1 1 C n V K 1 I i m ' II V m k, is V vi an r IT s ; coal. Contract Hates on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITION EEW NUGGET I MAN WAS SHOT Was Probably Lying Down When Wound Inflicted by 44 Call- bre Bullet. ti J ONLY SKELETON LEFT JSJ Several theories may be m' vatiood lo account for I ho fai of. the unknown man whose bod was found by the provincial pol jro on tho beach at Klew Xugget li in fJrenville Channel south o hero on October 20 last but tin 11 mosl likely now seems lo bo tha deceased had been shot on boar. II some vessel several months au and his remain. thrown over-It board, later drifting to the shor. where they were found. The loca II provincial police have been busv 11 running down all possible clues Po far it has been impossible to M reach even an Idea of idcnlificn- lion. Such description of' the roll mains as it has been possible to j obtain are now being posted in ll accordance with Ihe instructions of a coroner's jury which sat, orj the ease, last week. 1 I.-A hole and fractures in Hi ' skull point lo murder by sbool-ii ing. The bullet hole was o J located that tbe possibility of it VH having been self-inflicted is con- sidered unlikely. The man was M probably in a lying position when the wound was jnflieled fori the lj bullet apparently entered from above. A 1 .-calibre bulbil was I! used. J' There was' nothing in Hull pockets of Ihe (lollies lo eslali- tish identity and Ihe clothes I Ihemselves were of a very or.liit- ary character. The remains ron-vt5led of lillle more than a bundle ofjiones held together by the clot lies which- fell lo pieces when touched. Th'ese clothes eonsist- eTof a light -khaki overshirl with collar attached, heavy unshrinkable undershirt of "Plastic" make, black Sweater coat, dark bjue trousers willi white stripe, heavy police braces and leather bell wilh nielal buckle. No!hoes were inunu anu mere was no .0,TIip teelli offer perhaps Ihe most effective means for possi ble identification hut some of lhoe were missing. On liie up per jaw there was a gold backing lo three artificial teeth held Mom. lay. December 8, 1921. I lie beach probably by bird e.x-ri'pt ihe skull and trunk which was fairly intact. These bones tvere only held together by the .lollies. It is believed that the body vas swept in by (he tide to the oint where it was found. A eslerly wind may have assisted 1 blow it in from Hi" north and issihly from the sea. The skull is being reiained by le police but tlie remainder of e body lias been buried. 10ME BREW WHISKEY DEMORALIZES INDIANS j nspeotor Mead Tells of Difficulties In Enforcing Law in , Manitoba WTNNTI'F.O. Dec. The in-liscriminate peddling of home row whiskey by unscrupulous vhile men to Indians settled ilong the banks of Lake Winnipeg, and of ' the northern parts of Manitoba, is causing appaling reek's trip to tho far north. THIS oils lit to be a pood tourist city pretty soon if inler-esliiiK old ruins are any attraction. I know .eoral and they were yooi fellows once. Afler some of Ihe things we and hear, a high powered electric wire would scarcely give, us a shock. Till' Prince import husbands are tickled all over. Once they were the ones who wore forced lo listen but now Hie barbers take part of the burden. MK.N sometimes lack enthusiasm. One lime I know when this happens is when they are, asked lo iro shopping wild their wive.-. Flapper's Wall .My swoalhoart is a lillle slow-He's clever as any man I know Hut I wish he were a Homoo. I KNOW several girls . who would like a diamond ring for Hi" third finger belter than any other Christmas present this year. A FAT chance lliee heavy men have In pel thin. I KNOW several young men who would be good workers if it were not for those eyes of tiers. SIX MONTHS HARD FOR BEATING WIFE SSI ITU KHS, pee. ft.