Tuesday, March I, 1021. dMvs.Jjd VACUU M Bottles v Useful Every Day in the Year Price 75 cents ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store. The Pioneer Druggist. SMOKED FISU kJ AT ITS MT A J m m m m m -r r m-mm m There are Just Two Rule to Follow to Enjoy tho BEST y Smoked Fish, AT ITS DEST. Tliew Unit's art I Buy ''Rupert Brand." Mupei I llrand is always nc-li'vm'il lo Ihe slni in rli'iin nt'w liovs clearly slumped "Ittipvrt Miami." ,' Wrap in rooking iarr. rook in moderate over for SO In 110 minute, remove paper and serve at ome.. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters, Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish and Mi'at Markrl-, and (iroivr.s. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT BONDS Are the Best Investment We icioiiiinrnd III" following as being safe, saleable and nr fair return: City of Vernon .riVi due inih June, ItuiX, al $tJS.M. Yield 5.70'; City of Duncan ;,diic lSlh May. !,":, al 'llil.3U. Yield 5.70 ;, City of Prince Rupert duo w-vt in nir.n. ni $iol.:H. Yloid 5.90; Order may he wired al our expense, interest accrued lo dalfiof payment intisl'h" added. Wc pay delivery charges. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd Head Offlcej VICTORIA, B.C. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Kir ami Cedar H'id Lumber, IT you are tired or Knlsomiuc and lir, try Kir Veneer Panelling. If ou are thinking of Iniilding a house, we have any lumlier you require, also Hash, Doors, Class. SHOriCI FY'S Planine Mills Cow Bay. Phone 383. Although the Canadian Pacific Railway has yt issued no forecast of construction contemplated for 1924, the fact that it has ordered 60,000 tons of steel from the Algoma Steel Company, of Sault Ste. Marie, seems to Indicate that iU program will be extensive. According to a statement recently made by the Hon. Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines for the Province of Ontario, 85 per cent of the world's nickel supply is being. taken out in the vicinity of Sudbury, where there U an Inexhaustible supply of this metal, Alberta's butter production last year was 1800,000 pounds, or 2,000,000 pounds more than in 1022, according to reports presented at the annual meeting of the Alberta Dairymen's Association. It was not so long ago that Alberta was using butter imported from New Zealand. The year 1923 was a favorable one in the building and construction activities of Canada, and returns show an advance of about 10 per cent In 1922 the total expenditures In this regard were $316,000,-000, and in 1923 $315,000,000, an increase of $30,009,000. Exports of pulpwood from Canada for the year 1923 amounted to 1,-384530 cords, compared with 1,011,-332 for 1922, an increase of 372,838 cords or 35. per cent. The 1923 figures are equivalent to about 900,000 tons of newsprint, the amount which can be manufactured from that amount of wood. C. E. E. Uasher, General Passenger Traffic Manager, and E. J. Hebert, First Assistant General Pasengr Agent, of the Canadian Pacific Railway, have been presented with medals by the French Government, in recognition of their services to the French Exhibition train in Canada In 1921. The .medals take the form of tablets on small stands. Attention has been drawn once more by airship experts in London, England, to the fact that the only known supply of helium gas in the British Empire exiats in the Province of. Alberta, that 10.000,000 feet of thii gas is going to waste annually in this province and that the possibility of establishing an airship base at some future date in Alberta is Icing discussed. Canada's fisheries production during 1923 is estimated to be worth $40,000,000. At the beginning of the year it was not thought that anything like this mark would be reached, for the Fordney tariff had cut deeply into exoorts la Ihm ITnit.H States. Uut as the year wore on the demand and puces evnerallv im- provi d. thus giving fishermen along the Atlantic coast especially a much uclut price. i Off -! figures recently 1st tied nuw nai me nonunion of Canada i.s iSc greatest single contributor to toe wheat supply of the world. She stnnds second only to the United States in automobile exports. Her ti..ur export are far ahead of the palmiest war years and are rapidly gaining in the foreign markets. Canada's mineral, forest, agricultural and fisheries industries are now valued al $6,420,000,000, or $252,000,000 higher than a year ago. Rritish immigration during the nine months ended December, totalled