Sewell Sees Team Lose wo More RK (AP)—Cineinnati solidated their position in eball-farewel) to} Tuesday night lejeats the manager's | last time and wily National The hitters on both sides had a field day, smashing out a to- 7 » , }tal of 22 base hits off the com- 1 to 4-8 and ot bined Offerings of the two Abel of Phila~' ond Odowes hurlers and the b : hapless Reynolds and Ciecone w in the Sponge of ithe Commercial Hotel crew d he didn't want) rhe winning .piteher, Lindsay, club if he could | pitched the first four and one- hands NCS, BOGS WETS thing innings for Abel and i Tuesday night f care serious tow es He gave up six runs on ey “eight base hits. He allowed no }wWalks and struck out one bat- National League coy Cardinals beat : ), Chieago Ciba} 4etourneau, who came in ‘o Giants 4-2-and }Piteh in the fifth inning with es defeated the|}#¥O Men on and only one out,} 1] )turned in a brilliant relief chore phia. lefthander/# nding the inning with two turned in nifty }@uick outs, he went on to allow performanee }@Dly two hits for no runs, In 6-1. In night- | he two and two-thirds innings Wyrostek pbhasted|that he pitehed, he struck out with bases | five opposing batters. ut to drive Charged with the nolds gave up nine in} loss Rey runs on 11 dui SPORTS ROUND-UP | By GAYLE TALBOT RK (AP) Maybe ; with the game now thrown open ts who mean more to the eountry Nego athletes i ear about the de-| and with the richer clubs dang- baseball playing ling bigger and bigger bonuses mething, at that.) before the young plhyenoms n has come up With But that of course, isn’t an- ich takes a little swering the question. Frankly, we dont quite know how to he demands, “a | about answering it « young players Maybe Mickey Mantle of New ip Within the last; York Yankees will eventually mises to take fill the bill. He's only a sephe e LiMageio or Ted more, and he has the physical Musial. Where equipment. Maybe Willie May pitcher Who be-| of New York Giants will soar « 1 clas with | to greatness when he returns Dizzy Dean?! from the army 100 -qUNCRLY Possibly Bobby Shantz, the ing at all, let us| Athieties’ half-pint, is destined frequently ‘havé| to become a pitching immortal, | ome convietion) but Bebby is going on 27, and ) reason ‘to sup- eball playing abil- hole, has fallen He has been around some time Whitey Ford of the? Yanks must be a mound candidate when he every sport where | doffs his army uniform this fall measure human) The St. Louis Cards think Vine- prove that | gar Bend Mizell might be terrific day have next year. The Phils could have ver their f@re-{q future hall of famer in Curt the records Just) Simmon games But at the moment there does yould seem | not appe to be a youngster you period |can plac your finger on and eats. wha ay “he will be great oldier Who Saved Pilot's fe Awarded MC For Valor niquely prover his weapons that carried in the alr and throught an assault against vi- OSE PPE cious enemy fire. On numerous Cross for valo: ations occasion says the cita . on. Capt. Tremblay has earned made 50 Sas he? saeeitien of his unit for F Rene Tremblay ; . his courage nda Quebee City anded a plan wounded _ pilot B ball S ‘ ase cores lay, an“ officer of American Battalion of thes New York 10, Chicago 7 Regiment, now is} Washington 3, St. Louis 7 F | 1d Philade!tphia 5-9, Detroit 0-10 he was attending| Boston 1, Cleveland 4 course and the National ine he was in was Pittsburgh 7, Brooklyn 1 , fell unconscious St. Louis 1, Boston 1 (13 inn- ; y 1S &@ paratrooper ings) Plot Western International re he grabbed the Tri-City 2, Spokane 3 gated the plane Vancouver 6, Yakima 3 base and crash- Victoria 4, Wenatehee 2 although dazed, Salem 3-6, Lewiston 1-3 ‘ out, seized the pi- Pacific Coast plane burned and Seattic 3, Portland 1 to safety San Diego 8, Sacramento 5 edited with “moral Hollywood 1, San Francsco 9 the highest order; Oakland 5, Los Angeles 7 ‘ving the pilot's life. | September, now a} PREDOMINANT FUEL mmander with his Wood is the predominant typt his “sheer determi-|of heating fuel in British Col- kilful handling of! ymbia and Quebec, only one-and-a-half games behind the league-leading Gordon and Anderson team. Abel & Odowes Out-Slug Hotelmen — o Score 9-6 Win at Roosevelt Park Hitters on Both Sides Have Field Day In a free-hitting baseball game at Roosevelt! Park last night, second-place Abel and Odowes out- slugged Commercial Hotel to win 9-6. The win con- secon d place, leaving them hits and four walks “during the | four innings that he pitched. He counted one strikeout victim. Ciccone, who came in to pitch |in relief for the Commercial Ho- | tel, gave a near flawless per-| formance, allowing only one hit! and no walks. He struck out two. | Although both teams commit- | ted four errors, the three charg- | eq to Gunn at third base for the Commercial Hotel hurt his! team seriously. It was hardly | Gun’s fault, though. In the last | three games. he has been ealled| upon to play three different po- | itions, being shifted from out- | field to first base to third base} to cover open positions. These changes way have af-| fected his fielding but they cer- | tainly haven’t injured his bat- | ting. He was one of the. five} Commercial batsmen who col-| lected two base hits. each. Oth-| were Bruce, Simundsen, Pav- | likis .and Reynolds. Pavlikic’ double was the longest hit for, Commercial team Big guns with the bats for| | Abel and Odowes were Dahl and Windle with three safeties each | and Lindsay with a. .couple.