MUBGCULAR The orbit of seven muscles. Missionary IDentists GLASGOW @—Five years ago} Today's Stocks Glasgow University started a Courtesy & D. Johnston Co, Ltd) course in dentistry and graduat : ” ed its first class recently. Ian "ANCOUVE Swan and Thomas Kennedy, Surplus of $262 Million eosin _ | oraduates, will sail for Labrador American Stanaara EYES CY@ conte Prince Rupert Daily pe Tuesday, July 29. 195 t} ne ~ soon to work and Eskimos Association t am iOng fis Shep for the Grey WINTER AND SUMMER "Black Flies Real Problem > ~~ tae | > » Pet Ano" we me = WALLACE'S .& * woman's view By FORBES RHUDI SNOW IN SEPTEMBER that there's but what we get off the hills and piles up in the valleys. Drifts reach the tops buildings. The you plow, the more it piles in. You're only asking for trouble to try to cut through it. So, on the winter roads, we try to stay on top—or travel over it not snow, “hts much blows so ot more lip From 92.99 > Ve Purses To Complement Your New Outfit unde! right out get usec kids I i to it t the women and suffer WOMAN'S VIEW vat, I asked iat she came bride in Dept. Store to 1948 Burnt from about Creek a FLASH SPECIAL FROM MANSON’S JEWELLERS Already Four Winners of Diamonds at Manson‘s Treasure Trove MISS IRENE McKAY, 339 er also on Friday BOB BRETT, 653 Tatlow Street MRS wirday Mornin; SEYMOUR, Maryville, Langle , 1536 2nd Overlook MES. V M W. Thompsor fonday Noor MES. ESTER HUSVIK, 209 Seventh Ave. West Fach day another diamond is added. All other parcels are also worth more than the dollar you pay. Today's diamond winner will be announced over CFPR this evening. This advertisement Is net published or displayed by the Liquor fentrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ve wl first Or Mrs, wasnt actually Cr Joli. Creek are welcomed Ww w and refreshments. helpful here—they have to be.” Mr br urfette is No Ont | between Si | Marie ba t a Delmage is po wh da’ ne t at Mz T try We He sking a m m De fire in Ontario in 1951 $500,000. sar Dauphin Shown in First 3 Months Personal Income Taxes Big Money Producers For Canada NTT AMAIA PLV¥ AA CP the or year totalle 30 times more than the sur last ister Abbott ch 31, surpl us 2 fis- $335,- ended Life Rugged at Ungava Project of the 1, May only age of th compar- 215,000,- a whole 1 to noted too expenditt payments r the Her outin ars old, and 1en she was production e Company Delmage Lynn, was born of in says is two hailed “as the the Iron Labrador.” the baby . = os in Cit i Fe ae to Mont Pa to the tax-rental S, all c, now agreements ht n nt pr new born she went out to March eek; agreements are payments ine months rterl: ly were ahead year corpora- the big previous srsonai n taxés rey produce and igain Personal ir me tax $320,347,000 iod comp yielded month 56 ,763,- of three- ared with $2 1951-52, an increase 3 84,000 poratic duced » UD 745,000 Nation Urged To Guard A gainst Fires OTTAWA $230,- rene catching ute, I lumber to weight Brides 4 saw the vention me jugh the Cana Forestry Association, he official records indi that four-fifths of fore are due to carelessnes Although government private agencies apply th nost modern methods of for est fire detection and sup pression, the final decisions oO! lire controi in Canada res with us all,” he said. Every acre of C timberland in recent grown in value of raw material panding industry. New tech- niques are being applied to take full advantage of our forests. Our ideal must be to ensure an undiminished use of Canada’s forest treasure by future generations.” coming to Burnt ly the residence, with cakes cate “People are fire released thr dian omen noted ho already call around in Delmage =. the former Yvette was born at Cutler when it was idbury She both Que an of pushing s frontiers He was born at Ochre River Man., and worked northern mining:.camps in anitoba, Ontario and Quebec en, in 1947, he thought he’d something different to Vancouver. Within he telephone c bee since, first < Labrador an attractive el, who a lumber town and Sault Ste met her hu were working Ont when tal, nd Normet es in years as a source for our ex example the back of the big jobs Cana- werful call uch “are nt eKs has No Cinch JOHANNESBURG ( and now as’ applicants can become for Iron Ore Company. of the African Witchdoctors A * sociation, they must divine the future by throwing the bone and show a knowledge of herbs. Recently association has applied for offi cial recognition got a 1 there him to go to aster mechanic anager Befor mrember HEAVY LOSS than 200 fine-cured to- kilns were destroyed by Loss was More cco secret CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A penalty of 5°, will be added to all taxes for 1952 remaining unpaid by 31st July, 1952, 5 p.m. Payments made on August Ist or subsequently will be subject to penalty. H. M. FOOTE, Citv Collector —The ires |! formed he Lanadian government S first three months of the} 475,000—almost | ast for the year. le moleunt Picture Improves employ ment ture dark spot and there but shows C anada ’s nas a seasone de- and a increasing nee production uoyant