C4.127. compared with 28.525 in the corresponding period of the previous year, an increase of 125 per cent. Immigration from the United States was 17.232. compared with 18.9S2, a decrease of nine per cent Total immigration for the nine-month period of 1923 was 124,-680, compared with C0.247 in the same period In the previous year, an Increase of 107 per cent. The Canadian Pacific Railway has received from Boorings, Willis, Faber 4 Company, 2.152.10 pounds sterling for distribution to the officers and crew of the steamship "Empress of Australia" for saving their ship and for salvaging during the Japanese earthquake. For the purpose of purchasing a memento to be presented to Captain Samuel Robinson, C.B.E.. R.N.R., then com-mander of the "Empress of Australia" and now commander of the "Empress of Canada" on her world cruise, 210 pounds sterling have been retained from the above amount. Plans are being made to honor the captain when the "Empress of Canada" reaches Yokohama next May, the Japanese government participating in tie ceremonies. Subcrlbo for tlioi)aliy News. ANNOUNCEMENTS Klks' Annual Hall, Tuesday, am mi i. Inventions only. Spend an evening in the Tall Timbers al the Methodist Church Thursday, .March 0. llnyal l'urplo Hunter' Haznar and Salo or ilonm Cooklnp, April 8, Hill CO r.hapler, t.O.H.K. Amateur Tltealrirals, April It. ! Illks' Minstrel Troupe. First 'show May 1. mm Fiitlatilw-Qaihlt K,kra CATARRH BLADDER SJf. .wi Ecti Csptule Cmc th nut v Hinii B.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Haynera, Undei taker. Phone 351. tf Haiiquel Hall over Itoslon Grill "lug made ready fur Old Tiin-r' He-union, March 10. TliousaiiiT tons famous .N' anal- mo Wellington Coal arrived Try Ion. Albert and McCaffery. tf We buy. tell and exchange furniture and all useful articles. Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 652. if In. McKay, Indian, charged Midi drunkeuuess, was fined $10 m- the eily police court thin morning. M. A. liurbank of the C..X.II engiiieeiinsrVdi-partiiienl arrived on last nights train from Prince George. , Orenl War Veteran' Associa tion general meeting Wednesday evening. March 5, at 8 p.m. Alt member. requested lo attend Mrs. S. II. Donaldson, of Port Kssiiigioii, reached the city on last night' train and is regis, lered al the prince Itupert Hotel Mrs. Papadoupoli, who ha iieen viitiug with h?r daughter. Mr, .tame Killa. (iraliam Ave., left on last night's train for Ncv York. All l.oyal, ,M6ost- will meet ul I he Hall, Wednesday, 2 p.m. In alleiid the funeral of our lute brother Iaac Swalwell. . Fred .Scadden, Dictator Arthur Smith, Summit Ave. charged with an indecent act, was dismissed in Hie police court Ihis morning, "ic complainant failing to put-in an appearance. On the reeomiiii'iidation of the Finance Committee it was decid ed by the city council lat night lo setlle wilh Mr. Strachan by paying her I So. Mr. SI radian' child Tell through a gap 'in the street when skipping and vva injured. The Letts hoiic In Section H has been transferred lo W. J. I.aidley who will pay 50 down and 20 a mould, carrying out the contract. of the former owner with the cily. Thai va decided al last night meeting of the Bran for health paob Tnnis. St Patrick's Day March. 17 Thi i Hie iiumial I t'.lnl Day rrlcbrnlrd I'hrniighoiil Christendom liy all Irishmen 1HI olhcrs in Haiiquel, Dance and. Spug. (hi Midi on-iMioiif Ihe individual c.prct I linriit'lvi'-IIiImmij Iheir costume, llitir In Me jiml lull decoration. If fro i where we. me able in give (iu splendid cr. vice iif'.Shaiiin'kN Paper Hal, .Yflpkiii. Crepe, paper, lircrliijg Card. Ami if you desire; a c.o1iiiih we have the famous llfinii-uii Crepe Paper and lUnAi or Instruction oil making lo-luines, decorating halls, lable. elc nereana lere ant mere i i i J n 1 t j Local ina rersoaai cily council. - Al the meeting of the cily council last night i was decided lo lei the contract for supplying reading mailer to the reading room to Mellae I trot hers, their lender being Tor l ltf.85. W. W. Wralhall's lender for the same was 1 011.35. 