25 TAXI I Ambuk If the last mentioned ' plan is CORINTHIANS WERE BEATEN BY WINNIPEG Famous English Football Team Goes Down Benire All-Star Aggregation From Manitoba I Anywhere at AnytlmJ '"".-islaUve Lii.,...,. h Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd! ''aWiaini.m .. J and 6th 8U I ,,u''l,ing. MATT VI DECK. Prop. r.3l: VOL. XIV., NO. 188. J H'loplrd it will entail a flight of liciessiuuios necessitating Hie im: naz- ..a..- 1W miles ..-.,,.,,.. ....nilnlUl ....! rftju task of landing at sea lV()f WTNMI'KO, Aug. 11. Coming through, in tho last period lo score jhree goals, Ibe Winnipeg All-Stars defealei) Ihc famous Corinliilans by a score of four to Iwn on Saturday. 0. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Cincjnnuli 2, .New York 1, St Louis 5, Brooklyn I . l'ittsburg 10-7, Pliiladclpliil - Chicago 11-2, Boston 0-0. American League Nev York 5, Cleveland I, Washington 2-H, Chicago 8-5. Boston 2, Detroit 3, Philadelphia I, St. Louis 1. SUNDAY GAMES " American League Boston I, Delioit I3t New York I, Cleveland 7. Philadelphia Hr St. Lull Is 10. Washington 1, Chicago 2. National eLague St. Louis 5-t, Brooklyn 0-8. Cincinnati i-5, Xew York 2-1. oiof Hanson caiife in from oniilliers on last night's. Iraln. FUNERAL TOMORROW The funeral of Ibe laie Mrs. F. (I, Dawson will Hike place lonoii-ow, Tuesday aflerimoii at 2.15 from (ho Presbyterian Church. Itcv. 11. It. (tlranl, D.D, oniclaling. ' LARGE POWDER PLANT BURNED Forty-five Million Pounds of Ex plosive Destroyed; Also Buildings nd Machinery lo Cold Storage. President 21,000 al 13.00 and 0 lo Atlin Fisheries. 1 I'orrnrost 08,000 at 13.10 and 0 to Pacific Fisheries. Sunset 10,000 al 15.10 and 0 to Cold Storage. Western 30,000 tit 13.80 and 0 lo lloyal Fish Co. Canadian F.lhei June 3.000 at 12 and 7 to Cold Storage. ir.iun me inuv v ,... .. fr,.m .. ;.... ...! cruwr Hllei(,II. Mirlimiw., Aliim lliis tniiinihir. Ho ..,.i;i:i ni.im.. ...ll o i.i ,i CPl GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT IS MAKING TRIP NORTH Frank V. Peters, general siinet-iiitendenl of C.P.Il. western Leader of Provincial Party Ar rives to Visit Cannery Interests In District Major General A. I). VANCOUKH. Aug. 11. The VISITING CITY clll,ice of H- H- I'ooley as leader iiuuimu vn i of (e Coil!M.,.valive ,iarl. in Uie Legislature was made after a three, hour private session oni Saturday. His closest competitor for the position was J. W Jones, member for South Okan- agan. leader m.. p0oley has been nwmber of the j,.,,,, Provincial political Uci parly, fot- Ksnuiinalt since 1912. He is ii ii.i. i,u ,.ii. III tin I II. i i. . i , l m . v. . v --- - - uillvui uimiiij ix n "in a & iiic c will spend several days visiting tx ,e Legislative was inlierilcd cannery interests in the '.district. rro0, i, falher. Hon. C. II. K. A. James of Vancouver ac- pooley. who sat as member for conmanies luni. .. ; .Esquimau for 22 years. General Mellae will go lo Walun lliver tonight on the Prince John. Ileluriiing to Hie cily, be will go lo Claxtou ami then lo Slewarl where lie has lines, and Mrs. Peters were In mining inleresls Die cily" from Vancouver this 1 morning. They are making Hie round trip lo Skagway and Atlin on Ibe steamer Princess Alice. The new leader is a trenchant and fearless critic bill lacks the ability to enthuse his followers and Is nol an able public' speaker. BIGGEST AND MOST POWERFUL OF NEW US. BOATS HERE Halibut Schooner Foremost Is 86 Feet Long and Cost $40,000 to Build The largest and most powerful of the many new American hali- NASH VILLI-!, Aug. 11. Forty; l)u( boats which have made their million pounds of powder was destroyed by fire at Old Hickory powder plant The loss, based on present prices, aniounls lo more lhaii'two