| Hodgson’s triple and Dell’s dou- | ble were big factors in the win-! j}ning margin enjoyed by the Abel! }and Odowes boys | The win last night by Abel! and Odowes set the stage for! pers Lhe go one of the most crucial games|and minds on this most funda of the season on Thursday night when they will tangle with the jeague-leading Gordon and And- erson combo. A win by Gordon! and Anderson would give them 1 commanding league lead of 214 games with only a few games left in the schedule. ‘ If the fast-moving Abel and Odowes crew can continue their winning ways, however, they can whittle the lead to a mere half game Box Score AB RH E & O Hodgson, cf ie ee Lambie, 3rd so @ Dahil 3 ea Tindsay, p & if 42.324 Windle, c 42 3:2 Harlyuk, if & 2nd 9.19 pii, end & Ist 410 Sherwood, rf & if 2 1.8 Dell, Ist & rf 2 ne Letournea, p 100 94 Totals 912 4 Commercial Hotel B. Simundsen, 2nd 422 0 M. Simunsen, cf 4.193 Pavlikis, if 422 0 Morgan, ¢ 40 0 Gunn, 8rd 44. ta @ Reynolds, p & rf 4- 0:3 9 Ciccone, rf & p 40 0 0 Williamson, 8% 2.0 hoe Kaines. 1st ORO. 2 Totals 610 4} Seore by inning 123 456 7 Total A & O 0043200 9 Comm 3000300 6 US Cagers Win Again At Olympics U S CAGERS— Page 5 I HELSINKI (P)—The United | States came from behind in the} second half to defeat Brazil 57- | 53 and remain undefeated in the | Olympie basketball tournament. Brazil led 26-24 at half time. | It was the sixth straight vic- tory for United States. which} now enters the final of round-|} 1obin competition. | There were two upsets earlier, | Uruguay defeating Argentina) 66-65 in overtime and Bulgaria |defeating France 67-58. Len Walters, the Vancouver featherweight, entered the quar- ter-finals of the Olympic box- ling tournament by outpointing Willi Doth of Germany. Walters took the decision on a oa vote. | | | PLAYER’S CIGARETTES are made better, smoke better, / ARE better ,, put race and color equality ati , | question of honorable marriage. | flecting carelessness in the male. BC Basketball By JOCK GILLAT Secretary B.C. Basketball Association in “Alice in Wonderland” goes | like this: “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To speak of many things,’ ete. Our story | however goes a little differently | and we will speak mainly of one | thing, and that is “The financial | set-up of the B.C.AB.A, and its | relationship tc the functioning | of basketball in B.C. In many quarters there seems | to be a feeling that the BCABA| has a lot of money and is coft- | tinually imposing taxes on the suffering players and teams to further amass greater sums. | There also seems to be some of the manner which the ‘BCABA obtains its JUMPS TO RESCUE--FO I, Thomson of North Bay, Ont., M an RCAF para-rescue nurse parachuted into the thick bush near Bagotville, Que, where a | resentment Lancaster bomber and a jet aircraft crashed. while on funds manoeuvers. Seven me wer¢ For your information we will discuss the true picture of the | financial structure of the} BCABA. The association does | not have huge sums of monéy | anidis making no effort to build up any tremendous reserves. As a matter of fact, were it not fer the fact that several years back things in basket- ball were very good and it was possible to build a small re- serve, the association would not be able to carry on today. | When the executive presently | in office took over at the be-| famous kindly and wise journa!-|ginning of the 1951-52 season, ist said to me once. about ti the financial statement for the | very matter “we have too many, 1950-51 season showed a deficit | race and religious problems or | Of around $750, but our treasurer our hands already in Canada|0n paying outstanding accounts | without getting into any color | and honorariums, found that | killed in the crash. National Defence) (CP from AS I SEE IT (Continued from. Page 2) complement each other and do hot compete. + + + SQME .CANADIANS might hesi tate even to. consider inclusion ofthe Briitsh West Indies in t! Dominion of Canada .because of the high percentage of colore: persons in those islands. Opn question.” That was over actually $1200 was needed to} years ago—and I do not think! bring 4he financial structure up | my friend would say that today,| to date. } it he were alive. The present treasurer is keep-| It seems to me that both Hit-| ing all accounts up to date, and} ler and Stalin, and