4 The Cily Council last night derided to accept the recommendation of the Finance com mittee leaving it to tlie eily treasurer lo deal wilh the ques tion of the terminal ion of the employment .of W. II. Wilson- Murray at the cily hall. S The indemnity . hylaw was parsed by the eily council las niglit all bill its final reading. II provide thai a member of Hie council missing (wo meol-ings receives only fifty per cent of I he indemnity and if lie does mil alleud any meeting he does not get any pay. ' - The eily market bylaw we nut lined lasl niylil by Alderman Casey and it 'was decided afler some discussion that.il should he drawn up formally bv the solicitor and bid for the use of the market building should then he asked, subject lo Hie provis-ions of the bylaw. U was explained thai the mailer came up following the request of Mr. McKay lo use it -for handling Hie produce of the farm at Wood cock. Die Fair Hoard' suh-coui- mlllee appointed to lake charge of I he. revision of the. mineral das In the F.xhibiliou prise hook met last night" and decided on several revisions which are lo he recommended. Further arrangements are also hoing made for the establishment of a permanent mineral display in (he city. The roiuinillee consists of George W. Kerr, chairman, Phil McDonald, .lack llalley and i Uickcy. was revised yesterday afternoon by a committee consisting of H, F. Pullen, M. M. Stephens. Harry Mcl.eod and II. F.. Uenson. . Coastwise Steamship A HargV Co. sleamer Mariliiou, ('.apt Hunter, was taken olT the dry dock today after undergoing .an nual inpccliou and is now load ing Ihe coal for Anyus which was taken off. 1he stranded steamer Amur a fijw day ago. The Marinion will clear for the north tonight. Union steamer Cardcua, Capt. A. F.. Dickson, returned from Anyox, Alice Ann and Stewart al l:ir (his afternoon and will sail ul .1 for Vancouver and way ports. The following passenger are hooked to leave on I lie vessel: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. McCulcheou. Miss Mary F.lslrom. F. C. Ut'llit. S. M. Cook, Mr. McPlicc for Van couver; l.x.-Ald. John dime, Miss Lizzie Currie, II. L. Land- rey and Duncan Munro for. Ocean Falls. lix-Ald. John Currie, who has the contract from Ihe federal government for the building of a residence, ollico and hoat land ing for the fisheries department at Schooner Passage in llivers Inlet. Is leaving on the Cardcna lis afternoon to get the work sl.'rled. lie will be accompanied by his daughter, Mis Lizzie Currie, and Duncan Munro. II. L. I .an drey, who will inspect the work, is also going south. Charlie Currie and Will Stephens have left by the gashoat lluhy Mae for Schooner Passage. The party expects lo be avay aboul two months. HOTEL ARRIVAL Prince Rupert It. II. F.alon, Terrace; F. C. Itiehl, Tacoma; Mrs. fc. It. Donaldson, Port I'ssinglon; S. K. Kodalen, Dodson, Mont,; F. V. Slump, Edmonton; M. S. liurbank, Prince Ceorge; tS, 11. Lemon, Vancouver. Central It. H. Ness, Prince tleorge; O. M. Lowthvvalle,. Vancouver; V. 9. Farlo and L. 11. lluby, U.N. II.; C5. Jl. Tycho, Smlthersj Mrs. Fraser 'nfitl etlll.l 11, lit ll4 lliil.iitil situ lllayMiort. Most persons (especially children) need a little bran each day to insure regular bowel movement but be sure the bran is combined with a well-cooked, easily digested, nutritious food. In Shredded Wheat Biscuit you have all the mineral salts and nutritive elements of the whole wheat combined with bran all the bran you need to keep the alimentary canal clean and healthy. It 'is ready-cooked and ready-to- John (iavigan, father of J. C. ' (iavigan, and Hugh (iavlgau.t brother, who have been visiting! in the cily for the past few: weeks, returned to loronto on lust night' train. The photographic dcparlment of the piTe list for the fall fair eat. Delicious tor any meal with hot milk or fruits. The Cansdian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. Klir Fill.. OnUrl. Shredd Wheat Always : Welcome I 1-:- A BOX OF Purdy's Candy The Autocrat of the Candy World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE A Toothsome Delight in u lleuiiliful Hox. All Sizes. All Prices. Sole Agents :- Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE Third Avenue. WE CASH CHEQUES. DAILY SALE BULLETIN, No. 2 We are offering splendid values in Chesterfields, Divanettes and Couches II will pay you lo consider this fad and to act accordingly during our Furniture Sale. You cunnot get hetter values in Ihe whole of Northern H.U. . BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS Third Avenue. "Where your money buys the most have made come true. slog.i ui we Bath Room Fittings Towel Uurs, Soap Dishes, Tumbler und Tumbler Holders. Soap 'and Sponge Holders, Tooth Hrusli Holder, Hooks for Hie Kalh Kobe, Hot Water Holllc and Shuviug Slrop, Whisk und Hrush Holders, elc. Kvery piece guaranteed, now on display in our window, Phone 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646.