PAUK TWO. For One Cent I! you may obtain 3 cups, of S&LADA AsK for .a Delicious! Conlract Hates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - inch per . . .?2.H0 Or., II B403 trial pacKage today. Economical ! The Daily News PHIXCR MJPF.ltT - niHTlSII COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspl Sunday, the Prince Hupert Ilnily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. I'. PULLKX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, ly mnil or carrier, per month liy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in advance, per year . To all other counlriC'C'in advance, fer year Transient Display Advertising.-Transient Advertising wf Front Page. . . local Readers, per insertion Classified Advertising, per insertion. Legal Notices, each insertion per in $1.00 per inch c per line ,2c per won! . 1V per agate line 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office on day preceding publication. All Advertising received subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOW Friday, March 28, 1921. Everything Points To Good Season Here, Kveryihing point to a giMid eacui in Prince Hupert. Murines is much broker here now than it va a vear ago and it will improve .-leadily. Outside of the proccl fur an elevator being built here and the possibility of the Alaska hip contract coming to the local yard, there is more interest taken in Prince Hupert thaii has been the cae since tho days of the building of, the two hi:,' freighters here. i The present season promise In be a bigger tourist -y ear than ever before and the mining, outlooks is 'Jelle'rv, There is a lot of activity on Queen Charlotte Islands and many immigrants are coming here in connection with Jhe fiheriev,molty-from ' '-"' .Scaiidioaviu. Already houses and apartment are filling up and the number of store vacant .'ire fewer than for sonfe time pa'sL' IT would seem as if we were now out of the doldtynls and! bound before' n kpauking breeze out on to lib- c;i of r6eriiy. " . Railway Continues To Make Good Showing. A despalch published yesterday shows that the Canadian National Nailway opened the year well by showing a profit on operations for two monfhs. That took the place of a big loss laot year. If the present rate of progress continues, the roiinlrv should very soon have occasion lo be proud of its railway system. It h to bo hoped that the Western section of the line will justify the faith of the builders. To do this, one. necessary thing is the erection of an elevator here. We must have railway facilities if we are to do the busings. Ship Sacked Grain . V Through This Port. The railway freight department is said to be working steadily in an efrort to secure shipments of sacked grain from this port. . If a sacking plant should be installed in the big shed it would Jie a means or utilizing the space there and inducing traffic i.vcr Ihc Hue. What we want is business this way, any kind of business, and as much of it as. possible. The success of !m railway mcmis Ihe success itf- Prince Ituperl and we must back the railway for all we are worth. Every new employee on the railway is J( prospective home maker and adds o the abililv of Ihe cily o make improvements. Today Ihe city i much loo s'cal-leced. With the advent .of hiore people there will be less ih'ad road and sidewalk frontage, more revenue from water and Ijghl and power and .impi-ovcmcpl all round. British Appeal For Germ in Children. A Hrilish appeal for aid for the suffering children in the area of fiermany occupied by Hrjlaiii is being sent mit to nil part of Canada from headipiarler.. nl Toronto. One paragraph of the appeal will be sufficient to give the idea: Cold, hunger, and despair are overwhelming large sections of the (iermaii peoplt- today, both in the occupied and in the unoccupied territory. The ruin, Ihmupli the collapse of the mark, of Ihoiuaud of middle-class families, and especially of the old people livilig on their savings, is no new story. Their struggle to exil goes mi painfully, they are dependent on the precarious charily or friends iinide and outside Germany. Large numbers in institutions, hospitals, schools, ami asylums have had to cloc for lack of funds, anil thousands of professional people partly on account of Ihe closing of institutions and partlv because so few people are uhle lo pay their fees find themselves without emjiloymcnl, or with so little that Ihey can scarcely exist." j MOXTHKAI., March 2. Hc-prcsenlalrve officers of the operating an. I traffic department of the liana. liaii National Hail. iways from thn various sections of Ihe system gathered in Moil treat yesterday lo discuss Ihe program for summer train service with a view in handling expeditiously and conveniently the growing traffic of the road. That the prospects for tourist traffic during Ihe season of 1921 were verr bright, was Ihe opinion expressed iy ihe railway men. hundreds of inquiries having been receive this early in the season from various travel clubs, ami oilier associations in the Ignited Stales, planning trips lo Jasper National Park and oilier vacation $0.00 jiegbins of the nonunion. 