million dollars. The powder plant manufactured explosives for the government during (he war at a cost of 822,5(10,0(10. The machinery, and buildings were iiesiroyeu, me mini war lime cost being 28,00(),000. LARGE QUANTITY OF HALIBUT SOLD HERE Prices Range from Twolvo to Fifteen Cents for First Class Fish I'be lolal halibut sales here to. day amounted to 217,000 lbs., of which 08,(100 was brought in by (lie new schooner Foremost. The prices paid were fairly good. Following are Ibe sales: American llainier, 0,000 at 13.00 and 0 appearance in this port this year is the schooner Foremost of Seattle which arrived today lo sell her first' catch on the local Exchange. The Foremost is owned by Ness Bros, and Petersen and II is said that it cost $10,000, to build her. She is 80 feet long and is powered Willi a 105 h.p. F.nter-prisc diesel engine. SUDDEN DEATH FRANK CARVELL Chairman of Railway Board Was Found Dead on His Farm Saturday Afternoon SI. JOHN Aug. I Hon. Frank Cnrvell. chairman of (he board of Kni I way commissioners, was suddenly stricken at his home in Woodstock Saturday afternoon and was found dead on' his farm shortly after five o'clock. He had walked lo the farm through the fields. 11 was very hot ami It is believed Ibis contributed to tin fatal seizure. Mr. Cat-veil arrived from Ot tawa al noon, appearing in Ibe best of health. He is survived by a widow, one brother and two sisters. The funeral will take place tomorrow. Mr. Carvel! was a member of Hippo 12,000 al 12 and 7.50 to Sir Wilfrid Laurier's cabinet Cold Storage. Hanaro 8,500 at 13 and 7.50' lo Atlin Fisheries. 1 Nnulilus 5,500 lit 12.20 ami 7.50 lo lloyal Fish .Co. .Dolphin 8,000 at 12 and 7 Jo Gold Storage. ' i Tood.iq 0,000 at 12.20 and 7 lo 'Atlin Fislturios. and also accepted a portfolio in Ibe Union Government along willi ii number of oilier Liberals. He was 02 years of age. Miss Jessie ltothwcll arrived im last night's Iraln from ,IUgina to attend the funeral of her slsler UV1-Va. Dawson. I IOCO WAS IN I DANGER FIRE! Wind Drove Flames Toward Town and Fire Fighters Busy IOCO, B.C., Aug. ti. Fanned by a strong wind, a forest fire threatens loco and the Imperial Oil Company's large tanks today. Unless the outbreak can be checked heavy damage will re sult. Wind is driving the flames toward town. In addition many homes and other structures are endangered and I here is three million gallons of oil stored there. Fire fighters are battling desperately in an ef fort to save the plant. ULSTER FIRM ON BOUNDARY QUESTION BELFAST, Aug. It Sir James Craig in a maui-fcslo to Hie Ulster people declared that he had no intention of changing his boundary policy. He repeated his offer to President Cosgrave of Ibe Free Stale lo settle the question in a friendly spirit willi the aid of expert opinion. CROP CONDITIONS IMPROVE Ileitis PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper prince nupEivr, B.C., Monday, august ii, i)2i. UNITED STATES FLYERS The above photograph shows from left to right t Johnny Weisniuller, Joe Kahaiianioku, Aileen Riggin and Duke Kahaiiamokii, yell-knowii swimmers. Prince of Wales Will Lunch With President Coolidge at White House On His Arrival tive family at. the White House is planned for the Prince of Wales on his arrival in the United States next month, according .mij . .Post, to the VashiiigUm The Prince's call at the White House was (turtftr Circulation 1,780. Strxt Saltt M. WILL decided upon ASK LEAGUE KEEP CHECK Premier of France Would Have Germany Watched Connection With Disarmament PARIS, Aug. 11, The problem of France's security will be solved by the League of Nations. A plan to keep check on German disarmament by the other powers would be Inferred from a conference between Premier Herrlot and Paul Bonce ur, president of the sub-committee on national defense. Premier Herrlot declared he would support the plan In person before the league. : IN AGREEMENT . AT CONFERENCE Premier of French Cabinet on His Policy MAY CONCLUDE THURSDAY BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for rlances, banquets and wed. ding parlies. For rales, apply to Boston drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE GENTS. CONTINUE BRITISH AIRMAN LEFT DUTCH HARBOR FOR PRINCE RUPERT SATURDAY American Flyers Will Make Effort To Reach Greenland And Complete Their Journey HKKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. II. There is no question of railing off the United States globe circling flight. Officers here believe it will be completed successfully. Search today is being nlade for a safe landing place on the hop from Iceland to (Jreen-liiiid. Fog and ice conditions are bad and the aviators are ..considering Uiree possibilities. The Cruiser Italeigh may find a safe landing liuven on the coast of f ireeiilaud. The flyers may go to Angmagsalik Harbor, which is free of ice provided the llal-cigli's scout planes can take enough fuel to provide for "'"'(.fcNfcKAL MLKAt next lap, or they may attempt a mmslop flight rrom this port lo Ivlgtut on Hie weslern coast of (iieenland or to a base near Cape Farewell on the southernmost lip. JONES PROVED POOLEY'S RIVAL Leader Was Chosen After Throo Hours Session:. Is Fearless Critic Thiepval Left Saturday For Prince Rupert with Stuart MacLaren Aboa rd Stowaway Who Claims To Have Been Robbed Coming on Vessel: Rowe Fled With High Fever, DUTCH HAIIBOH, Aug. 11. The Cnnadii trawler-Thiepval with Sluart MacLaren and the rest ot "the' party of British flyers arrived-here Thursday and. left Satiirdayvnigjit for Prince ' "' ' Rupert. MacLaren had little to add to his story of disaster as broadcasted at the time. He expressed delight at the success of the American flyers Jind said he appreciated the hazards they had overcome. All the personnel were well, j-'light Kugineer Rowe, engineer on the plane, flew for hours with a fever at 10-1 de- igrees due lo sunstroke contracted DAft! EV C A VC !at 11,0 Kuetile viands. 1 U.ULLI uAlU I NVI,(? llie Thiepval crew began 'loading bunkers, a naturalized HDD AC 17 AT IUCI) American, of Russian nativity was III I IIlJL, ULiVIjIV found at the docks of the Una laska Co. He was covered with WASinNGTjON, Aug, II. -A private lunch with the execu-; conservatives Will Contest Any l,ust having been stowed fn the By-election the Liberals manners. Call at Present The slowiway, claims 16 have , " - .eWedithiiitgl'SJalesimvyrro i- x'.'fiiit'i.'i, i.. ii Vrtir.n i i Y. i i t. i.i.iwiiir.n, .iu. "cisuh ii.m.i-in,-i l-:iium (() in iiussia ana after King Oeorge hiid vetoed the proposal that he come to the or any other by-election called the? Vtiin- of $10,000 taken from Uiyled Stales incognito as Lord Ilenfrew. The King held that by Hie Oliver government will be him and then ordered to shift for international courtesy required the use of the Prince's highest contested with all the energy himself. He sljpped aboard the title oji the occasion of the visit, necessitating arrangement!? and resources of the parly," dc- Thiepval hiding in the fusilage for him to pay his respects formally to the President. dared It. H. Pooley, M.L.A., newly 0f Uie wrecked plane. , jelectcd leader of Uie Conserva-i The Canadian authorities will tive parly in British Columbia, 'eb asked to consider the case, following a meeting of Conserva-i tive members of the Legislature, ion Saturday. The conference was declared to be unanimous In faior of opposition lo Oliver's move to find a seal. "Public j opinion voted G8 per cent against the