--a special silling of Ihe County Court was held on Thursday, when .lack, llealon appeared before Judge I'. ondllions in these parts of the; Sir II. Young of Prince import lo irovince according to F. J. Stead, ;nspeelor of the Hoyal Canadian Mounted Police who recently re-1 iirned to Winnipeg from a throe in Okalla wilh hard labor answer lo a charge of wife, beating. I.. S. SlcOill acted for the Crown while the defense was j in the hands of II. L, llohinsnn. Legitimate business men -and 'Tins prisoner, was convicted ami fur traders are being driven out , sentence reserved until Ihe next of the country, declared Inspect-) morning w hen His Honor or-o: -Mead, js. Uie result of the un- lered Ilia! he serve six months checked activities of the illicit1 ; trafficker, who he said secured i the en.ire fur catch of the In- SMITHERS dians 111 e.xhange for 'hoolch. .... . ... which for Hie 'most part was a . ' Ur, """"" l '"P''""!; ' vMe coneoetion. driving tho In- , '"'T Ti"" "f '' dlahs craZy with resultant dlsor- ,;:,,'a ''"'J!". . Hiddell on I riday afternoon. der and crime. "The Indians." asserted Ihej Inspector, "are being slowly but sopaIv ilAtiinnallTAH inst lhala !'n '""""'''. when ;t joint bridge conduct is causing grave anxiety to the authorities. Their love'1':"".''. wa" hy Mr-- A for whiskey Is such that thoy would dispose of their dearest possession for a bottle nf m'oon-shine." One peddler, according to In- peclor Slead. afler a recent. j A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by a number of ladies Slelnlyre and Sirs. 0. Wall at Ihe homo of I lie former ori First Ave. The guests made up seven tables the winners ebing Sirs. F. Ilatl, first. Mrs. .1. Clavering, second; and .Mrs. J, n. Holslon, third. I'll, llirm. IIIII11UIIL IIHI-KI ... . ..... will, i.im in vinni.. si iaa diaries iMiiriss, an Indian of a total nf l.r,nn paid to a cpr-Hrr"M " a h.i,rs, "lMinn tain band of Indians, every dollar ""i "n,';r M" Pr--n. ap- of which il is alleged was .ponlilT"' .T M";i,i,ra,,' ""-r kins , I on ridav af ernnon. and T'l H I .1 " . ' Mounted police are strenuous etrorls lo starnp out this illinif traffic, hut their work, the inspector declared, is being hampered at oVery turn by Ihe makinr e 'found suilly was ienjenced In Itl.jlA lltAnl 111.; Vl "It-Alt.. V u,i ' i iimmiiii.s . "hnliu, ' , ' ,y. A number of the younger children were entertained at a 1 1 .ii . ... . ... In. nnl.l t . .1.. i ...linu- il llfiina. rf II. tj: i '.'"' I"" V i"- "oioe oi ..Mrs. e""i uuiiin.. i.ii lower " " "i'-- lininiiis iii i Wi (iir ... ., , i, i Jaw. Ihe right second molar was W the necessary infornvitinn.!,- K ' 0,,-, "'oadway west . on missi..- .., il.U. i.. ,i..n. , III- hermorn l ie tnV- ,r H, "-.....'...., o..n, in.- j:uesi --pi rw.-.-uMJ .-fllT I ni III ---- - .... .- w The man was nf fairly lall I"101'"'' ' rendered more diffl stature and his weight is be-j 0,1,1 n' "", fact that those en lieved lo have been at least tHo'eR!roa 'n traffic, possess nn "TTunds. Ho is believed lo have been of middle age. The body is believed lo have -.Lmi in Hie water from 0 to 12 2 months possibly longer'. There E was lillle if any flsh left. The r hones had been .scattered aloiiK : rrr- of honor bojng .Master darnel I.ees. limited financial ' "'nes, or Mrlh means and are ! . n...n i .illillkley has been a.vslor In Ac l - Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert . ic ; r .?;,r:: 0 Thursday. .., w.i.; noi-n m. INDIGESTION relle.vod In two minutfc JO-TO with BLUE RIBBON TEA Don't waste your time and money in trying to find something "just as good" as BLUE RIBBON TEA in-i ...ii.Kiii.