r. j PAGE f.OUR Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For TickeU, Hates and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agenoy, Prince Rupert, B.O. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. orrice Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Fer Special Appointments. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenuo. M. S. SING Cleaning and Pressing. Special Suits Heady to Wear $18.00 Laundry Office. 820 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 774. P.O. Box 88 EDSON COAL Hcccived few cars of our Famous Kdson Coal. From now on vc can supply the same in any quantities. Call up C8 for quick delivery, Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phons 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 896. TJliH J Att j NEWS iW.llUlu' .1iu0u.-i. , BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMapu MR Jicct- I'D L LIKE TO HAVE "you come out TO MX H0UtI TO DINNER c BASEBALL BOXING LAOROSSE Sport Chat j St A large number of t lie league players being away for (lie series nt Ocean Falls, I here will , lie lit tle doing 'in (lie football line ul town tin's week unless it is decid ed lo stage one of Hie playoffs in the Oilliuly Gup semi-finals towards the end of (he week. So far no games are scheduled for the week. Next week will bo oc cupied wilh (he opening-games of the second half of (he Stuarl Shield compel ilion and, as soort as (he players are badk from I he south, there will be a meeting of the executive to set (he dale for the Oilhuly Cup games. The boys sailed for Ocean Falls Saturday night quite confident' that (hey will be able to hold their own with the paper makers. The first game is to be played. tills ufternoon and the second on I'ucsday, (he players being due lo return home on Wednesday.. , The City League gasebalt games between the Columbus Club and the Sons of Canada are scheduled for this week one on Tuesday evenlifg1 and "lhe oilier on Friday. If a little more enthusiasm is not shown (his week (ban has prevailed recently, there may be no more City League games. Wlialever decision is made in Ibis regard, however, it is important that (he local play ers should be kept in practice and (here seems no better and elleclivo way of continuing the practices Mian in league games. The series with Ocean Falls showed that the home team wa? out of form anil the brand of ball displayed (herein will not do: for lhe proposed games wilh Anynx and Ketchikan during Fair Week. The baseball talent irt Prince Rupert is capable of belter performances (ban any that have been staged so far this season. Quoits as a game was introduced at a recent, hospital picnic in Smithers and, since that time, it has become popular overnight. Each evening sees an ever- increasing gathering of the devotees of the sport to settle, feud1? ny mighty combat In the interior railway centre. Interest lias reached the point where a com petition is planned for the Fall Fair at Smithers'and a handsome prize has been bung up. HE KNEW I Captain of Youthful Cricket team lo new resident) : Will you Join our cricket club, sir? New Resident Well, really, I'm afraid I know absolutely nothing about the game. I couldn't do anything except um plre. FINE MY WIFE WILL. I5E iLAD TO KNOW I'M WITH THE PRESIDENT Ci I I OCEAN FALLS WEILL DON'T STAND YE'd I O I THERE LIKE. A- MY J YAP TAKE THE ( LOVE OENTLEMWS'b M HAT ANQA SPORT NEWS OF THE DAY HERE AND EVERYWHERE WINS SECOND Baseball Game on Saturday Resulted In Locals' Defeat by 9 to 6 Loose fielding was again responsible for Prince Rupert's at (lie hands of Ocean Falls J by a score of 9 lo 6 in the second game of the Flag Day series on Saturday afternoon. There were errors on both sides but the home team made the most and the visitors showed themselves lo be the hest players of the day maintaining, at least a tighter