PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Niglit, 7 and 9 p.m. RIN-TIN-TIN, THE WONDER DOG OF THE SCREEN IN "Find Farmers Market ' Phone Blue 42S Orders of $3.00 dallvcred HAVE YOU M6DE YOUR Christmas Cake? We have a nice fresh stock of 9 Raisins Currants Peel etc. F.W.Mcerscli Phone 13. GROCER Dr. Martel'j Female Pills Have aaaiited natora thonianda caaealaathalf century, correcting huh, building- up nd trenfirtneninr organ., relierinir DELAYED, and PAINFUL MENSTRUATION. NERVOUSNESS. BACKACHE. DIZZINESS, etc nodanprnu.druffi. Soldonlf in SeftledHinca- Cover Tl N BOX with our aizratura. Druitei.t, mn where, or dirert tr mail, viam Parian ti 00 Eaklerlaelrt Rnwar C. . 71 E. fraat St, T areata. Caa. Clrcilir auUf 4 aa rtaatit. Your Man Admission 35c and 10c. MERRY CHRISTMAS BUY NOW Itui-m-. lnik. 1 lli. SOC ItiiTMNl. rii'aiicil. J 35c l'i'Hs. Oiuiih and Lemon, I -i- lii 35c i lit i on and Mixed, per hi 50c Miv.l NuN. bent, i lb. $1.C0 Japancsi' OraiiK,s. box 90c . I in l'asi, ickK- 35c TaMe l-'ijis, best layers, 5 II. . $1.C0 Taltb" itaiMii-, clusters, 5 lbs 51.00 Hulk Haii', iter lb. ... 15c .Cliriirnas Stockings, I! rack it's ' lton-ISmi , llainly. Nuts iiml ;in pc.i -biles at Ilarjtuiu I'rices. See Our Window for Meat Bargains. I MINING MAN DIES NIXSON. )pe i aaaaaaaaanrW nrTaTll IT MM ITTaTTariTMraaaTaWaMriaWaWWMTM-aMaaM yy A fjioclui, outdoor melodrama, bulging wilh brik ui-liun. lJuriug, bristling adventures amidst natural, scenic marvels featuring llin-Tin-Tin, the dog with the heart of a hero and the mind of a ma", and June .Marlowe, the girl wilh -soulful eyes, the screen's newest star. Lumber pirates, desperadoes, beautiful romance and the triumph of jus-ice. Strong cast: Eric HI. flair, June Marlowe, Charles Mailcs, Fred Stanton, Charles Conkliu and others. FAST STEPPERS. INTERNATIONAL NEWS. We have just received a shipment of FRESH NUTS W'n are now in a position l.i quote you the lowest prices : lirazil Nuts, per lb. ... 25c Ainininls, per lb 25c 1 ilberls, per lb 25c Manchurian Walnuts, per lb 25o California Soft Shell Walnuts. pir lb 40c f'hestiiuts, per lb 30o Huy your requirements nnw. Prices will never be lower. Fresh Meat Always in Stock ECONOMY 510 417 Fifth Ave. West Phono 84 , Prince Rupert, B.C. E TIME For Sale Tunc is the measure of liTc . That what our salesmen offer you. They arc selling a real service, giving- you time foi more important duties than washing. Will You Buy? Phone 8. B0X392 PRINCE RUPERT Louis I'jall. 'who iIh-iI ill Kdiiionton at the Jwei'k riol wa the manager of the ! I.a-I Cliunre mini- at Sainton foi 'nino years ending lUOU. While her.' he wan prominent in the couneils of Ihe H.C. mining INDIGESTION relieved in two minute with JO-TO EBWARDSBURG Corn Syrup Known throughout Canada for it purity, its digestibility and delightful flavor. Write for the EDWARDSBURG Recipe Book. m THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammen Christmas Cheer I WILL SOON BE HERE PORT, SHERRY, COCKTAIL, CHAMPAGNE, WHISKY, BEER, SHERBERT GLASSES Priced from $2.00 per Doz. up IT AIN'T A COIN' TO STOP RAININ' UMBRELLAS Good strong Children's Umbrellas, from $1.50 up Misses' Colored Mixture, good quality $3.00 Ladles', Best Quality In Silk, all Colors, 10 and 12 rib, ' from $10.75 to $12.75 THE BEST $2.00 UMBRELLA VALUE IN CANADA INDESTRUCTABLE PEARLS Wonderful values, from $1.75 up WRIST WATCHES Special Christmas Gift, Prices from $11.50 These are all Guaranteed SEE OUR OPTICIAN AND OPTOMETRIST FOR EYE GLASS TROUBLES Max Heilbroner JEWELER. Notice TO OUT OF TOWN CUSTOMERS Our supplementary Price List is now ready for mailing. T his list contains many special lines at templing prices, which arc offered only to -Mail Order Customers. Write us now, and have your name placed on our Mailing I.i-1. for this, and future circulars. Rupert Table Supply P.O. DRAWER 1712", PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 3 Phones, 210, 211, 212 THE REMOVAL OF THE MILLSTONE Kxpert, 11101 clearly in touch .villi huinc.iri conditions on the North American continent predict a strong trade revival in Ihe iear future. Intlced, a tone of onfiilence i hecoinini? apparent in many of the world's market. The extent lo which Irilih