-r vera, . attention inc Oddfellows' ilancc. Krnie Wnodworlh returned to town this week ami since arriving has been busy, gelling things in readiness lo build Hie, now bridKo that is in bo imt over the 'J'olkwa Itiver near the town of TeJkwa. Mrs. Charles Jlarrelt of liar-ret t, m spending a few days In town the gupsl of M'rs. J. Mason Adams, md was in allondance at the Oddfellow' dance. INFLUENCE IN POLITICS "Me liusband's a very influential man in politics, you know," aid one dear old soul to another. "Yes," she continued proudly, "fieorpe has voled in two general eleclions, and both limes it has none the way he voted." December 8, 1914. Tlie John May murder ease Is still Inking up the lime of Ihe Supremo Court Asslzos. , day yesterday ,A)as snei al it and il is still proceeding tinlay. Aiooutr Hie wllnessos are lr. McAulay. (ioorgo lloirnes, r.onstnble Clinr, Joseph May, .lames 'Mead, Chief Minly, (iuslave (iorvais, It. V. John-tone, Uuac llanos, H. CI. Moseloy, Thomas Stevenson, Horace Diihamel, Frank Allen, Ah Sing, (ioorgo It. .Merkel, William .1. Lynch, It. J. Hook. II. I'. Inside of a week, Iho eily's new hydro-oleelric plant at fchawallans Lake will bo in operation. T. C. Iinuciiu, superintendent of ulililiiis,;reportei to the rntiricll last mglik I. Hn. Ihn Seaftle expert,' Jas advisod tlio ftily that it wilJvh.o safe lo use a hand device,. nt. tho plant until the delayodr-ithvernor ar-rivoy, LEGAL' , Advertise in the Dully News. me I A BAD COLD DEVELOPED INTO BRONCHITIS Mr. i.mi s . rli- rjri mht liii li i ".Imi. Vmlwr.i u nmlil mil ri I uirtil f..r ii I HKhMf. I nr lM-r ..rllllll I n..U ri'lli-ii. hr l.nl iMtlhliiv i il tm ny r.sl. mil t nnt n-IIIM n iM-iifr. I w. 4l-d. ly i frlMMl. in Irj- DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE. SYRUP I itlil i, imI nr rlvinr hrr fc l,iw fw nm rffivl. i krpl nn Ullll II I MV hM IU,i L.llk. .lul lu. I WATER NOTICE (Dlrilen and Uu) ' TAkF .VlTICK lliat An.lrfw Sft.Uil. A m.i rr Knuuirfr oii.l Mine. im. iih' .i vImmi a.l.lrnx In lt mi iirns.lwav. Vuik. M.Y.. ttlll aif,ly fur a llrrnrp u lake lu1 KM 1 f.ltilr fr Mr M'lin.l nt wur iimi the VVann liltrr. whirl. ri., VVmrrly M ilralim Inln Taku Arm almiil vo and a half mile oiitli nf Knilnr Mine. The walrr will Ii illvertnl IniKi Im ilrni.i ai a point alxml ,n- mil up aireaiu from TakH Arm, anil will lie iim.1 rnr (siuer, i.iri"ie nmn in "t.ntliiei-r A Jlldge was crossing from Minn, Minn," ' ilrarrilipit iienrriiiea a a llni-n Meven . .ron run II iranlr.l Irnturiil In ll(,Kl.n,.,l al..n,,, i Mineral Mineral Claliiia, i.lalin. smveyfil mvi'veil a a l.olt Ion ,n.. , io iwi iioianii ioineail one siormy(fl), ii inA n, mnr iot, luo , him il, an. g7: ni sr.: 7ii; tutrlil when ho knocked against n lawyer sulToring severely from seasickness, v "Can I do anything for you?" " inquired-the Jultte. "Yes," gasped the sufferer. "Will your Lordship overrule tliis motion?" Hi. ami I till (iro'iin I.' Cniir liimriri This imllre a uilnl nn the rriiunil mi Ihe fHh day of June, I0t. ripy nt Ihl imll.e an't an appllratlnn piiimiani therein ami t the "Water Art, I Oil," will lie rileil In the nfflre or the Waier nernrder at A tl In. II. r. Ohjei'llim to tlm aiiplleailrin m.iy he riled with the. aa.il Water lleenriler nr with the (:i.iit rotlir nf Water Miht, parliament Doitilinrs. Vlrturla, n r., wlihln thlriv rt;iT after the firm appearand of llils nollrt In a Inral liewpaper. Tlie date nf the flrM pull lnnlli.n ii f thl imtlre a Drli.lwr foili mil ekoim'mi noin mimi:s. MMiTrn, imc Applirant. By Atidk'tw B'.iUd, Aitnl PRINCE RUPERT USING ' Several the Lakes Mo;) !;i.v. TV'Crmbrr PAGE TWO THE nn.T NT"' 'I'M The Daily News The Man in the Moon I'iuxck rupkrt - nnmsii Columbia fYSt- S3 fi -mi fU wa xt Mt Published Every Afleninon, except Sunday, llio Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. 