PAGE SIX WESTHOLME THEATRE Monday and Tuesday, 7 and 0 p.m. TOM MIX "North of the Yukon" A drama of the vast, while wilderness. Something new for" Tom. Poignant drama, subtle comedy, ravishing beauty coupled with amazing thrill;, were never so w'ell MIX-ed before. A photo-play of vivid contrasts. A whiz of a picture. Swift action. Daring feats. Kathleen Key and strong cast. Imperial Comedy "A MONKEY MIX UP." INTERNATIONAL NEWS Admission 35c and 10c. Sardines! SPECIAL This is the largest bargain in 'Sardines ever known here. Wo have just received a large shipment of high Grade Norwegian Sardines A.l. Price, per tin ... .... 15c 7 tins Tor $1 15 tin lots $2.00 Try them. 'Your money refunded if not good. EGONQKiY STOR 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. E Preserving Peaches ARRIVING FRIDAY. $1.65 per Case Uuy this week. We doubt if the price will bo any lower this season. The peach situation is alarming, and prices will surely advance. l'hone yuiir order early as our stock is limited.. Raspberries for Preserving Phono us for Prices. RupcrtTableSupply Three Phones: 210,111, 212 Popularity! With low prices and highest quality makes our success. Wo arc now offering Corn Flakes, per nkg. . . 10c Shredded Wheal, per pkg. 15o Hipe Olives 50c less than regular orices. On sale now, per gallon tin $175 Jelly l'owijers, per doz. 90o Cream Olive Soap, dozen 90c Marmalade in jars .... 25c Pure Jam. any variety 75c Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 35o Fresh '(rround Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Fanners' High tirade Tea, 2 lbs ... 5)1.25 .Fresh Fruit, the lowest in town. Farmers Market Phone Bluo 423. Orders of $5.00 Delivered. HURLBDT CHUMS Welted Shoes of the better class for Children. Made oh orthopedic lines, allowing for the natural growth of tho feet. The best Footwear for the infant, child, growing girl, little geul, youth or boy. Agents jn Prinqe Jluperl . Family Shoe Store LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention to Apply to Purchase Land. in Otieen Charlotte inland Land District, iieroruinir uisinci or rrmre itupert, and situate in the East entrance or JustkatU Inlet. Take Motlce that Edward Shannon or Colt Clements, In the Province or British Columbia, Gardener, Intends to apply ror meucement, and containing one and one hair acre of land, more or less. LAND ACT. EO. SHAN.NO.V. Dated at Tort Clements this 26th dav of July, 19J1. Kame of Applicant Dorothy saysi There is just one safe manner of cleansing valuable text ileu and that is by dry cleaning. Hy our advanced methods Hie most delicate fabrics are returned lo you thoroughly cleaned but PHONE 8 BOX392 P Rl N CErR,u PE RT MOONLIGHT DANCE At the Auditorium Friday Evening, Aug. 15. Kasson's Orchestra. He fresh incuts served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladies 50o Phono Illack 419.. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. Advertise in the Dally News. I Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE or Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Heiner Diamond Specialist TIMBER SALE X 6343. sealed Tender will lie received by the uimi..r nr Lands, at Victoria, not late:- than noon on the Uth day of August. lUit. ror the purchase or Licence X 6343, to cut i nr. ii iion reel uf Hemlock. Spruce, Cedar and Balsam, on an area situated on the. west side or Bishop Hay, Boxer luacli, Itawre A. Coart District. Two () years will be allowed for removal ' " or timber. Further particulars or the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, I'rlnce Hupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 6304. Sealed Tenders will be received bj' tht Minister or Lands, Victoria, not later man iiH.i.n mi 1 he a i.t dav or August. Hit, 1 fur the purchase or Licence X 6304. to. cut 2,330.U0 reet or Spruce, Hemlock, iiaUain