Muuuuy, Ia.oui.Ut 8, 19.' 1 CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE KIDDIES POLL CARRIAGES ' CHAIRS AND ROCKERS Wituil Willi icullierctle hood Wicker $4.50 $4.00 and $0.00 Wood $4.50 Mi-nil cii'iliiclcd grey or ivnry ; $7.90 and $9.00 Seagrass Chairs ... .. $3.00 II i.nly, Urge Doll Cab, miIIhI.1i. fc llorkers S3 50 lioml, cream finlKh, rvrililc gear Chilil' 'ay Ke,l Ji 'fib ami Two anil rubber lire $15.75 Hied mill Hilvi-r Flier SloiKh ChHirs l,ni'',f,, or vari.i-h.-.l C5c to $3.50 $4.00 JUST ARRIVEDA SHIPMENT OF SEA GRASS CHAIRS AND ROCKERS SELLINQ AT A SPECIAL PRICE PHONE 123 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert I J I. Hell, li. II l ierniin, A. I CainiilH'll, Y. .1. Henry and H. I, I.andu, Vancouver; Mr. anil Mr- J K I n..l, Terrace; (1. It. ., llall HKer. Central II Hooper, Dmhy I land ; C. William mill X. A. l r. Van- iii vcr. It I'miiiil, IImiiiIiHiik un.l P II Horner. C.X.H.; K. (t. ii..hill. I'rilli-e lienrire. ! "SI Uenryr Miltiuni f Prinee iwjp ha he-w pninlpl a nidge of I lie luveml" Court for "tie Prince lienrge electoral di- SHIPPEO LUMBER The Alaoka steamship liner Yukon Ul Meek loaile.l lliii.lllMI feel of oprui e ul I lie 'Keli hikjin $7.C5 each Barries HomeFurnishings 3RD AYE. AND 1ST ST. upruce mill for Hie south where ; Garden yesterday il will lie lraiiHliiipei In the; from a trip south. lMie Christum Tree, Dane Salvation Army Christoiae jfrw, Monday, December 22. lark Zarelll returned on the afternoon lit lime of the Canadian Xa-tional Railway's tranwonlinental and whUt drive, Wednesday., train the National he I ween Win-Itoremher lit, in MelroMile Uall. j iiiMn and Toronto ha lieen re-l.die .'itte. gentlemen , 2tWIduied from 12 hour to :t7 hours under a new schedule whirh wenl .Mr. Carl Cwart. who arrivrdlinlo effect yenterday. Thm llier in the ei I) ll week after upend-j now leaven Winnipeg at ri.3H in a lioli.Uy in the onth. pro-(p.m. and arrive at Toronto at reeled lo her home in ri!M7.2t an ln wh'imkI in.trnini.'. (leorae oi Satiinl.iy nifililV Irain. jVeilnnd, the train leave She 4 pent a few day here visit-jTornili al 8. IS p.m. and arrive in It Willi Mm. 1'. f. Itonin-y. lu.r- Wiwiijpoa- l Kr the eeond den Slrtl. iiK.riiinst. "MILLBANK THE QUALITY CIGARETTE 2535$ THE DAILY XF.W3 paot! runjE i Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Ilayncrs, Undertakers, IMione 351 You'll like our coal! Coal Co. 1'hone 7- If The popular drink.,,rJUI,rtK.MK" Coffee. Save Urn coupon. If M. J. (J'Coiirmr of Juneau, who arrived in Ihe rily lal week, loft on Saturday nighl' I rain for Chicago on a hnliilay trip. P. S. Itoiuicy, district fnreuler, relumed, on fast nighl'M train from a I rip lo I lie interior. S. W. Taylor of W'illia. Man-son & (ionale made a week-end I rip In Terrace on business, Jock Tall returned on the Car- ih'iia yelrrday aflprnoou from a trip lo Vancouver anil Ailain Mackip, fisheries n-speclor, rl iirnoil from on the Cardena yesterday Judge Voting returned on last night train from Sinilhcr where hp Weill lo iirehle over i -e.inn of'the Coiinly Court. Dure more we can supnly the trillion Kion coal in any nuan- litiea. Phone 58. Prince Ituperl Perd Co. tf Mr. arhl Mrs. .1. K. Frol ar- rifl in lh rily from Terrace, on lat ninlit' train and are rcpin- lered at Ihe llolel Prince Ituperl $1.10.1)0 In priies. flue how long Ihe candle will burn. Con tent cloe lieeeinber 20 when candle will he lit. iepnil your coupons now.' Chritma Cheer. tf .lame McAleenan of Alice Arm relumed on Ihe. Cardena yesterday aflerniion from 'a two month' vacation trip which look him a far a California. Afler peiidiiiK a few day In the 'rily, he will proceed north. BELLE-CHARMEEN I one if Ihe new Knitted Knhri uilahle for street or evening wear 3fi inche In Mlack. Navy, firey, Sand. Xipfrer, Copen, and Deer, elc. Iteff. 