rilv for the Dawes plan fur a Herman loan, ueciareu neuei u- v timi Die French proposals wilh minor alterations would pro- i.i.. i... .wwoniniiln In Mm rniiferHiire. One of lie rrencti pro- lilt I J v inwi'i'ii'iv ' - r . . . i i a aBa i. r..n i...m,i ,,r nr I, I m urn ptnnnwereil to make a .u"'OB,u, w"f"i uis i utiuM i"i ' .. b i. if .ii....ii.. i.,.n fir iimnttit fin uu iinri. in lit; iiiiiiiv. i tim-miniMi I llllUIIUII V.- . . w . . - - , .- the Ruhr in successive steps as securities are issued under ,,, the . i .. n,..t, l.i.l Tim hi I Im nrniiiuill II IS ttlll 'MMUHW tin in wi j'.wj- STERN M.P. PASSES AWAY . . m i m...iu nr Hie laie .nr. .uon issj, nun wan il,i.i-:il wn minislpr of oliHIiC ember of Royal Canadian Artll lory at Halifax Being Tried I ill iiMi rrt ( 11 rL luii t nl. Louis, I); Philadelphia, H American TMiiliiiintiiiiiii ( r.iiiviiiiiini.' r. ..v.j. , ., v.v , ... ...... w, lloslrm (! r.lilp V i.l. i...:i . I 'ev York -St. Loui. ruin. Tln French' proposals were ac- jollier on 'events. S the Happy turn of ihiimnn ann maiRK r 1 1 lii tt-t-t-t-t- - - - - - - Vacancy In commons. ) I 1 ,1 .1. July -.Hill II .urn. - . i ..i A Hji lliid iiiiiftiini Ilia llpulll km I fm fiflli vacancy In the ZANI MAKES CALL CONSTANTINOPLE THENCE TO ALEPPO CONSTANTINOPLE. July 31. -Major Zanni. the Ar- ircntiuo round the worm 11 MUM m .. lllllll. lll uiu ni was 07 years i age ami was , ...... . i..t .i:...i i.. II.. n I'l III' -.11 '...v.."r- - lilnlll. RTHOUAKE IN ENGLAND nsidoraoie Alarm iausou Mattby And Mine Is Temporarily Shut Down. OLDIERUPON In LONDON, July 31. A slight i tlupiake today created consid-in llii niiiiinir untiy iieiu Maltby and caused iciais or I lie .Manny main um-. n.,11 i ..,in. 1 III-II 1 ...II 111. ........ WJ' ...... I itliA ...1......J. fun .1 lllllll' IW I ,11 1vi llllliri.-i n't . lero were no casualties. It was llrsl belioved that the earth ...... .....I I.., nv mini's wpi ii Liiu.i u i'j ii osion In t lie colliery. . t MURDER CHARGE Mr. and Mrs. J. McPougall, nf this city, who recently purchased a ranch at Francois Lake, arc leaving this afternoon for-thai point where they will reside in future. F.nroule they, will stop olT a couple of days at Terrace, where 'I hey will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aiken. Preparations are being made at North Francois to bore for oil, an Edmonton outfit having staked n lot of laud there and already part or their machinery Is on the ground. Mr. McPougall's farm comes within the area and part of his fivoiierly is staked for oil. , FISH ARRIVALS Eight American Boats Sold 105, 000 Pounds at Exchango Canadian Trawler In Eii'ht American halibut boali sold catches totalling lor,onu pounds at the Fish Exchange this morning. The only umaniau ar rival of the day was the trawler n v. r,wii.r which brought in II VT.ll.VIV liilv 31 flnnriro 'Rfi.imn ooiinds for the Canadian iaikii iiiti uiiij r- ( . . . . 1- . it ! 1. 0. '..1.1 wliinnlTll I . 1 1 l II 1 II 1 1 IIT llin I V I 1 lllllll II 111 II A- I Ml IV .IIMII k'li'Uipv .... . .... I ..ii i l l.n VvMi nn rrrt HIIUJ VVtm U ULllI I'll HUH 11 V I V- i ly 17 LEAGUE BASEBALL National i ,i lie i ii ti ii 1 1 1 1 :i niwini M-i. Pillsburg, 0; New' York, 3. .... ...11 . cries Canadian Co. IJasleru Point, 5,000 lbs., at 13.5c nnd 8c. lo the Alliu Fisher- iesli , . .Yellowstone, 9,000 His., at 13Ic lind 7c; viflladys. 0,000 lbs.,; at 13'Jlc and 7o; and Senalor. 3r,in" lbs, al 12,5c nnif jic. lo IhCCan-adian Flsli, Cohl Storage Co; Tiillcum. 