CLASSIFIED ADS. PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 PM Classified Rates Closure time vious | Classified, 3 day pre- word per um charge 50 50 cents; Cards FUNERAL DEACON B.C., S y. Jpily Rey. Sidney C. Dea years, of Ocean Falls, B.C., and Bristol, England. Beloved brother Dunjohn, Bristo: St NOTICE Sunc a 2 p.m 31 icted by acon Hodson ow in Diocesan emetery. B. C harge yf ar- iit) Automatic Oil heat- netal work. Phone 630 6th We Létou? Aea PLUMBING HELP WANTED—MALE SUN CARRIERS wanted town route Phone Green 767. Vown- 640 or (179) SESSOR TRAINEES “(Cle rks Grade 2 FOR THE BRITISH COI CIVIL SERVICE Department of Finance vari centres in 1 Columbia $239 per positions Deputy i alary th. Qual- iculation in Ag- mmerce ractices UMBIA year HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Clerk for T. Eaton Co. (178) TRAINED Men Win—Write In- ternational Correspondence Schools, Box 562, Prince Ru- pert or 1419 East 6th. (188) LOST AND FOUND LOST—Black Labrador swers to “Duffy.” Spence & Matiuk. FOR SALE FOR SALE lis piano, like new listed price $850.00. will sell for $600.00 or nearest offer. Cash. Phone Black 339 (182p) dog, an- Reward Modern style Wil- FOR SALE—Child’s dropside crib of select high quality hard- wood. Size 48 inehes long by 26 inches wide. Excellent con- dition. Phone Black 165, (180p) | BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE—Float home or summer 614. House. “Good camp. Black (180p CARS FOR SALE | FOR SALE—1949 Ford, condition, two-tone. $1400. Bob Parker Body Shop. Terms can be arranged. (182p) FOR SALE—1949 Hillman, A-1 condition with only 15.000 miles Can be Overlook days “good seen at 1408 First after 6. Phone 864 Terms can be arranged. (181) | FOR SALE—1949 Austin sedan, | like new. Information write) Box 453, Daily News. FOR SALE condition FOR SALE- heater, rubber. 1949 Pontiac in good Green 140. (181p) 1940 Buick. Radio, defroster and all good Red 665, (181p) FOR RENT—Warehouse (FOR SALE — (178p) | |\FOR SALE—Two industrial lots, | Present | Moving, ; Price) Studebaker red in color.| (180p) ; CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE—1951 Austin A7@ station wagen. Radio. 8000 miles guaranteed mileage. Phone Blue 897. (180) FOR SALE—Army truck, 194i 8 cwt. In class shape Can be Ave. W (178p) NATIONAL “Machine ry Co. Lim- ited istributors for: Mining, Logging and Equipment invited. Granville ncouver 1, B.C Oil tank x2" material complete ittings for reservoir where hallow depth a consideration Phone Blue 408 (179) FOR SALE Live chickens or fresh killed for canning or fr z Formerly McKays, llth Ave. East. Call evenings (179) first priced t 1710 @nd Spe nce & Matiuk Con- Enquir- Island (tf) approxi- One -quar * FOR RENT FOR RENT SINGER PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES $2 per week $6 per month FREE DELIVERY Phone 864 Singer Sewing Machine Company 639 Third Avenue West (181¢) FOR RENT—Furnished bedroom avallable Aug. 1. Centrally lo- cated, close to Civic Centre Home privileges. Business wo- man preferred. Phone Green 886 (1b) 40 ft. x and Man- Standard (187) 40 ft. on First Ave son Way Apply Machine Shop. FOR RENT — Room Board if required East FOR RENT—2-room cabin. Men only 900 For room for lady. 1060 8th (181p) furnished Phone Black (itp) Rent—Light housekeeping Phone Red 232 (1t) Call (180) For Rent at 337 —Sleeping 8th West FOR RENT — Sleeping Phone Black 232 FOR RENT—Sleeping room 860 room room (179) Red 178p ~ WANTED TO KENT WANTED TO RENT ibly furnished light keeping room in quiet hold, East of house- house- McBride St. . DAY PREVIOUS Fen a eee ee eee RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) Pre a a ete ete ate a sat no os ss es” WEDNESDAY Question I with | 31-0 Britain Plans Super Cargo Plane LONDON (—The British Aircraft have ann®une the fast-developing passenger and Most ou for @ thi the Bla engined, ee-decke1 ckburn Telephone essential. Apply Box * 452, (1tp) WANTED TO RENT—Four room house, unfurnished. Green 821. (177p) WANTED TO RENT—Furnished or unfurnished house, close to town. Phone Blue 703. (182p) WANTED TO RENT — Three- room unfurnished suite by couple with no children. Phone Red 411 (179p) WANTED TO RENT—Furnished apartment. Married couple, no children. Box 451, Daily News (178p) Daily News. : EAL ESTATE voy este. at *40- room house $200. per month. 3 houses to be moved. Red 816. (179) FOR SALE—Six room house, 3!» bedrooms. Reasonably priced Terms arranged. 642 8th Ave. East. Red 900. (181) FOR SALE—Six room re sidence, 441 5th Ave. West. Three be d- rooms, full concrete basement Hot water heating. Copper tank and plumbing. Fireplace. Phone Blue 408. (179) Revenue small Phone 48 and 49, Block 17, Section 1. Next to Imperial Machine Works. Apply Standard Ma- chine Shop. (187) FOR SALE —Five room house, garage, 17 lots. Water front- age. Garden 150 x 300 feet. Fishing, hunting, ehurch,|f school, post office, five min- utes. On main road. Cheap. Blue 773. 