Ml p . nib -r ?, 0 I fe: Furniture This rl no 123. ' ! "Ill r Christmas UETX ARE 3 SPLENDID VALUES IN BEDROOM , FURNITURE jOLID WALNUT SUITE ,, lui Dics-er. Vanity, llcuih, Mocker iihil a iii Ibd; liiu4 llrilish Mirront. Special , , ii.f ()tin-linii '. . 2 WALNUT VENEER SUITE t.firrV iie-er, Dressing Table untl Hench, . i H,i,nr and Panel Med; bevelled mirrors. .i -t M-IItT : CIRCrl SUITE (Walnut Finish) uulii4 l'rccr. Vanity, Hem-li. Iloekc r and lujiii r; I'tain mirror. Spenal Christmas ,';it Price ' j rr times nom Furnishings iiii.i.: tr John lKati of I Allium'. I'tl'cnf bid Tilulti, but :( yon fo ' tf:!liint. ' frtm tht "b-it food ou tvrrut.' MQESTED $155.00 $125.00 $110.00 3rd Avenue and 1st Street Mi - i II. i,,.w by of the iYourdinner Before It Is Food if certain tocruisedistrcssuntilyou improved igestive action nnd sweeten thestom-ncli. You c;in do this quickly and surely by taking Beccham's Pills. Their natural action stiniulaU'Sthoflowcfpastricjuice, increases activity of liver nnd bowels and improves digestion. Take DccchanVsPilla with confidence, for 80 years' expen'enco prove they are good for, the stomach. Sold Everywhere in Canada WECHAmPnis I I II. i"i h i luh ii, iim ti,c princess M,l )' V Hf'r; noun. ANNOUNCEMENTS -'MM thai nifor i l.niberaii fiaiaar . i imtt lltiw rny Mmrnpnu Hall. inin fur iwlumn inj -;.i ( by Mm i'.tf ien' ! Kebekah Uaaar. SI . ; i i uf Canada wut i.-i iiiu'iI'o rnuneil H."!c III fi- Hikiiiix, December 6. Devembcr 2. SOLD CROW T til BOURDON WHISKEY BOTTLED UMCER FEDERAL COVCRNMEMT SUPIRVISION 'liscnicnt is ridt published or displayed ' 1 tcr Control Hoard or by tho fiovcrnmenl Mritish Columbia. Andrew's Methodist Cbureh Itazaar, Dec ember II. tf V lioiw: f ..fced, .j.aiurc quality! I Local and Personal li.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayners, UniJertakers, Phone 301 You'll like our coal! Coal Co. Phone 7. tf The .oiular drlnk-"SUPlli:.Mi; Coffee. Save the coupons, tt lv. K, Knott Mailed on tin; Mary yesterday urternoon for Ketchikan. Once more we can supply the famous F.d-on coal in any quan lilies. Phone 58. Prince Hunerl Feed Co, tf .Mr. and .Mrs. S. (i. Harlan of Second Avenue are vailing for Vancouver on the Cardena this afternoon. Geo, Hohh, owner of the 6? taxi business, leaved on the steamer Cardena this afternoon for Vancouver on a business trip. (i. K. (iiilick, local manager of he Swifl -Canadian Co., return ed on the Cardena this morning nfter making the round trip to St c war I and Anyox on business II. I.. Clothier, after spending he past few days at Stewart on business, is passing through or I be Cardena this afternoon re turning south to Vancouver. James Martin of Massed, who arrived on the Prince John on Sunday nizhl from the Islands is sailing tonight on the Cardena for Vancouver. O. A. Clothier, resident mining I'liKineer. is on his annual trip ol inspection to the All ice Ann dis Iriet. bavin? gone north on the Cardena Sunday night. Accompanied by Mrs .Martin '. W. Martin, the well-known Stewart mining operator, is .nsM'iiccr going south on the Cardena today bound for Victoria on a brief business trip. Lome McAllister. Canadian custom oflieer al Skasw-ay. was u liiaifiirr limtnil fmrlli fin Mm : - ...... .......... . - - 'Princess Mary yesterday return I ng to liis post afler a holiday 'fill aulllll J I Hawkinson, the well Known Stewart restaurant man. arrived in the cily on the Car dena ibis morniiu. He is here on business nrd will return norl' otnorrow night. Hpv. and Mrs. J. It. Wiley from Sifcr Ainiee Semple McPherson Four Square (lope Temple, l.o Anueles will conduct the meel logs in the Central City Mission tin Tuesday and Wednesday evetiillifs al 8 p.m. Molorship Hellingham, Capl I. en Williams, arrlveil al noon from Ketchikan and is discharg ing four carloails or frozen liall but ul I lie lloyal Fish Co.'s dock for Iranssliipment lo the Kaslerr Stales oxer Ihe Canadian Nation al Hallways. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. liusswood I are sailing this afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver. Mr. Husswood Mas been located as wireless opera'.or at Digby Island for some lime and is now being transferred to Point Grey. Tlie power boat Prosperity Capl. Itrindle, was in port yesterday from Salt Chuck Mine. Alaska, discharging) 30 tons of palladium concentrates for transshipment over the Canadian National Hallway to the Irviugton smelter, New Jersey. 'Ihe Initiative local improvement bylaw to pros hie for the mattress grading of Conrad St. and Klevenlh Avenue was finally reconsidered and adopted ut last night's council meeting. The construction bylaw for Allin Avenue from Second Avenue lo Fleventli Street was advanced lo Ihe (bird reading. To accoiniuodale many local people who are planning lo go south for the Christmas holiday, the CX. II. steamer Prince 1 1 u port will not sail from here for Vancouver on December ID until I o'clock in the afternoon. The vessel will arrive in Vancouver on Sunday morning enabling passengers lo make boat connec-hoits to Victoria and Seattle THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE FLANNEL AND HOUSE DRE88E3 FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN ON SALE MRS. GRAHLMAN Second Ave. There will be a meeting to organize a museum association in the city hall Wednesday even ing at 8. Mrs. 11. Turtle of llella llella arrived in the cily on the Car dena Sunday afternoon to pay an xtended visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collier She will remain over the Christ mas holidays. Mrs. Turtle is receiving a very warm welcome ind lasl evening a number ot friends gathered at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Collier to meet her Passengers booked to sail on the Cardena this afternoon foi Vancouver include Mr. and Mrs G. Harlan, Mr. and Mrs. W. J liusswood and family, Canon h iould. Mrs. J. lloskins, Allan Stewart, C. I). Kiumons, W Howard, Mrs. K. A. Drum, Frank Pearce, James Martin and A. Martiifou. The Cardena arrived at 11.30 this morning from Any ox and Stewart and will sail for I he south al 5 this afternoon. MARRIED YESTERDAY Miss llella Frank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Frank of Ter race, was married quietly al the Presbyterian Manse at 2 o'clock yesterday aflcmocn to W. II. Watt, also of Terrace. The collide arc spending a few days in the city before proccediug to Terrace vliere Ihev will reside. DUKE AND DUCHESS ARE OFF FOR AFRICA LONDON. Dee. J. Th" Duki and Duchess of York left yester day for Fasl Africa. They will slay in Paris for three days' shopping and I lien proceed from Marseilles for Monoassa. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS ARE HIGHER THIS YEAR Cuctoms collections for the port of Prince Rupert during Ihe month of November totalled $32.-P.H.55 showing a slight in-'reaSe oVr 3:!. 277.23 for the same month last year it was an-lounced al the customs house his morning. SENDING PHOTOGRAPHS ACROSS ATLANTIC BY MEANS OF WIRELESS NF.W YOHK. Dec. 2. The por-rait of the lulled States presi-lent was put on the air in Lon don Sunday and twenty minutes later reproduced here with but tittle refringemcut, say the in ventors. The process will be made available immediately for instan taneous transatlantic transpor tation of news pictures. A second message was sen I 'lavinjr lo do with diplomatic correspondence and the identifi cation of Hie photographs. Advertise in the Daily News. Brocaded Tweeds An unusual purchase enables us to oTfer these beautiful ami 'serviceable dress materials at a fraction of their value 10 inches wide in many shades and colorings, Itegular $2.25 At Only Per Yard .. $1.50 West of England Store SMITH BLOCK. MAY STOP WORK ' ISLAND ROAD City Engineer Reports Against Continuation During Winter Months as Costly A report from the city engineer advising that, in view Of the fael that cost of doing the work at1 this lime of the year would he! some 25 or 30' per cent greater I ban when weather conditions were more favorable, the work of building the city's portion of tin- Kaien Island road be discontinued until nexl April did not meet with entire approval at lasl night's council meeting and was referred to the Hoard of Works for furl her consideration. In his report, the cily engineer stated t hat he had interviewed Major Taylor, district engineer for the. public works department. on Ihe matter and hail been advised that the government would not be resuming work on its portion until March I and then the amount of work lo be done would depend entirely on the appropriation made. Such material as was needed could then be taken in on scows. In view of the greater cost entailed in doing the work under unfavorable con ditions of the winter season', I lie engineer, therefore, recommended that Ihe work of the city be, slopped until April with t lie pos sible exception of some eul work on or near Eleventh Avenue. The engineer expressed Ihe opinion that, in view of the serious state of the plank roads, the city would be belleV advised in devoting all possible