in t ne nauii o( appoint natives where I can .1 Liberal lo Ml the ' was taken by Con-e. in incoriioration of the itnd operative in Iho i i'mikv departinent, ('!;; in t" ai(l lie. pari I ii tin- Allorney (leneral wen- ileleelives. II I ml work, .aid Mr. Man-Hie :.uiior Ael is uneit-i. x itiinl leiieher. TORNADO JN FRANCE Buildings Crumpled at Nice and M lU-.v Seventy People Injured I' I I- ranee, lice. 2. A lor ml- duration ! eiiv M lay. Many vv i i iuinpleil and 70 YUKONERS TO GET LIQUOR Shipment Gone North on Princess Ena due to Arrive Before Christmas v W I' S TMINS I KII. Dec. 2. 1 IMt. steamer, Princess "fi today for Skagway willi " iiime ear loads of liquor '' !- due lo arrive al Hawson '' tor Hie Chrislipas of Ihe "- This is the first -Mpinmit lo be despalrhed M"' goxeruinenls nl Otlawa iiliiuitlon reached ail ""''if lo relieve Hie Yukdn Vi. Jirngslon of Maile a nassciger going south 1 ii 'ili na today lo VancoH-' . ti-di.' ",,n I Iteferriiig to ulatemeiilH thai Iliad eeii made liy the sllperill- tr-wletrt nf-'utlllllr r Twnl I merlin J of the I'niire Ituper1 HeteiNitirs' .ocilii(ii. Aid I Collar! sukuulleij a resolution to 1 1 city council lat night thai "W iliiide that a eWj,Mr. .nilcreon. hyilrw-eliflric ex-f ' -Iiiiu wa liemg em- rt of Vancouver, be brouahl m li Mould roll In here lo give a rejMirl on the in l.eiiig Nlaiighteml pracMbilily of enlarging power ,.i n ,nf for I he milk jjmltc( Ion at Woo.lworlli like. u piildic. j As a similar suggelion hadj m Mi piKdey' eriti-ilwn adaiHrel by the ulililie the appointment of jrommitlee lat year and al thai v an chief iMoviejUm, bei'ii turned down b in- Allorney fieneral de-(f. e,Mincll, Aid. Macilouald felt U.iti.T. m repuUd lo l.tlml lite suggestion might again ' uualifird for the,,. trferml lo committee. The discussion leil to the coii- dilion of the dam at Woodworlh ltke and il was sluled by Aid. Macdoiiald that the siiperiuleiid-enl had tleeimsl there was no IniMiediale danger though there vvee leaks. A I he siiperiidendi'iil of ulfl-iliei. and the city engineer had been instructed lo make a report on the da ld. Mc.Mordie fell that Ali. Collar'! proposal might he deferred until that report had heen received. Aid. Macilonald stalixl lluil it was impossihle to gel a report on the dam now because (here was an unusually heavy flow of water over il. Aid. Cao-y made ipieries an lo the preseul rapabilily of the city lo lake care of Ihe requirements or Ihe mill and Ihe elevalor. To these Aid. Macdoiiald concisely replied: "If (ho mill hould start nex' Monday and requite power then. II ily would be in a po-ilimi lo supply il. The elevalor will not he needing power lilt next October and, in Ihe meantime, there1 is plenly or lime lo lake care of the situation. In addition, we always have Ihe dry dock as an emergency. Aid. CollaiTs suggestion was Icil in Ihe hands of Ihe ulllilies coininlllee. CANON GOULD OF TORONTO GUEST OF WOMEN'S CLUB Canon S. tloiild or Toronlo. general secielftiy oT Ihe Canadian Church Missionary Society, addressed Ihe Women's Canadian Club at a luncheon in his honor at the Boston Care this afler noon. Mr.". 0. A. Kggerl. president of Ihe flub, presided and there were about forty members L..LLED Anglo German Treaty Signed Today Provides Mutual Pre-war Basis MlH. i. , 'j 'I'd,. Anglo-German Irealy was signed '"i ' ' I" -cnlalives of governments of both na- I ii i ilinif Hiu forget their war differences and return .,nii la-i- of mutual preferential treatment, i i.mi. oi ll. treaty stipulate IIihI Germany grants llrit-o i.inrii nation treatment and guarantees against Jjs- Iri'uluitt.t and limilatioii of uiiM)rt. I Untih got-runieiil agree, to introduce into parliament ,ii'hih ull war rcslni-liou still imposed against Gcr- i.' Ki.unl. Geimauv will also be allowed several minor II HI V LEGISLATIVE EXPERT ADVICE CRITICISMS POWER SUPPLY Man on and Others Make Explanations Regarding Various Matters Proposal to Brlnq Expert Here been conducted