i INDIGESTION Relieved in two minutes JO-TO MINIMUM CHARGE 75o CANADIAN LAUNDRf AND DRY CLEANERS tUth Avenue West Phont 8 to ihe cfgundni s Monday, 1 1, , , AGE SIX TlTK t AITT VRWJ If ., i GIVE HER A SAVAGE WRINGERLESS WASHER & DRYER If slie slaves over Hit' liaek-breakinp wash bonril, or olil style wringer washer, ml her washday tlrutlgeiA fur all time Willi the gift of the Wi'ingerless Savage. Cash Price $185.00; also sold on terms. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. IT IS NOT A QUESTION OF PROFITS BUT IT IS A QUESTION OF CASH OUR SALE OF MISSES' AND LADIES WINTER COATS IS CONTINUING Scores nf lovely Dresses on Sain in all the latest styles and materials, in-cluilins Ladies', Misses' ami (ills', from fi In 1 t years. A few Ladies' ami Children's Velvet and Volour Hals In exipiislte designs ami materials. To clear al less limn wholesale, prions. Don't lake our word for it Inil look around for yourself ami tlmn romparn our values. BENT'S" Third Avenue HUMOR IS DANGEROUS IN NEWSPAPER-WORK Veteran Editor Made Bad Friends by Speaking Lightly of Wedding Kilmonlon Journal) j Newspapers are of Inn eritieiml on I lie uroiiiid dial in describlm: I fori ii in events. I hey always use Hie same lanjruatfe. Fault is 1 mini fremienlly fouml with theicnuse .manner in which they handloloarlh are not situated al the ! . .... .. I I t I I - . .1 .. ; wciiuinjis. i ncy are tpiue scions of this weakness lull 'Usually very difficult lo nvcr-! come it. The oilier day a vel-;eran editor. H. I-'. Oardincr, lonjj ' associated with the llamillon Times, died and a former member of his staff recalled an inci 1 1 1 1 iu 1 1 , 1. 1 ii. , is ai VAGARIES OF THE COMPASS Changes Direction From Year to Year and Acts Erratic The mnsnelie compass has been used for more than 000 years and today is more widely employed than ever before; by miners nndcrpround, by explnr om, travellers, hunters, trapper?. iirospeelors. pioneers, timber rruiaers and others overland; by navijralnrs on Ihe seas, and by airmen Jii?h above Ihe earth With this small, delicate, restless instrument they are enabled to tell direction. Yet contrary In popular belief Hie inajrnnlie com pass iloes not point due norlh, but. more or less eastward or westward of il al different places. M Halifax il points twnnly.two degrees west of norlh, al Vancouver twenty-five degree east ttf norlh, while al Fori Mcl'lmr-son on Ihe Mackenzie river within I ho Arctic circle it point forty-four degrees east of norlh Scientists stale Dial this Is be. Ihe inairnelir poles-of th rnn-!gengraphial poles as hown o it is'our maps of the world. Changes from Year to Year The problem of Ihe conipas i (still further complicated by the fact that il changes its direction 'from year to year: if march lo lllin . I ... I f.Ai. tii.mt i'.,i.a 111 . -1 .1 1 (I ! IIMlll,. J...'". dent in this journalistic career jllien turns backward ami niarcli-which illustrates this point. Hc.cs-lo Hie eastward, etc. More-I liked originality and on one or-inver, its very ronfusin? hehav-;casion undertook lo write an ac.