government in uie general election," said Pooley, "and have indicated that they arc determined lo be rid of OHverism. Cooperation and manipulation attendant upon tile handling of the absentee ballots have turned the public even more solidly against ttie present Liberal administra tion." SPECIAL BOAT TO KETCHIKAN Fair Board Has Made Arrangements For Transportation of Alaskan Visitors to City The Fair Board at a on Saturday night will H.C. Keeley, Pacific Coast manager of Harriott Has AoDroval i in. n.itihilinn government Mer- lemlenl. and U. F. Mc- Naughton, C.N.U. district passenger agent, concluded an arrangement whereby transporta- LONDO.V, Aug. 11. Allied Hon will be provided for visitors and German experts nttached to fruni Ketchikan and Juneau who the international reparations bave expressed the desire to tako ennferenee bave renebed a full in Mn fnrlhrnminir 'exhibition. A agreement on the Dawes proJbaseball team from Ketchikan it gram. Premier Herriot of Franco is expected, will also com' to returned with the French cab-play a series with the locals or inefs unanimous approval of his visiting teams that may be here. Huhr evacuation policy. This hasl To bring the Alaskan visitors WINNIPEG, Aug. tl. Crop ui mw lif.. nnd hope Into the to the cily. the Prince Rupert on renditions throughout Western .negotiations and it is believed the .Thursday of Fair Week will Canada have Ei-eallv inmrnveil as 'iim f-.inf..i-i.iu. will oml m, Tlniru. nntn n unneinl nm In Ketchikan a result of Ibe general rains last itnv lnfinr imp Anvnt ralL nrrivlnc week, say unofficial reports. I The question of the "evacuation here on Thursday evening. 'The' 4 Coarse grain cutting is expected of (he Ruhr is being considered excursionists will be given Thurs-! to be ceneral llV All&Ust, 15 anil lulu lliiu nriornnnn nl 11 pruifpr '.In v ovniiinL' nil Kriil.iv and Sat-, wheal culling by the 25lh. The crops in Saskatchewan and Alberta have been revived very considerably by rain and in Iho districts wher'o the outlook was very, poor two weeks ago Ihey; look for a fifiy per cent or- . ,;; ; ' ' ence of the principal French nd ijrday in the city andwill be taken 1 Belgian delegates. home on the Prince John which , BIRTHS "A daughter was born at the. Prince Rupert General Hospital on Wuhisl Ifl fn Mr. rind John Nelson; KlUinaat. will sail for Ketchikan early, Sunday morning.' I The Fair Board is also endeav- oring to make arrangements for Mrs. special transportation of Anyox (visitors; I SALMON STILL RUNNINGWELL Sockeye Season Closes on Aug. 20 and Cohoes Not Worth Packing Says Canners Sockeye salmon fishing wilt close the middle of next week and by that time it is expected the catch will be almost a record for the Skeena river. The fish continue to come in large numbers. The big run of pinks is still on and canners are making every effort lo cope with it. The limit of two hundred to the boat has been raised to three hundred nnd all canneries, where Ihere is a sufficient supply of cans, are working all the time. Cans are being rushed north as fast as possible and littlo delay will be caused fro at lack of chant Marine; J. J. Carroll, local supplies. , l lie conoe siiuauon is worry- ing canners. Whije the fish have not come In large quantities yet, Ihey are exepcted soon and the canners are not suje wneiner Ihey will pack them or not. They say that the fish o not fetch a very high price a nil "it is doubt ful if it will pay them to handle that grade this year. Advertise in the Dally News. NOTICE TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS It is Imperative that nil names of students Who intend lo enter High School in September, be forwarded not later than August 12, to Mr. J. C. Brady, Pox 065 Cily. 188 .'