P.OK FOUR YEW! -XPjfiAlLT DRY BRINGING UP FATHER By George McjVtanifr i : . t i 1 i , i r r "1 T rORCWR me rot rvNKarv Birch Wood rorcisr-Ni S'P-K. TO XOO f MLII f , DOCTOR v,tLU nV NATTER WITH OU OUt rMirsO see r rv FOR SMALL HEATERS, 1 vsltTMOOl NOJ ' n fa tr rtrsC wire fa m net r Hint. v t v ; COrsLTtO ' ... , - BOc Per Sack HydeTransfer 133 Second Avenue. Phone 680. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hetgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Office Hours, 9 U ft. Phone 680. Open Evening Only Far Special Appoint menU. t. Kegis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and r)islributing. Team or Motor Service. p.oal, Sand and Gravel W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. rrr"" pi II Ill Hi The best advice ever Biven to a man or a woman gs: "Save your money." Handy Andy ivi'fH a slcp farther than this and lolls 7011 how lo save your cash. He lolls yon to huy your hardware and home heljis of us. He knows thai, our 'goods are of standard manufacture anil that you'll he satisfied with our service. This wck only. McClary's Gray Enamel Potato Pots Reg. $2.00 For $1.00 Kaien Hardware Co. II I I I Sterling Furoace GOAL Dllred In Bulk. At 510.00 per ton. This is a very nuperlor furnace-roal. It tflvps a I'leau liot fire an l I'lilinly frvr from mm, clinkpra, slai k ami 1II1I. Simin or tue lartreit lii'atlus plants In the city are novr uhiuk It with I'ftllrely aallaraitory rwulti. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Harks, At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agenta for the Famoua LADYSMITH-WELLINGTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Mt'n Offl . No il Otntral, rho IS t A NO ACT, Catalar Land Olatrlct. neri.rrtlnir district of Prince nupm, and Hiiiiln in Allln Uke, about one lialf mile due weft it Allln Tuwnslte. taki: NnTioK tint rani 1.. Eirtri'it, t Allm, III On- I'rovlncp or Brlllsh Colum-tiia, ni'iiipatlun Jrwidler, Inlmdr. to uprly fin' ix't'inivloii to puri'liuae trie rnlluwlim ! rrdii-d latidM : ' iniiii-iii iiik at a tl planted at the outli pi'inl of the amatl l.slaml known as .., ,i.,l Inland lii Allln lake, altliated al ah ve. them- northwest and on around h: land rollnwlns the ihore line 10 ine lare uf CTinmenceiiienli and coniainint arre mir or less, !ept. 3rd, ! FAUL LOUIS EOOKHT, c"v; :" weather tco''findi. oat". ; any weak ipo.in throat or chest,' i and neglected colds simply in-'; vite bronchial trouble. Pep.; ward off cold and chill danger! They invigorate, strengthen and PROfECT the'. 'entire breathing system. When dissolved in the mouth, a!Peps tablet gives off power fill medicinal fumes. These penetrate, into the inner most air-paiYages. Sore, inflamed v membrane Spf the and bronchials is comforted nd healed by the Peps, medicine J hard phlegm is.cut and ex pelled, the breathing difficnlty, throat irritation and trouble some cough' are quickly and thoroughly' ended. A few Peps every , day will keep the throat f&CHEST in' such fine fighting trim that you; heed never fear weather dangers. Tale Peps for coughs, colds,, chills, 'la'' "grippe, hoarse o'ess, and sore throat ; for bronchitis, or other chest trouble. Tfcc.uiM feiralM Vmlf-iiiparaUUd ', tor vah d fficacr. l lk'w . REDUCED Price, 25cJ Bo.i?.: BE riY. SURE &CET : k BOX A TO- C Mil t r e PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ! ! Tuesday, December 2 High 0:1. 