1". I'l l.LK.N, .Managing Kilitor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 8Q SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Transient Display Advertising. 1.10 per Inch per insertion Txaiirient Advertising on l'ronl Page $2,80 "per inch L3val Headers, per insertion . . . .s2rn per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ,2e per word LfSgal Notices, each insertion 15c per ngate line .( TIIC iiio-il important in this country is I lit Boys' Wearing Apparel Bargains WE HAD A BUMPER DAY ON FRIDAY AND OUR $37,500 BRAND NEW STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WEARING APPAREL IS MOVING QUICKLY. CHRISTMAS TEMPTATION SALE ' f THE PRICES WILL TEMPT YOU TO BUY A FEW BARGAINS FOR THE BOY ARE LISTED BELOW - JUST THE THING3 HE NEEDS. IDEAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AWAIT YOUR SELECTION AT PRICES TO SUIT ALL Don't Forget tho Lucky Christmas Grab 200 Boxes containing Merchandise valued from $1.00 to 57.50. AT 85c A GRAB. A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS. . AH our K" -fiiiuou- AltMltt It SUITS . SimI. in, In. ling Ihe KI.AII ..ml all two- Miut suits in lo k. 25 Per Cent Off STOCKINGS ST. MAIlii UKTS Pino Wool (iiiH.le in Knghitii! Storking. Ii.miMo kllco Mild diaiiliiii.l 'lit i. I teg. S,g5 Hp. Going at 75c Per Pair Shirts Waists,. SHIRTS mid hi To go at G5c d. Hoys' MEN'S SUITS SS .Men's Smls -Those suits re wdl tailored in Tweed-. ..r-loi, and I'nv Serges. Siaes :t0- i ;'.. Hog, price $97.00. Going at $10.45 U. Men's Suit -Tweed- and Worsteds, in Young Moi.' Slvlo. Hog. prioe !;i:.uo in $:i7. .".. Going at $10.95 UNDERWEAR ST. MAIUi MIKT's I'.ngli-li mKo Oi-luiM'ie Pure Wool I loiorvvenr. Wlion mi lake Im il of it von "Mill rcalii its vveiiring ipuilitii's. 25 Per Cent Off HATS AND CAPS All H"v-' Cap- im tin- -lore. Ilegiilio V.tlne- to V.lO'. Going at G5c Vlour Hat H k ".' " and .5. Going at $1.45 OVERCOATS llovs' llcavv i ii 1 . i- Own out. , l.oll- mid -I. rni roll.. - Hi-ft up lo 2'..Oo Going at $11.45 MEN'S OVERCOATS AH our J ii.OO .ml '. ', ".I lwivo..l v lalo-l iiimlels. :l pic. Hol, Slorni Col j.r-. ll Wn.il. in lie.iolilnl ili-ii, i..l,cil lii.i'k. Going at $24.95 WATCH FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS IN THIS PAPER FOR SENSATIONAL THIS IS A STRICTLY CASH SALE - NO EXCHANGES. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BARGAINS Importers THIRD AVENUE Im P. linen Co. at Prince lli.-i ""rr ""l"ri wn" " pert this foil, says the OmhW "p r""1 llernld. Tho best results were ,,t "' m"rw,M f'-!' s.H-iire.1 us animals Jusl off ft,! grass do md stand a trip so well as those Hint have been properly1 ooiiHt m kf lr. ml n.. h I. , finished on K' Kelt rn l. I Piuwit if l-r Iir V!nl'' ,.! rll; Il In n r Ullil) a uii I CorfUl ItKHtlrlti." TW "PHparlli Im l-n ,,n ihe mr 1 - , ! rr llm rl t ym; iiMiiiirai'lnnit imlr lr The T. Vllllmni t .. . l.lrniixit T.irilMKl, Out. if Iho beef in Hot. ; I . .. . . . I lilts fav I lie Itosl ., lAK LOADS OF CATTLE ' nt l'"les. Thy oiii i , ; niier and Itellei m "V. T "h,.." ""i AnlmaU From Interior Being 1 "".'.i''1 '!r "I"1 ' l.ini.! l. l.f.iHhlll.. aniti ".rallU in Hm Ink.'- snippea nero ror uoci Market "Hy well roHii, hi Hturiia buyor will ).. Hulkley, Valley. Mf country hav) l.oon sent;"'?' "infT .-an- The ipialilvl Advertise in Hie V' Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opomtlno Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floitlnfl Dry Dock Englm.eri, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pttr" makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINO. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38