~ PHONE 748 FOR L CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER BLACKWOOD on | John F. L. Hughes, D.C. Ii NDY Mag DEADLINE FOR CL ADVARTISING 4:30 PM. DAY PREV Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 HO) : SERV 4 Coe ; Eves.: by appointment only - _ ; —— ha : f 21 - 23 Besner Block cone Classified Rates CARS FOR SALE Pata Pa aoa eatetatetetatete tate te tate” des. e i C e I]7 3 hi phone Blue. 442 GENERAL CONTR Vlosure time 4:30 p.m ay pre FOR SALE 1938 dan CFPR IC TAl ' d eho, PO : a a : aes (Subject te Change) 7 By EASLEY BLACK 00 ¢ SCOTT McLAREN ROOFS City ee, Ce eee oT BED << : ce ' ‘ on sf i ; a a OIL BURN ee Old Time” Signals Not Good Enough Today Ci en a 4 665 D 181; M Dal ’ as James Block 608-—-3rd Ave. W. PHONES ~ an! ae —— ir. Dale says th« » js getting too comp INES; On” BAkE. tl Aactin Bibi ce Sean « Mr, ale says U! an is getting com} Prince Rupert, B.C. | Sox 16 station wagon. Radio. 8000 6% ntinenta ated, too “refined,” too technical, In the 0 al / Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 })| miles guaranteed mileage. °~” * ai Variet sot i yt ‘ Phone Blue 897. 18¢ oo et he Says) when your him to cont } pia! a a a bot ts ~, FOR YOUR ROCK neart you couid spare. lf YOU Walivens iitt - AND CONCRETE WORK aR ee cess saws |} SAUNDERS BROS. gh. And yet éot# am? ; i nat ai We Pour Ceinent For Less Phone Blue 939 This advertisement is not published oF dispisyed by | the Liquer Control Board a by the Government | al band Coton ++ | PRECISION SAW FILING, MATTSO) Lawn Mowers Sharpened UPHOLST apg ce Re | USED CARS | | Slat Rie Wi” TES a : 7 Phone 909 cased the si co ee Al CERTIFIED | P.O. Box 721 It appe< ao G 2 1951 Fore Forder Lovely got metaik Heate! i oniy OJt ‘ee that. she wv D—A ' 1949 Plymouth Sedan—Smart BEAUTY SHOP un ad llow depth sideration. |11-31 3 e Period ; fenty of entries on t i two-tone, Nice Permanent Waving ~~ FUNERAL NOTICE Phone Blue 408 179) |1133 i. If one those ent " Nort Ea family cat $1575 Beuuty Culture in all REAL ESTATE &] ‘5 iy it > P 1947 Hydramatie Olds— its branches Phone 96. E ie omnes $1325 ||] 204—4th Street | Phone 655 ce 1947 Ford poten t tru _ Neat as ; $1275 Mr. Cha ir it you 1 led. He i TRUCK BARGAINS ee 108 The Concert Hou want heart ntinued f 1erely requesting continuation || 1946 Fargo *-Ton Panel-— QUALITY REPAIRS LING THE if FOR RENT ‘30 Recor Hand Mr Keen got to work on the of that particular iit UNLESS Very serviceable For Downtrodden Heels : . LORHSY i In an effort to send that jt j ke vevond a doubt, tl mit £795 || and Wurn Soles FOR RENT 3:15 Waltz T suggest your eareful con- Tailoring - J about the ideration of one of ignal, he read the)! _— used cars or trucks ' a Shipping and General PORTRAM as a requ ete Aho ing f | Moving, Packing, Crating | Films Developed ; id the higher of the other tw | C ta r b p k ltd. _ Cartage and Storage i PROMPT § t e returne "HAN A'S Statue of Author hain Se i ots an t 0 ar er Complete, Reliable and Effi- || ee os a . corm —_ )—Effor are|~" ei Phone 93 216 1 Stre ° cient Service. Also agents for |) Phone Gres een won with the acé Find Saucers ; Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd, |} Prince Ru yund ot trumps ashed for Oxygen, Acetylene and all |) and king of clubs and) WasHINGTON (AP) — Radar welding supplies our | Train Sche LINDSAY’S CARTAGE STANDARDS & STORAGE LIMITED |For the East— Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Daily excey Est. 2910, Phones 60 and 68 ||From the Fas the finest natu: harbor a ie aaa ae . ence signai wey hine Shop 187) | the worid “it One a uoce Tht | Af Summer Theatre ot: 2% c04,2 a» foul] SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS WANTED TO KENT it WANTED TO —— Untur- issued in the name of John Gurvi In Niagara = wertake them, Commodore Cafe FOR nan ORDERS PHONE 2H nished house. Blue 331. (178p) ° ee Mee, nos By ROD cu RRIE * Deel WANTED TO RENT—Four room |‘ f one month from «1 TORONTO—A s theat GEORGE DAWES BROADWAY CAFE house, unfurnished. Green 821. ;. : ? wikionel ‘Certificate ' ¢| with ar mtermeational lavor ha AUCTIONEER ee (177 ‘p? Title in lieu of said lost rt at prung up at Niagara Fa Ont rung at} are alls, Or Phone Green 810 and Red 127 |) WANTED TO RENT—Furnished ect ; n be the meantime valid ob-| [ts producer, Maude Franchot | ° or unfurnished house, close to ~ > it the Land Registry of-|0f Niagara Falls, N.Y., declared JOHN H WRATH town >hone Blue 703. (182p) nies rin Ruper 3 this 2ist| neither hot , WANTED TO I / will disturb her plans for its and | a RENT — Three- Papert: Pulton : Ee " ‘ : Photo Finis i CARRIERS wanted—Down- room unfurnished suite by Acting Deputy Registrar of Title sip p : Pp. | \ ite. Phone 0 ot ouple with no children. Phone (1982) Mrs, Franchot, who inciden- uinese shes é en 767 175 Red 411 (179p) ally aunt ff movie-star : : ‘ . " IN THE SUPREME COURT Ot ranc} Tons ‘offs at the Chop Suey - Chow Mein HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED TO RENT—Furnished BRITISH COLUMBIA a nome " a ment. Married couple, no IN PROBATE eid hai : ; : Open 6 pan. « 3:30 a.m, c | hildren. Box 451, Daily News. 'N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Actol 1e said in an in- Prompt Service e EXPOSURI : ; (1178p) —<—. ro ee e You Know AMATEUR SU MALE, FEMALE HELP WANTED as TAKE NOTICE that by Order of| Pp eS SBE John Bul Ltd i oy c on te : -eople stayed home te see wieger z » Green 13 ; His 10ur Judge W iltor Phone Green 18 WANTE D Experienced ee: AEST, 4 Beal ARE male on goth day of June, 19)2 ul no and movies, but HOLLYWOOD CAFE Phone 174 Third Avenue ie aimer vee he itYPOR Le ay was a f MAAR rat tt vey still turned out fer dive lie 54 * vor R Anter thai i i] ail Seat htt ¢ Aer bts wil : fhe eatat® off ; " iside : . | r air: : sibility of we ta — on|” ‘bedrooms. Reasonably pelaed | “th e will of the. est# eatie bel i) Bor Ow side Orders Phorfe 133 | pairs’ and a if itable. Apply Terms arranged. 642 8th Ave. 4 t aving ‘ ateed PS > | ; rintendent East. Red 900 (181) the said estate at imei Pee | § ith & Eki ltd Indian Hospital 4 : ete {furnish same, properly verified ‘ As for the hot air—an air mi Ins B.C 177) | FOR SALE—S i Six room residence, nee Rupert sth A West’ Th hed me ui oO pei > tt sist y of on arte ning system ne has Popular Steamer | P.O. Box 274 Make Your Wa least 441 5th Ave est. ree bed- | August, 1952, after which cl file iy n t ‘ond hae te q j fe ed TRAINED Men Win—Write In- room full concrete basement paid without OL eee ae the Collegiate ae i ternational rrespondence Hot 7 ; j . . . 4 then had toriun has Olved that hot- i Y er 4 water heating. Copper #® 6 + - hen had no| YF) ve — 1 g: Pp R p it P g M aN & SOM, Oe 562, Prince Ru- tank and plumbing. Fireplace. | *"0Wscee Se eee ipa rince u e 7p ene, rintin atter y _ bert or 1419 East 6th (188) Phone Blue 408. 270) 1. ov caeek to doves - A small woman with a golden SAILS FOR P, t f LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE—Two industrial lots,| of, ‘© imdebtedness 1 nee a ee 8 or art 0 Riis 7 - h 4h nk . mother “the same age as this LOST—Lock gas tank cover and £8 and 49, Block 17, Beetion 1. : ? . (All Times Day! &. Next to Imperial Machine DATED Seas July, te2, | century Vancouver VACATIONISTS! Your Business vANcoum set of keys, July 27, between ti ia thd ARTHUR BRUCE BROWN She lives in a 23-room Georg- | . | 5 Midland Pines ‘and Telegraph Works Apply Standard Ma- Administrator with the will}, ome ves in a 26-room Georg.) . ator | and Vict Bere rege : eo chine Shop. (187) ; annexed of the éstate of ian mansion which she says is and Intermediate Ports : cUuNDAT Point. Please phone Green 482. pas nner ence ‘Williain Sawa filled constantly with theatre | Did it ever occur to you that (1tp)|FOR SALE— Five room house, | deceased > ‘ i 20 : nosun § ‘ euenga 40. inte ae fant sec folk, either dancers going Each Thursday A Good Place to Stop you need distinctive printed ss. ( on LOST—Bunch of keys in black| a ae ea : . Se ieonee tous rt, BC through routines on the lawn at 11:15 p.m. matter for your particular case at Salt Lake, Sunday] pj hing. 1 : | +c yoitiaml : 9 30.A5.6-1 nusicians actisir » siness? 