prttmbw 8, 1924. Xhe Best Tea earns the fjreatcst snle. WEEKT THEATRE Monilay and Tuesday 'I..'' I1 1 "'i'"" ... Hi in "A s, ( )v .i kutll.' ( . 1 1 New. Wednesday and Thursday ' t ! I .1:1 Si , S' M OlIIK-lly r-' MiM'li." 1 i V V - lnii'He. Friday and Saturday St. a -imi In "Miiii- Otity INSWVDUST TRAIL Trlllr. Comedy and fnjlodrama Combined In one WeiUrn Play - IM-Wi'-I i-i!llli- U.J Hi i'l .III," Wllli'll I-lit- I'IKtM .. . 23. ily June. Beta It regarded by having the largest sale in North America. Have you tried it? Movies and Movie Peopli 1" U"' li Itayimiml Sell- ' " K lllllj 1 1 J 1 1 1-I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I- I l two rxclusivr ffcimrc ihc AllAWxJ Oval Horn nd the Ultotu. The)- arc the Key principles of the noted Hrumwiclc Method of Reproduction. The AIIA'ool Oval Horn (milt entirely of wood-amplifies the tone of any record in full harmony with the Uws of acoustics. No natal twang. No metallic harshness. The true, rich, natural tone of instrument and voice. And the Llltona rivm yotJ unrcsirictrd choice of rrcordi vith-wit fuuy attachmenti or atljmtmmti. A tw it of the w nt Rives yi the exact point, rnwition and cij;ht f" any type of record. In the' Hnmvwick you have a phonograph that p!a-s every male of record ixrfittly and whose heauty of deMRn, work-maiuhip and finish is a real credit to your home. MCRAE BROS. WALKER'S MUSIC STORE Iht Sign oJfiisiail Tresiigt t a 1 m M FHOpGUAIMlS HliCOUDS RADIO LAS ill- l ed loll of KdWattl SrdWlck. II -relate tin- u.hfiiluii'. of a re.J- blooded youth who stayed in college seven year. .craue he knew gj. a Kradualinu present In- IhIImt wa -nunt to ivc him a job in lii iron foundry atnl he haled iron. Hp wa used to IMMiJiim jtold plenty of it. 1 j The M gels a job in a "wil.l wi'-l" show and court calamity by iimkin? love to a notorious rowmrl who top the how and wImw moniker in "Calamity June.'' Thin wild west Imiw stiff in about f best of its i: , - Unseal, in kind converted to screen - .iiiik. lilertniiinicitt. j (hrillltur. 11 l,;i t"iy funny and carries a -lory .'liit i hiiiiiMii fillfil with drama. TTTTTTVTTTT l,lon lIlM'a illMU ttlirl' 11 Mil college chap hurkuroo. anij Jusle MAT flOCftrJ CCr?M !ciitewif i- well cnl as l-ilatii- 01 uidjjh jli.i GLORIA SWANSON TO BE SEEH IN MANHANDLED Trli McLean Whom Charactrrlzes Learns In the End That a Olrl Can Cheapen Herself ii.-llfp. fas' iu-Ihih ; ' rt-.i.-rn nielixirmiiB. UlorlH Swhiisoii ha done II "i Mure that ofT. r- HKain! In her ivw 1'arnlinninl i.i mneiit in .km'ihI oielu-e. "MMiiliandleil," enmina fir I In- week end. ha iiul mud her o :j, Vk il- PMtwnilu fi'iniaiiee on loi of c i'. Il.-t 'or Hie Su- her Ihn-e tut I. "'Ml.'' "'Hie - t ., I'..-1 and ula.l-. lliiiuiiitiix Hird" ami A Suclely Bcandal." "Manhandled" deals willi (lie problem, of jf,j , ,w York tin- xliop fill find them, ami Mi Kwaiimn, in tin! roll! of Tessis McLean, niiiM I In- whole paiuol of emotion, taking a whirl at being a sculptor UIOllcl, Hll'llllillJ,' SOIUC lime uo- Imk in a modiste shop all for llii" love of llii' clothes and a so-allcil yoinl linn'. Hut she learns In the end lhal tin? Iionf .1 love "f Jiiliniiy Hoyan, a lianl work-iim anlo mechanic, i far holler limn ilif temporary luxuries showered upon her by si'tilplnr.. uiarl limit store owners, until- isles anil riitarclle manufaclur- I'Ti. Dure more our lilorious (ilmla proves I hat ln- i-jiii iht more than jill wear clothes well. Xol only 'I he display the llawliinp ilratualir ability that so uiirix-il and ijrlijililnl her mlmircrif in Iht ire iiiii prtnliiet ion h. hul in "Miuilnunlli'il" 1ie IiIiih.iiiii mil a a riiiiu-ilii-iini' of first rank, line of the especially