"Small. Profits ami Quick Returns." Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Ticketj, Rates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. 'Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Rat more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and Mistril.uting. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOGHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Rales by J)ay or Monlh P.O. Box 76. Phone M9. WILL MEET DELEGATION Matter Is Referred to Board Works for Report Back to ; City Council The reading of a lion from Ihe (iyro Club at the city council meeting last night,' for the service il would be In the children. Thee are detail, however, that can be worked out 'lalr. Other Grounds We' understand that these grounds were used by the junior harhall league last year, and, in order not to' deprive Ihetn of playing facilities we are making arrangements to secure them satisfactory grounds elsewhere and will not go ahead with our un dertaking until they are atisfae lorily located. Our purpose in this proposal i not to interfere wilh an? plans that you may have for the betterment of our rhlldrens" play, ing facilities but rather to assist Mr Application of Gyro Club Brought s is Matter Before City Council ! Last Night ne.1 nr lent for lfi ti nf lhi.. nn vrm fi ih.Ioik : . . Cllixen a lollow': purpose ami consider Ihe adis ability of asking the Gyro Club lo improve one of Ihe other corners. Half the money might be spent on improving the grounds and the other half on appliances. Mayor Newton thought it would PAOI FOM. THI DAILY NEWS. r Tneday. March i BRINGING UP FATHER New Shipment of llie By well-known "CHUMS" Shoes Now arrived. All size fnr Children and Misses. QUALITY RIGHT - PRICES RIGHT. George McMan'ut CO UP-VTXiG?s XO-J C006J NAM - - NOTICE CXJTMce WARD "bX to ARE 100 MirnrDiwr ') : : THAT YOU WANT THEX wtU V" V 'LL ORlN4 tOu ACUAb AN ATTENDANT Cr. rou a. or MILK. AMO , UNIFORM AM' H)T foy TO bottom Beoe too oeo: WORX HEART WAS BAD HIT DIGBY ISLAND NERVES A WRECK II. A. RMd, l'Wr Vulun,W.lt. irtu:-- am enr liunkful far I (..li.M.M. .N.nin. Seoltih. after loading linn feel of luriilicr Canadian one mil. her1 for tb bfirm 1 late wnml by inv Mil-; Japan, pulled out from the as-ju ,l,tn . Semhly wharf at 11.30 lat night J Wlxn I ranw hn rroni Mrnt. in ',u, a passing Digby lute, my ian a wr rrmm Nlaml. she struck and wa enm- bjr amriiwi, " W . ' ""T peitru io return l imn. In oitmiii rwi. i very tiM wlnrinl. ,.,t. .. . , . of 'Mi ranu n..t p.i,ir ip at warn. in are. now being awaited! jfiri. i a in iKB a nrntiikm I ln a from aneoover. II i expected! If I did ivil th uijtxtrjn (-k in n. thai Ihe Vcel will be put Onl 7 "im",t ,n,i dock, for examination. While he .-.wwir- tni uriurr I naa Mien ,, . , , ;j . . ,alln- " Ml"" of Ibe .lam-1 bM I -rrmid hv . ri ... I .MIMHIMIIKI- , , -J .t Thre are lot f rtortwMl mn asking that the playground al the . ttat tt ttr m,M Mii,'iry mil corner of McKride and Sixth St. burn' n-art and vrw pm inr m r-Im el aiile Tor them that (,T u" i .- they miht equip it for Ihe chil.l-; pri so- a u.x at alt draw, w iretr brought on eonniiierable ili- maiw diiwt rwipi ,f pio j,y n lcuion a- lo whether it would I T- MHban. C, LtmiiMt, Tcnwtn. ont belter lo have that Troufxi equip. aj:e ha not yet be-n aeriaiii-rl. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION AT KITWANGA FORMED lliere wa a I.rtierai formed recently at Kllwnnjra ami niiirer for iii- jear were who wished to nlav baeball ami wc have taken fnr ..i.r ,1M.,ai I'wwnl. t,pain i.live. fcKilball. All were in frill ym- work Ihe tak of imividin? from pailiy will, llie aim and olijecls time to lime the .much needed of the Gyro Club but it was a playground and play equipment ;queiion of what was beil for the that is being demanded in thi :city. The letter which follows a?e from all public bolie. to make .formal application fori Ihe ue of the cleared play?rounJf situated at Ihe .oulheat corner of Mcllr.dc. and Sixlh Street fw the purpose of equipin? it willi un.lowlale filnv"ronnil mniiiniil 'Vlavor .Aewion nna.. l. We have on hand, apprnxi. malely ,O00.nn with which lo lre.pnident. It. Tomlinoo. Ser.ireaHrer. I'. Aiwirvw. WHERE TEAGROWS BEST Ihe the lea lea plant plant f1iinrihe fliMirihe ,was linauy nirnci over lo ihe we wouW therefore re.;Mel., ,e. hoard of works for report: ;fully request that you sue u n the well drained Hide of a j The Letter. permiion to perform Ihe work mountain in a country . where iiarcn am, I'JSl. ouiline aHoe and aure you of there U plenty of moilure- and To His Worship tnyor .Vewloh our eamel co.operalion at all w-nrm un. lrtam part's of Or am! MemJei-! of Ihe City time?, in any work you may under. Ion, India anil JawTire- ideal for '-"Mini. uiiy. nasi i or ine weuare or ini hii- ine eniwtiiz or ,i-iiiwu i lientlentoiiiltohalf of tlio ilren of Prince Ilupert. Prince flu perl Gyro Cluli we wii hence fmm these r. oniric rotne for children. . iopinion thai the Gvro Club nhonl.t i DaTiirT I h2f fhi equipment will'conist ofjbe encouraged in this work but 4- -Fn-, , -. . swins. Ieelers.chute!. travellinc the tKiard of works shoiit.l retain rin?. piani lride, horizontal jibe nVanaaenwul of Ihe ground. 1 nM" ,1)rr" Club (daynround bar, and pile., etc.. equipment! Alderman Macdonald did not fa,,,launi proving very eiic-that can be used by 1k) and'tbink thi Rrourid should be u-ed f''"'ful ani1 fiHl fc'ivin? a jrirls between the a?es of five auditor the ery little one- but should rPH'ly 'l,0,'' rr the past fifteen years. Ihe Prince Huperl Gryo Club, the fine! varieties. "SArMlA" Per jo, (tree. i a blend of (Im choice! quali. Chairman I'laypround jTrown io lhee. ihe ihree limmille. nio famou tea-priminc rutin. Short Discussion rie in Ihe world. After the reading of the letter - 1 - expree the i be et aside for baseball and ,,,r''', member of the club football. The younger children hav l"'pn ,,uy conducting a might go to Ihe Market Square rs"a ad the rradine with procure equipment, and our pr(,"rid. which ubcriptions have been scheme is. after equipiug the! Alderman Perry said he had tnriUeutrtus indicates thai the rniiii.l to fnrn it over lo ome discussed the mailer uilli II. r ause is a iMipular one. Xow responsible boly for mpervision.lGyro !lub members and he would lu'l'u i'f money rais- II is customary in larger centres like to see the Mcltride SI. insr bein solved, Ihe placing ito torn Ihe grounds over to the grounds kept for little ones from 0'',", equipment on the grounds parks board. In Ihe absence oflfourjo six years of age. He uch a body in this cily we have il urged that the question come up in minrt to offer to turn it over at once. to the HiooI board, who, we feel I Alderman MeMordie -aid that sure, would be willing to look af-jas the younger boys were inler- er ine equipment. elc..ln return ,eIcd m baWall Ihe might-keep this ground for al the corner of Sixth Avenue and Mrliride street is aurrd. To further -well the growing fund, several novelty features are lo lie !aed at the basket- council .''alt ll.e'llll game on Friday night of week. Gyro