7.50 ;. Advantage was taken - of the presence liere of Ihe traffic and ,.rljon operating officers to bold at the .railways; hiadiuarlrr ;lhe inaugural meeliigHiif the general committee of llie' liana. lUn Na tional sysleniij. J. this committee has been iiilittilri to foriiiulate and consider practical suggestions fur the continuous belter ment of Ilie service and to report on general plans leading lo economy and efficiency. S. J. liiiuserford. operating r."ent these calumnies. - I ill-. Uirfc Lxaminer say Ihe merit or I'.H. is lhal il produces a legislature thai is represenla- ue oi uie ei--i(iniie nnl gives minorities fair play. No, sir. no. I'.U. iloes no! in Mils ease l;tnl for I'riuce Hupert. II slamls for I'roporlional ltcprrsculaliou. 'Llnht Ahead Four round Ihe world fliers aboiil On Iheir weary fligbl lo set oul. "Al Ituperl," Ihey said, "We'll paint Ihe lown red An.l.enjoy ourselves I hen. Ihere's no doubt." . -- . (I.M. ot Ilie hiinl Ihliigs to do is lo own a hoat and ye ki-ep on your reel. I AI,'AV Ihjs lime, or Airil.l olhers sides myself. look forward lo year decsnise on play Ihe Tool !.- - KIN(i Leiilne, is tlouhlles jealous oi the inleresl taken in King Till and is selling up opposition. sv . MAHY had a lillln dog. Named "Hlnger." so she said, lie was raise.) here in Prince Hupert Hill whenr was Oinger bred? - THK reason girls behave lhal way Is because Ihey think Ihc boys like it. IF a man is in ihe habil or speaking in public, you can bel your as(' dollar the wife d OPS Ihe speaking ill home. 1 W 9W TOBACCO I THE DAH.Y JCKW8. Friday, Mann TRAVEL EXPECTED RENTAL AND JMJTO TOBEHEAYYON I TAXES AT EDMONTON CANADIAN NATIONAL 'Train Program Being Discussed at Montreal by Officers of Road jvice-presidenl. presjie al Ihe perioral conimillre meeting and lal the evening session Die offi-Jcers alien. ling were addressed by the president, Sir Henry . Thornton; Vice-president J. K. Dalrymple, lieranl lluel. K.C. and It. C. Vaugh also look pari in Ihe proceedings, while the inlrul Vermont Itaihvay was represented by K. C. Smith, presiilent of the road and other officers. The committee meeting will continue today. j The Man in the Moon j SAYS:- S)-SW-W ,w ....w ...... ANOTHKH lh has been perpetrate.!. It is said Dial ihediN 'erence Iteiwern a canoe and n Scotchman is thai the canoe (jp. As sometime lake u little droit of Scotch myself I know how lo Effort Being Made to Keep Down to Forty Mills FREAKY YAGARIES Rate1 . F.IUIONTON, March 28. Two. new method of raising funds for civir purposes were accepted by 'council. The rental lux was k cided ill on as I. referable lo Ihe service-, tax and the cily soli citor was instructed lo oroceedi wilh Ilie iliafling of a hytaw as a preface to' Milling Ihe new form of levy iulo operation Onf a hare one vole margin the nl-. deriueii decided for a local aulo i mobile lax also. Ilolli of these proposals were recommended by Ihe rniiiuiissioner.s. Furlher ug',resiniis from commissioner for bringing Hi.' lax rate ilowu to Hi forty null basis were concurred in by council. As" already reported in toe loiirual these proposals are lot make uji 1 77.1)00 jiersary on order In keeint.',,iralu al loriy! mills by issiiiug sinking fund de-! bcnliires lo (ate.' care of' instalment of principal on! cliool hoard -serial deltciiiures i and Ihereliy uvr (mm current rccmie iVJ,U2; reiiesl the public school board ell her lo reduce rpliiiialr by' or lake steps to obtain nd.titinopl revenue from high and technical chnols to that amount: further reduce the cily estimates hy II.5&M. ami by Ihe impoilin of a renlul liu raise an esti mate! sum of ;(l,ii00. , The automobile lax i cteeled lo bring in another sio.onn year toil H l not tutcmleil lo lake that into current revenue. applying il Instead lo the upkeep of Ihc streets. Six Inches of Snow This Morn Ina and Barometer Dropped Rapidly , g March 2, 1914. . Tbc i Iran. I Trunk Pacific !.