85 Coqune afternoon. Please phone Blue Ss y, hunting, church, (J29,30,A5,6-p) or musicians practising, on the For KETCHIKAN 244 Miles te business | ar st ao ee pho ait school, post office, five min-|~—___—_ — | front porch WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT | i PoRT sw _ 19 (177) utes. On main road. Cheap.|. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN That has been mi : \] Friday, Camosund Ss : abr . y -an- Blue 773. 1228 Park Ave. (188)|Here is your opportunity to) the i} Fric al age A Aggy : ‘Duffy. Sei | learn a trade, take a business | theatre opened last season. And FOR nowt Spence & Matiuk (178p) WAN % a course and have steady, secure} 216 has Manmade to ‘ing up an For Reservations Type faces give you this |]) CHARLOTTE — eee ; NTED employment in the RCAF.\; osing list of acting sakes Write or Call |] outstanding distinctiveness— July 30, Aus FOR SALE BUSINESS WOMAN requires gc- ero MEN can train as radio tech-| 5. noth sides of the | CITY OR DEPOT || and these can be supplied by SS Coquitlam! : : -| commodation. Board or light| nicians, electrical technicians, |, 1 both sides of the border. | ‘OR SALE—Modern style Wil : , , . ‘inti uTas ai ate sorkers.. acc ska wien « : OFFICE our modern printing depart- FOR SO lis piano, like new. Present | Rouse keeping. Phone Sine 2 ean PRINCE RUPERT, | HO I FL — |] CHARLOTT listed price $850.00. Moving, | ne P Franchot Tone, ard if required 1060 1 FOR RENT — For if desired PERSONAL 4 ‘i air nor television HELP WANTED—MALE ] The Reliable and Optometrist |]. DEVELOPING, ENLARGE her life since ‘ ‘ e ‘ “ : . Co Servi } Niagara falls summer mfort and Service | ; isco curity operatives, etc. WOMEN; ~ . : Edward Ev- BC. will sell for $600.00 or nearest | WANTED — Boarding-places for| can train as radio operators,|erett Horton, Blanche Yurka, . " 8 23, #u offer. Cash. Phone Black 339 both men and women teach- teletype operators, photograh-| are among the stars who have , Telkwa, BC. Dibb Printin Co FRANK : ad (182p)! ers, also housekeeping rooms| ers, secretarial, accountants,| appeared with the resident com- CANA DIAN , Prince Rupe ‘BOATS FOR SALE ——{ anda furnished house will be} medical assistants, etc. For) pany which is composed chiefly f oe a | , Just a Nice Day’s Drive ; enue oti is required when school reopens.| ground crew trades, men must| of Canadians, oad ee o | AL ‘ on FOR SALE—18 ft. cabin boat,| Please call at the School; be 17 to 39 years of age with) Television, says Mrs. Franchot, fs 10 H.P. engine lectric start Board office or phone Red | Grade 8 education or better.) qoecn't » # ae : ADVERTISING IN TH AILY NEWS BRINGS “ing. Ideal family boat. 9800 |° 442. (181)| Women must be 18 or 29 years i * apps ee ee spies Sa = et wane T. Norton Youngs, Phone 46 | of age with Grade 10 educa-|, oo yigin « 100 On 2 ee BLONDIE or 648 Be |WANTED — TOP MARKET) tion or better. Starting pay is vision show and then, poof. _- - . PRICES PAID for scrap iron,| equivalent to $150.00 per | They are out of work.’ fall || LOOK AT THAT CARS FOR SALE steel, brass, copper, lead, etc.| month while training. “If they strike a good play vy } |SHINE-- YOU CAN — ———| Honest grading. Prompt pay- For Air Crew, young that has a long run they can ore YOURSELF FOR SALE—1949 Ford, good | ; oe hee k roe ee IN MY < condition, two-tone. Price! ment made. Atlas Iron & 17 to 24 years of age with) ™ake a lot of money in a short ; ts $1400. Bob Parker Body Shop Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van-| junior matric on can train! time,” she said E Terms can be arranged. (182p) | couver, B.C. Phone PAcific| as Pilots, Naviga ors or Ra “Canadians,” Mrs. , Franchot C 6357. (tf)| Officers, receiving $250.00 per continued, “are the most sought FOR SALE—1949 Hillman, A-1)| enn N NNN month while training. g after actors in the English iti nf CASH for scrap brass, copper, For further particulars write |