in all direction 1 reronlt al Ilmpalnui Metioo. where lhr' wen1 niarrird last week - j('.lialin s nut as The lndy of Kiln May riirr-1 ,;,ai lie a 33. sleeve, tillle daughter' of Mr. ami, Canal, who wax drowned last COMMONS OPENS week when she fell from a loir leading from one boalliouHe lo; I.ONIKJX. Ilee. S The recently anolher. was recovered before the , clcrlnl House of limmoiis .as-proviurial iiolire arrivwd l Ibe .senibleil thin afternoon ami ccne of the fatality. Interment j unanimously elected J. ttMik place al Gardner Canal- ley speaker. II. Whit- OTTAWA, Dec. 2. Tenders are being called by the department of trade and commerce for the excavation and foundation work for the new grain elevator to be erected at Prince Rupert. The tenders are to be in by January 2. Provision is made for a start on the Prince Rupert elevator in the supplementary estimates of last session of Parliament, when $150,000 was voted for the purpose. Officials of the department state that work wilt commence early in the year. A company has been formed locally lo tender on the work, which i" understood is lo be. let ill two eparale conlrac.U, one for exravalioii and filling and Ihe other for the foundation. While there are no copies of Ihe rcvlswl specifications here, I hey have been wired for. II is understood thai instead of a large amount of piling for the dock as was originally intended, there will be a rock fill with piling along Ihe face. The local company w ill lender on eacli contract and also on the main building when Ihe time comes. IRISH BOUNDARY COMMISSION MEETS Prediction That Free State Government Will Resign and Do Valora Form Cablnst i;o.MK)N. Dec. 2. The Daily Mail Ihiblin correspondent rc- commission will resign. With drawal will be rollowed by the resignation or the entire Free Stale govcriitiU'iil and thai (he government would be handed over to De Valera. This will mean repudiation or the treaty. ( DU1.IN. Dec. 2. The London EDMONTON WINS Hockey League VANCOl YKH, Iiec. 2. Ion won iu the opening - Kdiiion I hul without avail in iliM-ovpriiiK .. . . .... fiKUii' . , '"e imir Minw iirr ukc Uiii'- oi null, ami ii i niiw ii'imi that he may noi In- alive. Me-Kenzie won 0 y'ai-.i of age. BODY FOUND L Hiirr nil law oi viiinu ma am- . ii compelled lu attend ochool un lil 18. I Ilie llearli. game of! DOWAGER QUEEN HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY AT SANDRINGHAM HOME SANIHIIMHIAM. Dec. 2. failing eyesight and grow- potls that the Irish boundary ling deafness, Queen Alexandria commission when it meets lyeslerday celebnileir her eightieth Thursday Is likely lo concede no- j birlhduy pleasantly ami quielly llilng more llian mere adjust- surrounded by members of the inenl of the boundary ami that lloyal family including King Ihu Tree Slate represeniationlCeorge and Oueen Mary. Crown I'rince Olaf and Queen Maude or Norway, Ihe l'rincc ol Wales and Ihe Princesses lloyal and Victoria. All Ihu royal guests brought presents. W. Howard, inspector of slnllon., who has been iu Iho , north for Ihe past two or three TAXI BOSTON GRILL and wan Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Suitable for dances, banquets and wedding Anywhoro at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. parties. RUPERT For rates, apply to Boston and Gtli St. PRINCE Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. v i XIV NO '8.1 I'ltlNCK Ml l'KHT. 11.11. TUESDAY, UF.CE.MnKH 2, liisM. VUr4ar'( Clrculatonl 178. ilrret Slid. IIS pmce FIVE CENTS. TENDERS ELEVATOR FOUNDATION TREATY WITH GERMANY GIVES EACH NATION MOST FAVORED TRADE TERMS 'i M. I "W c have nt ii (im4' piMi4i itt l nieir.utol mi cattle," ii "ii l". Outlier laud in , V l.i e. l'it 1 1 m fulled mid Hvn. I Advanced by Aid. Co.'