1228 Park Ave. (188) _ WANTED WANTE D - — ‘Boarding- places for | both men and women teach- ers, also housekeeping rooms and a furnished house will be required when school reopens. | Please call at the School Board office or phone Red 442. * (181) | WANTED — TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest grading. Prompt pay- ment made. *Atlas Iron &| Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St. Van- couver, B.C Phone PAcific 6357. (tf) CASH for se scrap ‘brass, copper, | batteries and radiators. Phone! 543. Call 630 6th Avenue West, | City. (tf) | ACCOUNTANTS | PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income | Tax specialist. 8, G. Furk, Stone Building, Red 593. (20m) large doors at K freighter and be pulled the loading ramp by a winch. They are moved up to the second deck by elevator, locked ning-rails, and fastened into position This version of the freighter is*designed for both military and commercial use. Despite its huge load, it can use a much shorter landing field aircraft off fr speed w hour then to run- than many smalle: and can land 1 a grass field C ruising will be about 180 miles per the motor powered by four *Centaur us@pletong epemes DEATH TOLL Lightning takes about 300 lives a year in the United States. About one-fourth of the persons killed shelter un- der or near trees seek LAND REGISTRY 21551-1 Thirty- Map of los of issued in € é has beer le in is hereb 1 that I expiration one date of h first issue Title this office i hall, at the month from th publication isional Certifi 1 of said lost C the meantime valid ob- n be made to me in writing DATED at the Land Registry Of- Rupert, B.C this 21st ly, 1952, A.D. Rupert Pulton z Deputy Registrar of Title (198e) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE |IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ; WILLIAM LEWIS ED TAKE NOTICE His Honour made on I was that by Order of Judge W. O. Pulton the 20th day of June, 1952 appointed Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Ernest William Lewis, deceased All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified me on or before the Bist day, of August, 1952, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge ‘ : And all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount | of their indebtedne forthwith ne DATED this 18th day of July ARTHUR BRUCE BROWN Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Ernest William Lewi deceased Box 658 Prince Rupert 1962 BC (J29,30,A5,6-p) x FLASHES John Lund and Jeff ' Kee] rice Weant BLACKWOOD on Bridge By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Bidding Gadget Loses Chance To Set Contract muye with a to defeat Here is another case where fascination conventional bidding gadget lost an important contract. the Spade slan i the king the trick course, that the chance ace of the to the first t sidered hi winning t bast Abel) (Mr. Dale) sponse to ne Mr. Cha sigukis had t (Mr. Champion) clubs, so the AQ quick : defende: the ie in the cate d ne and more winnke Dale had thi twice guar necessary f to lead spade twice in order t itstanding London Builds im Areas In Bombed Sites LONDON then, was to tr‘ dummy’s The on was to force second lead of d i rem M: Dale for a diamond y playing the queen » parking fell on Lon- Abel misread the play cleared away ured the queen of n Imost in liat Nat 1 suit preferen z innecessarily hig to the | two plain rally n¢ reoulliaing foundations a shift ther were scoope a th con- eda with cor » he led the und Mr. Chamy slam diamonds had Mr. Champion ) ruff in dum- liate defe a spade would have left ill anothe! SCREEN x phase Apa vealed Ba ,’ which opens t Capitol Theatre wit: Chandler in erto undisclosed in “The At vache Pa iv ¢ the Try Daily News Want Ads | ig aDuilie Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.n. g roles thunderous, spine-ting- toric ry nature of jerous ha- f Geronimo for the white: to the accom- of massacres, battles, ind the sporadic and warfare hat marred the e the Indians HOLLYWOOD CAFE major of tne For Outside Orders Phone 133 inci- mur brought out 3:30 a.m, t stand Lund plays @ Seventh Cavalryand Coghise. 