10.000 His., at 3.lo and 7c, and llaltlc, 19,000 lbs.? at 12.9c and 7c, to the Pacinc PUPILS PASS MUSIC EXAMS. Result Very Satisfactorily Moran For Students. Following are names, in order' of merit, of pupils of St. Jos- n..i,..i ....nnimmwlv hv Hip enm, cpn s AcaUPiuy, who passeil Mie initlee of I lie conference. At , examinations in music, at the close both French and liritsh Toronlo Conservatory of Music .lelesrales congratulated each e-viiiiiiiauoiih, uei.i m-re n-ti-mi, Primary Theory Harmony Honors, Miss Lorna Tile. Primary Theory Rudiments Honors, Mrs. I). A. 0. Moss; pass. i Misses Norma llngerx and Lucy O'llrien. Klenienlary Theory First Class Honors Miss Zorka Sulil- Missels HuUj Misses Klianne Knliprge, Agnes .Hoberge; Jatricla Hishop, Heat- U . . - . . ' I. - ;.linn Hill',! f If ill II ta'?:,.r. "nS oft o ic no Syria ' IM-We hoberge. ' C U lUlllH-l 1IWII. f,-. ... . :,..,.,, lli.. Miss Olive Cordon and Misses Evelyn Anderson, Wcsch, Healrice Horstman Violet McCutcheou. ELECTION OF recent provincial ele'Hon'. DITI1DW CI EfTMN Marie. Murphy Miss Hose Hutli Gillie. Primary School Piano Honors Miss Helen McCaffery; Pass ERANPftK I AWP Misses Marie Murphy, Ada Ruble, ritftNL-Ul.3 LrtlVL .rac., Ackryi' m ()live Munro. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDouqall Leav ing fop Their Farm Which Comes Within Staked Area. In troduclory Piano Honors Miss Jean Coulure; Pass Misses Margaret Mellior, Jean Co' breath. Katharine Watson. Mrf"" and PECK STANDS VlCTOItlA, July 31-Adopting Col. Peck's eleclii" I wilh Willi a ii ma jority of two vote The final count Wis as roliows:) Col. Peek, Conseifultve ... Dr. Macintosh, Pipvincial M. U, Jacks'i. i.i'erai ! Spray, 0.000 lbs., ai hiihi ......j,. rAn 7c, and Forward, 15,000 lbs., al TIME &TENDD FOR 13. lc and 7c, to the uooin risn- .5811 WRIT IN VANCOUVER VICTOIUA, Jily 31 Hy Order-In-Council, lh government bus extended . ttit ill .September Ibe, dale on whioli Ihe Vaiirmi,ver election writ inusl be reiurneu.. The exlensloiii of time lias linrntisp of tbo. lengthy perid required for the, l nuill of Ibi; Vancouver o.uim J No to i isonie worn oy a coin- m uu ..i mere.,, .Vesr viciny. in (Sea r"s and 1'jfers areuU .111 IB IIMIIII, passing in her rain are prevailing acific .and tiering believed that the it: I : .. r l T , ailll it nti'tlmc n fvnr. 1 ii.i , inily to hop off for fc':l...l .l.i . ii. . .,...(, i. .. -, .. siop '.mivoism uu ine Application ror iw,unv vi wh-u-, i4 In Islands Constltuonov ""''en i . necepiion nore will extend an official welcome on behiMf of the Hoyal Canadian Air Force. Other menvbers of Hie S( r ir JerichoTeach squadron now at .. , -1 ... . rrince nupvri on nsiieries pairoi will alsO participate jn Ihe ne lie. r GOODWOOD WON i A. BY TERESINA - :.V UOOinVOOD. July 3;-U 11. H. Aia Khan's Tere.slna won Iiii Goodwood 1 cup and tlm one thousand pound s'akes today. Leon- ardo wif- second amPKer-or third! ' l TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and mm Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance wilh newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service .(dances, banquets and wedding Anvwhere at Anytime. parlies. ; Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston I and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VI DECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV.. NO, 170. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TIILIISDAY, JULY 31, 11)21. Yftterday'i Circulation. mi Street Sles, 536 PRICE FIVE GENTS. 0NFER5 REACHED AGREEMENT TODAY ACLAREN DELAYED BY BAD WEATHER: RECEPTION PLANNED FOR rench Proposals With minor Ckanges Have Been Accepted by London Parley Committee LONDON, July 31 Members of the experts' committee thi inter-Allied conference, fter on examination of the pro-sals submitted by French experts yesterday as a compromise I 11 r. ........... ...I,:., I. Lit., I, .win illimtlllpk Pit IIVRP S(- Ileba CrJiwfonl, who gained fame as the angel oT Rruadway while a member of the Salvation Army,, photographed as a housewife, which duties she performs as well as those of preacher. tt t i r nr w lvntvf fYrtin vlnrl nvon TV VIU Iff VPfffC AfAlM..JL4ll Cfl WARSHIPS AUSTRALIA .Money Voted For Two Light Cruisers and Defense Reserve Fund MELBOURNE, July 31. The House of Representatives yes- ' torday passod a defense equip-i ment bill authorizing the grant or 2,000,000 for the construc- I tlon of two llohl rrnloApn and VANCOUVEH, July 31. Ar-' 5C00 for a derense reserve ..atlgements are being nilade Tor fun(j the claim of W. J. Tayht. K.C. e ., ,,,,,,. , ,.:,,, "11" counsel for Col. C. W. Pck. fhatW : ' "i. flDCn CrWITU i there m-re was xuis no in. specific Riii . eynce v v.. of companions a M VDLU JlUl 1 ii s Squadron Leader wrong doing, Judge Lai(P"''. ' the County Court here jlcrdjy f 2 refused Ihe application of I It., eoniiiKinder al ' . . iin,.ni . uini;.... i ... 1 r I 1; Mac ,. II. P JUIIVllll 11 IttllUII . lli:5. . Lo.ghlon, counsel for , , lor a rec, , - - in.osn, machine' ,li8 amVhibian t pll in Is amis consti u cy at the arriVes .MapIiIU,n tlu,rb . He will take specially prepared thus stands. iii-i W f ; ... ll,1h,in i , , fr MneLarrji ,-. and , QUITS POST Immigration Commissioner At London Roslgns After Long Servlco. his position today. OTTAWA, July 31. A succes- ftfll IiatPiiI Ml. .1.1 Si .... 1 1. 1... ....I1 'l. vv, IV utrill .Jlllllll I1U3 ltli yet been decided upon, if was staled here today. The minister of immigration is at present in London. At liie Holary Club luncheon, today, In the absence of the president and vice-pcesidenl, George Ilorie presided. The speaker of the day was John Dybhuvn. Robsprib" for Ihe Dally Nw IOV I'dllUIJIflll, l,UotUUU, lllt?- averape faro for American boats was thus 20,000 pounds as com pared with a Canadian average of 10,000. It must be reiroemjjered, ' however, that the former are; operating larger boats than the I latler. I'he high price for first class1 fish for the month was 17:Sc and Hie' low price, lie. Holli these' figures were received by Canai. dian boats. The second class fish KIRKWALL, Orkney Is-lands, July 31 The'uniU ed Siales round the world flyers have postponed their departure for Iceland until tomorrow, because of weather conditions. 4 PICTURESQUE TRIP ENGLAND TO STATES WITHOUT ANY MONEY MONTH HAL, July 31. How to live on nothing a year Would be an apt title for the story told to the harbor police by 16-year-old Arthur O'Sullivan. giving his ad- jdress as Liverpool, England, who lis being held at the Canadian im migration office. On his own admission, Arthur ol tained free passage across the Atlantic on Ihe S.S. Hegina, by mingling witli passengers in the third class sections by day and sleeping in the stokehold 'at night. After arriving in Montreal, ho visited ToroiNto and smaller cities and parts of the United Stales, Travelling on freight ears and riding' the bunipers. Ho returned to Montreal and was al- tenvpling to get aboard a liner bound for England when his plans were interrupted by the harbor millpo wlui illpiivhpml lit tn mill i., ju y ji. i.oi. Ubed ,Hk llinv hl( c(l!it(M,y, Siliith, commissioner of inimlgra- i.a..i...,. ll.,.. f.... r l.. i t..n..... ii i l ""v v.,..,..v ,u" 'V. V'l-""u" ur i"'Arlhur's story Is picturesque.. filial KMIIUHl VllllCri I'll I I II II II I u llllfl .... ... .... ' ' i"', liiev he leve l Hal ror -a hov or his age in a strange country the manner in which he travelled de ....!'