Prince Rupert Fish, Meat and Poultry Market Phoe671 VOI, XIV., .NO. lio, rvrarr Mmi H SB SB aW mm m m . it. Oh. 1 IVL1ITIIL1 1 TOUONTO, June IL II Is understood thai a substantial inn. Jorlly favored u slriko In Ihe vole taken by Ihe. postal clerW ami letter carriers in regard to' accepting I ho wage scule recommended, by Ihe civil service com-mlssloft. Voting: coAUuubS today; ' Tha Latast In Restaurants. BOSTON GRILL Third Avenue. Best of Food Good Service. PRiWCE RUPERT Private Dotes for parly Use. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Take Her to The Boston." PIUXCK HUPKHT, B.C., 8ATUHDAY, JL'NB H, lU2i. A Solid North Vltrdr' Circulation, 1,809. Kergfn of Atlin, Pattullo of Prince Rupert, Minson of Omlncca, Perry of Prince George and Yorston of Cariboo by co-operation and unity of action were able to accomplish a great deal for Northern and Central British Columbia. In the next House the North will bo stronger by two seats, namely Skeena and Mackenzie, while Lllloet, adjoining Cariboo, seems certain to go over to the Liberal column. These eight seats cover three quarters of the area of British Columbia. By standing together, the representatives of these eight ridings can put up a strong front in the House. As matters stand, the only way this can be accomplished is by the people electing eight Liberals, which there is every indication they are going to do. The slogan for the North should be "A Solid North." CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. STARTpLLSOF ROSSMACKAY NEW STEAMER IS CONFIDENT Two Well Known Architects Have 8ays He Will Get More Votes on Plans on 'Hand: Will Make Islands Than Both Other m Knot. Candldataa The new .Vancouver evcninif C.O.M.M. nort. John Louis at Vancouver. The new C.O.M.M. vessel will be a 2- knot liner witli accommodation fur over 500 passen gers, her length over alt being fixed al aoo feel. WIRELESS OPERATOR KNOWN HERE RESCUES MAN FROM DROWNING J. I.egge Willis, well known in this nort and formerly wireless I.I ..... ..I . ...l. i . i . . . i . lloss Mackay. dares that .Newlon lost more voles than he gained on his trip and that some people who were going lo vote Conservative candidate came in pcrsout He snys the Tory candidate spoke in his usual aimless manner ami at one point he discoursed unlit i o'clock bid he morning. ANTI-AMERICAN MOVE IN JAPAN SUBSIDING m.erator on the steamers Clieloh. lM. June I . l'Aiuence Is sin, Talaralite, Prince lieorce "ccuinuianmr inai me nnu-.vmer-and (iivencliy, figured in a lire icil outburst on account or Ihe saving Teal al Hella Coola last Japanese exclusion is subsiding. Sunday, according lo word re-,A majority of newspapers favor a reived from the south yesterday. mo.ierauoi of llie hocoit against The Paelfie N... I. Caul. Onion, mvrican movies winch is ot the Pacific Launch & Towing l"'caMiig down. Two of the lar- Co., was at Hella Coola that day. v1 theatres are Ignoring the lying directly behind the launch .boycott. Huilada. A young man and a girll - in a canoe ventured close astern FIGHTS ARRANGED FOR craft was overturned when Ihe I GEORGES CARPENTIRR big launch started to move. The' ' " girl was a good swimmer and NHW YOHK, June It l.eorges easily made shore but her escort Carpentier is matched for a six . vugusl iu-iii .. no ii. p uiu c . i.ure 1 1 rs i am soon i.ene Tunney tty Ihe respective brouglil him round. managers for Ihe middle or July. PUBLIC MEETING Tonight at 8.30 In Old Masonlo Hall over Boston Grill. Addresses by MAYOR NEWTON and C. Carmichael of Vancouver Seats lleserved for' Ladies. Strt SIm, 43. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SAYS WINNING ALL ALONG LINE FORMER M.P.P. FOR ALBERTA IS HELPING TO FIGHT HIGH FREIGHT RATES V S m WWW WW Premier Ulwer Wires that tie Never Knew Election in which r Things . Looked Better Than . Now H. . Stevens in supporting Bowser comes out HOSPITAL BOARD IS openly in Opposition to Freight Rate Reduction for Province Tlic following telegram arrived here today addressed Hon, T. It. Pattullo from Hon. Joint Oliver, Premier: to ASKING ASSURANCES Want to Know to What Extant City wll Back Them In Paying Bills Jlit' hospital board is seckim Have just relumed (o aucoiivcr lifter unotlier trip inlo.a more definite understanding (orlinti of interior mill in till my political experience I have with the cily council regarding never seen uu election in which thing looked heller for the the cily's otTer to come lo ih aid governmental parly. We are standing lo Win all ulong the line, of the hoard at the end of the "On reaching Yuucouver I find that lion. II. II. .Slevcnslycar if it is necessary a a rc-now come!) out openly in hit opposition lo our fight for relief null of the fir protection uieas-from Hie excessive freight rales, which have been strangling ures thai are lo he undertaken . " ... !l . . J 'I" I.......I. J........I.I.. .1... !,.. MORE KILLED -'.u....f.a luii.ijit iijc nospnai. i federation. The people are now ircaliziug the connection between hli -ml. Ion return from the Lasl Speaking for finance committee at (he hospital hoard meeting last night, S. K. Campbell said that TIIAlU DCDnDTCri n,',, M'poillon freight rule; mi expenditure, of (1300 or JI500 lHfill IlLil UiAlLls reductions an. I it Is having a. would he involved. With the per wonderful effect. If you ami your friend eon. capita grant this year of COc il estimated that there would Curlbua Way In Which Lives ,. ,He wrt 1)ntt ct.cij day he a .leficil of (5,000 at the end War Snuffed Out Aboard, Battleship Mississippi SAX PLTHUI, June ! I. Naval ulllCer run. hiding the investigation on board the bulllesbip Mitt-silppl, where yesterday tJ.mcu and llirec officers were blown into eternity, have not yet dls-i'iiv ', I Hip canoe nf I lie disaster. the result will he a clean sweep for Ihe Liberal parly." FISH ARRIVALS Thirteen Schooners Sold Halibut Catches Totalling 118,500 Pounds Today Fierce heat and suffocating "liirleeu halibut schooners smoke choked the lire from ifi marketed catches totalling 118,. ....... ...,! luelve In the husi.l- pound al the Fish l.xchange lal. II was uch n, little blast this morning. Five American mi'......i-...l ..(!, ll.n i'nhirv caused. ,,"a,H ,,a 5M.,m0 l"Ullds and according lo one or llie survivors. .""J'1 .500 pound. Arrivals and sales M-what like' were as It was just n mm. .11 explosion would be made from a truck ,ows: Piled with celluloid, just u purr, . ..?,? ,. bigger' " Is.uHO b, and then a little flame, then a or Avom, 0.0 0 lbs., al lJ.7c and one like a continuous streak "" Hsh A (.obi lightning with hot suffocating , , . , storage Ut. I'l.n ...,.u.. t.f f..rll...e .lanuer Yellowstone. 17,0(10 lb. was ieiiRied today when the last charge' was renioveil from big gun which can blow an a I .1,.,,... ins-M .ml ..f ll.e wilier nl '.aiicniK. iu.vui. u.s.. hi io.ic leu miles. No damage was done to IH.C'C ami Ce. and Cora. 1.000 dm lbs., al 1 1 c and (c, lo the lloyal ,. ii-isii i.o cent parliamentary elections, lo- tinii is lo be brought down by day accepted the invitation of the Hon. Ernest I.apniutc, minister newly-elected president, Oaslonjof marine., providing for nddi Doumergue, to form n ministry. onal advances not exceeding llerriotl plans lo go to Loudon (5,000,000 to the Vancouver next week lo hold a conference Harbor Hoard lo complete con. with premier llainsay Maodonald. slrucllon of terminal facilities CLOUDBURST HITS TENNESSEE CITY JOHNSTON CITY, Tennessee, June I t. Al, least 22 persons tire dead, probably more, in a terrific, cloudburst thai early today wiped o"l Carter's Dluff and Iluqter flex. here. at that port. Mrs, 1). H. I.earoyd and child of Anyox left on 'last nighlN (rain for Ottawa on a holiday trip. Dr. I.earoyd, who returned I his week from Terrace, will leave tomorrow nitthl for Anyox where ho Is company physician. Subodbe for the Dally News. a - , I,... .) ... t'l . . ..!.. I iillll uc, hi Hie ihiiiiii risi.ein-S II,,. Canadian Co. battleship om she was able to . rush nnder mil speed to the'; " ,-5,,' l'Tt"r ship.'"': Horreen 5 no u lbs a I I.Cc harbor where the hospital ..... .. .. i--., ii,, i,v aii'l 7c. and . I., 12,000 Ibs smi ai tvF.. is viv. v r to reeeixe the bodies ami the In jured men. The explosion occurred during gun practice. NEW PREMIER FOR FRANCE Edouard Herrlott, Radical Leader Heads Government Under President Doumergue PAIIIS, June II. Kdouard llerriotl. leader of the Radical parly umi head of the left bloc 12.1c and 7c, to the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Joe Itaker. 3.000 lbs., at 1 2.7c and 0c, to Ihe lloyal Fish Co, Pair or Jacks, 1(1,0(10 lbs., t 12.5)' and 7c, and Johanna, 8,000 lbs.. nt'l2.7c and 7c, to the Hooth Fisheries Canadian Co. Ilingleader. 7,500 lbs., at 12.7c and 7c, and Oibson, 7,500 lbs., at 2.0c and 7c, to the Allln VANCOUVER GETS FIVE MILLION AS LOAN FOR HARBOR which was victorious in the re- OTTAWA, June II. I.egisla of the year. Ill view of this II wn importanlalo.ktiKW definitely how far. tlic city would go with Its assiitlaiire. The hospital board had no desire of going to Ihe city for help If it could finance without a deficit or even with a small one but il would be more comfortable, (u know definitely what assistance might be expected. Aid. Macdouald had no doubt the council intended to fool the whole bill if necessary. It might be wise, however, to receive definite assurance to (hat effect. President I). C. Mcllac fell that, in view or Ihe businesslike milliner in which hospital affairs were being conducted, there was no doubt the council would meet (be hoard. The hospital finance committee Is already in communication with the city with, a view lo having a more definite uuderstaud-iiik arrived at. FINE PAGEANT LAST NIGHT "Slrlklno or Canada's Hour" Was Put on at Auditorium by Lutheran Church' Highly, commendatory remarks were heard today of the pageant held last nighl in Ihe auditorium under the auspices or Ihe SI. Paul's Lutheran Church woman's aid society. There were also several vocal solos and oilier in terest big realures lo Ihe The program was as rollows: Vocal solo Hruce Stephen. Playlet ."Ffty Years Ago." Violin solo Victor Thomas, acconlpanisl, II. A. I'ryce. Ilccltalion Adella Thurber. Vocal solo Mrs. L. O. Larsen, accompanist, W. Vaughn Davies'. Pageant- "Striking of Canada's Hour." POSTAL CLERKS ARE FAVORING STRIKE IN VOTE SO FAR TAKEN architects whose plans will be 'a' man euner rauuilo tiu,,,.. fi.l lowed. Mr, number or ferry boats in New 1 1,1 1,1 'Winer. York harbor, desiirned a battle- Mr- Macka' visited the Islands bin for Ihe United Slates navv Ju1 '"(" MaJi'i- ewtou. .ini-i..'. 1 1... uur mi. I ih.. l.rinpvss .oiiseMane camiKiaie, Asking People to Back Oliver's Struggle for Western Grain Route Former Member Alberta Legislature for Peace River says Liberal will be Elected in Mackenzie Riding. That the Oliver candidate in Mackenzie riding will be returned by a handsome majority is the honest conviction of V. A. Ilae. until recently member of the Alberta Legislature for Peace Iliver who has pioneered in thai country for sixteen years, ami who was in the city last evening. He is in Uritish Columbia Inking part in the election campaign because he believes iii the roast outlet for grain and he sees in the return of the Oliver guvernmeut Ihe only way of impressing upon the Hast that Urit- n uoiumoia is in earnest in the matter. Oliver is the only leader I wno is commit iei lo mis as i pel I led policy and who is to push it to the limit, i Mr. Ilae says he lias been fol lowing the campaign very closetv and be finds that Mr. Dowser does not mention Ihe western grain route, lower freight rales or northern development. General 1 n iv-i 1 1 i -i I . . . . ciiae wouio appoint a conunis daily "The VsiYc.nivrr .Star," has l,arJy :icj;i'aii!r,,.,1rln.c'? ,lVPerl, ion to inquire into what shall be an article on Hie- building of Ihe l'a '!' "", forthcoming- "provin- lU,lv w-jii. (i,e'i. f' V. Oliver oh carry his hyme town of Ocean Falls with a handsome majority. Chief Leicester, or the Clan Mcllac evidently was not looking fur many cheers tor he had practically thrown up the sponge and was leaving for Portland. Speaking of the province as a whole Mr. Ilae said it was a good bet that I'.eneral Mcllac would again. Sella Coola Valley caused by Ihe illness or II. O. Perry who is ill in ihe hospital al Edmonton. new steamer for Ihe Alaska run. election, returned lo (own 0j,er hand will complete the "ttauttl. The article says It will cosl a V v""? "." -c-uor p.