aHcr lhe long journey across the sea iiml two thirds or a continent. Allhouzh lhe members of thai I crowd wail ins on the railway platform were slranyers, , people from northern Scotland surely must have Ml thai Canada was dojii; the ul most possible to make their entry lo the new land a happy one, wJien they heard the strains nr the familiar pipes and were greeted with broad Scots voice which assured them that they were wel come mid that all was well. .Men, women 1 and- children and Ihere are lots or vounsrslers piled on the (rain as soon a it ceased motion, when al once Major Oordon. Odonel Seotl. Caplain fiallepher and oilier oM-ctals or the. I.uiiil SelllAoinnl Hraiieh proc-ede. lo el the new and weary .el Iters awav lo lhe immigration hall. Women In Motors Italher lired r heins stand a! so much and aiiparenlly indifrer- enl lo public oiiinit.n the or irn souls kept logetlier, and lhe work or separalln? the women fmni the men wus one rroujrhl with dinicultv. It wn explained Ihal motor cars were wailing to lake the women and children lo the Imuiiimilion hall. and that a special street a.r would coim-jr the ipen. , Cal- tfarj- ami lle.1 Deer they had wit nested ni(ier separations, and with, the clan sjdril running strong in Iheir blood Ihey hesi- lale.1. A Ihey stood ihere with lhe big C.P.H. ciacj as a background was brought borne to the on lookers Ihal here was a tvne nf iliien or which Canada inighl Im- proud. Sturdy, plain im-n with single Ihoiisht lending i.i ac- cnmplishuicnt. women who had known the rearing or large faiu- llies and Hie iiwiilenlnl I. .11 hrisfhi eyeil. clear coundeximied girls and rrank face.1. slurdv Hoys Hie best Hie islands have lo oJTcr and the same hardv breed . wined unshed haet the fronlier for the llu.tsnn iav company in (he old .days and nn me iiriusu nag iiynig in (1'inada. Mrs. it. Cordon, wife or the Land Settlement. .Hoard Superin leniicni and other women busied themselves ju explaining lo the wonfen and children lhe arrange meuls made ror them, .and me Delia Dale Assessed $50 for Be- Inn Inmate Two Charges FaH of Conviction I'omid cuiliy yesterday afternoon hy .MacisfriUe .. u. Mallory or selliifjr liiiior in cunl ra ven I ion or lhe Coverifnu'ni l.ntior Aci. Oscar I Mm lap and William HaHi. of lori ;lenifnls were each en-lenced lo s(x months iniprison-meiil wllli harl l;nW ut Okail.i Prison Farm. HtmWio s eae bad been heard on Monday afl ami that of llaslie y.terday morn ill?. p. n. Amlerson of Vanroier mndnrled lhe iroee-ulioii and Milton liitiiinles appeared for 4olll .trlMlsed. Ki. deiiee was jriven bv lii-iei-iixe llamay, Seward and Steward' of lhe pnrviiichil dry squad. A charge or litiimr sellini: against JrisepltiOe ll..iieaii of I'orl Clements was ameiHled to Hisseion' or oiisealeil lltpior. A idea of Biiillv wn -enlei-eil :uul aerueil was rioel 5o titi.l vis. .Milton !nzales I lie ease rr .iceiisiwl. Yeslertfay 'iiiuriiini; IHIa Dale plen.lisl gnTIly lo a chanre r le- toz an Initial or a disorderly hoii.e ami was fined 5U. Not Sufficient Evidence K. Stewurt was amuitleil on a jelinrjfe or keppms liipior fnr sale. .Mitt'islrale Mallorv Niiditi? thai lliere hail apirenlly lieen sonml iiirrinwemeni of lhe Liquor Acl in Ihal accused ImmiIiI liiiunr on his oermit fnr oilier narlte hut Ihere was no I stilhVienl evkleure lo support file rh.irf. Accisel adinilled under protection Hint he had ln.iijlil liquor for oilier iwrsons nit 'hi- i.ermil. Milton (ionales ifolVndtsl. A char:! against Helen lllaek- burn, cob?rcd, nt Mm an in. male of a disorderly lioiUe. wn willfilraww n'reioesl or eoune iir ion jineeui hmi . wneti l was round there "wa. no evidence lo siiport'' the Tharsi. Mr. fi'm-ale aIo rterendeit In llti C!ie. Hie purl Clement cases were in progress aJ ij.iy yesterday anl nmre are eonlinuOiy today. The hearini; or all the rharzes will nrolialily Je encudel (hi aNeriuHMi. Jhe Man in the Moon SAYS .. Or laxity dream In some secluded leaty nook. i I't'.'IIM.K who ride in 11 tin Liizie iinisl beware md (o get ptomaine Milomni OXli nf the worst disease Ihal all.irs most or us is acute in discretion. ' ' , SJXIJH the aoialrtir tliealricjils on Monday evhtllhg; one of the disilngulslicl actors u now knowiti as -ifin ma,, jfh j, 4 ' voice , . YliS Jake, we've had Ihieyes and grariers imd barons and seiialors and longshoremen and lawyej-s in our raiolly but there' one lhlng to M ' thankful r.,r we've never had a Liberal. Tlll day is eoniing Ami it candTd 'Coine Wlicji I'll fish- in the creek Throiighoul tlie afteni.Min: Vhe;i I II d on lhe bank Of a shady