field.' Pitching was of the medi ocre quality, boll, sides making enough hits lo win an ordinnry game. Forfin opened in the box for Prince RUperl but in the third inning, after four runs had been made tin liini, was transferred lo first base in place of HaietU Jones who was sent In Alex. Mitchell's place in the oul field. Lid- stone then pitched the remainder of lhe game for Prince Rupert but1 Wifs unable lo-stop the paper makers frtim furtier Increasing Iheir score. Marshall pitched the full game for Ocean Falls. W. Mitchell scored the first run for Prince Rupert in (he. opening , frame. He was walked, stole second, advanced lo third on Ualfour's sacrifice and scored by Fori in who sen! a fly which (he paper maker's short slop failed to get under. Hatch ford fanned ami .Menzies was put, oul at first. Ocean Falls did not score although an' error and n walk put two men on bases. Willi (wo men down, Prince Rupert filled the bases in tin! second inning with Lambie and McKeown being walked and Fnr- tin making a safe liil. Lambie, however, showed poor base run ning ability missing lhe opportunity to score on Forlin's hit and being put out at the homo. plale through being loo slow whm Balfour made a base bit. Ocean Falls made the first score in the second inning when Knapp scored llurden who had got around to ihird on a hit which but for fumbling in the field, would have been worth no morn than one base.' After Forlin and Ralchfnrd were fielded out in Hie third inning, Menzies, after being' walked, got an unearned run in Ibo Ihird inning. Alex Mitchell ,senl out a fly lo centre field which was dropped by the second baseman on (he return. Menzies then ad vanced to Ihird base nnd made home nn an overthrow from second lo third, Hazelt-Jones struck oul. Game.Put on Ice In their end of the Ihird, Ocean Falls found no trouble in hitting BRIER FOOTBALL TENNIS SWIMMING 8 I favor of Forlin, W. Mitchell 1-orlin and, with several errors from Rupert, furl her working in Iheir favor, put the game on ice witli four runs. Arcand got first base when", Halfour fumbled and was scored when K. JolifTe put a hit Into left . field which might or might dot have been worth lhe three bases It got. McKeown sacrificed lo score JollilTe and Maulding found (he weak spot in left field again for two ases. Hurden was fielded, Knapp walked and Maulding got home when HaZolt-Jones dropped tile ball at first where Forlin was Irying lo gel Knapp. JolifTe got first when Lambie failed to negotiate another in left field, Marshall scoring Knapp with a hit which Willie Mitchell caught on his mouth. Mitchell was incapaci tated for a short lime nnd the occasion wrrs takni for a general re-adjustrpent in the field. Lid- stone took- the box, Forlin went to first, Hazell-Johes lo right field in place 'of Alex Mitchell and llnrry Astoria replaced Lambie iti left field. In the fourth inning Lambie, McKeown anil Lidslonc struck oul for Princf Rupert. Arcand aid E. JollilTiS of Ocean Frill were put outum .liases' but the visitors got. two runs neverlhe-less. On ah error Maulding got to first and Iiurden scored both runners when-'AV. Mitchell hesitated loo long with the ball. Murphy got .to first but, with Maulding, died on bases when A. JollilTe struck out. Better Play The fifth inning was brief, the Prince Rupefj bathers being fielded and .two. Ocean Falls men striking out iinfl (lie other being caught at first. The Ocean Falls catcher and sbort;stnp each made nice fly .saves, Lidslone covcrcij first smartly for;. Rupert after Fortln had to chase after a ball wnicb he let by. The Prince ;Rupert batters again went down in rapid succession in the .sixth but Ocean Falls picked up another- two-runs. U. Jolliffe was put, out at first. McKeown got . first on a fumblo in the Infield and .Maulding. mado a base hit. The Iwo runners advanced a base