.art STEWART MAN HAS BEEN MISSING FOR MORE THAN WEEK According t word received f If III Slew ;il I today. Norman Me-, Keiuie, carpenter of that place and well known aroiiml Prince, Ituperl. has been missing for a I fHAPIINHAS PRINCE RUPERT DOES , . , r- , sr. , T, tnmLin nao Bq0ZE business Eighty to Ninety thousand mm mi Average Dally Turn Over at . Vendor's Shop Is $1,500 nuh r.Mifiroi.. shnw Mop tn ha Beats Other Cities of Only, Sixteen But Married as 19 los anoklcs. Dec. 2 r a Similar Size Tin' av craze daily turnover of Ibe government liquor vendor in :t wax exci.'!.H of 1.500. in slruck from by the allorney- tlie cgiialure last week in answer Ut queslion. He annouueiMl thai the ale for the Prince Huper! jilon for I he seven months had totalled iViS.Wf. r ur,'!' during tlie sariie K'i ioil how Mrs '.North Vancouver 7L.0G6! Kamloops i;7.0i'j. Nanaimo 211.301 Nelson IRt.CII ItuloTt ilennelt. Indian, was fined 10 in I lie city police court this morning for intoxication. Tenders" Are ' Being Called For Elevator Foundations and Work to Commence Early in New Year:, PHONE CHARGES ARE DISCUSSED;! ! ; mi r lilies nun oecome sucn a ,nuiance that il laid been round ' necessary to order it UNOFFICIAL LIBERAL ELECTED TEMISCOUTA Dollar Haul Made by Bandits Moosejaw Post Office Yesterday MOOSKJAW, Dee. i. Three masked men entered the post office at ten o'clock last night and held seven in embers of copy of Ihe l.irth c-rtific r, Hup!'r I ,nn the -taff nnder menace of revolvers while they forced James left his rat.iii at Su-wart a week Lj n , . , McMur0;. "known """"'V". e,"!in;f "c,Hl"'r, siuiiellllllK HI ri.-d Charlie Chaplin, published by . ""uf' t-.. i .i... i L.r ..ii....: ji... in Join's, clerk al the registered man wicket to tos mem seven money packages containing between eighty and ninety thousand dollars. . The bandits escaped before the police could take action, and got away in an auto. City, provincial and mounted police are scouring the countryside for the bandits. 'zrrz: r. ssr BUILDINGS TO J. D. GALLOWAY New Weslminster 1 70.737 , BE FIREPROOF GETS PROMOTION New ByLaw Put Through First Resident Mining Engineer at Reading Last Night The newly amended cily build-i iug bylaw was put through its' first reading:! at last night's - council meeting, considerable; j i . i .a..i.i: i m l -- ! The liylaw sels out the classes ! Bylaw Providing For Reduction of building- that may be erected of Fifty Cents a Proposed Month AM. Macilonald announced al nihV c,,ui,cil n,ecUn? ,,,al it iri-iTnAiTirrn'11"1 A I V A Nl I II I V r K u '''law Priding for revised ill I ftllvv U f Lill ) utility charges, was to be submit- I ted by the committee. Among n..i. nr. T.m tn nnnin Jo'lier things, a reduction iu Hie Game of Western Canada i charge for main line and party- line telephones of 25c per mouth was being proposed. This, together with a proposed 25c discount increase, would mean u net f.t,lii..l iiiti in lt,.i... .f - .. .1 ... ,... i I.. ,.., I .. " iJ I lie t esieru iuuuuil inrni ) i,e,i- .. .... , , . , i .i. 'nioiilh. Ihe retluctiou in revenue gue series which was played here last nighl with the Vancouver Maroons, Ihe score standing; rive goals to four after nearly 20 iniuules oveiiiiue. The score nl Ihe end of the I bird period was four lo four. would thus he about $0,000 per year, it was estimated. Oilier matters affecting telephones were discussed. Aid. Mac-tloualil stated thai orders had i in the fire limit areas. Among, , oilier requirements, all buildings iu No. 1 area nvust possess al least one brick fire wall. Krectioii of buildings iu all parts or the city come under the, bylaw also repairs and additions. I here are particular requirements governed by the location as to being in the fire limits or otherwise, for walls, framing, foundations, roofs, light shafts, sky lights, floor loads, chimneys, etc, Certain revisions will probably he made iu Ihe bylaw as il now stands before il adopted Poullol Elected Over Officlall"11" approval ami advice or the Nominee of Government Party MVlF.nK DU l.OUl Dec. 2. The federal riding uf Teniiscoula today returned an unofficial Liberal, Jean Francois Poullol, iu the by-election due lo Ihe death of Charles fiauvrcau. His inajor- ..........I II. ..I II... I....... Ul..l . 