economy, Department re unemployment de- 16,000 during June of the decr first ease ee weeks that it thr After f the udents ‘ the heavy and tion of labor Pacific coast gistered at Employment Service 3 totalled 196,500 par ith 212,600 at June 5 The department said re- cruiting for work on defence projects in Newfoundland and Labrador has been absorbing large numbers of surplus con- struction workers. The department said effects United States steel strike, ttled may cause some in manufacturing em- this, month, but most| ~ trying to continue} at a slightly reduced they for holi tion yment are rations until close Job egion June in Pacific 8000 in strikes Ly ipplications in the were up almost the wake of logging, lumbering and con- struction workers. The figures } showed that more than nine per ent of the Pacific region’s to- tal wage ind workers were t of work > than 17,- 000 of them in Vancc alone ent moted tha: 4 week are r Com A hea in fish Sai ou uver the well. Job prairie ré lightly during June increased by 2000 during the week ended July 3 because of the influx of job seekers from strike-bound B.C. industries Job applicants at July 3 in B.C. totalled 33,400 compared with 25,700 on June 5 ‘Police Seek « Royal City Check Artist NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C., (CP) A man, usually dressed in over- alls, who writes $10,000 cheques —always worthless—for the pur- chase 1 new car and a house, is being sought throughout the lower mainiand. He paints a glowing picture of his financial status, and, when he first appeared at Port Co- ,quitlam, told his victims he was a OPR official. The victims have included real estate dealers, a car sales- man and two contrac‘tvrs with whom he worked out a ‘deal” jor relihing ships for grain cargoes. He gave the contractors. a worthless cheque for $12,000. Then he borrowed $50 in cash He was known to the contrac- tors as a shore captain senting Lloyds of London. The man, about |also arranged for of beer to be delivered to |dockside “ty keep the happy.” During the “negotiations,” was entertained by several iting skippers, of ae. seuntnea ar officers appil vj f gion fel but of the he RE - ROOF NOW Your Roof May Not Last Through Another Year We will give your free estimates on re-roofing with asphalt and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 Steel Industry Debate Looms Monday unwrapped plans to turn the iron and steel industry back to private owners—but with con- tinued state “supervision.” scannent nationalized February 1951 | present parliament. Giornale Ditala first hydrogen bomb built by pupil of the noted rico Fermi Professor Italian lieved repre-| 60 years old,| large amounts} boys | vis- | including a group} LONDON (P)—The government | | ‘The fight for the steel indus-| |\try, which the late Labor Gov-| is expected to provide) | tive principal fireworks of the Bralorne BRX Cariboo Quartz Cons n Babine Mascot Mines Pion eer Premier Privateer Reeves MacDonald Reno Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley We n Uranium Silver Standard Border Oils— Anglo Canadian A P Con Calmont Central Leduc Home Oil Mercury Okalta Royal Canadian TORONTO Athona Aumaque Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian Consol, Smelters cr mwest Don East alda Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harri Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec Little Long Lac Lynx Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Silver Miller Upper Canada Golden Manitou ana ROME (AP) The saki the scientist paper -born pomo ae aN wae IS 3.70 0915 0814 80 40 68 13M 2.02 404, 44 83.50 22 1.69 1.03 4 65 6.70 181 1.81 625 ‘Italy Explodes Hydrogen Bomb - The newspape. says an Italiaz was Ubaido Laschi physic TODAY & ola mT aceon wi George Pola wre rt] aid | SG CS LS Show Starts 7: Last Complete pe 8:12 , LOTE A FAMOUS PLAYERS Tray | Tropica Freasure! ByPHoon! and Ths Poaa Baa B UA a aun “mare war i ~~. swoop ROL FLYNN... RUTH ROMM| EVV OUOC a. OU ava es a a= \Gpiea CARTOON NEWS TODAY & WEDNESD fe La hkl Baten Orie, — Shows 7 - 9:00 ii CAR ge bbs aa)? JUST ARRIVED New 1952 Austin Station Wagon —1949 Austin 1939 Chevrolet Sedan -1948 Thames Van 1950 SPECIAL—1%48 Indian Chief Motorcycle 1. 1949 Austin Panel ! 1—1949 Morris I Austin TRUCKS 11946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—1951 Austin 5-ton Tpuck 1--1941 International 4,-ton Panel Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue W. LIMITED Phone Green 21 hat Percentage of Your Gross Business Do You Spend on Advertising? There are Lots of Ways fo Spend Your Dollar BUT You reach more people for the LOWEST COST THROUGH Putting a set percentage of your gross business back into your business through advertising is one sure woy to make your business grow. Advertising ALONE will not make your business successful, But planned consistent advertising will HELP you to do more business, much more than the cost of advertising. Good consistent advertising builds a business. Keep plugging away! Pick out YOUR PERCENTAGE to spend on advertising and STICK BY IT. THE DAILY NEWS