on a passed ball and scored when Mitchell er- rored again in allenlplitig to fiel, llurden. Knamt 'popped oul lo first and JolifTe, slruck out.' The seventh inning was also of , short duration, two Prineo Rupert batters fanning ami Lid slone popping Into the tighl op posing field. Improved fielding by Rupert rather' than pitching put the Ocean Falls batters oul. Local Boys Score A batting rally1 with fumbling by the visitor.1' gave Rupert Iwo runs in lhe eighth. Halfour singled and got In third on u fumble. Fortln scored him with a lliree bagger. llalchford struck out, Menzies sacrificed in T III If" I WONDER IF 1AM AWAKE. SAY WHAfb THE MATTEFa- ARE YOU DEAD? HURRS UP WITH THAT FOOO OR I LL ca OUT rv iu tA v l EES liilf f IT'S Al yMT" Daily News Classified Ads. .la CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Le.a then BOc WANTED WANTED. Furniture of every description. Highest prices paid. Pritico Rupert Exchunge, Auctioneers. Phono 052. FOR RUNT. Two largo apartments down town near Post Ollice. Apply Slork's Hardware. If FOR RI'NT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home com-forts. tf FOR RUNT Four room, modern, healed apartments, Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR RKXT Modern apartment, furnished. McCalTery & Gibbons, Ltd. MODERN Four Roomed FJal for rent. Weslenhavcr Jlros. H ., ii -i 1 , , MISCELLANEOUS FURN1SIIK1) HOl'SK for Renl for few months. Modern. "Apply i'.O. box CUD, City. 187 HTKXOfSRAPHKRS' FX AM IN A - lion for British Columbia Civil . Service will be held on Saturday afternoon and evenimr. September 13, I'.i2t. For application forms n'nd further informal loir, apply to the nearest Government Agenl or to'AV, JN Mclnnes, Civil Service Commissioner, Victoria, U.C AOKXTS, SAI.KS.MKN! Ham $3,. 000 lo $.000 per year selling Mens' Shirts and English Rain-coals inade-lo-measui'fl direct from manufacturers lo wearer. A splendid opportunity lo establish dignified profitable business, working full or spare time. Wrije for particulars. Riltmore Shirt Company, 232 Mcfiill Street, Montreal. walked nnd Hazeff-Jones fanned. JollilTe slruck out for Oceart alls, McKeown was put nut and burl his leg at second on a throw from his brother, the Rupert atelier, He bad gut first on a left field single. Maulding"was ut oul on pretty running fly catch by Halfour. The ninth inning opened wilh Rupert needing five In lie and six do win. Alnria-slruck mil. McKeown walked, nnd Lidslone slruck nut. Halfour came up wilh blood ii his eye and lammed the sphere into centre field. The Ocean Falls fielder some how or other touched it add I ho ball glanced off into lhe side of lhe rock pile thus' making it a home run for Halfour with McKeown ahead of iim. The gnme ended when Forlin knocked n fly which was caught by the Ocean Fall second baseman. i N i Lineups and Soorlng The teams lined up as fol lows: Princo Rupert W. Mitchell, 2b; D. Il.ilbour, ss.; A. Forlin, p. and lb.; Jnck llalchford, cf.; Vic Menzies, 3b.; A. Mitchell, rf.; K, Hazel l-Jones, lb. and rf.; W. Lambie, If.; G. McKeown, c; ft. Astoria, If. Ocean Falls A. A .McLennan, 2b.; O, Arcand, If.; E. Jolliffe, ss.; J. R. McKeown, 3b.; C. Maulding, rf.; II. E. Htirden, lb,; G. I. KUapi, c; A, Jolliffe, cf.; Waller Marshall, p, Score by Inningsr 1 2 3 1 5 0 7 8 9 P. R I 0 f 0 0 0' 0 2 20 (). F; 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 x 0 Slrlke-outs -Marshnll, 11: For I In (three Innings), 3; Lidslohe (live innings), 5, Rases on balls Marshall, fj Forlin, 1. P. I.aporie and P. Hryant of Ocean Falls umpired. " BOARD AND ROOM HILL FARM, THIIRACK-Jloard and residence for the holidays. On Itio bench overlooking town and airy on the warm days. Farm. faro. (food, ciiislne. Terinjs. - Splendid accomodation "for children wilh playing Held, etc. F.nlire charge of children whim desired. I.anjtu. ' A French, Hill Farm, Terrace. II. C. HOARD and Room at the Inlander centrally located, one half block from .Post Odlce, 830 Second Aven. Phono 137. If FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTKD. New . Yokohama Cafe. 187 FOR SALE FOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phone 127. 