clever hilx of i-oini'ily iniilalioii she dues Mb Mi' iiielure is an iuiiersona-lion of a Kussian countess. She put- a l'.liailin Imirli iulo llii-cene l hat iiMiliuilili illy aihN new laurels to her screen ml fino-!al ions. COLOR OF EYES AS GUIDE TO DIRECTOR Barker Says In Broken Barriers hfl used Formula for Choosing Those to Represent Characters I II wh-ii'I Iti-iiinalil llarki-r who jfirsl -aid Dial "eye are I lie mir rors of Hie soul." lull Ins name is on Hie scroll of llio-.i- who have given litis optical iiiolaliuii their fulle-l elidiil'seiueiil. This fain-iiti- director, ill ratiiiit his tic-Mire-. oay a much allenlioii lo I In color of the eyes as he does in ri'iiiili'il acting uhilily. l-'or j ';imilc. in casting his tales' She 1 ii'hIiicIioii for the .Melro-I.ouio H. Mayer inlersl. "Ilrokcn Harriers," which is coming here lo-iii?hl, Mr. lUrker wh w itidcil hy he follow inn formula in onh'r to hrine to the screen the exae rltrclcrintioii: dark IHoc: ln!cne afferlion .md nurlly ttf ul. I.iaht Klue mid Clear: lam slancy, cheerfiillie!.. ?oo lein A IBM 4Z these CURTIN MUSIC CO. ----- FIFTH STREET Brunswick Agents in Prince Rupert i a r a , r r 'jp - sr myv h m wtm m m ntri B' i b Bit-'tBr tiraBr: r Ml R H BM THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE spell a passionaie tiuttirt. AN UNUSUAL EVENT SUIT SPECIALS All All W'imiI Tweed, regular .'t lllltlllll suck. Ik'g. (Ml. rm : $13.50 - (oMiiiiiic Knlisli Worried in a iical dark check paUern. licg, :t..o. KOI I SHIRTS .Siiitirl pallcrn-UAI.HH. .MADIIAS. and PJUXTS. Hca KOU $24.95 in $1.65 IIH.VVY WOVKN COIIDH, I'OIMdXtj ami CltHPKS, Keg. ?:i..'ii). KOU $2.65 Alt Hie .v IIHOAIiCI.OTIIS ill I'laill mill fancy luules. Ueg. In !?.".."(), KOU NECKWEAR $3.95 An assortment l Silks. Ui-g. to l.;. KOU "Hul I find thai the color churl : holds (rue so far as acting isj concerneil thai people haviiitrj the eye tones I have lahulaleil p'ossess a peculiar ability to repisler the. moods and cmolloiis set opposite their typing in my book of experience." "llroken Harriers" is a screen version of Meredith Nicholson' novel. Dr. Martel't Female Pills nr tlttrd nttnr thonaand etMiUithilf century, comctiny hum, building up n4 trtni thanlnf oriani. rvli.rlnr DKLAYtn. and PAINKUI, MENSTRUATION. NER VOUSNESS. HACKACUK. DIZZINESS. t. nodtnrrrouadrun. Sold only In KMlrdMins;- Cover tl Tl N N BOX BOX with with our our iitur. iitur. Drui Druniitt Trrvwhr. or dirrrt ny miL rlaln tl 00 talctnVMltr .Jr C. , tl . Fnal Su, Mtiaia, vaa. t.maiar atu. aa iiiml in 75c Another loj io Pure imk. Ucj lo 2.tMl. . p. KOU D5c I HAVE DECIDED TO CLEAR OUT MY ENTIRE $15,000 STOCK OF CLOTHING FURNISHINGS SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND ALL XMAS GOODS IN A BIG YEAR END SALE. MY STOCK IS ALL NEW, CLEAN AND THE BEST QUALITY OF THE BEST MAKES PROCURABLE. EVERYTHING IS GOING ON SALE AT PRICES WHICH MEAN BIG SAVINGS TO THOSE WHO REQUIRE CLOTHES. NOTHING IS RESERVED. OUR USUAL EVERY DAY STOCK, AND SOLD WITH OUR USUAL GOOD SERYICE AND GUARANTEE. TH0R. JOHNSON granted ami up. possibly . DEMAND FOR LUXURIES Boi'dlnn Ge On Keeping Pooul-co Busy Mmv Incongruities. nri.tillADK. er. S. Hcl--'ivuli' is now vieina with Itui'har. 'si for the title of "Paris of the. ; Malkaiis." The city is belne i rapidly Irausformed from a jsleeov. niebtnelioly. unHrarlivo. provincial town lo somelhin like r i.ufopean cnpital. Its slor's ; are full of luxuries, jewels, rieh fur?, silks, liucerie. expensive j confections, iierfumes "mfd o- 'jmelics. Everybody seems, lo J have ample money lo buy these- i 'articles, A tide of prosperily is' intw fhwlujr Ihrotifrh the country. ' I j Making More Room. j . There Is nol sufficient rimiu in the cnpilal for the thousand I I of Slavs who want to come here, f''om pio united province. Sev : I OVERCOATS "IIOMACO" Gabardines. An All Wool Kuglili Goat, full cheek lined, Iteg. ii.."Hi. ruu $12.45 KXTUA SPECIAL A heavy All Wool check backed Winter Overcoat. Heg. i0.0O, $2955 MACKINAWS Fancy Checks, 32 oz. Wool, Ueg. $8.00. KOU "All $6.95 GAUSS Specials 12 oz. Cloth, the best coal made. Ueg. KOU CAPS A job lot of odils. 12.23. KOU $12.45 Ueg. to 95c Ueg. lo 2.73. These are all KOU $1.45 CASHMERE SOCKS The "Viking" make, genuine All Wool. Ueg. l.t)0. KOU 75c The above aro only a few of our GREAT VALUES. We also have ON SALE our complete stock of UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, HATS, SWEATERS, CHRISTMAS N E'JKWEAR of all kinds, etc. These will be listed in future advts. Watch for them. THOR. JOHNSON'S "SOCIETY BRAND STORE" Pale Blue with -Influx ::n.l COCn nilRORn PI FAHV ral tlinns;.!,.! new huildiufr.- arf unslca.lfast gaze: Poceil.' .Hli.,h- riCU UUDUTiLI T un.l. , ens. ructi,.,,. the Mreet nes. GU ITY ' AT TERRACEia,v boiust ",,av,;d- parks- ,ul,,,c lirav ami lircenisli tirny: 1m-' . ;qnares and an esplanade are i.ressiioiiihle.' mire-. ui.i u . jii.. ' l'Iinn"d. a nf w Hoyal .Palace and , , - . , t iuvv f w v y .fuiiHij wwhii' 1 lialtle. v ; Liquor and Sentence Is Re l.ifilil llrtiwu: l-ick of eon-; served Until Tuesday whillfv. C : tlispoitioii, efi-.hlies.s. hotel. T'lls "Please don') yel tbw Impres-'.iccusi-ii will a new I'aruainem dumoiiip arc uearins comjilet ion, the eon-"trueliou of a preal stadium i a .1,1. 11........ v.. ,.i... ' v..i ik., i i i.i. .:..!..: ,iiiiv ui cm!emitlaled, and the povcrn- lack of slneewly. .. Terrace hefon llusel ltrown: 'AITwIimmtc,! istralc 1 sweet, penile. ; day to is .ifforin? priies or 500.. Slip.'it,iarv Map-in"'"1 ' Dark llrnyi: Inleitse alTecl ion, sellin? Ihiimr. Ho asked that he lassionalc. he reinaniled for sentence so that Very Park llrown or I Hack: he niighl have a few days lo Extreme ardor in luyc. slraiynlen out his personal af- Iiidefiiiile Color: LtUe-s, cold fain and, if possible, sdl his was come sion thai, til orally. I J(,)6lU,ve Hie toniorrow. ror .sentence, color of eyes hlwnysifilrror the ! : r:l..::r '!:.1;r: !..";: boom in Belgrade . ... . isf,,"l. Ml- l.rillllll.l. "While, for examiile; tlark blue; eyes may mean purity of soul, in I many instances then are cases where, like dark brown eve, they! II is a city of strong contrasts. In the heart of the business, liankiiu' and $hopting sections the vi.tilor sees many peasants, hertlsmen and ltand-iuade farm carts drawn by the immemorial ox. Carrying Coffin. An American visitor was slart-iled to .e an arcd cx-oldier '. T Kennv 1 on SaHir-i0011 ' m,- f,-ae' - . e for II... the 'I... best .1 ....... plan f... for carryin? a coffin on liis back a eharft" o'f nnlawfiilly!"1' improvement and beautlfica-l lhrou?h the crowded shopping lion oi ine coy. ut-u ici ui iin- uupuai. ii w "Vim won't know Hel-.'iade in explained that the Serbian un? anolher five years," its citizens dertakers. made their delivvries of say proudly. "We shall have a coffins to their patrons in Ibis "anilal worthy of a nation of I fashion. S'uch incongruities aro I3.O0O.OOO people and a cily that constantly to bu seen in (be I i will attract Europeans.' I capital. ENSONS GOLDBN SYRUP A rrictid qftha Family A The syrup with the wonderful flavor, combining the wholesome and digestible characteristics of corn syrup, with the attractive flavor of the cane. Aik your Grocer for it THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED, UONTJIEAL Maim awif tOWAJtOSBURO SILVU. CI OSS STASCH CANADA CORN STARCH r tk t'i i