3.50. PER YARD $2.95 West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. Harry Freeman of Ketchikan left on Saturday nteht'a train hound for Port Arthur on a holiday trTp. .lack McKechnie, Ihe Jotal con-Iraelor, relumed on Ihe Cardena yeerday aflernon from a hui-ne trip lo Vancouver and (Iscar Johnon wa hrouichl from Terrace by Ihe provincial police at night to erve thirty day in (he loeal jail for Mr. and Mr. Milton fjnniales. who have been,. soiilh on a holiday trip, are' expert ef home n Ihe steamer Prince. h"uert on W'edneMlay. ' Mi Mary Hughe, H.X., who ha been iiling for the past ix week on Vancouver Inland, relurned lo the rily on the Car dena yelerday afternoon. Ihe ll.t.. (ia?.i'lle announces thai' Henry Frv Mcl.eod of Prince Ituperl ha been appoiuletl stipendiary magiirale for tin counly of Priuco llupert and In exercie within Ihe counly Ihe jurisdiction conferred by the Small Hebl Acl. Union freighter Chilliwack Cap). C 11. 8mlh, arriviil in porl from Ihe south on Sal unlay night and, after unloading luin her at Ihe dry dock, proceeded to Ihe Albert A MeCalTery wh.n lo dUcharge 200 Inn of Van couver Nland coal and CiO Ion of cement. Tin vessel goes from here lo Alice Arm, Slewart and Hyiler with coal and, going out li, will load ore al Surf In let. Coastwise Sleainship A ltarge Co.'. steamer Anyox, Cant. Prince, arrived in purl al imon yeslerday wilh a cargo of nearl;, 100 Ions of coal for Ihe Prince Ituperl Coal Co. which i being unloaded at ll.T.P. wharf Xo. I The Anyox alo ha a seow loaded wilh coal which will he taken on lo .nyox. tne Anyox i en gaged in the ore carrying husi-ne between Stewart, Anyox and Tacoma and it i some lime sincej she made her last call at Prince llupert. Union steamer Cardena, dipt. A. R. Dickson, arrived from Van couver and wayporl at 8.30 yes terday afternoon and sailed al K for Slewarl, Anyox and Alice Arm. The vessel had considerable general freight for Prince Rupert and brought Ihe following passenger for Prince Bupert: C. William?, Jack McKechnie, .lock Tail, .lack Zarelli, James McAleenan, Adam Mackie, J.Jj Morris. Mr. Howard awl Mis! Mary Hughes; for Anyox Mrs. 2 II. H. Pickford, K. Cullily. It." I.ahilT and Mr. Holmes: for SlewJJ ail Mr. and Mr. W. H. Ander-'il sou. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hebekati llazaar, St. Ilonnis, December . Andrew's J jj Methodist Church llazaar, Dee- ember 1 1 jBaTTTT?T7JBB CATARRH ef Ih BLADDER Each Caoiute MIIIDUIC if'H M m f j "Bless Their Hearts They Never Forget!" Anuinil this lime every member nf Hie family tnnkp out n 111 of friend. N one tniit he forgoUen lo make you feel pmliarrased when Iheir gift arrives. Therp an- so many In Iip rniisiilpreil, for inliuice: The (?irl ill Hie Clilli," the "Hoy at School," and the "Relations," heide Hi" lotipr lit Mother and . Dad make! Appropriate ftitl lhat will he welcomed with delight can lie procured nt BULGER & CAMERON Thi- ad. lo Miss liorolhy Lungias heeu judged best. Heveral others to he published lafer. CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS IN CLUB BAGS AND VALISES AT SPECIAL L0V PRICES BEST STOCK OF TRAVELLING BAGS IN THE CITY. LADIES' SHOES High, Oxford and Strap in Patent Leather and Vici Kid. All sizes. From $7.25 down to $3.50 per pair Kvery pair i a rpal genuine tiargain and you will he pleased when you see them. FLANNEL DRESSES IN LATEST STYLES From $11.00 down to $5.50. MRS. GRAHLMAN at SECOND AVENUE "The Family Shoe Store" 50 Pairs High Grade Shoos. Broken Lines or "INVICTUS" LIZCKIE, TETRAULT and ROYAL, Values to $11.00. SPECIAL $6.85 LADIES 50 Pairs Ladles' ONYX Pumps, Strap Pumps and Oxfords. Value to $10.50. . SPECIAL $7.85 Phone 357. niBia i;b Kai'B ibib ibii ebibsbim xbioxbis'eit.b: 1 :BXBXB.CBBB:CIi YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST IS FULL OF PROBLEMS Whit lo give, where to buy, and how to make your allowanco cover your list. Step tn today or phone for a copy of -GIFTS- This beautifully Illustrated book, filled with welcome suggestions, will solve every perplexing problem and point the way to satisfaction with economy. "IT'S FREE You'll be glad to have U" ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. & Sixth SL Phones 82 and 200 tmn ifcwtnUrfitiU B.:BiinBiKBiBB:ilBr;;jB-iBitB.::B3BJ:,B3,B3mBSBfi