iioremricr 9. to:.'. THE DAILY NKW3 pare five Scarcely Twenty Shopping Days Until Christmas MEN AND BOYS' DEPT. DRYGOODS AND LADIES' WEAR DEPT. SHOE DEPT. en's Sweaters, I' ' iV ' 'i tA0t KtWi T BLOCK COMBINATION CASH SPECIAL With any of the following ft . "Is in lhi ti. p.il'tmcnt. v II II tive if (iiIkiii . illg 1 only, 4 lb. Pall Malkln's Best Orange Marmalade at 60c --.f Pur.' Wool. Pull- i'. i v i (inllnr. Oimlniialiou lirowu. KiipthIiI him iUtr-" i". Mfg. value. St- $4.65 en's Silk Elastic Armbands in Plain mill Fancy lit m Suitable fur Christmas (iifts. spe-. ir. in lioi', at per pair 25c Icn's Combinations, Pure W'ml 100 per rent. II: v , luht iger llrand. nuaraiitecd l'n-ilt ;t r. Ilcg. :i.Mi suit. All Spe-l $2.65 rn's Ribbed Socks, H tr nt Pure Wool. Mr mi i'itlil in 0 dilOri'iil liad'. Heg. ' All ie. SM'ril, 2 mii. .. 95c r i lli.ifr 'i" m Neckwear 65c (Iht iipv Snk direct from New York in n w jii Ii'i' il i-iirlincii( of piilteruv llfRnlai - ii li. ..VI. ys' ' Knickers, m Serge anil In my Tweed. Pair SPECIAL! SPECIAL!! 95c Combinations, Penman's No. 71, in short g .) ..nkle length. Hjie 82 lo'a.--f $1.45 the villi ABLE SHOES For MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY At our DIG SHOE SALE. We .will offer llii famous KngliMi Brand, known the 'I nver We have these shoes in many lasts and pnl- Vici Kid Black and Brown, Box Calf), 7mU Brown L. .j .... i i t:ii f...tr l).i..,i.i Tliic nffei '. cincn uraiii. ami vv mow mm hi.ib.m . 'M Imiva very ntlraclive nt this ridiculous low price. , ... . en QK f' - io uu'.llU. Male rnre Ladies' Cable Shoes Iph Cable Oxfords in fine "Willow Calf. Hegnlnr $7.o0. Hale p,.,PP $5.85 "'ill Tdrgel we are lieatlipinrlers for SHOE REPAIR- li'ipeil wilh Ihe finest niarhine for high class p "I n inoinent's notice. MacArthur Shoe Store 3rd AVENUE. COMBINATION CASH SPECIALS 50 ONLY, MECHANICAL ENGINES AND AUTOMOBILES 90c Each of theie Is rilled with Huntley & Palmers' Biscuits, fresh stock, hermetically sealed, and makes a wonderful toy for your boy at Christmas,, apart from the bUcuit value. This special will only be sold In combination with other specials listed In.lhis ljiir( tuenl. . Yv reserve tin right In limit mlfs on the above, a our clock is liniilnl Turkish Towelling liy Ihe yard, .lust the thing for kifrhen rollers. 10" wide. Special, " yards 85c Damask Cloths, TiO x r.fl. Heady for use Special $1.60 White Huck Towels, 18 x :w. Special, 2 for 45c Colored Turkish Hand Towels. Srze 20 x i2. Special, eai'h 35c Heavy Tweed Plaids for separate skirls in Hrnwii and Fawn shades, r" wide. Heg. K2.25 yard. Spei ial, yard $1.85 Homespun, in Ilealh'-r. Hlue. fireeu. Tan. Dark Mauve, 5K" wide. Special, yard . . $1.25 F..r Had or fiSoo for Ilubby or for Sweelhearl, ym will find it our varied slock I.l. d Chr-Mma fiifl. A new Tie. a Shirt, Pyjamas. Iln. llamHw hteK anything ami ,g H...I will make a practical Christmas Present lor any memlier of the family. A MAN I kiHiwn hy tb woman 'lie lo; a wmnan hy Hie womnn 'she hates. KNOW'I.I'.I"'!'!. I iwr. Know iyoiirsclf, in the Nrsl axiom of I life. IF some people I know followed their natural bent, they would wear feal hers In their hair, a lomaTiawk al their 1 A MAN always lakes a lot of credit lo himself when he goes out with a swell dressed and beautiful woman. And 1 wonder why. SO.MF. men are so light in the upper slope that they really think themselves clever. IF you elimh. C gon Mr. race ; F lies; A wish lo he a target, A WOMAN should he, hrnve hut careful withal else when she U layitiK down Ihe law lo him he may hang up. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert s I). Kinmnns, Portland, Ore- Allan Slewarl, Vancouver; and Mrs. V. II. Wall, Ter- B. (iinideniiugh, lover Hansen, city. Central Mrs. F. Dunn, Skidegnle; O, Nelson, city. Advertise In the Daily News Plain White Scrim, Floral Border design, hare edge. Heg. :tOr yard. Sperjnl. yard . . 