Columbia will benefit by this re. nvery I" dependent upon the pari ili principal indu.tlry in permitted lo play in the development. The lumber industry sets the pace of Induslrial progress in this Province, and unless il is in a healthier condition to mecL outside competition, the effect oT a world trade revival upon lliilish Columbia will be comparatively small. The threefold increase of Ihe royally rale contemplated by Ihe Act of t'.Ht threatens lo render the cost of manufacturing British Columbia lumber so prohibitive as lo put ft out of the running in holh home and foreign markets. . Unless British Columbia can manufacture and distribute Iter chief product, all Ihe trade revival in this worl.f will not help us much, an no business community can attain any effeclivc degree of prosperity with its main hawic industry In a slule of profitless unselllemenl. The lumber industry of Brit ish Columbia seekn no reduction pi .. i n.. II i El ni inn iireseiu royauy min merely akn that t lie millstone of (lie unworkable Act of t'Jlt ho taken off it neck and that II bo allowed to function freely under some fnir and equitable law, which will give ability and 'security in respect lo Ihe rales which the industry can bear. This series of articles communicated by the Timber Industries Council of British ColurJia. DIAMOND SPECIALIST. TOYS! TOYS!! A Toy Is a part of a Child's Education Children Learn Whilo Thoy Play GIVE THE YOUNG ONES TOYS THIS CHRISTMAS Come along and look them over. A big variety at Attractive Prices Jabour, Bros, Ltd. Phone 645. Cor. 3rd & 7th. A SUPERMAN ! upon one marked 101 per cent. "See here, Brother Jones," he asked the worthy who was con-ducling the test, "Whut basis does yo base yd' answer on?" or aier uiariit". R ii y H B ii u ss u I'arlUllicnl Said a well known local man i lit oilier day, "Well, Sir. the mi-.-uifst feeling I ever had come user ii if was last Christmas morning- I had passeil Up the Christina curd Idea entirely and of course was deluged with all sorts' of lovely Clirintinas greetings from relative1! and old Mend. And there, I hadn't senl oul u smple oile. I thought ther if everyone had been like tuyseif a lot of real Joy would have been Inst. I determined to see. thai nothing of the sort occur this Christina. I am going to di- peiiee sunshine on the " glad .morn" as well as receive il." Your private greeting cant can Hie selected at Iloe, Cowan & 1 1. alia s, Fourth St., from our wide This happened al a conference range al moderate coil, ami of colored preachers. A v iiUng n ards will be printed on day of Mshop was looking at luc various , order. Phone 231. t-xaininiilioii paper, and en met IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREKECOURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. "100 per cent," advised the''" M"1"- "r ,n A.Jn.iiii.irirti a.i. aim .... Ullllisler. In thr Miller of llir Lilalc of l'cl "But how come this man lo be! TrSomTTfti 'bPS&r of .... 11 llll i.i.r i'i.mM" t i IliiUur I'. Mill 1 unar. Illadr UK- 7th U4) ..... , ... , fir xohiiImt. A.i. i. I iiiiiiiHHi Oil. yo sec. suh, answerisl I Miiiiiiimir or um- r.uif or i-eir lh.. ,hi'Lv -In. I..IU. nn-naru.1 MlnlMi. Owwfsl. iiHI 111 part if. iiaona ' 'IrUIOta ialii' Uf mIU fUtlf f iwmo one ijuestion we didn't ask!' imirm to fumoh amp. prmi-tty flul. to nif hi or IVfotr llif 1lli i! .'of liwi-inlMr. A.Ii. Il. and all Iialtlr-" "I ImWilwl i Um rata If art- irqulrfnl lo f WATER NOTICE (Dliaralon and Uta) TAkF. .Mith:k um Andn-w i)iud. tri-nt for Emnnrrr Hold Mlnra l.l(t Inf., hIiom- addreaa 11 18 ISO Hroadnay, rw Vork, .Y.. will iri'ly tor llffnrf to tikt and Une 3U ruble reft per aocorwl of walrr out the Wauti lllrf-r. hlrh riuwa Westerly and drains Into Takil Ann aliout Iwi and a half mile viiiili of Kintiiieer Mine. Tltfi water will t diverted I rum I tie atrram tt a riolnt alKinl one mile up-t renin from Taku Arm. and will tie uaed for po'er pnrpnae upon the "Koklner Mine," dearrllied as Kleven Crown tranifd Mineral Clalmi. anrreyed a l.ot.i I, to. 0. II7, J09, Kid. 017: 9M; 70; 972, and I Jul Oroup I, inr tilslrlrl. Till iKillee wan wialed on tlie irnmnil mi I lie Jilll day or Julie, istf liar aiiKiiinl of Ihelr liMleblediieaa tu um rurlliwltli. MiHMV.N A. WATT, orflrlat Ailmlnlntrator. frlnee llui-erl. H.f I M le I tlila 7 111 day of .Novemtier. t. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In tin- Mailer of Um Adiiilnl'lratlnii Ael. In IllVMaller of Hie Klle of AletamJ-'l llerltler. Iierea-ed, Intenlale. l t.- ,nTirt' iii.i l.i' ..pilee i,f III. A copy of I ' i . ii v'i ir niaile Ihe 7 III (lav llil in .tire and an arpllratlon inrin"l '.. v.. i.,.- t iui I m aimoliited thereto and to the "Water Aet. 10H,''iliilnlralor of the rMale of Aleander will tm riled In the orriee of the Wa.erl Ued. and all parllea l.aylna llertirder at Allln. n.C Ohjerji,, to the i r r;M,t al( ,..lle are hereby applleallon may be filed with Ihe Mid ' "V,,.," 1 , furiilah nie. prs-rly verl rr' Water Tleeorder or with Ihe O.mptroller, ""T ,', ,r ir,, Ihe 7tH day BulldlnM.1 ;., in iol. and all nartle. virion, n.r... within thirty nays arter mei lo . , , ' u, irf. reipilred pay " flrt of ihla lii a .-al; J" tl appearance no ce ilu' anioiint of Ihelr ind. hleilneaa to me iiewnpane'. The date of Ihe rirat pun- lleatloii of this notice la October tOlh. 1094. FNOIVKrll COt.n MISER. LIMITED. IMC. Aptillriint. R Andrew r Mad. Arenl ,"rt,,W'" MOHMAM A. WATT. Official Ailinlnlnlrator. Prince lliilierl. DX. ImltMl this 7 lit day of November. I. KiWKUR ; .rawon tm cb vm in nm mmim tu rjw tuJ" f ' B FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS Q1FT8 We havo t complete line of Materials and Threads g suitable, for Stamping and Embroidery Work. Wo can stamp your Pillow Slips, Centre Pieces, etc., jj for you, and can give you expert advice on how to work. H. S. Wallace Co. 3rd Ave. and Fulton St. Phone 9. Flats for Rent in Wallace Block Apply Store. akBaiiBi3.Aa.iI K3 KSBJ USU BKBiUBSKi. Umi BSB J H II Ii B SUAUm a Tucs-ilay, I)cneml:-r f THE SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS FOR TOYS, FANCY GOODS, CHINA, SILVERWARE AND HOME FURNISHINGS SUGGESTIONS OF IDEAL HOLIDAY GIFTS OF RECENf IMPORTATION. FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THESE SPLENDID VALUES (JIFT pURNITURE LADIES' DESKS GENTLEMEN'S SMOKING SETS In WALNUT, OAK and BRONZE CHAIRS and ROCKERS WALNUT TEA WAGGONS PASTEL PICTURES fANCY (JOODS BRASS JARDINIERS, FERN POTS BOUDOIR and TADLE LAMPS CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS CHINA TEA SETS COMMUNITY SILVERWARE FRENCH IVORY WILTON and AXMINSTER RUGS and CARPETS. TWO CHESTERFIELD SETS In Plain and Figured Silk Mohair Plush, Cash Special Price $280.00 & $290.00 GEORGE D. TITE PHONE 20 HE SURE FELT MEAN BUT MENDED HIS WAYS THE HOME FURNISHER P.O. BOX 1647 RupeYt Fish" Fresh Frozen- All varieties. Fresh Fish All varieties In season. Smoked Fish Our well Known "Rupert Brands." Finnan Haddle "Thistle Drand" Nova Scotfani. Canned Salmon Pinks, Skeena Sockeye, etc. Salt Fish Herring, Salmon, Black Cod, Qrey Cod Shell FishCrabs, Shrimps, Clams. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prlr RuperU B.C. UNION STEAMbHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailinea fra I'rinet huperl. oe VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Saraeaan Bay, an Atari Bay, TvaWif, S P For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Alaet Bay, r4 Saaaoi Bay, Saturiay, IS a I foe ANTOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Svrtflay, S P.M. Fop ANVOX, PORT SIMPSON axfl Naaa Rltae Caaaielaa, rnui . S2S 2n4 Aianua. i. Barnaiay, AanL Pnata luawt. WINTER STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT -all- fi .ni h Impcii FOR VANCOUVER. VlCTO-1' SEATTLE, nili nm 'lute i'ini- n Ii linla Vim am. Fop STEWART ai. l ANVOX W' " S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vanciiuver VU OUEEN CHARLOTTE ll'l,, ie 13. 7, Jail in. tl. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT MONOAV, WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, S.Oll piM. for I'rMM-e (,. ;r IDMONT01. WINNIPEO, all Hiiiita Kanleni Canaila, InlleU Slate. AQENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. jW. City Tleaat Offlta, B2S Third Ata, Prlnet Ruparl. rhe" BBBBBWCfaPaBLa CbBBB3bb3 afaaBBBBBVOaS Ir.FT IT AT! ti fl Yi 1 I i "' i m s HIGH CLASS -GROCERS PHONE 586 EVERYTHING IN CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES