PACK TW O THE DILOT The Daily News 1M11NCE nUPKHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupcrt IJaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Jl. P. PL'LLKX, Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Contract Rales on Application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per. insertion Traii.-ienl Advertising on Front Page $2.80' per inch Local Header:, per iiiserlion 2"c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion . . . Legal Notices, ear li insertion DAILY KDITION On Hie bunk of Itupeii water. : Where Hie rain hills thick and' fast, I And II it ilw iiiilling rock pile Fills the air wilh blast: , Dwells a band nl clieery people, , All llieir hopes in days to come; On Hie (H lluperl water 1 How they wi-li 'twould hum! On I be banks of Rupert wnler, Where the promises fit II fast: Elevators, roads, and sawmills, Sound loo pond to last. Hut they'll keep llieir souls in E.fl.II. ogden's LIVERPOOL Tuesday. December 2, 1 92 1 . DREAMS COME TRUE ; CITY FOREMAN IS DISCUSSED Criticized and Defended by Members of Council Before Reference to Committee The motion of Aid. Casey, seconded by Aid. Maedonald, calling upon the city engineer lo re 'believed, was not netting pi-nper. in ciy'woi$!i ' ffphin processes returns and that hundred, ye: wore need .when more cllleienl thousands, of dollars was beinsrartd easier iiiciTiod jnlghl with Inst. ifqeitttJ' he put in operation." Th i Aid. Maedonald was not in lhinjj'fs .lack Mcltae is not an favor of Hint pari of the nmtion eilii-jciil (orcman and lie is not involving the city ciikoicci at ,giitiiifr rrtrtirns fnndhe city. Tlie lleast until the statements hatljcily engineer is responsible for ii. an invAt iuhif.l In I In' Hoard Ms dmni-lhient ami officers. of Works. In fairness lo Ilia Whatever .Aid. I'erry says, t engineer. Aid. Maedonald staled! maintain there Is not .eflleiency." that he had on several occasions j lYiuchiuK,' &u j hfc ehniye of a jrone to the city engineer on bo-1 down ward revision in wapes, Aid. half of married men nnd asked, Cay pitinksd to Hie eaMvof a that they bo emptoyod ai.i he had man' AvWrajlMfeefi Tut 1" Ihe yet to be refused. He fell thai the Hoard of Works could remove .Mr. Mediae without' bring-, ing the city engineer into fhe matter. The city enginew. Ad Maedwuald thought, was doing good work and for that reason he 2c per word did not concur w ith I hat part of . loc per agate line ine nun ion aueciing mm. Aid. Perry move J. Mcltae from the position 1M.r inur ror semi-skilled labor. I"""1"' iiwuiiloi-:il,ln ,li..nci,.n nl la) Wr to feeln.jr own blue, ifrhl's. couoeil meeting and the On the banks or It.iperl water 0Ull.0lI1 wa ,he wilh,irawai of May their dreams true. come, ,h n.i ti. ,.i.iiinii out of order. The practice of the Hoard of Works bad been lo give Hie preference lo married men. True, Mr. Mcllae might have some- faults lint he believed lie was a good foreman. As far as the downward revision of wanes alleged in the nmtion was concerned, he knew nothing about it and would like lo have a more specific statement from Aid. Casey on the matter. As far as lie (Aid. Perry) knew there brl been no cut down from the scale set two years apo providing 50c un hour for laborers ami wc S ,he H0ar'1 WrkS fr ""ti- engineer, I myself would d o( and - bio k Z ? "nn and I'robably'b,. doing so." '.1. section 7. lie neepniA,! . . .. - . -'"' wmw . . . .. . . , ' .lanucipaiing nrework wincli did adopted at last nifdil s cnunoil . ,n,aii,0 , !n nitnnant meeling. ..... ,.. .,..... . OUR SALE OF Ladies Winter Dresses Continues until all Dresses are Sold We must reduce our stock lo permit of us