mid Cellar on an area situated on :the south end or James Island. Mattiiesun Channel, llawrc 3, coast uisinci. Two (2 years will be allowed ror le-moval or Umber. .,... lurlhrr particulars or me i-mei fores ter. Vlrtora. B.C.. or me District rot-es ter. I'rlnce Hupert, B.C. . IS8 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Westsrn Reglop. Sealed Tenders will be received at the nrrifn ,,r Din Chief Kniriiieer. Wiiiuliieir. permission to purchase the tallowing de-'ntan., until twelve o'clock noon, Monday, scribed lands: ,,, ,.1-rhn.pnth dav or Ailirusl. IBjl, Tor Lonimenclnir at a Post Planted at the th f,,ii,,uinu u-.irii- Krertlun brick rrelirht northwest point or this Island; thence gt,ed and orriecs, North Battlerord; erec-southeast and on around the Island follow- tton three stall brick addition and altera- inir the shore line to the place of com- tloris to Hound House. Brandon; construe- Hon or It. C. Culverts al Miles K59.0 and 917.3 To iro sub-dlvlslon, and Mile Mariro sub-dlvlslnn; construction or II. C. culverts at Miles MI0.5 and 1118. S Tete Jaur.e sub-dlvlslon; ronstrurtlmi or stream diversions or the llosehud Illver to eliminate brldife Mile 339.9-310.I and Mile 3I0.3-.U0-5, Iirumheller sub-dlvlslon: Av,.i.vttii.i aii Im-lntr 1 l&o fiet hIt Inch Nolle of InUntlon to Apply to Lass Land. ra,, lpf)n Plp at Chandler. Sask.; erection in Queen Charlotte Island! Land District, fourteen miles or rence Brleux stib-rtlvl-Recoiding Dlslilct of Skeena, and situate ,ion. erection twenty-one miles or rence in rront or BloiK to. d.l,. 7, Plan 946, llt cuitent branch: striPMnir ballast at Oueen Charlotte Islands. Take Notice that Hume B. Bablnglon or Ma&sett, occupation cannery manager. Intends to apply ror permission to lease the rnuowing aescrinen roresnore: commen- cimr at a post planted at the southwest Vivian. nian profiles, spec f ration, rorm or contract mav be seen and rorm or tender obtained at the orrices or Chler Engineer, wimilnei Uan District Engineer. Ed- Alia nutrlrt F.nxioeer. Saskatoon. curlier in mum i: int-me i ues. . Basic : District hngineer. Vancouver, in..: south , about !00 reet to low mark; inivNinn Enlneer. I'rlnce Hupert. B.C.: thence northerly along low water mark iiivUInn Engineer. Reglna. Sask.; Division in a point west 33 deg. south or north- ,r-in.r raiimrv. Aita. west corneror -Block 19: thence easterly to ' Tenders will hot be -considered unless tne nonnwesi corner nr biock i; tnenre :ijlade on the rorm supplied by the nan-southerly along high water mark to pot. rmiunnv anil accompanied bv an ae- and containing y, acres, more or less, (rented cheque on a chartered bank equal 11, B. iiMiniiTO.T, to rive per cent or value or tne worK, pay able to the order or the Treasurer, (.an- aillsn Katii-tli-ll IlillllvavS. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . A. r.. v.-iniir..i, General Manager. Winnipeg, Man.,. August 2nd, 1924. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX SCHOOL. SKM.EIi TK.NPKHS. endorsed "Tender r,.i film It... ,m Irlrlltlun til Anvol School. will be received by the Honourable the Minister or Public Works up to 12 o'clock noon or Tuesday, tne 1111 nay 01 Aiigusi 1B21, ror tne erection or a one room mi dlllon to the present four room School house at Anyox, In the Atlln Electoral DIs i.i.t it n Plans, Specifications', Contract and Forms of Tender may be seen on and arter the 88th, day or July, 1884, and further Information obtained at tho Department or Public Works, Parliament Buildings, and at the orrices or the flovernment Agent, vanitiiiver; the Oovernment Agent. Anyox rwi 1 in, nnvopnmtnt Airent. I'rlnce nuoeri nr.. Copies or plans, speciricatlon. etc., can bo obtained rrom tne iirpnruneni on y mnt i,r a rli.tiinlt of Ten Dollars (110.00) wnicn wn tie rerunueu on ineir reiiini m good cond lion. 1 ne lowest or any lenuer wn urn sarlly accepted. P. PHILIP. Public Works Engineer. The Department or I'ubllc Works, Victoria. B.C. July IMh. 1B84. NOTICE. VI1KHE.V9 tinder tlw provision of the lloyaity Art, '.impicr 70, siaiuie ivn ttie royalty on ppibrr to lie vullpctrd le rlrinlnir Jamiarv lit. 1955. will, from III rornmllon now avalluhle. be more tlinn 'tliri-B times tho royalty now helnir col ' i.ftfrt. i tn wiikiirts uriri'iit ri-nresentatlons ili.ivo. licen made that this Increase In royalty Is much heavier than the Industry ran bt-ar, ami wiirnna thn rnrpHpnlflLloiiA made have gni: ito rar as to nay that any Ulioiiil'l to collect uns royalty ucitiiiiiiiik January 1st next as upon the hauls or the protein lloyaity aci wouin tmineaiaieiy ru-sult in a ihuldown or the entire Industry In the l'rovlnre, Mitick in lii'W.liv riven that a nubile lu-arlnir upon this qiiMsllon will lie held In tne Kxocutive :iiamrer, rarnameni iiiinu- 'lt,.,.ln liufi... llw. L'vo.tlllV. Cfllin. THE DAILY NEW3 Hand?. AMgU,t 11 19l IHMHMHHHHI i" i PRINCE GEORGE mZl 1 JLJB i mem rasa is .irvhiir7tinainm Sir Henry Thornton spent three hours here on Friday morning The railway president was met by representatives of the Hoard of Trade and city council and asked lo give adequate consideration to the establishment of a Uritish Columbia connection into the Peace Hiver Valley. Arthur Dixon, resident en gineer lor 1 lie provincial ueparii nient of public works, leN qn Saturday for Victoria going out by way of I he Quesnel road. The olllcers and members of Nechako Lodge, A.F. & A.M. held Iheir annual picnic at Six-Mile on Wednesday afternoon. There, was a large attendance of mem bers of the craft and their fam ilies; - Delegates of the farmers' institutes of this district at a meeting last week decided that there were not enough 'catllo in the district lo warrant the establishment of a creamery at Prince George. a-- A strongly worded protest against the delay at the government in completing the road froip Quesnel lo Prince' Oebrge has been drawn up by the city council and will be submitted al the an nual eonvenfion of the Good Hoads League of H.C. OUT AFTER BUSINESS FOR PORT OF VICTORIA VfliTOllIA, Aug. 11. At a meet ing of the chamber of commerce the question of a harbor board for the port was discussed. Some favored the appointment of a board with limited powers while others opposed it as likely lo lead lo a condition similar to that ob taining at Vancouver where the harbor charges were very high. II was shown that al present Victoria hail the advantage of a dollar a Ion Von average cargoes I The matter was allowed to drop after a jiuinber of miembers had expressed themselves. It was, I however, the "general opinion that ; there should be someone ap-1 pointed to g(j out after business for the port. 1 1 Local News Notes j ! i Prince Hupert Annual Inhibi tion, September 9 lo 13. If . - 11. K. Allen boarded Saturday I'errace on last night's The Misses Elizabeth and Jean Wilson returned lo town yesler- lay afternoon , after spending several weeks holiday at Hie Hill Farm at Terrace. II. I,. Mann has been transfer red from tltCj Hums Lake lo I lie local branch of the Hoyal Hank Avenue West. WARM MOIST WEATHER IMPROVES CROPS IN Don't build a fire in the house in summer, when Fresh MILK and Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. Prompt Early Morning Delivery. VALENTIN'S Dairy Phone 657. McBrlde Street. X ideal growing weather has greatly improved conditions. In Ontario conditions throughout continue favorable and turage materially. recent rains ami warm weather have benefitted al! iri-nwintr erotis- In Jhe Maritime night's train at Phelan for "an-jp.y,,,,.,,,, rail, is llP,.,ed and the nail, Ipntiitiliim nf emus L'PtierallV is Ifiiir to rrood. In llrilislt Colum- O. A. Woodland .returned from hi r j , tlirouglio'ut the province .... 1....!.. train. t . .. ' have benefitted roots anil pas- When you buy advertising you buy CinCULATlON. and see that you get It. t' TOWED HIS FRIENDS INTO KETCHIKAN of Canada and arrived last week' lo take over Ills duties. II. (Join- Llndon PonU When on Way From mons. has been trasferred front' Horo Was Dolayed Helping here lo Hums Lake. O.P.ll. steamer Princess Heat- Other Craft Telling of Ibat part of his trip rice Caut. Thomas OlifTe, arrived from here lo hclciiiKau aiier from the south at 10.30 yesler- routing all tho way from Noattlo day morning and cleared al 11.30 with his wife and infant and goat on her return to Vancouver. In a sixleeu foot boat, i.inuen . - JPcnlz told Hie AiasKa uiiroiuc.n; Archie Watt, (l.N.H. master that it was intended to make the mechanic, has returned to Prince run from Prince Hupert to Kel-Oeortre from llociiester. Minn., chikap In two days. In Prince where he went lo undergo a nasal Hupert, however, the Penlz per- operaliou which was entirely sonally eondiicted lour was join-successful, 'od by four young men Tiom Cali- . Ifornia who had been experiencing BIRTH ' trouble with the engine in their -! ... Iboat and reiiuesled that they be On August 10 at the Prince permitted to proceed lo Kclehi-llupert (ieneral Hospital a. .laugh- kan in company with the Penlz fee win horn lo Mr. and Mrf. craft. A stop was made at Cape 1 1 1 1 fr 1 1 f nfl li tin i.v :i:n KiL'litli Eox for the night and In the morning the two pnrties started cti or such Memhers thcreor as may be nmved by cool weather and rains hour tho paper said, but it nilist wednffi?!ienr lover practically the whole admitted that It Is some low. mirre,u on'lhe e .Hank of Montreal re-ling fmvan open boat, will, an out- ouesthm or timber itoysities win be mven nnrt. Willi favorable weather, board motor, in those, walers. and lea'io'ui'? K .ciTnJly!"" Iharvesting should begin In two or speaks well of PentzN Vonfldenee I). PATTULLO, Minister of LaDdJ. off in high spirits expecting lo be in Ketchikan by night. The Cali-ifomian's cngyio slopped on them when between Tree Point and jMnry Island and refused to move nn A IDTC DDAUIMPCC ""inner so i-eiiiz gavo ineni n tow rKAlKlt rKUYlPitLJ line and kept right on for Kelchi- 'knn. (Ieneral conditions in the They were forced to slop at Prairie Provinces have been im- Mary Island because of the late 'three weeks. In Quebec province in himsulf and bis vni?! KBEjcnen kitchen and heat up the you ought to be on the front porch. Save coal, save health, save money by serving Shredded Wheat. Nothing so delicious and nourishing and appetizing as the crisp, brown shreds of baked whole wheat. Being ready-cooked and ready-to-eat it is so easy to prepare a nourish, ing meal of Shredded Wheat in a jiffy. Two biscuits with milk make a good meal and cost but a few cents. The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, LtA Ni.f.ra F.1U. O.Uri. d Carry Specials For Monday August Uth. Only Hamstcrley Farm Puro Strawberry Jam i lit. pailx. Special, each Canned Tomatos Solid Pack, 2's. :i tins for Fancy Check Ginghams Fifty, different designs. 32 ami :S" wide. . Iteg. iiOr. Special, per yard Reg. iOc. Special, per yard Ladies' Grey Nubuck Pumps Tavo straps, with kid trim, military heel. Sizes : to 7. Hog. $.00. Special Men's Outing Shirts White English ltroadrlolh. willi collar attached and, two button cuff. Sizes l tu 17 Vj. Meg s?i.r0. Special, each Dental Convention in Vancouver office will again be Open on August 13 65t 40c 40c 30c $5.95 $2.95 Universal Trading Co. Dr. J. F. Maguire Is attending the ji am lanwunuHmwimnnna , c Fur panelling your rooms il rivals the most cs liarihvoods. Itujiiveiialu your llortm Quickly unci Pennnnt'"" " r- Solo. Agents Albert & McCafery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. li