Direlcor Eddie Mann, the popular basketball re. fercc, lia the program in hand and promise that there wirt be a fine bill of sport and fun. The hockey season al Prince George was rounded out last ! better for the Gyro lo meet, week in a two game erie the boar. I of works and to this Alderman Perry consented bill mentioned that nothing so Tar had been done lo accommodate Mz Lb. I5 with Mnn which resulted In the Prince George player winning both games ihe first by a score of t to and the fcrond by 3 Ihe small children and provide alio 1. Though conditions were place where they might enjoy! not favorable for fast hockey, themselves. - (llie hyine team had thing ill Alderman Macdonald said Ihe their own way and il was dir.- age from six to twelve wa more cult for the spectator to believe important than when younger, llejthal Ihe Ed..n learn had deali thought it would be heller lo let on even terms with Hie Jasper )"ii ami appreciating a wo no the Ihe younger children play at the Icuiik which decisively beat linanciai nemanns that are made Market Plru-e ground. Prince Gcrge the week previous. MACDONALD'S Fine Git For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S Fine Cut zb. tin80 WA.vrKI). Man familiar with genral cituntry store busnet to manage and share in pro-fits. Good ua;re. Mul b alile to Invest 1.500. Money I ecure. This is an excep lioiial opportunity. Addrr fn instance lo Hox 163 I Lilly .Sews ofllce. FURNISHED shack for rent. AI-mi Gurney Oxford range for sale. Phone Red U23. If STEAM Heated Flat for rent Besner apartments. M. M Stephens. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf LOST LOST. One gold drop earring between CIH Fifth Avenue East and hospital. Finder please reutrn lo Daily News Office. Reward. If In view- of the softening weath er cnnoilioH. IiocKey is now about over for the year In Prince George. GREAT WAR VETERANS WIN HEAVILY AGAIN Defeated Sons of England at Bil liards Last Night by Score of 965 to 772 Another decisive victor)' was gamed by llie Great ar veterans in last night's billiard tournament when Ibey defeated the Sons of EuMland Jy "05 fo The Sons. were ucceful in win ning only one game. Individual score were a fol lows : Col. MeMordie (Great War Veleranst, 200; II. II. Shockley 'Sons of England;, !(!. Sgt. Jepson, 200; G, p. TinUr. 176. Fred Pyle. SM; Dr. J. A. West. 122. J. May, lfi.1; It. Howe. 200. J. Wnl.li, 200; II, Italfour. 110, league sliiinling to dale follows : Games G.W.V.A 8 Grotto 7 P.R.H.P 7 Elks . 7 S. of U. 8 St Andrews 7 Total. Aver 752(1 o:H3 f.30H (5081 OHor, 5800 oil I2 1101 860 h.'.o PUYGROUNDS ARE DISCUSSED 10ULDN7 SLEEP CANADIAN SCOTTISH . . Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Adv.rtlMm.nt TUn for L... thn hrxflj WANTED MOI.EIl anriER wants men and COLLEGE, Full S.K laiinrh Triton, i women lo muh; iii-?o Huir.il.. Will. learn the Ilarber Trade. Paid! wniie learning-. Hits is your opportunity to learn a trade and get into steady employ, menu Graduates earn from 1 10.00 to 130.00 per week. Write for free catalogue. 