-jiour is iiuile dtlferenl in different , count of Ihe wedding nf th places. Whether thl is caused daughter of a clerical friend of by a shifting of the matrnelic bis. which would not he open to poles, by changes vvilhin Iho such criticism. A humorous vein(carlli itself, or by some influence was adopted, one nf the stale-! of Hie sun or planets, scientists men Is Ileitis thai the ceremony have nol yel been able to deler-wa performed by the bride's mine. father in order lo keep all lhe: In order that Hie compass may i money in the family." The read- be Used with reliance, therefore, ers enjoyed the wedding notice the dilTerent countries of Ihe preally. but for Tjinnths the edi- world carry out maynelic sur-: tor was never rrvopmhed on Ihe veys to measure its exact diree- slrnei by any of the participant linn, .ami supply the information j , in the happy event. to Ihe public in the form of i r r (magnetic maps. Owing to the v n i,i.. .v.....n ,i. cnmu uai sniiiins oi marcn oi hp v.i p.,.i,.... t i.i i, i the nie ronton.. compass, as n i llhe Savoy Hotel. Anyone .iwishhis worK wnmpiis1ic.i I i n f nm .1 I lti rrn.ii-.1inf. H.a IICHI l..iillj lll.l I till III 1MIIIIII- llll appoinlmenl. Wkv stay on the washday treadmill! No matter how long you travel on a treadmill, you never get anywhere. For the treadmill carries you back as fast as you move forward. It's much the same with, the weekly washday. You spend a day or more every week getting the clothes clean. Then the next week you go through the same thing all over again. Send your family bundle to us. Our prices are as moderate as our services are varied our work is always thorough, careful and reliable. Call us and step off the washduy treadmill forever. survey called, the by a mafr- woTlbl soon become lions are applied: so I tint Ibis march is measured al certain points and Ihe work corrected accordingly from lime lo time. Canadian Survey This information is particularly valuable in such a larye new country as Canada, and it is Iherefore, fnleresling lo nole Dial one of Hie largest magnetic I survey in me worm is iiemjr mailt' in Ibis country by Ihe ', Topographical Survey of Canada whose field parlies cover such wide areas on Iheir land surveys. The cost is very slight because these measurement take but a iniiiule or two ami are jrnade during the spare mnmenl in the land surveys. The inasrniliidc of Ihe work ac-eomplishi-d since jl commenced in 1880 is shown by the fact Ihal 'nearly 2(i,iiiio of I hose measure, i mollis have been made already land maps publishi'd. showing the resulU, for compass users. GETS THREE MONTHS Charles I'alriss, Indian, pleaded guilty In-fun- .indue Young at Siiiitln'i-s last Friday to a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses and was sentenced In fhree miliilhs with hard labor al Okalla I'rison. I'alriss is now al Smithers awaiting escort south with F. W. Jli'alon who was given is in on I Ii for wife In-ill inur. THE CORPORATION OF THI CITV PRINCE RUPEPT. T.UK .NOTir.K THAT: i in if, iiini- ak.iiK itm wnnl Mirllini nf Hays i:nvf i;iirl m rlioviii mi ihi ('lain aiwl pmniii ili-(HiKltri) In tti I if fir .f 111 City l:iiainr to a mim uhi trri miriti nf Hi i-i-iiir lln liitrsrilun nf Maya 1'iivn Cirri anil 7lli Avrnii. as a Inral liiiprivini'iit, ami Inli'iuH lo pruily an Hi run I nmn th lam! aim I linn ilirerlly tin tlm wink trpl mirli pnrlinn ur in rni as n inrnrrril ai firrri nnr-Frtlniis ami at nrhixil prnrwrtv. , .Th PMlmatFil nml nf ri work l J Jdii.dil. i.r u ,, IIMH.7I Is to Ii palil liy th .Tiirrxiin I Inn. ami tli tlinalril an nual apriai ri r rm rrnniairo M .7s. Tli