rippling brook TIIH voire thai I dislike more than any oilier hi lhe world is Ihal of the alarm clock. (ieorge II, llamuiond, head of lhe Natural Itesotirces. i to I lie city on Ids wsiy lo l itrl Ueorge and Hulirrt. He sa)s Prince Hij-lerl neets cnpllal to develop Us indtilrir. Parker Wlltlains, M.P. or Newcastle, accuses (he provincial government of juggling udh posterity in piling Up huge Hidehl- llNliiess. YANDERHOOF A. Knight, chief clerinary in- siMvtor for the provincial gov- eminent, writes frour Victoria to! Hie eftVcl that he hope lo idj Vaiiilerhixif lids year in resMinsp to lhe reijuesl of lhe .V.vlmko l'arlller.s Institute that tuber-1 miosis tests lie rarrieil out regularly in (be district. II. I..' .MrKennev. of the iirovin frial police detiartnienl, has been tninrerj-rd to Ciseome from VahderliiM.f. tJharles llurgreaves. idoneer rauctier of Hie I siiikul Lake dis- IriCl. and Miss .Nellie Clbn He ilCitliam, recently arriteil' rrom Manchester, Kiigliunl, wen' niar ried by Itcv. K. H. Arnd last week. NOT A HEAOLINER He walked Jauntily into the theatre for lhe Mondnv morning rehearsal with Held glasses slung loo oon !'Pr his shoulder. The stage THIS is the morning and even. Ing and night of our ilise.onlenl rlre spring cleaning rever has spread its deadly virus lo include our household, , IK brain werft, faxed, a large pari or lhe community' would Hud Jlself wholly exempt rroin any payment. Ten Years Ago in Pin cm Rupert H , .. April 16, 1914. Hulles collected at Hie nor! of Prince Itiiperi during llm riscal year ending March .'II. IM. totalled 3I7.I0K'.'H. an inereac manager eyed him with surprise Miy on carlh are you rarrv Ing I hose about f" he asked. The comedian smiled genially. "Just been looking al my name on lhe bills, laddie. Vrr shire Posji. THIS LADY SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO EQUAL "Dr. Wood's" Norway Pint Syrup For Coughs and Colds Vf. fuM TIffliHu.n. VI my.. Pitt, out.. rlli: "I rtniMil k li mirrny r.r nr. wiM X-rty Nim S)rup for myivir iihI rtiilitmi I u n..thlin rl. Vr litlln irl. fiv v-r Ma h. hriHM-tiial mmbl r Hnrr Mm- i tlw TIM a tr nn Itn. anil nt.m m in l" h fit 1 lUtil r.,M th ilfrfl.Mi 1 rrry ninj nmtn, uul all I have 14 u rive Iwr a ff ! of fir. Vira inrwijr raw STcnp. AIo ur myif, ami um .,ior hi Wren, ran fln1 Ifitbmr to enual 11. ih t.t II only a Oh.ri IIhh- ihat rata II to inr Ird NhiIiiIi i.kt u ---- - I ...Ilfl lllirtixstialrly iw tltr dlffrrt-nrr It n.a. In ttrt. Sow, I aluajra rp Mnrty pii syrup, In ll a trl itirr It iioilMnf In equal 11," Prlrr He 1 Ix.itl., i .... ..,. Or Mr; (nit up ,nly by Tiw y. MIL j liurn Co, LUurtrd. Toronta. Om ORDER plenty of Electric - Bake Hot CrosBuns from YourGrocerlor from the Store Closed all day Friday Thursday is the day we all make a B-Line for the - BUNS s 4, ELECTRIC WINDOW BAKERY Hot Cross Buns For Good Friday - April 18 'or ,U'Ji.V oer the year pre- IVfiHls. S V -c n y. COAST STEAMSHIPS Wintr Scrvlc S. PRINCE GEORGE Sails from Prlnc Kuprt For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate for STEWART and ANYOX . .Wednesday 4 tJoO p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, April 26, May 10 and 24 PASSENQtft TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ta PrlUM Ruprt pjB. fi fW.ICt CEoaOC. ttM Vt 'X W 1 MrtO, aU pointi Caorni Canala, lnivl suim, StNCT ALL OCCAM STMHSHir LOIIS. Ctlf TKIft Offk. 12 Thlre , rl R.arl. e . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAy B.C. Coast Service Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.8. PHiriCETO MART. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, March 11, 21, April 1, 11, 22 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and 8kagway, March 7, 17, 28, Aprll'7718, 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanaon Bay, Catt Bella Bella, Oceai Fallt, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, -and Van-couver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all 8teamthlp Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. anion rrwo rrlore Kuprl, r VANcouvtn, victoiwa, cxm r.n.. e.aB) t..m.i. e ft VAMCOUVCR. VICTORIA. AI.M 14 ..flMH Ba,. (atyraa, H. ttf ANVOI, ALICE ARM, STCWART, WIM U4. SMf S rjal. rr oit imeaon i n$,, ri, c, rrWa? A.a til liyi J. aarMl.,, A,u rnnr. ttui-r S C Our Picture Department Offers some benuliful rcorodiielioti nV FamousPaintinks Hiiilnbly nioitnlcd mid framed, Price are $7.00 and $8.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF THESE MASTER FUL WORKS OF ART. a a I v Barrie's Home Furnishings The Houie of Quality. 3rd Avenue. pn'one 12j.