nnday. August 11, 19?L THE DAILY NEWS .PAGE THREE Lakelse Lodge Lakclse Lake, via Terrace, B.C. Now T.j.fn fur servin. ,),. ,. :mui;ijr-niunl uf Mrs. M. Haven. Meal Jlaru u -end ymn summer holidays. Ileus-oual(o rales. Onud dome cooking. Omfurtnlde rooms. Fishing; Hoaling, Hulliing in Lakelse Lake and Sir earns. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH, THE HOT SPRINGS., Terrace i trip. ' 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. Motors Operating Taxi and Lann. li Hcrviee lielwecn Terrace mid I-lvrt? landing, assuring guests uf quick, comfortable, i I Alijo operaling taxi service to all pails of the valley ! For resflmiliuns and rates, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, TERRACE, B.C. Clearance SALE COUCHES LEATHERETTE AND TAPESTRY COUCHES $10 and $15 BED COUCHES AND DIVANETTES - To Clear at a Sacrifice Regardless of'tho former selling price we havo marked down all our Leatherette and Tapestry Easy Chairs at iVtfi one pricey . C;f Jvfe.-v-.-i . $25 J V .4saKj JC Barrie's Home Furnishings Phono 123. Highland now llwr A.jujH popular tueilimii priced paper, and since it is .1if in .(lanada no duly il is llio l,iiggesl valu'e on r iiirrwl. Tim makers set the price. Ours is llio same d mJlcr in Toronln or Montrenl. PapTs . . . . 65o and $1.25 Lorrespotidctiee liaids, (iuld Edge $1.00; l'lain 75o One .L,(JHpl l'nper and 70 Kiivclnpes $1.75 'B'll li litlioner Ititil reflerls ybiirself. Particular pcopiejc Highland Linen. PcRAE BROS., LTD. Bef wMle Stock Lasts 2x4 $17.00 per thousand 2x6 $17.00 per thousand 2x8 $17.00 per thousand Fonco Pickets $1.00 per hundred Sidewalk Strips $1.00 per hundred Chimney Brick chard brick) ..... 5c each Lath, Shlplap, etc. Prince Rupert Lumber Co. Ltd Phone 331 Local and Personal U.Cj. Undertakers. Plione 41. ' llayners. Undertakers, l'huno 351. Sinijisoira Shoe Shop is ojien igain. Slioo repairing neatly done. Fifth Avenue and Mcltride. Capt. Urmiston, was in 0.15 lo .ticjoij today bound. ..... tf All classes of exhibitors ate urged to make (heir entries for the Kxhiliilion now"., tf Joseph Howe of IIoVc & Mc- Nulty & Co. sailed on Saturday night for Vancouver on business. Imiiau Agent V. K. .Coliison sailed by the, llardcna last night for the Naas river on depart- mental business. C. N. 11. sleainer Princedeorgi', Caup(. Hurry Xedden, from Van Vancouver to Skagway. The i ne ves ves IF TROUBLED WITH DIARRHOEA You Should Use It Will Give You PROMPT RELIEF rrt.; i. 11- v - - V... Little Miss Margaret Clapper ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs sailed Tor Vancouver on Hie lHgby Island yesterday was a Prince Hupert' Salunlay night af- great success, sopie 200 adults ter having returned from the and many children enjoying the Oueen .Charlotte Islands on the event. Paces and .novelty events Prince John. sel had 185 passengers mostly Embarkalion r-ri.t- V .Hutchin tourists. Debarking hero were ", HuSh Killen and W. E. Deu- (!en. A., I). Mcltae. E. A. James. Mrs. Heslf Miss M. Inglis ami Mrs. W. A. t'nion steamer Cardena, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port from the south at 10 o'clock last night and proceeded after midnight lo Stewart, Anyox and other northern ports o,f call. The vessel was delayed 'coming up fro ui Vancouver unloadina freight at cannery. points. The committees-from the city council and the St. Andrew's Society are meeting this aflerr noon to make arrangements for the reception to be tendered Squadron Leader Stuart Mac- Laren and his companions of the Hritish rouud-l.lieworld flight on their arrival here this week from the north oil the Canadian Government sleainer Thiepval. Henry Landsberg, owner of one of Ihe most important department stores in Washington D.C., Was in the city on the Princess Alice this morning making his third round trip lo Skasway on that vessel. Mr. Landsbersr lia- novel means of advertising bis store' among the. tourists. While on bis holiday trips, lie distri butes thousands of cards re. questing those receiving Iheiu lo 'Call hie Henry" and send, to his store for a free box of chocolates. Dr. J. C: Spencer, formerly of Port Simpson and now stationed at Hella Hella, and Miss M. I. Oke of Kilamnat -arrived in the city lasl night to' attend a district meeting of the McthodM Church which is to take place in Ihe city on Wednesday of this week. Others . wlio will arrive during the week to attend the "meeting will be Dr. Darwin. Capt. u john. Do not Buffer another day with )ie single Men's 100 yard dash Douglas Frizzel and F. Ileal ly (dead heat). Men's long jump, D. Frizzcll, X. Hums. Egg and spoon race, boys W. Murray and J. Eric.vkson. Egg anil- splion race, giirls 1'. Harvey and H. Derry. Men's four legged, rac.e S. Hazell-Joni's, F. Pyle' and'"' A. Oliver and Gordon JollitVe of thn Sabourin. Queen Charlotte Islands: Dr.! Hop, step and Jump 1). Gur- Sager and Hev. William Allan officii and Smith. Port Simpson, and Rev. W. H. Kicking Ihe football, ladies- Pierce of Port Essington. EMORRHOIDS Miss Xellio Sniith. Mrs. Lamb. I Kicking the football, men S. ,1). Maedonald, H Arthur. The married ladies and men won tugs of war againstl piieinSor ' iur?hota,.vruuNS X great .1 ir amusement was oWu'-u? paused by the dog raee;w,ich was afford IttBttnpr bnrflt. 6rto a box; an ,won ly I lie ramnos of Jock Jait dealem. or Kdmansnn, uutes t i und' Fred Pyle. t WILSON WINNER OF SPOON AT RANGES II. Wilson with a handicap of seven was me winner oi ino, spoon at the McNicholl ranges yesterday. II. Floyd was high man hut he was handicapped fourteen on. account of having won the spoon twice. Following were the scores: II. Floyd .... It. Wilson .. W. Ifrass .... 200 500 000 Ttl. , 2(3 28 27 8t G 27 27 80 , t 25 28 77 M. M Lanilie.... 20 It. W, Cameron 22 C. McKwan 2t W. llarrobiu .. 23 A. Squire l i on the market for the past 80 years, J- ICIH, Jf and holds a reputation, second to none., for the relief of all bowel eomplaintl whether of children or adults. Manufactured only by The X Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 23 25 13 17 21 13 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert 23 24 28 23 li 13 72 71 .65 03 19 18 A. It. Link and John isuiidar. St. Thomiis, Ohl.: Miss Alice Waller, and Miss V. F. Moore, London, Kngland; M.r. and Mrs. W. ' L. Srill, Seattle; Mr. .and Mrs. couvcr and way ports, is due to Jack Clapperlon, Prince George, L j j)jaInont Chicago1 L. P ' arrive on time at 3 o'clock this arrived from the interior on last I .',.' vr.,.n. n-.nh.fni.i 5niV afternoon Mrs. J. H. Roerig and family grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex lcrgliaiij anj jirs. W left on Saturday's train for Sas- C.lapperton, Oovernment Wharf. 