(!.l:. ir ,)ie iHmiinkm (iovern- milliou dollars and will employ li,c' Capt. v . L. pass, aHer a ., or M,me 1)riva,e i(e,c3t 100 men many months. It says campaign trip to all pomls ou w, 1H, do i( Prince Hupeit lias a "bulge" over ,l,e. (JU",' I'arlotle Islands. Thc vjsi,Hr , ail other ports on Ihe building or..'"." r .lent y not made much headway this steamer . because ----- it is u iii viiamfs it i rem mi SOCIALIST HAS DISAPPEARED an Italian Deputy, Cannot be Found, and Foul Play Suspected MUSSOLINI IS BLAMED lliat he 1 ri., ,):,, ., ll,,l.. ,.,.,,. ,... I... ! HOMIL Joiif- It lisaiiipar . , ... c u . . v. . . i' hi ' ami I.'. - . - -- ...... . Lm-kharl ast'r,,, ,e wl" 'ul ",,ly me,ve,had . no doubt but the only feasi- ance of the Socialist deputy Mat- till ! Xn,t' ill .1 l,,e tint I kii,...n h). I ..... . . and T. Ilalliday an; Ihe naval I"""' " ""-'eu Char-V,,, .,U.H , M.roual. ...ii a i .. ur .pu inn iiitii-fi inuii imimi ir. WlKMIiiri KUIU U - . " Look Inn tn KiPnnnhAM He de- . l.i. a i a. .. ...... ..... ........ i ., Prilish',,0,,i three days ago created (he niggesi poiincai seusalion since the Fascisli rise lo power. The opposition is doing its utmost (o .-.e.iMiig oi uiu jiacseime n.i-, ,.,,., .., it... lug in which he had been cam- ... ... . .. ., , . . . .. 'though Mussolini is doing his u. .u. t t kring those responsible .. says he had been all that limeY, to justice. I,,J,i. looking 'for Mike Mansou's, stronghold in Ihe constituency I but did uol find il. I), (i. Mc- changed their minds aTler Ihe, Ka Ibe Liberal candidate, would Speaking or his visit to Hella, bang mourning wreaths on their Coola, Mr. Ilae said he had gone homes. Similar observation o! the up Ihe valley tor forty miles and day will take place at other Can-there was not a stretch of adlou cities, country on the Pacific Highway - - equal u. ii. it was interesting rANAnlnN ETUYTDAII because it followed forty miles of the trail of Sir Alexander Mac- . ;.. .trJ:.""",. T . ,yr,:"n,,. 'WvywelKhl bout kenzie who came out lo the coast ...... .... v...,r. ....... ...... wuii or Jimnry Mattery Hurralnhere' .....c-. lelfl.. No I. i.lnk...! .... II.. ,..'.. . .i U!. .... 10 . ..s....v 9 .n uu- nil i. llllitAti frtitn I. conscious young man ami carried bout has also been arranged with first landed. Mackenzie the great discoverer Park is to be elect ion of McKay, the Oliver candidate. Mr. Ilae Is now on lift way lo) Prince (leorgo where UU ;1! M; i-.HM the breacli It is virtually established 'that Matleolli met with foul play. CHINESE ARE INDIGNANT Object to New Regulations In Regard to Immigration and Will Protest' not get rive seats. As Utr the. VICTOIUA, June 14. Indig-Oonvervalives, it wa worthy or nanl over the new regulations re-nole that a good. many Conser-,,uiring Chinese to register and values had wired II. II. Stevens jfU photograph and personal de-and Dr. Tolmie to stay uway as tais with the immigration Hovvser had lo be defeated al the' II 1 1 I lift! I tltd I f utl I I'M i 1 11 Ul n olnL. polls in order lo unite Ihe Con-(.y wilt observe IK.minion Day t" in it r iiiiii i riiv 1 1 1 i ii i ii:iriinn 1 as a humiliation day ln(order lo protest. They .will h$ist .the Chinese flag at half mast and vnunimn luuiiintdj TEAM WINS AGAIN IN TEST GAME AUSTRALIA KYIOiKV. Australia. Jnnn It 'Ct.llv it gen. nf .in I., iw.liiinr II. n aside for a pleasure ground ami . touring Canadian, all-star foot-a road seventy miles long built bull team defeated a representa-lo connect with the inlerior.!,V(. association eleven'before H,- hen this happens Delia Coola 000 spectators hi the second test will be one of Ihe show places of;,acli of llie tour. The Canucks in nonunion nnu a greul tourist ,uve now won .It i..-i rt'Mirl. II will support McKay. J. W. dell. Fnrris is .billed to speak at Powell Iliver and Mr. Ilae says everywhere he went ho round -Ihe greatest enthusiasm for the relum of Oliver and Ihe ilrnwii four, including two games. DAVIES WON RACE test VICTORIA, June n.-Iame ,. Davies of Vancouver won Ihe mi. nual bicycle race over an eight and a half tullo course In 32 m!:.ute 3- 3-3 fcocoiiU.