20c Made-up Pillow Slips, Yi inch. Special, pair 75c White Honeycomb Bed Spreads, full size. Sperial 52.75 5 Dozen only, Kitchen Basin Cloths, with Hed Horder. Sperial. pair -. . . 75c Heavy White Saxony Flannelette, :I0" wide. Sperial. :t yards fur $1.00 Pure-Bleach 'Sheeting, XO" wide. Special75c 2 ards for . ... '. . . $1.45 Nottingham Lace Curtains, scalloped horder, 10" wide l.v 2', ard- long. Heg. 2.IK pair. Spenal. pair $1.65 HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Tia!u In k. A.L.J In Q . I Discharge of Cargoes Off Coast At present Ihe custom Is December 2, 1314. It is proposed to submit a rC' ferendum at the next civic eb'C' WASHINGTON, Dep.. 2.H is lion to determine the public at expected that formal rrpresenla-j litude on the question of a re- Msse.s , ,oave vanwuver or r,,mvin , ,,. rirand Jury Mdoria osicnsihlv for Mexican u A K NVrigllt M. Ij0fl,uUlf or i.enlral American ports and i-i,... i i ,ni. i: l M.U aU) ,.,! then Hi. off the U.S. cast ami p;,,,-, u. p." Wrgenl, 'l. V. .i.-.n.es MrNnttv. 11. treaty which will make the pre-sent method of into the t'niled Slates y sea errecttve. What Could be Nicer for a Christmas Gift than a Smart Flannel Frock ? We are offering 12 up-to-date models, ranging in price from $12.50 Jo 15.00 for the liny; price of $8.50 Sixes 12 years to I? lmt. MONDAY AND TUESDAY 'DEMERS' "The House of Quality." I). Pattullo. Huhert for a ii c -w.,iirw o,..t n in- "II is not too soon to build a ti.T.l. hotel in Prince Iluperl," states O. W. lloworlh, assistant manager of the O.T.l. hotel ays lent, who arrived from Ottawa ami is paying his first visit lo the Vily today. Mr. Hownrth is very pleased with the site that has already been excavated. BIG SEVERN RIVER ELECTRICAL PROJECT PROCEED IN SPRING LONDON, Dee. i. A 1 50.000, 000 project to use the tidal rise in the lliver Severn for the pro duct ion of electrical power will ihe undertaken hy the llritish. gov eminent in the spring. A torn Imiltee of electrical experts np pointed lo 'Investigate Ihe pos ! nihilities of harnessing the Sev ern lo furnUli power for Ihe sur founding district has completed a report in which they recom mend Mial the work be under taken. The project has been favored COMBINATION CASH SPECIAL SI. Chas. Milk, 12 tins for $1.00 ..All milk orders will be delivered. . The above special is limited to one lot of 12 tins with each and every purchase of Shoes exceeding $3.00 value.. uons win ie maile early next Mricted district in Prince Hupert.! take notice that: 1 year to have ships clrinj: from The Her was referred to thejcily- 'mS'To"'!! Canadian norts reuntrisl In ilis.iiu- oinil l,v tlm unlipo cion.i nmrt a uvmim-iu ririwn Iwl wlar. ron- ... . " " . I . I n I. ... A .....tad ... tlinhll. 1 1 V Uhlf'h eiiarjre their rnrjroe at Ihe , mission Satunlay afternoon. point ilesitiiiHled in their papers' and not off the United Stales, Th( supreme Court Assires i , w-rK- m- t..,i r-in,... iuokI or their time hraininp: hruitiin? peo-1 peo-lmsenarge discharge the the cargo cargo Info info speed speed :MAr-i,.r MnPPui- .. Il.nnl. ...l..-l. It. II (.lllllllMl-rj, pie wtio Know more man iney. . o asnore. jpbert Ilchert. T T. 1IKI.U" he remarked. "Belli I kno'w my place." ii is iiroioseu in K sniupRlInir upgllng liquor linuor'' for!ents l lOiSO.Ihis tnnrning. The f lne mitre line lnlererikm of nays Cove Circle and 7lh Avenue, a a lorai Improvement, and Intends to jpeelally iirm' the cost upon the land abuttlnr directly on the work ejeept uch portion of the com as Is Incurred at street Inter sections and al school property. . The estimated cost or the work is iTon.on. of which !. ? t to be paid by the Corporallon. and the estimated an imal Mieciai rate per loot troniare u j;7l. The special assessment IS lo be paid In to annual Instalments. 