Marciano Crumples Matthews in Second pride of Brockton Earns Chance to Meet Walcott in September YORK (A) a Rocky Marciano | Harry Matthews, pride ¢@f the great North- two crunching left hooks to the jaw last! ht core a spectacular knockout win in 2:04 ‘ho second round at Yankee Stadium. a - Earning a September title T * oe * heavyweight champion Jersey Joe Walcott, the 27-year - gers nm a hace ‘pakeaioe : - 2 i anks 12-2 a r t Vetrol straight fights, umped Matthew fat on his back in his own cc: ner—almost in the lap of man- ager, ,Jack Hurley, with two vhaundering hooks By EDDY GILMOUR MOSCOW (AP)—With a smail staff the Canadian embassy ‘n Moscow manages to keep as ac- tive as any of the bigger diplo- matic establishments in the So- viet capital. This is another way of saying it turns out a iot of work. Its members keep in touch | with Soviet life as well as they) can. They read all the Russian publications available. They at- | tend all public functions and| circulate with other foreigners | here. . The Canadian embassy also is | in close touch with the British’ embassy and other British Com- monwealth missions here and maintains friendiy contacts with the Americans. | ‘clude garages, ‘Turns Out Lot of Work Canadian Embassy in Moscow Busy ‘rooms for a translator, etc. There is a small building at- | tached to the embassy property | housing army and air attaches, & military clerk, the small staff of stenographers. The military ,| attaches have their offices in ; His building also. | PRIVATE GROUNDS A high brick wall encloses the |embassy grounds which also in storerooms and 1a place where wood is cut and stored for. winter heating. A section of the backyard was lonce floored for a skating rink, but this wasn’t a great success and since then ice-minded Can- adians have done their skating at public places. They ski in nearby hills. The Canadian embassy han- dies a considerable amount of consular work, dealing with the Russians in connection with the settlement of estates, etc. of Russians who die in Canada and leave money to relatives in this country. Reports and interpretation of events and policies make up a | large proportion of the work of any embassy here and the Can- adian embassy is no exception. Unlike some Canadian eni- bassies abroad, the one in Mos- |cow is not required to spend jmuch time on folks Known a5 | “visiting firemen”—visitors from Canada—who expect to be | shown the piaces of interest and | entertained. | Not many Canadians come | this way these days. MAIN INDUSTRY | Lemon culture is the | industry ms in Sicily. main BASEBALL TONIGHT Postponed game of July 3rd i Commercial Hotel vs Abel & Odowes Ti :00 p.m. | : | | The 29-yearrold Matthews Young and personable Robert | from Seattle, unbeaten since A. D. Ford is the charge d’af-| AP Detroit. 1943, wore a bewildered ex- i faires and he is highly regard- iant~killing ee on his pain-drawn wi iin. “enepameets ai aes Ratt of the Royal jed by his coiicagues in the Basedaiu ace @s he went dow f Londoners l 1} i } ree > ~ ‘ i his head . inst th > me Fusiliers, in England for the first time in 30 years, but already under orders to proceed to oe — ———- rg fonday agains e ropes, age : ere : ; }not had an ambassador in resi- lapped down| . Weaving low in Jack Dempsey- Korea, They are shown passing the Lord Mayor's Mansion House. Fact that the battalion has | dence here since L. Dana Wil- vork Yankees Style attack, the pride of Brock been away 30 years does not mean individual soidsers have bee: ‘ that long as many have | gress immedietely after the war. wo looked dike be _—. a 4 ~ attack a. ave left the regiment during that time, but the battalion has been on foreign service | EXPERIENCED DIPLOMAT winners a me ee eae In Ford, however, Canada has five games| The scowling ugger, with a jan experienced diplomat nd a 12-2 yice- Mouth agape, brawny son of Pee - ‘ | ne who has had Sabai ae *e shoemaker beat a crushing at- T f Ol TH R j ta os ; rience in the USSR, serving ey ‘ ; tack on t ’ jaw t t ot per as , 8) 1e only ae tar ceaiiad sant a ranqui i y 0 ympics pse a$ i |a8 the principal lientenant ‘o| ROBERT A. D. FORD ames sched- ve an | Ambassador Wilgress ; ; * Matthews | — : +. + experienced diplomat we ns a y a sida & chet F | D .