1IOIJSE FOR SALE. 0 looms. Good condition.' Apply Hox 200, Daily News pnicc. TO RENT. Five roomed suite; bath and range, $30.00. D. II. Hays & Co. 188 FOR SALE. Sixteen room rooming house and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building la right In front of the Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue. If FOR SALE. Waterfront lots, ono and two acres, surveyed; . good anchorage, Jap Inlet. Pprcher Island. Apply Hox 191 Dally News Office. FOR SALE Ford Runnbout Delivery; in good running order; .$200.00 cash. Also several oilier good buys in used cars. SS. E. Parker, Lid. tf FOR SALE Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion for marine use. 150.00 each. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Lid. PLEASURE HOAT FOR SALE- 28 feet long, 5 foot beam. 0. I.. Heindcl. Cold Storage. If FOR SALE. Now and used Machinery, floats and Engines. Northern Exchange, tf CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of the National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, - Smith Block Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12; 2 to 5 7 to.R. Saturday afternoons nnd Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. AUOTION 8ALE8. Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery, ,v Third Ave. Phones. Illaok 130 and Red 442, FURNITURE. New nni Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy, Sell and Ex change New and Secondhand Goods. tiEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Tliird Ave. Phone 010. Taxi 87 Phone (CUI George. Paul or Oust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: MOSS BROS. POOL ROOM .' . Meeker Block, Across, from Empress Hotel. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL nays, closes at 3.15 p.rn, From the East Mondays, Thursdays and Sat- unlays, 4 p.m. To Vancouver Mondays, mall closes at 10 Pi luesaayB, Mall closes at 4 PI .... i i um .tuays (j pj Saturdays a.. "Saturdays to pj. C.P.R. Aug. 2, (i, 13, j, 9.1 From Vancouver- Sundays . ,p. Mondays 3 PI Wednesdays 3 PI Fridays . AJL Fridays 3 PI 1 C.P.R. Aug. 8. 11. 18. 2 J To Anyox, Alice Arm Y ednesdays ,.. 9 PI Sundays , 7 PI From Anyox; Alice Arm- Tuesdays pi Thursdays ' .pj To Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 U Fridays S U From Stewart and Premier- Sat urdays Jl 1 Tuesdays A To Port Simpson-Sundays 7 H Thursdays 10 11 From Port Simpson Tuosdays JL Sal urdays H To Alaska Points Aug. 8, H, 1.8, 22 and !!. From Alaska Points , Aug, 2 C, 13, 10, 23 cr.il To Massett, Port Clemtntt, Buckley Bay Monday mail closes .8.30 Pi From Massett, Port Clement Buckley Bay-Wednesday mall due Al To Skldegate, Q. C. City South Island Points Wednesdays, mall cIoum l n.m. From Skldegate, O. C. City v South Island Points Saturdays, mail due a.m. To Nas River Points and M Slmnaon Thursdays 10 P1 From Naaa Nlai Points Saturdays -M BOX COLLECTION P.tf, Graham & Allln Aves, 1st Ave. A Eighth SI. Olh Ave. A Fulton SI, Hlh Ave. A Thompson 2 15 2 20 ? 25 st 2.30 llth Ave. A Shcrhrooke 'Ave 8 35 I liil Ave. A Conrad SI. 2 0 Olh Ave, A Rays Gove Ave. 0(h Ave. A Hays CoVe Clrclo 2-! 8th Ave. A Cotton St. Slli Ave. & Mcllrlde SI. 3.00 Prn.'Gov. Hldgs 3 fi Prov. Gov. Wharf .... 3 ' O.T.P. Wharf 3.15 2nd Avo, A 2ml SI 3-0 3rd Avo. A Fill Ion St. 3.25 3rd" Ave. A (lib 81 3.28 P.1 8.1! il tit 835 8.l 8.15 8.5J 8.5 (.0 ft 9J 9.IS 0 0 9.!l . .1 t NOTICE ) Advertisers are" fcmlni' ed that copy for advef- f llsements should bo In mj t Dally News ofllce befor - k p.m. today to ensure " , scrtlon In tomorrow i' , sue. ll