purchasing spruiK anil Summer ' on ids. Pierette Twill and Trlcotlne Dresses In II: own, Navy and Sand. Sii-s Sale Price S12S0 to $14.50 Hundreds of lovely designs lo choose from Our Winter . Coat Sale Is Still Running Call in and see njn- har-:ra i n k . We are always pleased lo show you our -lock. "BENT'S" Third Avenue 1 1 1 1 1 mc uihumuu, Mirrr h 'the largest crowd of the year Aid. Casey In reply to Aid. Perry, Aid. Casey asserted that he did not say .lack Mcllae Hid not work' present in me purine section or,nari. "Wby, be work his liead tbe Chamber. They filled thelnff hnl lhat i nnl hia fiinelinn plqce wilh tobacco iuoke which proveil well nigh asphyxia! inK and retired when the matter was disposed of by peaceable reference to the Hoard of Works. ' His function, as foreman, is to get the maximum amount of production for the minimum amount of energy and it Is my opinion that he is not getting the results After the motion of Aid. Casev!fia rj(y js entitiled to." had been read by Ihe, city clerk, Aid. Maedonald rose and seconded it, staling be would Five his reasons for doing so at the proper lime. Aid. Perry asserted thai (he matter looked to him like a joke and asked that Uio seconder reconsider his, action or at least explain his position. Aid. Maedonald Thereupon, Aid. Maedonald rose and slated that, apart from the fact that the motion could only be brought up for discussion after it had been seconded, he fell that tbe workers whom tin represented were -involved in a least a portion of it and there, fore be fell I bat it should be discussed. He was in favor of thai pari of the report regar.'i mr the removal of Mr. Mcllae. From reports he himself had personally received from men tpngaped in city work and from property owners. Mr. Mellae's treat men of bis men bad been such thaf tbe cily would be well advised m replacing him. He fell that better result would be obtained i' there was a man at the head of Hie city's work who would endeavor at least to make condi. Aid. Casey then proceeded to cite inefficient methods employed B:inno''PUR.ivc HV scnvnnirfnr ilcimrltnfnl f"r re lief duly, .T regular pay for tnen doing lls work was ISO ler ingot h,orG, per day. When he had gone 'for tils pay, the scale of 50c per bout or ft per day had been offered him. This tlte man refused, lie (Aid. Oisfty) later took the milter up with the ctty engineer and the Aid. I'erry fell the motion wan latter said that be was not go- of city foreman, failing whrclt . which of these two rales were Ihe engineer himself be given hein? paid was determined on thirty days' notice, gave rise lo.,hP W0Plh of no individual in therefor of a motion by Aid. ilc- volved. Again referring to Mr. Mcllae. Aid. Perry said "Here is a man who has worked heart and soul for Ihe city. Night and day-he bas worked hard to help us. MnrHia nnA MA CVill-lr! Hint fhitit.- i. :., .1 , no you iihiik ii wiiuiu or lair 10 A reort from th finance a reon irom me com-' PAm.t mitten lpntlre ,na,.r brought up in the J ask ,he ci,y ' engineer to fire riioi n,ul reeommendinsr that Ihe, ::... ...: .: . f unniimi 1.1111.1011 nr reirrrru i.i.j ,i n0, nn,i ,r was ne CltJ retign ing. lo pay $0 per day lo a floe an hour man. Aid. Casey went on to cite cases where irie whom he claimed were entitled lo city employ-men I had had" diftlrully in obtaining It. One such man had asked for work and bad been I old that, if he did iml go away, he would be beilen up hy Mcllae. Perry Doubtful Here Aid. Perry attempted lo interject his disbelief. "I can submit proaf," declared Aid. Casey and wwil on to relate further incidents of where married men had 1een refused employment. Such complaints