1. . . ..l-l t . .. .11.. ....... ..........I 11.. 11.. 11 Hazelton Succeeds W. Fleet Robertson as Provincial Meteorologist John I). Calloway, for .several i years resident mining engineer U18CUSSIOR taking piace in me . it-.-il... f.. H.. ..r,vi,.eiaI t.nder the liylaw, lwv fire liiiHtl,, . . . ,llinpPnln!Hi, .,, r , r , . ' leave next month for Victoria, ; Set ion 1. So 1 fire Iintits will iw ,,ea,lquarlers. e sllr. ji,.clud pn.perty between becond Cf, VM 0rjert9on, who dim l pi. in cm,, u.i.i rmirr a. iu , riirP,l nfle Second A v. and Styles and Wayne failhful gen.jce Places. No. 2 fire limits will for several months. The departure if Mr mill Mr fanllnwnv from the balance of Section wjU be gCnerally re- Al.l. collari sumniueu- an . fo. ... h become .amendment that property on ,,0,,iaP j that district. ! Wayne and Styles Places, which Mps (;a,mvay ail), ,,ailRhl re. not valuable, be not in- ,was very turneu ,(, HaicIlon on Sul,ay eluded in the buihlinjr require- fp,w ,,,n,. ir n.Uv viciin.i , ments set down for No. 1 fire limits. The amendment was roleil down, only Ihe mover being in favor of it. ' CHARLES BLYTH EXPIRED TODAY i Well Known Local Man Failed to Survive Injuries and Died at Hospital This Morning Charles Hlyth Sr., who sustained serious injuries yesterday morning when he fell from the inside of the tower of the new Presbyterian Church lo the tloor beneath while engaged in plastering Ihe building, expired is finally . '" the Prince Ituperl uenerai i Hospital at 2 o'clock this nvirn- Ihe mayor brought lo the al- The cily thus loses an es- lenlion or the council outside j Icemed pioneer citizen who had chimney requirements. He sug-l resided here for many years with uesled that ;i minimum nf six1 his family. The deepest sympathy been issued that special signal I fret above Ihe roof be set. This , W'H I'1' extended lo the widow and rings on single lines bad bee the surviving relatives. Funeral j ordered discontinued except in' or the council to be too high.! arrangements are in the hands 'Ihe case ot doctors. The prac-j l'he mailer will, however, likely "f "IP "- t'uderlakers and an-jlice or asking for two, three or! be Included in (lie bylaw.' t nouiicement as lo interment is Back From Street penuing receipt oi auvices irom Aid. Collar! relt thai a limit' members of the, family outside ' ...... ... i ii. n.. ror Hie instance that a house may he buill from the street properly line be set so as to improve Ihe appearance of Ihe cily. He also sucgesled that there be some, I'1"' resided 37 years iu Canada. limitation as to Hie number or houses that may be buill on a single lot. The suggestions met city solicitor will be obtained as the city. The lale Mr. lllylli Was CI years or age last May. He was bom in Kifeslilre, Scotland, and II or I hose years up to the limn of his death having been spent iu I'rince lluperl. llesides Ihe widow and youngest son. Oeorge, residing al the family home on Ambrose Avenue In this cily. ' '"V. ' " ' " ""' " ""' uuues, is rv- . ....w '"- visor visor of or the the Moose Moose l.odae. Lodge, Dassetl passed Dr. J. C Si.ence. . who arrived tie vine n is ridiculed In well- in- lurning on tlie-iCardena this af. sand mark. form.. I clicle. lernoon to IiIh headquarters Dr. K. Parrolt the ollicial i in, was yesterday aflemoon hound rromMhe week, sailed on the 1'flnco ' uuiii" w ail ' -ii. - jr ' vio-n nnniflM sT lliu I itiMUnta I to Ihe possibility of admitting such clauses into Ihe bylaw. ANer considering the bylaw clause. jibe committee arose and reported progress. It will come up for further discussion uext week. A. Wallsteilt, district super ouvev "unoau deceased is survived by the Tol- lowiug children: Alexander of Seattle; Mrs. Met low an or West Vancouver and formerly of I'rince Huperl; John, Cl.evelaml, Ohio; Charles and William. Seattle; Mrs. Leo Mclntyre, Vancouver. Jo)' l.tst a-lit for Skidegale.