° . |. Entertaining and being enter-| yyy D, Ford, at byte dee 6-3. in a le heav reight division, 0 0 5 0 a t tained—as everyone knows—-is di ad: me Pe : . PP ape e ees Ww m : 7 * dian charge d’affairs in Mos- he American Which has — in - comotose $ eci i n in $ e a a e |an important function of a dip- cow. His suena by the Dodgers State since its great che ion : ; rs ea f ; \ ision to a Joe Louis, Pi it as th HELSINKI (€P)—The compar-|guayan players charged Farell; Two of Canada’s boxers pine. Dee aadiion 9 External Affairs Department | National sunset, now appears to be re-|@tive tranquility of the 1952) because of a decision and then’ peared in t-round competi. nae saat ae ne “t in January, 1951, was for his 2 stored to something resembling Olympic Games was broken to- a spectater rushed out and kick- I and wen eem™mers qualified for the 400-| Vancouver, bovh qualified in the jlarge §=two-storeyed, almost) ___ metre semi-final where Marciano had to prove if = T tt ree Vineet ntem Golf he could really fight, y Mhe “ “Ne on FO Nd. Vincent Now he finds he can hit a re ret of Newark, NJ scope ab boxer who was‘neither on the; “© ©2@ 01 & ed + WiKen ance won 68-66 burney down-grade nor too scared to Br pncelled fu Soe sy Although Matthews is a virtual Stranger to the east, he was held in considerable respect oy ; it W innounc-/| jocal experts. A year ago last . Robert Som-| March they saw him tie into Mountie inager, Can-| Sailor Bob Murphy, who was ii that the} flaming at the time, and hammer ° Park Lodge To-| out a wnanimous decision in one Retirin rname ched-| of the greatest fights seen here g August 31l-|in years sai te i : een cancel- a ‘aie ; OTTAWA (CP) Superintendent Although Matthews has had) yonn Le opoid, key feure in the more than 100 professional bouts, famous 1931 Communi t trials ment Mr he still is only 29 and is singular- gnq 1946 spy probe, is retiring la was ly es His impact on | the | fy the RCMP at the age of 62 avaliabie |) nationa scene was nil until a 2 > rtey y une cate of a| fee seaecte back 4s tone) tea ace ce ests for ment of tn st cy native Bo- & current sea- | hemian, y spent most of his mn the ‘cen- | Remember When life in secret anti-Communist z cnaal The advent of pari-mutue! n rk = ih cned + - e a facilities to betting at Saratoga race track ek ae renownet ountie 0 re concentra-| Saratoga Springs N.Y.. praned "His emia became a household ccurs during unpopular in the opening dey arid Se Sie cee ” , a of the season 12 years ago to-| Word in 1952 when aa capped a day. The total wicket Imndle | Years of we king underground in Totem Pole tro- was $262,526 the Communist movement as an in the fire undercover police agent by be- one has already coming the star crown witness nd the tourna- CHRISTIAN LEADER in the trials of eight Red leaders, ace in 1953 as Anencletus was the second intluding Tim Ruck, still Can- bishop of Rome ada’s No, 1 Communist @o.0 MEDAL + PARIS 7 Dietines os sendin + Oriyin at Realpe nai Cavablished Vim of Josep & Jdoun Vic eRe 2Cn ke yi ‘The Distillery, Fulhom PIE veunes ged Betiied = Bond yniter Direrm ment all Grevnians CORPORATION Umrree, Sess VICKERS’ LONDON ORY GIN 's Gistilied tm Canada and deteipated y Calvert cutttttine This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Peed Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. . ec everal Uru- * i Art Olson won his seventh|and Israel legations and the| Year, US game of the season, scattering| Chinese and American embas- | ten hits, walking four and strik-| sies. TORONTO €P)—The annus!!ing out 4. Harvey Deary gave} In the embassy are iocaied emigration of Canadian profes-|Up 13 runs on 11 hits, walking| the offices and residences of the Sional workers to the United eight and striking out 8. icharge d'affaires; the two sec- States is usually painted “black- For Firemen, Currie was the|retaries and their families: | er than it really is.” G. M. Mor- big hitter with three for five, in- | ————_____ — — ai 4 rison, chief of the executive and cluding a triple and two doubles professional division of the Na-, For COC 300 McDade and LATEST REPORT tional Employment Service, says,)Shamenski both collected three In an article in the current for five. , Ask your investment Dealer issue of Saturday Night, To- Wednesday ccc 300 will meet for the Latest Report ronto weekly, Mr ‘Morrison said. the league le padihy No, 1 at 7:30 only about 2700 of 10,000 Ca at Gyro Pa dians who annually emigrate to) FIREME N ABR the U.S. can be said to comé Sharpe 3.1 0 from the professional group Dallyn 4 2 1) After studying the official sd 5 2 3) border crossing figures for the eee £24 six years following July, 1945, “PMNs 3 4 2) he concluded that some 23,136 | C@tison 5 0 2! Canadians are admitted to the | Bill sh 4) United States on a permanent | Lewellyn $0 1) visa each year. More than 50/ Olson aa Ry per cent of these are dependent: ee ed ‘and when the number of Cana- | i 35 13 11 betas : i |. BOC 300 AB R H! dians who return to Canada is 7 | | considered, the Dominion loses MeDade 7 4 3| ‘only 9409 of its ‘trained citizens} Wagner .. 