6 1 by Chandler Beverly plays’ a frontier school- teacher in love with Lund and —— Susan Cabot is seen as the wile of Cochise, All turn in excellent performances supportin players including full blooded Indians of the Southwest who have been cast in important Popular Steamer Prince Rupert bAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY, MIDNIGHT Comfort and Service as a roles, The story of “The Battle at Apache Pass” is based on two historic incidents, both of which are brought out with complete authenticity, adding to the real- | ism of the picture Totem Theatre t, 1952: 31-~August Peter Li O'Hara August 4-5-6: Team,” Doris gan August 7-8-9 Carbine Wil- liams,” James Stewart | August 11-12-13 on Beacon Georges Virginia Gilmore August 14-15-16 Mike Spencer ine Hepburn August 18-19-20: Only,” Paul Henreid August 21-22-23: Courier,” Tyrone Neal bookings for } 1-2 awford “Kanga- Maureen | Winning Ronald Rea- Day ee For Reservations a Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE err RC. UNITY ee ~ BLONDIE Walk East | Murphy, | ‘Pat and| Tracy, Kathar- | “For men | Diplomatic | — Power, Patricia | 20 Bands Set To Go In Parade Twenty bands iefinitely have alre committed opening been ippear in-the big parade of the Pacific Exhibition, August 20, may De expec ted, ed by Hedley Fairbank f PNE Parade nan of the and nittee There are indications that surpass all pre parade will eMorts In The list than floats being built by firms groups. Armed forces will representation Many novelties arranged eolor and noveity shows more increased parace belng motorcycie aris and from team nt from | cus will as the m -PNE Cire as well iarching units of » Shrine in ady National more it ls announ chalt Com vious || James Block 608 “ird Ave. W. and | have include Vic- igain Gizeh | Vancouver, JSusiness ex ! ; John F. L. Hugthes, D.C. || CHIROPRACTOR | Hrs, 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 to Eves.: by appointment only lay 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 ne c SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT the Prince Rupe.%, B.C. 30 || Phone 347 PLO. Box 374 the are FOR, YOUR 1ROCK a AND CONCRETE: WORK SAUNDERS BROS. We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 sical | PRECISION SAW FILING USED CARS Al CERTIFIED Ford worter green metallic visor, only 6,000 miles Plymouth two-t 1949 one Nice family car Hydramatic Olds— One owner 1947 Ford Sedan— Neat as pin TRUCK BARGAINS 1946 Fargo *,-Ton Panel— Very serviceable 1946 Ford Nice 1947 Sedan-Delivery— utility wagor With new cars in we suggest your sideration of one of our quali used cars or truck Phone 93 DINING PLEASURE SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS PLUMBING and The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 VACATIONISTS! A Good Place to Stop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwa, B-C. Just a Nice Day’s Drive Lovely Heater $2350 Sedan—Smart $1575 $1325 $1275 short supply careful con- Bob Parker Ltd. : naerwacsidher| HEATING For’ Repairs ané Alterations Smith & Elkins Ltd Lawn Mowers Sharpened 215—I1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 / rofessi HANDY HOME ER GENERAL (oy, Building ANd Res kinds ROOFS _ CRy OIL BURN PHONES P.O. Box 16H FRED € OPTOMER Room 16 Stone Phone Bhp Open Fr Phone Blue 12 3 234—31 HELEN’S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beuuty Culture in all its branches 204—4th Strecvt Phone 655 Phone 96, Ey QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wurn Soles 774 Second Ave MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box : Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effi- cient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910. Phones 60 and 68 JOHN H. BULGER Optom elrist e John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue #2 $ t LING THE Tailoring - and Clothes Made. 220 Sixth st PORTRAI Films Developed PROMPT & CHANDLERS 216-—4th Street Phone Gry ° Train S¢ STANDARD For the East— Daily except Sui From the fast Daily except M For the MEAL that REFRI FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE BROADWAY CAft WRATH Photo Fini r] DEVELOPING, ENLARG EXPOSURE AMATEUR & Phone Green 1% Le HL AL Make Your Printing Matter Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type faces give you this outstanding distinetiveness— and these can be supplied by our modern printing depart- ment, Dibb Printing Co. \\ (All Times Day! vANnco and VIS SUNDS ss. Camosit FRID 3 Coquill ALICE ARM, port § amosuly Fridé ay, CE intl FRANK J. prince Ru™ Third Avenue Pi ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS B —But There's Always SUNDAY! RINGS | | August 25-26- a: Rio Grande,” | John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara. | August 28- 29 - 30: “African | Queen,” Humphrey Bogart, Kat he | arine Hepburn Sept. 1-2-3: “Lovely to Eoot| At,” Kathryn Grayson, Howard | | ‘Scaramouche,” Janet Leigh Sept. 4- Stewart 5-6: Granger GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127