wer continually bcinn made. Aid. Perry aid. The employment seemed to be mostly all taken ui' by floaters. "I do not begrudge them work," said Aid. Casey, iin: I would like to see married met. given first cliauce. single men wilh city properly, second, aodj then Ihe rest. This is the priii eiple that Has lieeu repealed!., set d)owit. "Regarding Mcllae, consideration can never be obtained from him. He is not efficient and lie has never tried 4o adhere lo Hie policy of the IVi-trd of Work. He of him a fotvrtart though be miaht make a good straw boss. I think the city has sutllcienl man. Mcltae.'' Aid. Perry imputed a ersonal gru.ijre lielivem.fhl. Casey and Mr. Mi-llaiAvhirJif jl 'iras unforlu- 12 15jJ 1 A has run wild wllft. iwgo and power 'srineer. The object desired could and-l aek llmuitcil to gel rid'he obtained by Mcllae s removal. McMordle's Solution Aid. McMordie said thai dur ing the pal few monlhe there work to gal a;. -first class' con-! had bM a great ileal of crilici-m wfruelibn man s general fnre-jilirecled agalfysl Ihe' foreman The jon -4 100 itg for 'The Hoard of Works had tried i imcsliifiile ami' give the men a sipiare deal, lie fell thai Aid.' Casey's motion needed invcsiign -i lion. He did not think it was a nale sliniild lw brought before ! personal matter with Aid the council. If Meltae had actually threatened to beat a man up. he w'mlil be lh first lo see that he was fired. However, he 'Aid. Casey) did not ' believe il. I'.a-.-v. Il fell Aid. Casey whs mii-(m He alo fell Dial Aid. Perry was sincere when he said I be fnre.( man was competent. The 1 1 y engineer reported that Mr. Mc-i "Will you believe it ir I submit Hae had worked hard and Imd proof?" queried Aid. Casey, been efficient. "Ir Mcltae has not 'You will have lo have wil- been Inciting hi men fairly. I," replied AM. Perry. will favor his dismissal and so "There are plenty of Ihem," will every other alderman. I be-returned Aid. Casey, lieve. I think the best thing No Politics With Him H would be lo rerer Ihe whole, mat- After saying his altitude wa ''r 1 the 'Hoard of Works for "ot political and lml be was not ' investigation and report and I playing ror voles a he did nnl would so move." intend lo f in iiie council' ite.x! ' M''- Collarl seeondeil, the year, anyway, Aid. Maedonald re- '.motion r Aid. Casey was willi-rerred lo th case or a man wliol'lrawn wilh llie eonseni or Ihe had nl first been unable to oh- seconder. Ihe second motion was tain justice, from Mr. Mcltae nnl "'en put and carried uiiaiiimous. who, after (dilainjng .eiupIoymnl '' n,,,l 'he discussion ended. !Hirongb Aid. Perry, had 1 jeen hleclared by Aid. Perry lobe one I- DDIWfT rCnDTC or ihe rnosl ellicitftilwnen the citv ininLt uCWKUt bad. i'h ere weW 'oilier such' ' : ! ' "" " "" " ' " ' caes. He fell ihal Mr, Mcllae Millmen if Ibis district put a Accounts up to Xovmner J3 should not continue lo be em- lenalhy iiiin(ininilmn before Hie (Olallinil 9.fl7i? Wi-l MSSOll I ir. 1.1. I - Plot. I 11....- I..'... II .. . ...... Un... Hons ,,,,:i .. ,, I. " i-"'j'u ins iiesr-iii rapariiy. ."' i"J? Jiiiiirii willl'l was ' eongemal for the men. The for payment at last niiHit s conn. . f..r i, ,. i ....i i.-.... i ,. ci.y. under present conditions, i agi.i he,,,! ineetmg. been obU.ned from ,1 ciy en-ie,..f.g. 1.,. ; the H-hour day. law; lit Ibeir in- r ; Idusljry.. TheyVAssert thai il will lASf w-t'A;"t ri mm mm wmm iip "t mfmmmWmmK ifP 2l TWBBSWmMLmmWi i t incau an inered.wr ot twenty ner icenl '.in cost "wjirh cannot he Icnrrled. ; ThcreM?' already sufll-Jclenf handicaiP In competition ilh Unijed SlWe and prairie (mills I hey assert. J The members of Ihe local St. Andrew's and Caledonian Society 'celebrated SI, Andrew's Hay with i a concert and dunce' in A'n.ti.i.. 