lirla) awminrnl ' la tn Ii tal1 In (1 annual lnMlinnl, a l'rin rlflrlnr lo ptltlnn aralnl iindrrlaklnF lh work mutt do no on nr lie fine th r.ih day nt January, I0JS. e. r. jnrs, city riiT, Patwl tlil otn ut i.i Nnv,nlif, m;i. Adverlise In the Dally Jfews. The Santa Clans Headquarters COMMUNITY PLATE CORRECT SERVICE FOR THE TABLE We carry all the Community In the Adam Pattern Tudor Plate stocked in the Manuils Pattern HR SURE FFLT MEAN ! Irnl. f 'Ax (hid 1'ii.es in (lift HI Ideal Buffett Sets, rimlaiiiiiig '.'0 pieces Willi lliRow IfMn Stainless, or Hat IIhihIIc with I'lnUni HI aim. 20 Piece Leatherette Gate With Drawer PHONE 20 . 1 THE HOME FURNISHER NOT'O. ,,.,: take .tiiri:K nui ut miipr BUT .... MENDED HIS WAYSiX'nrM:::,: Raid a well known local man ihe olher day "JVell, Sir. lb'-meane.l feeling I ever had come over me was la si Christmas morning. I had passed up the Christmas card idea enlimy an t of course was deluged with all a lot or real Joy wonui nave, hpimi THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND I COMMERCE I CANADA I Ttndiri for Foondtllcnt i4 Tlmbr Dock OF to' Drain Eltitlor al Prliea Ruptrl, O. Sf;.VI.i:il THiiIrm fur til rmislriirlloii ol rimrrriK iihihIjiii.ii. i.i a iiiui.l j tiir, lih rrisKoieit pilr ami iiiulH-r ilnikj ami rri'imiili'il pit ruiiiuUliiHi fur Mtkl ur:ttu uui-i.lw.il . tilll lu rirllrii1 II I. Tlie Coiinrll nf I)m Cnrp latlmi i.f Itm'iilUKa uiilll iimm i.f I rhtay. JtniMr (1.1., i:iiy nf prim' liiiH'rt Inlands lo run- v. ( irnri a pavi'iufiii nrii-fii trr ln. run-: TimhIit Imiilit Ii snl Hi an Huniur. alallnir nf a inallrMii of IHnlier (ivrr uhlrli M-ali'il rnvrluii inarkisl "THulrrn lur. will Ii plat-fit a pavlnir rlvmir a ilTlh al . I'rlin lliis-rl Kli-valor luliiul.ili.ni. amti Ilk- rrnuii r tii liirlii- nf j lilrri-1 In Tlw lipputv Mllillr, I" hn.ien nun ami awt, mi I hat imrtlnn nfl parlim-til nf Trail t I'mnnirrr, inlaw."! day ' ovi- I Irrle l-i.lnliif nriiiK fri.ln a ImiIiiI. a lump lii li-iiilrr fur Hi wink l il i mlit ft-t-t simlh nf Hi, tin i r line Inter ,i-l'in nf ."iili Avenui- anil lliiya i:ov An arrrpli-il lunik rly iu fur Tm: TIhiiiiiiI Imliars (ii.iiiih.iiiIi nuil ay alii to lh Mlnilr nf Trail k I isiiinrr. inn. I ai-riiiniuny rrti Irmli-r. hull nin will Ii rc.ffHtiil If lh party trmlprlnr ilnlnii'i to t-iurr liit" a I'mitrart fur tin' work mi th ti-nnc tlil lit lil i'inlr. Th rlirilu nf niiiiiiirul lMiilrr 1ll ti rliiriiiil. Tli i-hoipi nf lh lirra-fill lnt1r-r will In- rt-lalnil a tillv fur Hi (In fiilillim-iit nf lh rimtrii'l lo Ii cnu-rril Into, nr rliripi liny h r plnrrit with riiuivalMit pnr value nr Imml nl Hi liiiiMliiu.n nf iliiin.U. fln, ir(ralliiiwl tml all n,rri' Inforiiiaiion ririnltiia Hi iirnisiil niuk inav i ntiMHiril frisn i:, t". il'i k riin-pany, roii.uliinir r.nlnrr. Vhaln linlM Inr. port Arthur, Oniarlq prruilt nr firtv hollar (isn.fifi, i rM'iliTt for iilmi n1 iprririritlnn. dfpnMt to t rdurni'il no rrliirn nf r.ians anit pi'lflratlnn In roml iMimliilnii. Tlw bivr nr any ln1r llt ""t ""' rllT tin 1,'irnlefl. By iM(r. f f! T OIIUI. lirnutr Mlnl'irr jOiuwi, .ioTimbr JTtt. 1M4. isH Hi Ftraril lutlt I n wini n I rrrii tlx. I.Milwr tllur I.. Wiim l.irn Yf.r IIPI irns' ( I1IH wmn hmmiti" rl ittolms, vu il' 'Ifr Uiy UfKMflr" rr.MI' nil Hoy.' -JK r iai'. 'Hrnwnifi Nil. I." 11111 Ihr Ml tb Mini Mil Mininir Iiiviii. un IHMiirl. I'mvinrr ut Mriuh i:Mmi4i Visa Ui ninMrtlrl Mirh imirri' HlK r IMr-u im) In- rranuiir mm mpi' Mnr tor tn lrUMiiliiifi im M,wr IraiO IIik Ounfwar'i Mini iliiair ah Vbam Hlm In III roumt orls of lovely Christmas jirt- ; J"' "r, 'Jrl w Raum-ings from relatives and old' tllll fngtnmr tn vnm. a c. tin friends. And there, I hadn't sent " ' """"xViKv iwmvu. out a sinslc one. I. thought then vi tor Rnfiwi if everyone bad been like myself, " AdvepHse In tie daily 'ews. For the U1U SUV 1 ,,3 QuA UirlMII UUn4 Ln OUUkl. . O'tirkl ! Prwc Hupf Tki .tullri- IMI I, mwl smb nil MtMii. Ill . nrriipsium (ishrrmt. m ' usmI i M'D t"f MrmlMiii lo Ih rolluKinr ftrarrlhPit IsimI: ImmtcshiIK 1' I il un In ur ih iuIImI 'inr uf r..il w.mhi KIinI. ! IImhm t rMin I" hi i.oia knin." "TtM tlr tiMti: IMM lullnin low !! Hint HiiHf" MHl.Hitik I I l.fltiMUfi dlrrO. ill ' VII mUA'-. lylUt Mil HM i. HWM (I UHltf. Innw -ui ir Tskii rm Ii vrii J -Imum. tVnn- vmi Iwrly rttin 1 1 lull Hi al rSMnnrililil n itiiMMr Ik acr liiwr or ,. iAMlU UMI'OHN. AH'HrMt. pli rt. vih' ir fiimlr TENDERS W3NTED j lt 1 rm'rn tthtri4d in th ilr llltl lIHl H lurwd f.rt III "l.tMSinirlKlM ml Hiwpiiwnt f on 1 1 r rnl ttA Mi4i ' Munn" ill Ii frliil ip U N e 'Vnrrintirr 9lli. Ittl. I"ln. jit'irirliui (ml form l lmii Ins). I deteriiiined In mu that notice op cmcllation fr reserve mi li nluind l in irrir i tht nothing Christmas. I am going to pense sunshine on Hie morn" well as receive il." i ' 1 . I. .L . I.. . , I .... ...I . II ihlj - " i.niri rnr'ivr, , i i.i, ,w in,i.., , Ol I lie snri hi (...iid i urs nils Mil vnm II I i Is IIP.Mf iimiiv hV nivim OIVKN. ikmi Hull th ilw Hi lr. iVmri irt lliuis. V'nrair. llv ilis- rr rmrrrllir Itrtj t Ui AM. "glad rrllni Your nrivnle greelinu eard can liruiirnt r Umi be selected al ltos, tlowiin iV.. Vniniii .r itoh. I.alla's, Fourth SI., from our wide: rahgif .41 . iiifiderale ."cosl, arpl cards will be printed on day of order. Phone '.Ml. OEM H "IAHI1. ItofHitr Hi ii'lr nf Land m. IM.liirl l'orsir. m 'lMMil nf 110 mturli MMtwri. m i l Old and Young KITCHEN CABINETS We Have Just Received a New Stock of Kitchen Cbm.ii ut prices from $45,000 to $05.00 The are Ihe miwil useful iie-s ( i (mi he miI in a home. They put )tHi m 'i SPECIAL 9 Piece Dining Room Suit. Solid Two Tone Oak -, $238.50 Ladlet Swits und Irith Linen Handkrrchieft la Tanc; Gift Boxes, from C5c to J1.25 per ho. OUR TOYS AND FANCY GOODS v are all on dltplay and w Invite your ImpecUon. ' We will put atlde any oitlcle and deliver when requtdtd GEORGE D. TITE Will I" rrtnll i "w.lnl Irmlr on lh rrlqni irf nliH .ml .i-irirU.4i Mini. in i i T m1 or tut inf iw ii imm wssi urllV rilil II n h rfsir VIMsIr mi a Ml IIH VMT lMri dverllse In the (Mil Ne P.O. COX 1647 TIMBER SALE X SIJI Slrl t.li.J, Mmi.lir Mf jtt llMIt msi ..11 IV?., I... i. , i ut V " - IHl Ill-lilt" k I W it. nW , , I'UlHl' UHl I ' l" n Hi ..f tii.il.. c IlillUri niii It. Vlriiri. n I- Bli i U ft TIMDER SALE X 6110. it:., fis it i ' ' 111 llll .JI i '" . Il tilt." . '.Il ill I fllll. IIHS'll II , T'i 1 I'j ' llm i f iiihIh i l'urllir i'i" I lf VlrtmU I Priori- Mhi-i i Great for a 7?ie GIN you will ask for cuain The J'urlly Simula il l or Over Yeats, m I iiii Tin ad er'i eiiienl i nut iubsieil nr ilifplnjeil hv Ihe I.Kjiior (iniiliul Hi"inl ,y meat of llrili Ii C.oiti tn hia. Ihe I III