efforts to continuing the work of lowering the plank road ways. Aid. Cacy referred to the fact that certain members of the council had at first seemed "alarmed al Ihe "backwardness of the Hoard of Works in jretlin the Island road work started. He would now like to hear from the aldermen who had made those complaints. Mayor Newton fell that the matter might be referred lo the Hoard of Works. If the weather improved, the worV misrht yet be continued lo good advantage es pecially as ameans to alleviating unemployment. If the Hoard of Works could devise some plan to resume at leasl pait of tho work, he fell it would be better than shutting it down entirely. Aid. Perry pointed out thai. If work was continued under present conditions the appropria tion mi&lil be exceeded. Slill the Hoard of Works might make ome revision of the cily en gineer's report. Aid. Macdonald urged that as much work as iossihle be kept on by the cily during the winter in view of possible unemployment. Weather conditions might not be as bail as Ihe engineer anticipated. Often there was plendid working wrather during I lie winter months. The report was ordered lo Ihe Hoard of Works by Mayor New ton. CHICKEN DINNER Hl'HXS l.AKK. Dec. 2. A suc cessful chicken and turkey supper was given last Tuesday by Ihe Ladies' Aid of the I'ninn Church. Over I00 was realized from the supper and the bazaar following. MEN ARE MORE SHORT : TEMPERED THAN WOMEN: 1 i, ... .... w it n,w ... s..m' UABIHiaiBSMK '- ' " " uen naturally will dispute the lalemenl, but these same, men should recollect Ihe limes they have lost their tempers when Hicy lit the fire in the morning and it went out, leaving them lo do the whole thing over again. Fortunately this trouble can .asily be eliminated. Coal is be- ng sold today which can be iir- liled from paper rolled inloiH balls. A Rood fire is going in am few minutes and breakfast is h ready in.uo time. g this coal Is Ihe Tamous Xa-naiino-Wcllinxlon, sold only by Albert A McCalTery. Every pound of it double screened no rock or shale, no slack r.hd very little ash. ll lasts longer, gives greater heal and better service. These are some of the reasons for so many repeat orders. Ho one of Ihe many wise people. Do us they do by ordering nothing but Xa- nai!nnWclliucrton coal. Promni IN aI. o irt iiini.....i.n.. .1... ml.iiiii mi i n r- in iiirniut'i mi' yiplione nunilie: - u e HO a d i0i. ' H B n m a B mi n i H M F5 TOYLAND OPENS TODAY COME AND BniNG THE CHILDREN Mere are Toys from all parts of the world, well made, distinctive ami low in price. Now is the time to make your selections before the rush commences. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN ALL DOLLS McRae's Special $1,30 Full jointed, fine quality bisque bead, moving eyes and real eyelashes, flowing curly hair, jointed at neck, shoulders, elbow, wrist, hip and knee, muslin dress, braid, lace, shoes and Vcks $1.30. See our window. Oilier lines equally good value. Waterman and Wahl Pens We i an mii( any ta-te in u fotu'ii' tin- Christmas. The plain, self-filled, with clip, in finite nnd medium )oiiils. A litlle brglr and heavier at lien $2.75 $4.25, $5.25, $6.25 (iold bauds and clips, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50 Solid HK gold bands and clips $12.00 to $15.00 (iold eased all over $11.00 up We alsji have Iheni in velvet rases wilh penril lo match. Our ocii e- nrit Ihe tine s Hdvertised everywhere and we will exchange until uo gel one to suit your baud. I.' ink over our .-plendid stock. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. JEWELLERS R(JEN WATCHE5E "The Family Shoe Store" 50 Pairs High Grade Shoes. Broken Lines or "1NVICTUS" LECKIE, TETRAULT and ROYAL. Values to $11.00. SPECIAL $6.85 LADIES 50 Pairs Ladies' ONYX Pumps, Strap Pumps and Oxfords. Value to $10.50. SPECIAL ?7.85 Phone 357. '.EV".E CaKSKBtEH tarBIXIDKlSXB'XB KB K8TB KB i';B IB YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST IS FULL OF PROBLEMS What to give, where to buy, and how to mako your allownnco cover your list. Step in today or phone for a copy of -GIFTS- This beautifully Illustrated book, filled with welcome suggestions, will solve every perplexing problem and point the way to satisfaction with economy. "IT'S FREE You'll be glad to have IL" ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists - The Rexall Store Third Ave. & Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200 b.. e. a .a. .u: .a. a. a.. a. :a.:Ba..:a:JiL!:B:.;.BiB::'B::B.:fl..:B:;.B::B.:B" M m m n ml n n n B r, M y a