'I a.m. 18.9 ff 17:5!) p.m. 18.1 " Low 1l:0.'J p.m. 8.8 " wj ( Colder The Prince Ilupert flilliard i Parlor and Canadian Fish & fifild Slorapre Co. team will meel in f (he .seroml division billiard lea ?ue loniphl. The playt-rs are malelied as follows: W. Milehell (I'Hnre HuperVj Hilliard Parlor) Vs. J. May (f!nn adian Fish X- Cold - .lnni?e Co; Babe Fori in v.. V. Parr. '' A. Donald vs. A. Hales. It. Howe vs. fJ. KVUer. C. Mallell vs. S: Iailon. The sporlinp editor of Hits Hail- News has just received a copy of the Hockey I'iclnrial published in Tornnlo. It is p. handsome and complete publication showing much pood Insle lypo-ftraphirally and frotn the point' of view of general attraction. The hook is very illustrated and from cover to cover Is embellished with prouw pictures of championship teams mmmm L2sME kSSSBBBB BLEND MODUCC Of SCOTl'ND Wat MAM HflT.U4ukW blMt CATARRH BLADDER UKlmOtM Each CtnmiU bear name The original label look for it fit the Vendors, and incist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE." This advertisement Is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. MIO' RfwaTlofcounUretU BEST TOOCURABLE the BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT Three Interesting Games Played Sons of Canada Maple Leafs and Grotto Sons of flnnnda . :i.r; Kits 25. Maple lafs In; (iils K. (irollo 2S; HeKiiiient IS. Three HiltyesliiifT frame wer served up tfi.liaskelball fwns-whe. the regular le.iRw fixtures wre playml al the Hlks' Home last evening. The Sons of Canada, Ihrougli defeating the Hlks. slrcnglhetie lluHr hold og first place in the Senior l.engue. The Maple l.eafs made il Ihree slraiglil vielories in I lie Ladies' League by winning over the tiil's Invishlyiaggregation In a match which l,...l.. II. n.. V5IS lllflir TH."rl) I'ltllll-iril Vllflll the score would indicate. Flie Regiment tMitr up Iheir best from 1888 to 11)21. Old timers. game so far hi the InlermetliHti will he interested in the hand-il.eaartie though the (Irollo Won some half tone? of (he- learns 1 the game. who were prominent a generation '. Senior Game ago and the younger enthusiast' The Caiiuc-ks led the Jvnw nt will enjoy the reproductions of the way in the Senkir l.eagin Hie more recent winners. TJie game (hough not hy n Pfy loin hook is also fflled with much in-I margin. Al half time the scor (eresting infnrmalinn regarding was 10 to 7 in favor of Hie son- clubs and leagues throughout the and, al I lie-final whistle III' Dominion. . lodge men vjVre liH behind 3! 1 lo 25. Rddl2 Maim refereed; .1 IMiirku wn sTao krvnee. ami i KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS m m,rry m ELECT THEIR OFFICERS fre learns lined up as fofloww Kites Dave ItaHimr, Kddi' Fred Garton Is Chancellor Com- Smith, Mike lludenlah, Willi. mander of Order for Six Lainbie, A. Phillips and Oeorg Months 1 Shaw. Sons of Canada Harry Men The following olllcers wereizi". Vie Mennies, S. Shenton elected hy Ihe Knights of PjlhiaslAlex .Mitchell and Sidney Maxell for I he ensuing six monllis atj-lnnes. ineir regular meeting neiii 111 iv. , "" "oBui. of, P. Hall last nighl: Chancellor commander, Oartnn. Wise chancellor, Ed. Hnlgsoti Prelate, II. M. Hlake. Master of Works, .1. Hulger. K.ll. A S., F. W. Wesch. Masler of exchequer, George Johnson. Masler al arms. W. W. Woods. Inner guard, P. .1. Ilyan. Ouer guard, Frank Harl. The Maple Leafs ami Oil; Fred played lo eipial scores up lo lh end of the third period, t Is . fourth being som'ewlial of a .sensation when the former ran 011: with 10 points lo Oil's two anc won handily by a total of Hi lo Masler of finance, Fred IIamh-8- After playing good light i;n liaSReinail lor lle lliree periods Mm lobacco girl seemed to lose hold of themselves. Bach team made I wo points in Ihe fire! iptind, four in the second and in llli.tf lliif,l llt..iii nn itjuiii'A iin eilbersidj' , .H 'CMeiis and. Lee Dell fereed; .1. .Markrf whs scorf-keep er and Hie llmeKeepers were Harry Love and Douglas Fri.ell 1 Maple Leafs -Miss Myra liar- Key, Miss- Aileen Stephens, Miss Marguerile Casey, Miss