50 Hastings K. Vancouver. VAXTKI. Hy g neclle. woman, plain ewM?. making or mending. Order lakew fori kiiilleil Micks am! tekinjr. Write II. J, lliiily .N'ew offir. Prkicc niipert. II.C WAXIKIi. Woman or girl to lake rare of children. re-ina. .No work. Phone tfi5. WANTED. Young lady as a-ilant in dnial olnrr. Writ Hox I fit. I lady News. If FOR RENT Mulem four room flat for'renl. AIo ofllce, with inrMlern living quarters. We4lernbaver Hros. If FOrt RENT-Furnished house keeping rrom. 110 Sixth Ave. East. Phone lltuo 217. If FOR SALE deino,i.irar. 7'.0.00 IV sirrlinjc fiigiae.. s ami .'Mi U.ik Hu-ch ignition, finre fend oiler-, cuuiplefr lo and iclii.)lii (wiuplin?, 7&0 each. 3rt fiHt cnner, SO h.p. oer-hule. tl.4MMi.60. i h.p. Ailuoi marinr rtitine 3.IH. it m: m. stkphkxs. FOR SALE. Power biwls of TAXI Tail 87 Phone. (Call Georgs or Oust) Rom Brothers). Prompt Service and Comfort Dny or Nisid Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue 1 MAILSCHEDULE Foe the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-days. loes al 5.30 p.m. From the East-Mondays, Thursday and Saturdays, K3o p.m. From Vancouver Sunday p, jn Wednesdays p.m. Fridays .y, C.P.R. March 7. 17. and 28. To Vancouver- Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 P.M. Fridays 8.15 A.M. Saturdays Aij C.P.R. March and 2 To AnyoK, Alice Arm, Stewart. Premier-Wednesdays o p.M. From Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart, A.M. To Port Simpson, AJIce Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 p.M', From Port Simpson, Alto Arm Anyox, Stewart and Premier Tuesdays -M ,M. To Alaska Points March 7. 17 and 28. From Alaska Points March II ,in. 27, To Queen Charlotte Island Points March 12 an, 20. From Queen ChsrloUt Point Mftrcli in and 21, To Naas River Points and Port Simpson Thursdays f p.M, From Nsas River Points Saturdays a.M, WHIST LEAGUE March 6 K, of p t fju.j Sons of Enirlan I v j ,f Son of Canada v K. ..,; .Marcii j 3 !ons of f .W.Vw. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE HAS BEEN REVISED every deMrjp!k.n includimr Changes Made O pleasure, IrolliAg ami work boat, al rnaAnablo price. Apply N. M. McLean, CuwHsy. FOR SALE. Very hardy two year old CullibeH Raspberry1 ciioe. .50 fjr doien. Willi ltr.r ilti year. I'n.me Itlack FOR SALE Sixteen room board. Ing bousn and store, furnish ed. Apply 029 Ambrose. FOR SALE. New and ul fHHrhinery. HniI and engine. Northern Exchange. MR. TRAPPER STOP I Yei can make more money here than e)cwhere with your furs. Sre me first and Ial. II will py you. W. GOLDBL0OM, The Trapper Frieod, Second Avenue. AUCTION SALES. Roods llought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ate. Plfones Hlack 138 and Red-i 12. Ing to InUe- medlale Team Droeslno Out of Competition Owing to the HiU fn ale learn dropping league lite Prinze 11 ; ball Aueiliufl , ' beett revised a f., Ma telt 3.- Jon io. . iafv. Katen. I S.O.O. .Marrlt 7 Adna -ers, Htith Seltoo. t S.O.C. vs. Cdt. March (j.-i.H- , Seit4. Teawb-r 1-af. (d-v lf i MimWi II.- J.ii Kaieii vs'Adamr. s.o.c. laaur iMn4'ngs ' lw: Senior Lesgus W I I !Sm f CAiia4a ()lts IViiefter ... 5 ' Two points 1le.11 i 4, 1. oclatton fw fleWiru- :. eil player In league v. (klt Intermediate Lstgut Illvlt School Grtilto YXU I' Ladles' Lesgut Maple - Leaf . " Adanne : Teoejier Kaie'u ......... ' Junior League lligli Sebd 8 Udl ....... Star a 0 I Hue llirds T SECOND HALF OF BILLIARD SERIES 3 Son of Engird .' w V.A. 5 gl. Andrew v 4"' 7 Iflks vs. Prui'-' ti1 ftar.1 i'aror. , 10 otis of Hftglsi-I tf V jltfjiert RHIInril i 12 SL ABdrew v- U?- iGrotlo v. '' erans. 17 St. Andrew s v land. LJ Klk vs GroMo I Great War Prince Rupert It High . 2:I'S " rrt' 11 in prn Lnw HI" " I" !'0 tt I'.w ' f I PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Monday. Marcn High O il ata 12:02 p :i! Low ...... (1:03 a tn 18:33 p m Tuesdsy, March High 0:53 am 12:17 If Low fi:.rl it ' lu.-H n tf , Wednesday, March High 1:30 a m I3:2 I' "' Low 7:.3 a.u (!) 51 n.ui i.,fi Ct.T 0, I. (9 1 -'i I .-(I Thursday. Marcl4- 1 n .fl -J! I f 1 a