3. rersons ncHrinir 10 (leimini aitaini iindertaklnr the work must do so on hp before the tin day ot January. tSiS. E. r. JONES. City Clerk, rated this J9tn niy November, 1f. STXHARUs 100 Only Pairs Men's .Working Boots In this tot are the famous Sterling Work Shoes, "Made in Canada," also a romplele range of Lerkie's "Skookum" Hoots', Tony Last, nil leather, made in H.d Here is an opportunity to buy Home Made lines on a competi-live Imsis with imported slock. Heg. values $0.50 to $7.50. Special Price $5.45 The "RIdeau" Shoe This make of shoe will suit Ihe most particular men it is neat with cushion rubber heel and Taney stitch. Heg. $7.r0 value. Special . , $5.95 Ladies' Shoes at Sacrifice Price Chocolate, Brown, Viei Kid, Fancy Pump, Lmiis Heel, Wishbone. Strap, a dainty style Tor street or dance wear. Heg. value $0.50. To clear at V. ... $5.95 The reason for this tremendous sacrifice is on account of having almve in U width only. Children's School Shoes In Hoys' and fiirls' Black or Brown. Sizes 1 to 5Vj. Heg. n.r. Special .. $3-!5 sW ft to 13. Hejr. 3.fi:. Special .. $2.95 m-' The above Comhinaliou Cash Specials are. real inducements In the thrifty shoppers .wtHrMuy eaflyj and avoid Ui rush that is part and parcel ot the Christmas trade. We. absolutely guarantee Hie ipialily of our merchandise, whether you buy at sale price or otherwise, and we iuvit.' a '11111(11111-1111 of the values contained herein. UNIVERSAL TRADING COMPANY CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS MARY Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle-- IMOV. 7, ci I uec. a, o Ketchikan, VWangell, Juneau, Skagway Nov. 3, l; uec. i,i3 8.9. nniNCCSS GEATHICE. Butsdale, Swanson Bay, East Sella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, campoen tiiver, no o-oouver, every Saturda), 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Line I Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent er cf 4th Sireet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. UXu inrTls ; prevent smuggling r lne fllan in the moon j imta timitch ctatcc Ten Years Aeo JYS:- TIIK power of iiiiihI over imil-ler tit clearly shown in Hh- fad ! I lint lo a V'H wild neat ankles silk xlockmii are Jul as warm 'as W'ool. in i if i in r i ti i h i r..i i - w v wam in Piinr.o Rupert -lhy British engineers for several! AiKerUse in Hie Daily News. Ilyears and, it is . expected, will1 i ' leait lo Hie erection oi nyuro- electric plants on most of the -a rivers of Kngland affected by Ihe tides. I THE CORPORATION OF THE CITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. pisiiiili n m MMt.ima ...iiw. ..... .. will br ptwrd I parlnir nivinf depth Ihe rruvin of ten inrhr i-ompiisea of Lrukt-n slow and sand, mi that ptirtlun nf llayi Dive ctrrlr n.miiK-iirintr rnim a pulnt Htht rt oulh or the vntr line Inlfr wthm of 5th AvtiHiP and llayi Cor Clrrh.. tneBce aluii( tl st HirUoa Df llajrs ve, CIrrle u show-n on th plan I iiu'l pnifllr apoltFd In the Office of the Uty Ennneer to a, point eiirht feet norm roll k4BBK3l D-uSE-i ' w 1 I VII And Happy and yon Hat Nature's (teat! flit Nature's Remtdv (Wi Tabled) vef4bU laxaUva, t&n ih ergaaa n4 tdiaves Cocutipatlori, BUiouft&eia. Sick HedcLu mm ; tkJ WMP Mai MAI Mkl bi BccaMarr to bcinc well ani bppy. tz Vmmd for Otr C4 afi. AT JO Chios off ihe Old Block IR JUNIORS UttterR Th N? lo one-third d . candr-coatad. For ehlldtsn and aUulta. mmm Sold : By Tur Drwtia( ORMES LIMITED "Tired and Worried Nervous and Despondent" Mrs. M Chevalier Belle River, Out., write t "For fight years 1 suffered from despondency and nervousness. Sometimes I could not sleep at night for worrying and the next day I would be so tired that my work was a burden to me. I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and can say I am now entirely relieved of the nervousness from which I used to suffer, and things do not wony me as they used to. "Dr. Cbmse's Ointment also relieved me of eczema on my arms, whsca had bothered me for three years. My house is never with out Dr. Chase's Medicbe.M Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 0 . a box of SO pUI. EdBuuuoa, IUt A Co., VHL, Toronto