.. i.... ii.. . l.ti ....I r 1 1. ordinary. AUTO WAS STRUCK BY HI Large Shipments of Halibut Made Through this Port in Month of July and Prices Good Despite the fact that American arrivals were comparatively low up to the middle of the monti on account of prices offered at Alaska ports being just as high as those prevailing here halibut landings at this port during the month of July totalled 3, 388,100 pounds constituting the largest volume of business done here in a single month for some time. In view of the approaching close season, fishing is now proceeding on a larger scale and this no doubt is contributory to the increased heaviness and frequency of arrivals. During the month 1)8 American Apr,I)PI 1 1 AP boats sold 1,98J,500 pounds and.Ilfr .11.1 All, Iff ONTARIO HAS BEEN LOCATED Former Deputy Provincial Treasurer Involved In Scandal Arrested At 'Frisco. SAN FHANCISCO, July 31. (price ranged from uc lo mc, tne Charles A. Matthews, Jr., former advantage being consistently with .deputy provincial treasurer of :llie Canadians- in tins class. lOatario. is under arrest horn a The total of 3,388,100 pounds fugitive from justice!, it is an- W .JaSiMn.E8 S-1, !iliaCB.!a-W;'n the Ujiilcd SlatSt-im month or July is in excess or ine migration authorities. Matthew 3,0IG,H00 pounds Tor July i923,llri Toronlri last snrincr full 17 tl JIT tl n f 2,300.000 pounds for July 1922, jg sensational disclosures be-f uv ivrntv vn- m i r vrn r w. w m -m.i -x no finn nnnmii tnr Im: .. n Reception Arrangements1 On board Unikd Stales coaslguani cutler Algonquin at Atka Island, .July ,V"t'I,c!aled, efforts liy wireless in all directions failed to oWnv any word or squadron Leader Stuart MacLaren and Aiywfnpanious since the round-the-world flight party ar- rj.yd at I'elropavlovsk on haincliatla peninsula last Thursday, .'indeavor.s to learn sometfiing of the whereahouls and welfare of the flyers have been energetically carried on for three days Vy the cutters Algonquin, llaida and Mujave. 1 Ai.firiliiiir ( 11 fnpmn I Inn rppiiii-arl liv c nnllA..' II, i ii J...I li....ll. IU-.-.J o?" J -"".i -N mc uauu- is.uii i...-auiiiw.n, .u.-.. ...v.... .M .spailfcr Thicpval was at; ley. Ivy Eden, Edna Allen, ' "y'Spavloiik .when 'Maclawn -ar. .Murra.y, r.niaiieiu i-iu mm ,p .,icn The Thicpval has! ter Carl Smith. L..''"'- .ini .r l'iiii miios .nut! Introductory, School Piano . WKtt, ., ttiaf. even if none of Hose: 'Cutler ' .,.., of Iiii. , iw,u"' haye been aliltj WEATHER HOLDS UP U. S. FLYERS ing hint in a Ihre.e-way splil of (SI I,v0,00. as. rake-oc on a prov'in-i elal gbverniiient bond . transaction. At (be time fipiis (afrest, Matthews was 'Vifieralfrig a lunch-. I room at Santa Clara. A reward of L'.50n was nOVi-pil fur lii :in. uirehension. ' V ' POLITICAL SITUATION Shuffle In' Cabinet Expected As Result of Finance Minister's Retirement.. VICTOIUA, July 51, Until the government has had I be''" opportunity of laying its .plans; fo'i-the" fuluiT, Hlou. John llart,iliiiis"ter of Finance, will reniaiii'Iri't office, allhough his resignation i . has been in the bauds' of Premier Oliver Tor some time'. A general shuffle , in Ihe cabinet s' expected as a result of Mr. Hart,H ' retiro-ment. Hon. J. D.; McLean, provincial secretary and ministcrApf education, is generally1, considefed as the person likely' to succeed Mr. Hart. Arrangements for .an electioit lo give Premier Oliver a seat will be made shortly and it is expected that the offer of Kenneth Campbell,, of Nelson, to give his seat to the .premier will bo accepted. SIR CHARLES MADDEN ADMIRAL OF FLEET High Position Qlvbn To Com-mandep Of Ailantloj Fleot From 1918 to 1922. t LONDON, July 3 1. ...Admiral-Sir Charles K'.;.Maild'enw'hQ com-manifeil the Atlaqll.c,: fleet frofii 19 10 to 1922( has been' appoinled admiral of tlie .GranilJFleel. This TRAIN IN Ontario,;:, zsr ,,0",,0,,"V"C BHU M:VGASTLE, Out., July 31. Four Toronto '.residents were killed and three injured when their auto stalled at a crossing was struck by a train ami ,cais, rfed one hundred yards. BIRTH., ' , 1- . .! r.. - i.i v; A, daughter' -was; ' borii at the Prince Ituperl OeneraPHospllal, on July 25 Iq Mr, and Mrs. II. M. D. l.antbH, Seventh' vBnue fc'ail.