above all,; the 1951-52 season shows a fur-: Gandhi, have forced us in the|ther loss of $500 over revenue. west to search our own hearts| This means that all of the re- | serve which had been accumu- | mental of all hufman question lated has gon. i What was Hitler’s monstrous! If the present rate of expendi- | creed of ‘master race’’ after a y 1}° : _|ture is continued, the associa- | Was it not but an exaggerated | tion will soon be defunct, be- | form of an insane (‘that is, lit-| cause I am sure everyone will! erally, unclean) idea from which | realize that without funds it | we all suffer, in lesser degree.? One reason, too, why Uncle Joe is visibly beatine the part off Uncle Sam in the cold wi in all those parts of the world | where white skin are in the mi | ;ority is because the Communists cannot carry on. } Golden Rule BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa @—The suceess “of any \the very top of the list of thejr| PuUsiness man depencs on what world aims. his employees say about him s ¢ * in their homes, the Bloemfon- I DO NOT believe that the pro ten Afrikaans Chamber of posed merger of the British) CO™merce was told by Chair- West Indies islands into one big) ™4@n P. J. N. Du Toit. “Don’t dominion would solve any of @ tude to your employees,” he their increasingly acute prob advised. lems down there. ButsI believe re inclusion of those islands in the RECKLESS MALE ‘‘Dominion of Canada would Lizhtning deaths among men| We have nothing to lose and and boys are four times as fre-| much to gain by popping the/quent as among females, _ re-/| Rae ote ou Car Can Use! Get Activated / SHELL PREMIUM GASOLINE | | | | | } | | | | | | | | In view of this it would seem in- We cannot expect executive | officers, who are working very | Association Has Big Financial Burden |hard, to travel in the perform-| | ance of their duties at their own ;@xpense. Honorariums are paid DUNCAN, B.C.—A little rhyme i Only to the secretary, treasurer | and registrar and as the total! | of these payments is only $150, | | this item does not bulk very | large in our expenditures. You | can rest assured that the work Performed by these officers | makes the honorarium seem in- finitesimal. One of our main expenses is the holding 6f meetings. At present there are three each season: 1. The annual general at the beginning of each sea- son, 2. The playoff meeting in January to draw ap playoff schedules, and 3. The finance meeting at the end of the season to aliot payments for various items. ' All. those who attend these | meetings and go through the) terrific back-log of accumulated | problems, realize that even the three meetings schedule is an/! absolute minimum. The last finance meeting in Vancouver took seven concentrated hours | of work to conclude the business. | } | | | { | advisable to cut out any of our meetings. | “Travelling expenses, also heavy expenditures. ) “. ,. We believe basketball is getting more popular and as and} if the revenue from games in- | crease, the BCABA funds will also increase.” ee | FOOTBALL | TONIGHT =| BATTERY vs GENERAL MOTORS 7:00 p.m, Wednesday, July 30, 1952 9 @ : tele- |" |phone calls and telegrams are NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORK rice mupeir Waiiy iN€ws MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. ‘Prince Rupert, B.C. 12, 18 or 24 Months to Pay rd OWNER’S SPECIAL 1941 American PONTIAC DELUKE SEDAN—Air condi- tioner, radio, spotlight, all but a few thousand miles driven on U.S. roacs. Owner. must sell. Really a low price for this model. * Full Price —Terms : °°675 ‘48 DESOTO SEDAN, in immaculate condition. $ Fiuid drive. Full vrice ; ae 1895 46 CHEVROLET SEDAN—Fully equipped with radio, heater ‘40 DODGE SEDAN (A Vancouver car). Radio, and defroster, seat covers, $ heater and defrester. Really clean. Full price 725 49 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN—One owner. $4695 Heater and defroster. Full price - ‘47 DODGE '\.-TON PANEL—Fully reconditioned. $ Full price ; sis» cbligicl tes ut ; 1045 42 CHEVROLET * Full price COME IN OR PHONE 871—AT ANY TIME TWstT - HetKe Fils PTact i-TON with special body. What's a picnic without Coke? A good picnic is lively and sparkling with fun, The life and sparkle of ice-cold Coca-Cola adds so much to any occasion, hop at the sign of , ty 4 Wy I cn ’ Aa “_ 36 X y 6 Carton ¢ SG ‘Including Federal Taxes \ ; Plus deposit 2c per bottle Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Led, Phone 132 Prince Rupert, B.C, “Coke” fs a registered trade-mark Number of Times ...... \ cee «......1.. Enclosed Please Find ts (3c per word per insertion—e.g. Number of words 25; ‘cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words if bot number required NOMA cs Address sheen cesta soasu tik gnaes cia. lociboeln oxtegs giabtomcpanns Phone No 3... sto Sees sensee sient Fee ee hk Se et ne eee ee ete we cee eee seem nae see e cues eee ®