4 0 3| [im an average years. Shamenski - 0 3 Of this figure, only 2747 have Lepage 20 0 | occupations in the professional Deary eis |class. Authors, artists, college oe ‘1 : a| rotesaaiy musicians, teachers|>0™ ¥ ‘ ; bratians), daihd... social. “workers | Be nneit : “sy 0" constitute” $2 ‘percent ‘of the) SHTdael eT 4 lemigrants; nurses, 23 percent; “oe ons lengineers, eight percent; religi- : 04 22 35 at lous workers, dancers, chorus 7“-°™#en 004 222 3—13 11 6) } CCC 300 110 110 0O— 4 106 | preliminary of the 400- metre event. Ciesla boy Only 9,400 heat | girls, showmen and professiona! athletes, 15 percent; doctor | dentists, lawyers and clergymen 115 same Vemalouis _ Ambassador Scores Russ VANCOUVER (CP) Yugoslavia’s ambassador to Canada said hei his country would consider attack by Russia on any - tnet| nation as af attack on hersel! “We know what Raia. Russian policy are really like that Russia would not stop her| aggression by just attacking one| an dl and} country,” Rajko Djedmanovic}| said in an interview. He is here| on a visit, He said’ Yugoslavia would be Canada’s ally in any future war.) “Yugoslavia split with Soviet | Russia is a complete one and | will exist as long as Stalinisn:| rules that country . “Our government j is ‘a Commu- nist government but not in tho} Soviet sense of the word, Soviet Communism is Bolshevism, which is worse that Naziism, and has nothing whatever in com- mon with our Communistic ideas... “We will not be threatened by| Russia and we will resist any ag-| gression. We know the aims of | the Soviet Union are aggression | and world domination or they would not be arming our Soviet- Satellite neighbors as rapidly ... jas they are.” With 13-4 Win r Up Ladder jlarge school for Soviet boy: {Previously it was the Danish jiegation, and before that a pre- Firemen moved tw within 4] It is located in the Arbat sec- game of first place last night by|tion of Moscow fairly close to trouncing CCC 300 13-4. the Austrian, Danish, Finnish | square, cream-plastered building | |across a narrow street from a/ jrevolutionary Rtssian residence. |} MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. Prince Rupert, BC, 12, 18 or 24 Months to Pay vrince Kupert Datly News Teeny, saly », 1058 tioner, radio, spotlight, driven on U.S. roads. price for this model. Fall Price—Terms OWNER’S SPECIAL i941 American PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN—Air condi- Owner must sell. all but a few thousand miles Really a low ‘675 ‘48 DESOTO SEDAN, Fluid drive. Full price . 46 CHEVROLET SEDAN—F and defroster, seat covers, Full price ‘40 DODGE SEDAN heater and defroster. 49 CHEVROLET DELUXE § Heater and defroster. Full 47 DODGE Full price ‘42 CHEVROLET Full price ... fe ‘ . > in immaculate condition. (A Vaneouver car). Really clean. 144-TON PANEL—Fully recundatblened “ $4045 %4-"TON with 1 special body. COME IN OR PHONE 871—AT ANY TIME *1895 ully equipped with radio, heater “995 “725 1695 Radio, Full orice - EDAN—One owner. price .. *1185 Cheated Dogs BEXLEY, Kent, England @ i A black Persian kitty, back) arched and spitting, stood be-| fore 150 dogs here recently— | and nothing happened. Tres dogs, | undergoing obedience training, | didn’t budge ; Number of Times -... Dy App Gin Duatitiers te Late King George VI jwerey, Gordon & Co, Lid Gordons Stands Supreme TANQUERAY, GORDON & CO. LTD. 4 IV ooo os vc onan nhac cete ete OR aia wate ute eae Enclosed Please Find ...........- (yom (3c per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; cost, /5c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if box number required . «the largest gin distillers in the world (ite. ee ee ee Phond Mo .......... This Ravertisement 1s not published or displayed by the Liquor Contro! Board or by the Government of British Columbia. “ = = = <= oe ——=