'son's Hall on Monday night. I I Victor Cliiske, Middle Iliver trapper, is in Ihe local hospital recovering from injuries mis-laineil when be threw a kuii on Ihe floor and il. exploded, the M 1 lei entering Ids face and lodging In n skull bone. Miles s. Mcl'hee, nn aRed rest dent of Ihe cily, died in (he ho pllnl last week. He was in h 7ilh year and is survived by re-lallves at (Irnndo l'rairie. Thmrtas Itrace, who has eon-dueled ercenhonses in h,. vieln- ily o, l'rlnce fieorfte for Urn past fe-v years, left hul week on a I ' rip to England. r j-Tur.Iy, Dr,-. ml. if j Afe&dlCFS JOB would be lighter and brighter if boys and girls were properly f ed at home. Whole wheat cereal, milk and fruits are nature's food for growing children. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat in its most easily digested form. Better than mushy porridges for children because they have to chew it, and that means sound teeth and healthy gums. Contains all the bran ot the whole wheat grain, also the mineral sajts for building bone and brain. Two Biscuits with hot milk make a warm, nourishing meal for a few cents. Tbt Cintdiaa Bhrrddrd Wkrtt .('umpnj. Ltd. nuiiii rn. oauo SJtFClclC Wheat FTER THE DAYS WOjRK relieve the tircdrci$ and tempt the appetite (or your next meal with a hot cup of 0X0. TilMol 4 CuUi 15c 10 " 30c The Great Bret Iroaomy, NOTICE OF CsftVtLLATION Or ftlttRVt 3'iiii.r. MiTIU Is is III nriiMU HKIIY OIVKI. Hiii.v tlx inai I lb NOTIOC TAkE .NOTKK that Itt.n thirty ilJ rrrsir iui i inn-p.i to nfiy in iim Miiinirr if UihI for tuiliorllj- lu MsiMrnct i ruxl, bni to mrwi rofiy (to) rrt in mui. lull, llu, .1.. m Ulna ... IL'.n. 1. 1 . . OXO Cuba are food Beef'food. 0X0 soothes the nerves, and rests the body. It is easily assimilated Beef-nourishment, seasoned, ready for use. .lsj ftmff ilir l wi . 11, . , f .riii i.n. lo ftt. 1 nl ". rulfr, lunf i, ooirirl. u rn rlll. nr.n. a. NAort. Iw-pulr Mmuirr "f IjisU. tfrpsrIffMt of UMt. Vlrlnrti, h.C owi.lf Itltt. Itfl. TENDERS WANTED Ml IJllllSnirlil i.ll' I i kamM-h" mill " n- A viilr Min. itfi I I'UlH. vsru'lU"- '"' 'mix l riMb4 "w " I CWf liir. Vii..n, Hi-jir, Umtl ili. ! nisirwt rrMit. en f (). eli iho mnrn of jiin- TW lM OT H) I "J' a. Ill DfiillV Mi' or ml trnmt llw'utMlnnncntMwd Mln- tN0 sTT. mmml ri.lKd l. Ik. I . n. If - riflAi. I . . ii w nmin ri -urn .mrr lint iir nmf i r,i.niA nar inr s ' my br mtiil ml nvrfirr for th . Mif it laland, n1 lb"" innamiani'in i iir inin inn iximan)r plant UHt un Winn luvrr In lh irnune ntwraim or n-ntrnllKl hy tlw Fntlnrrr Oolrl Minrs I id , lnv DalMt at rnrtnrrr MIdh Atlln, B.C.. W ttml flay of orinbrr. tft4. t.tii-i. a t . son wuiMim" KrirtluniL "Oiilil Krown," "T'tn1 Ouin Chtrlott OHVt- Buy. "Jirk i nr. "Kinr nwrf iiul onrict or frmt Rup" . ifn . .' All iiiii, trnr isd Tk illr thil I. -n;" ' , beln mi Ilw fAU I1 of Tiliu Ann In Mown, il C. . rriiit . Ii -" ... Im Allm Uk Mlnlnr nilln. Cinm IrlxK In tiitiiy fnf .n, '-' V.I Dlolrlrt, l-rorinrr i.f tlrlllub CAluinbU fnllomlnf ilrtrMtMHl Hi"" ! Ml. n.i'iir.n nviinn, nAMUEU AMI FL rill '" . . ,1 . Afnl for Enrlnrfr Oolt vn- . I rrtrr Ltd. Ine matrr mark: Ihfnrf mark In a norihi"tf ii tati-r of to rhaint I ni:! w1y I rtiainc, tiinw 'I1 'I mllfi to ti.t .,f . mrrr MiUmlnr It'1' FlMI""-1' tlth afpifnitwr. It4 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnoort, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patter" makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds f MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3S ' 1 ' . , ti rii :l i i:. li .