8,anj vnijarii Harker . - .'. . ..... kiiloriii katoou wliiM'R where IIipv they will will visit visil Willi with Mrs, lloerig's sister, Mrs. Des- rosters. Ail members I.o.d.e. are re quested to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. F. G. Dawson. Mem bers will meet at corner of Mc ... . ... f , 1 .i nigni s irain aim win sp.-uo wiree - Mfia(.,iv. Yamleilinof: weeks nere visum? wiiu ner ..... p.,,.,..,,,-,,,, i9Pr tf I'l VETERANS HELD GREAT PICNIC ? i Bride and Fourth Avenue at 2.15 Band Was in Attendance at An sharp Tuesday. nual Event Held at Dlgby H. C Keeley, C.O.M.M. Pacific Coast manairer. mid J. M. Horn Island I be annual picnic of the Greal Mr8- A'k('n; Te"e. C.X.Il. general freight agent, War Veterans' Association to were the order?(ff the day and the 102nd Hatallion baml was in at O. A. MeXielinll. C.X.Il general tendance, luriUsUmg music for a passenger agent, is returning on dance which followed the sports this afternoon's train to the city program. r Hi, after Imviiiar aceninnanip.l Sir '1 lie foliowmgvere among Hie Henry Thornton and his parly as boats used to transport the pic will remain over here for a few Laura 1-., W-li lUelnia, blier- davs I man. Livingstons II., Rosina B C P. It. steamer Princess Alice, and Mary It. Gcorire far as Edmonton. Mr. McNicholl nickers lo antUfrpni llie Island: many uenirai ver; Jieien u. .Muiroy ana .Mar garet O'Malley, Toronto; Mrs. W H. Penney and Mary Mydajluk Thurston Harbor; Miss M. I. Okc Kitiinaal; A. W. New, Edmonton Williams and S. L. Wil iiams, innipefc'; .Mr. ana .mis Hall, Salvus Fast; J. C. Spencer, Hella Hella; Mrs. Sebastian Volk, Smiths Inlet; Mrs. Milton, Bar red Hock; S. Matsunioto, Namu T. W. P.-rrker, Vancouver; P Sheehan. Miss Coltman and Miss Paul, Minn.; A. E. Hallock, Prince ELKS' FLAG DAY Entrants I n Various Events Interesting Novelty Competitions i: . . . , .i . i Hnmrnillonrf v..ro na fnllmvi- n,":' lUKIW was Wl Wt ......... -w.im, . ii. u: .i i nnrt frn.n Ladies' conjmUiee Mrs, Uujfli M"1 ' .e i"'."'"1 ra kiiIpii. tVi lV ILrt-ir.n'aiiil 'Mrs. t,iUV ttl 'P !yks , r lag. i)ay ceie u.tiv,u . --r . ( Mbration on Saturday. Jimmie I.. . Hest, Hird. Dr. Debarkation Norman Short and Sgl. Jebson. Siiorts coruinitti-e J, M Campbell, W'i Harton and M. Mc-Arlhur. Hefrfslmienls . Xobbie Clark, Corp. Jlall adUie , ladies. Canteen W. K. Hutchinson. Jock Tail anj the, Jadies. Mrs. Fred Pyle distributed Ibe prizes for the" races. Winners of Races Winners of the races were as follows: r Girls, i and under Ida Moore, house and Ella Tuck. . Hoys, i and under Hobbiel Webber and. George. Pyle. .ewniaii was cnosen as ine jios sessor of I lie best combination of .....fT- 1.', ...... ...iv. Liyni. , Girls. 5 and 6, Helly Archer ind Dorothy Wake, Hoys, 5 and C. - L. Huswick and H. Hanson. , Girls, 0 to' 8, M. olin sou and !!. Moorehouse. Hoys, 0 to 8, H, Stewart and I). Pyle. Girls, 8 to 10, Ji Arthur and May Hums Hoy, 8 li 10, J. Pylo and J. iager. Girls, in lo l:, M, Jones and F. Treniayne. ;- Hoys, 10 lo 12, ;W. Johnson and J. Killas, . , V Girls, 12'to 1 1, n.1Derry and 1'. Hardy. . ' Hoys, 12 16 tl, j Gawthorn and W. Johnson. Ladies' 50 yard das.li Miss Laura Frimdl, Miss Hilda Mis- Hale had the most freckled face, and Ihe best sets of teeth were those of Mary Hudeina and Albert Styles. The judges were Chief Vickers and Joint Pinder- Moss. The novelty competitions con cluded Ihe afternoon's field day ports. There wer-o many en trants in the fool races, as many as forty young sprinters entering some of the classes. The duties of Jimmie Xeville, Jarvis Mcl.eod and George Waddell in judging were thus very exacting and the running off of some heals was necessary. The winners were: Hoys under 6. I, Lee Fpw, 2, Arthur Thompson, 3, Hobbie VVebber. Girls under'G Annie Mildred Monezaba, Isabel Georgeson, Freda Mussallem. Hoys. 8 lo 10 Joseph Gillis, Hoy Kong, Howard K.eefe. Girls, 0 to 8 Velum Walters, Marian Sherman, Frances Yager. Hoys, C lo 8 Johnny Obechina, Roy Wicks, John Rood. Girls, 8 to 10 Jean Ritchie, Thelma Walters. May nyrne. Hoys, 10 'to 12 Alex Wallers, Waller Johnson, Rudolph Xelson. Girls, 10 to 12 Hilda Murray, Evelyn Pierce, Jessie Martin "and Clnra Lundquist (dead heat). Hoys, 12 to 11 Jack Gawthorn, Albert Styles, Harold Maedonald. Girls, 12 to 1 4 .Julia Walters. Helen Sims, Katherino Mussallem. Girls under 16 Christina Mcl.eod, Julia Wallers, Helen Sims. Hoys under 10. Ernest Mc-Leod, Jack .Gawlhorn, Henry lleilbroncr. Girls' three legged race. Christina Mcl.eod and Julia Wallers; Hilda and Dorothy Murray; Helen Sims and Verna Hrochu. Hoys' three legged race. Jack Gawlhorn and Albert Styles; Henry Ileilbroner and Ernest Mcl.eod; Harold Maedonald and Freddy Cameron. i7UTiW0Akt Itttm CATARRH ef the BLADDER StkSKauM f be.r.Mm.K-V BtwnrtofeouKttrfiiU ' Usaatactared W. R. Itfsty ft Co, Vancoarer, B. C No. 1A Autographic Kodak, Special Pictures 2Y x4 inches With Kodak Anastigmat Iens .G.3 and Kodamatic Shutter This model represents the latest achievements in photographic refinement. The most , exacting amateur finds in the Nd.lA Autographic Kodak, Special, every aid 'to good pictures. Unusual photographic equipment such as the Kodak Anastigmat lens .G.3 and Kodamatic bUUlLUl Willi UUUU1UIU clUlUUiauv. DWVia.itiiiSV'b . from 12 second to 1200 second is contained In n encn rf nvmntmnll Kr.T 1 1 f T rrfn 1 1 !n Crfl1. skin leather covering and nickeled You ought to see this Kodak. You'll find one at our Kodak counter Ormes Limited THE REXALL STORE Phones 200 and 82 Thhd Avenue Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped lo, handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. How to Stay Married! He deserves the best Give Him Electric Bread XKills MOTHS ROACHES Melton Imtitutt ol In. v duitriil Kcictrch br W Rci Pllowhip. N Wl I ill IVJSM FLY-TOX tpriri Into lr. Penetritct crickt, crtTicti, and out-o-th-wir pUcci. Soacbti ind Bd Buf crawl-out. Another iprijr of FLY-TO X. nd they die. For moths, tprajr r'lHt intt closet among garments; close door and moths die. FLY-TOX won't stain. Harmless to humans and animals. No dust or dirt. Pleasant odor. Os. JO S: Os. tlS 1 Os 75 IS) Os. 4.00 Mnuth Knrsv.. VHVV. I"ProTd Hand Sprayer. 60 j ' DrugilMa. Department tl i