Loijie I Fisher, Miss Margaret (imliain, Miss Lillian Lowe ami Miss I.anra Frizell. tiil's- Miss Caroline Mitchell, Miss Catherine Harvey. Miss Willa Dyer, Miss Marjorie Lull easier. Miss Leona Parker ami Miss M. Long. Intermediate League At the etui of the firsl period) CHILKOOT COLLIDES WITH MOTORSHIP IN GULF OF GEORGIA A'ANTKD. Young lady, or good address, required for house to house canvassing, in Prince lluperl imd district. Ilegular plrasnnf oeeuiation and gnmt money. Applicants pleafwe write in ffrst Insianer to Hot 217. Dffily Nvnr olllee FOR RENT FOH nKXT. Mmlrn house, five rooms and balh'. Apply Mnnro Urns. tf It) JIKNT. Threw roome.1 uile, ami rMwit. PmlerA) block. Slrain heated. David II. liny Go. tf .'Oil UF.NTFour roommmlern, healed apartments. pply Smith iV Mallett, Lid. tf FOR SALE 'OH SALK. Sevirnl len in?re fraet of land nt Terraee. First buyer gels len aere free. A. C. Little. 288 Oil SAI.i;.- WUI011 rtlR. 9 x 12; good condition, ;I7.60. Hem-miiiKs Furniture Store. 282 he Ilegimeiit led Ihe 1 irollo 10 o !) in Ihe Intermediate League rame. The tobacconists got Ihe il. of the nrenk In the seeoml jertod, however, bihI emerged .vinners h; 23 lo 18. Alex M it-hell was refH-ee; J. Marks, icorekeeper, and llarry Love and louglas FriiiEell, timekeepers. Orotlo W. Orny, Dido (iur-.ieh, Oeorge Hill, V. Meagher and I. MeXully. Ilegimenl S. Itatell-Jones, A. 2alwftlladr, Louis Astoria. W. Ilorroliin. II. Floyd and C Mn- Keown. League standing to date follow: Senior League W. L. Pis Sons of Canada 3 I ti Elks i 2 2 Oolls 12 2 Intermediate League Galls. '.1. o -ft hH.iib .:.:..::...:.v.;'.. r'i r i Ilegimenl 0 4 0 Ladles' League Maple Leafs :i ? C fill's 0 3 0 Junior League Tiny Tims I I 2 Colls I I 2 In the Letter Box HELPING FISHERMEN Eil II of. Daily News. My attention has been called In a' leller signed hy John D11I1I re Shipwrecked Fishermen in yours of Ihe 251 h, and in reply to his fslalemetils therein I would stale ! I h at as a customs office nt Mas- " sell, I had no inlenlion of hull- The In ion freighter Chilkool 1 jK non Ihe ilulles of the Danish East Asiatic motor-, vincial police afler Hie- local jship Peru were in collision Iwo; conslable had alrearly. advised mo LOST 8INQING MONEY TO LOAN ''31-L-!mI , noST. Illack jiaieni !; t li.-t purse containing sum f money. Second Avenue, Secloni 2. Finder refura lo Dally Nws ' olllcn. LOST Hank of Commen t Sv-iiign hank IdHik cnniainiug drnn for linn rtortws. pi refurn lo.lolin Sehonihtrword. Seal live P.O. Ileward. TO RENT WILL HK.Vr from January I, fully furnished fivn rtMiiiteil flat, in lieu of room and board for one person. Apply (151 Fourth Avenue KaI or phone Mlack gM. 281 BOARD AND ROOM llOAfll) and Iloom at the Inlander centrally located, one. bulf block from Post Offlce. 830 Second Aven. Phone 137 tf MILS. JACK IIIXTOX. punil of SEVKHAI. Thnusaml Dollars on O if" l t Fii.i Sto. ct Int. f.i'al BniMi. dl HrMrvrd , Jy Mailamo Saunders, Ottawa: Prof. Phillips. Moston; and l'rn,(, Walkin. London. Kny , will givri singiny instruction hy appointment. Phone (liven (31, between 12 nnd 2 p.m. first mortgage security Mc-OiUffery A (iibbous. Ltd. 2Ho CHIROPRACTOR R. E. EYOLFSON Graduate of Ihe National College of Chiropractic, Chicago, Smith Slock Room 15. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 lo 5; 7 to 8. Saturday afternoons and Sundays by appointment. Phone Hlue 85. AUCTIONEERS IT will pay you to consult us when you desire to sell or purchase furniture, or any article. PHLN'CP. HUPEIIT J'.X-C1IAKOH, Auctioneers. FURNITURE, New and Secondhand Furni ture Stnr We Huy. Sell and Ex I change New and Secondhand Goods. OEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone flifl. TAXI Taxi 87 Phone (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust Prompt Service nnd Comfort Day or NV.t Stnnd: BOSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block, Across from Empress Hotel CLOTHINQ CHFDIT - Men's Suits, overcoats, I tTi mlik.l rt.mpnunpn Aav mitiilli ...t. , . ainj IIM'IK - - ly pnymenls. MacDonald's, 711, Third Avenue, W. 281 ACCIDENTS INCREASE ALONG WITH SPEED aWH Daily News Classified Ads. f 2 CErVTS PER WORD IN' ADVANCE. No Advartlmant Tlc en for L th'an'ROo t WANTBO l-'Oll Plumbing and Heating. Phone Hlue 518. tf MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Monday-. Wednesdays' and Sal-iirda. 1'bi-en at 4 p.m. From th East Ttwsdays. Thtii'MtHfs'Wd Son-days, al I p.m. To Vancouver jjfj , Tuesday Mail closes al 1:13 P M. Sat o Hays A M, Friday-, ...8:S AM C P R. NovemUr 7 ami 21. From Vanoouvar Sundays l....u...P. M. Wednesdays 3 P.M. Thursday P.M C.P.M. November 3 and 17. To An vox, Alice ant. Premier Wednesdays Sundays Arm, Stewart 10:15 P M 7:15 P.M. From Anyor, Alio- Arm; Stewart and Premier Tuesdays P.M, Fridays (1AM. To Port Simpson and Nsss Rlr Points Thursday , From Port To Alaska Polnta-T- .November 3 and 17. From Alaska Points Nmeniher 7 and 21. ..A.M. To Queen Chnrlotte'fsiand Points Nov ember 9 From Queen Charlotte Point L -r, November 27. eox colleotIofJ .; P.M. Orn...iin A Allln Aves. i.l5 1st Ave. A Eighth St. 8.20 nth Ave. A Fill 1 011, St. 2.15 8II1 Avn. A Thompson si 2.30 MHi Ave. A Slicrhrpeke Ave a,..r..2.d5 I Hit Ave. A Conrad SL 2.10 ftlh Ave, A Hays (love Ave 2.(5 rtlh Ave. A lfaysvCove 1 Circle 2.50 !8lh Ave. ACotlntrSk. 2.55 51b Ave. A McHrideSl. 3.00 I Pro. Oov. Hldgs 3.5 'Prov. fiov. Wharf J 'C io.T.P. Wharf 3,15 2ml Ave. A 2nd St 3.20 ird Ave. A. Fulton SL 1.25 :ird Ave. A 0lh 8tA.. 3.S8 NOTICE T . 7 PM Island P.M 8.1 0 8.20 8.2A 8.30 8.35 8.(0 8.(5 8.50 8.55 M0 j.r tt.10 0.15 0.20 9.20 0.28 Advertisers aro reminded That copy for advertisements should be In the Dally News omee- before (' p.m. today lo ensure Insertion in tomorrow's Issue, tf 4s miles ouisule the arirmiviT (hnl he was going lo detain these j LONDON, Dec. 2.- Molnr cars Ministry of Trnnspnrf. lohl a Narrows 011 Srttiinlny morning, men 011 Hie suspicion that they In England have nol yet become recent meeting or mnlor rnanu-Iftsl hi a dense fog. The ChlMwerc iinnlicaled in a nosl olTlco so common Mint n.nv Lin m 1 m n.i ia i.ni been Ihi- jkool's slem was crumpled and In Alaska. Olherwise Vinny does1, hol.llip wo people each year ns essed will. Hip growing lim ine Peru stllrered eight or nine; -were unite nrennreil lo nssisl liln.n . Wlltnla lal..liulln .1..a... 1 : . . A . I , . . aa at,. I i. Ill till plales damaged. The Chilkool was ' oiilbound o Nanaimo and Ihe pern was making her way lo- uisiiesse.i manners 111 inc UHiiai to be the case nowadays in .manner of vehicles. ....... . -r-.. .1 .... . ." iji iui-1 iuii, inn 1 ne 1011 or 110 on . '.1... II. I.I.. I. . i . A eririv if Hits teller 1it.ii tiliiri . ..,.., i i . . . i..t n.K ....nt. . ' 1 ""-"i"" '"""""j is iii-riimiuK a mai'i i.ouri oi revision oji ui" i""- 'tvards , ,, ancmiver harbor. . Ilolh,been . lo J. ll.'McLeod, Esq., Ihe'ter of concern over here, loo. !eiial voters' 11.1111 nn Ihe , bonis returned In Vancouver. eolleclor of ciisloins at Prlneel In the past 12 mnulhs road morning of DecenwV 10. The where examinations revealed that Ilupert. acri.lenfs inerened In iiumher'courl, appointed at last nlghl' Ihe damage would be in Ihe Thanking you for Ihe space in by 20 per cent over Ihe previous council nieellng.rlf consist of neighborhood of ''0,(I00 to both your valualde paper year Sir Henry P Mayburv Mayor Newton, Ahl, Collart an lsl"PJ JAMES MAHT1N. illrcctor genural of roads In Ihe Aid finllh,