- veloiuneni lt Ltd. has sold 7fil acres of laud across I In- harbor lo Morelou Frewen ami Sir Kd-gar Vinceiil, KiiKlish for 2l7,.'nu. H js understood lhal Ihe new owners intend lo establish an amiiseemiil park. -' li. C. Hrewsler and John Oliver Ihe provincial liberal leaders, will reach Hclla Coola tomorrow and will be her.- within a week. Aid. ft. W. Morrissey declares hlinseir heartily in favor of a puhlicily gran! ami says lie will support Ihe measure on a public plulf.iriu ir a plebiscite is called on Ihe issue. NO REDUCTION IN ALBERTA TAXES IS ANNOUNCEMENT MADE i:i).Mf)NT()N, March 28. Pre mier Herbert tireenfiebl, during Ihe course of the debale on Ilie budget in the legislature, miide Ihe amioiiuceinenl lhal there was no fuilicaliou or any reiluclion in taxes in Ihe near future. "This government has reduced expenditure us no previous gov ernment In Ihe province did. Hut he would be mi optimist Indeed who, knowing conditions in this new province, and' having a close knowledge or provincial riiinnce, would proidierjiered.uellon In taxation in the near fuliire, (he premier declared, Ths adv H seruent s nift published or disjilayed by Ihe Llmior loiitnd lb ;;r l tr y novertimenl or llntih Columbtn. WOMEN'S COUNCIL ARE : ASKING QUESTIONS' Testing Public Opinion at Vie-1 torla In Regard to Domestic ; Science In Schools VICIOHIA. March 27. The; Victoria t.ounril ot Women urel sending oul a ue.innalre to ihe leode of the city asking for upitL ihiiis oi ffv-ftaro iii ini-iiliM "l OF WEATHER MAN":'1 r'B lhc 1 1 he .jueslions follow: I Are yuit in fnr of the leaching of domestic -clence in the publie school of Victoria r If nol, why not j 2 ShouM il he taught in Ilisli The freaky vagaries of ihe School? Weather Man brought the h -av-j 3 If mi, should it be optional? iesl snowfall Jr His )yr, lt' t In 1U23. rr lenchers s.i. Prince Hupert this iiiuruiiig aries and supplies. domestic March 28. People generally science cos! Ihe cily ?l,d.l2,7flJ were surprised and unprepared DM H eost too mu-h? to rind on venturing forth to I s Is the present method of Iheir matutinal tasks loday thai Reaching nf ficienlly practical? Hi would have lo plow through: you ib not like Ihe namei six inches or t more or "the -domesitc science, can you suggest i.uniii.fiii " a iieiier inn" Willi a col. I wesl wind springing up last ufghl, the rail commenced early in. the cveum? ami. when II. O, Crew, Dominion meleorologisl, look bis records al t o'clock Ibis morning he measured 3 Vt inches, leween thai lime and X o'clock, il is es-liiualed that al .least 2 ', incbe more fell, making a lotal of six. Wit lii it Ihe pas! IK hours, Ihe barometer has dropped nearly' an inch. Ten Years Ago in Prince Kupart i HIS SLUGGISH LIYER MADE HIM FEEL DROWSY AND TIRED ALL THE TIME Whn yHir llrrr Uirim tuiiUli ih1 liurilvs mir IkI twallti mttrrt. amt ii ir vr rt no $n u't n rrrtint rittil l in mik ymr llrr rlihl. TliU jrim ran . hy iln u of Mil-l.tinfs I.Orr PIHs ihnr mill turn-title Itw l.irrl-h Ihrr. rkan tr til le iikI tasiiniiu autlrr fri.m tlm . l-m. iimI iHvvrnl, HI at rsllev, ill riirllmtlH aiialnt rnii a llsr llul M IssHiw liurlOr. Mr. K. llaiH. I.a -knrrls, "I.B. HI-: " hail lti IH.I.Ir.1 ti my litrr ami Ml ilruway ami Urn) all Its lltiw. aixl was wnatili in An my work wlik any r..n.fon. I m.k jntr Mlllinrn' Uit- LUef rilU ami wlay I am a rtirfsrriit man. anrt miM ts.l k tm in II hotxa." Mllhiima iJta-I.Osr rill ar tie a vial at all di-alrrs. or malM direct tm rrrrlfl i,t jrtrr The T. Mill.iirn Ci l.'inltnl, TrKito, Ont. you a J 1 mm 2H For medium lo Jull fituret. Very lino iuit with tlailic tmertttont tkirl. AVw Atmo DriJr tonttruction utlh front ilertt tkorler than rnrtti up qtoidi diuint in. Viofonal bonim trratet tlratiht lines over abdomen, While or pink coulil; titei et to 44rt7.7S. WondMfili li.mllo to nuoy miiua la an atmiluti! hraltb luiulfnurut. well ua u Isdilun tmu W, ' "'l In I'rlnrp nuis-rl frlu 0fly liy JASOUH SR0S. VtJl hi KOM BROS, Limits. T.r.nt. SMART SUITS Decidedly different in style developed of the highest quality fabrics, finest workmanship and latest designs Prices most reasonable VENUS HOSIERY IRIS BRASSIERES "DEMERS" Phont 27 P.OlBixM ELKAY'S STRAW HAT DYE Make old Slrnw llnU look like new. And wnlerproof. Kasy ft apply nml dries ing finish . Il ipn In All The Popular Colors ORMES LTD. Tho Rexall Store. ' II is perni ! i'':-' kiv a The Pioneer Druoglb 1 COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service Qd S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Sail from Prince Rupert, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00.a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11,9.0m. 8,8. PRINCE JOHN. - ' ' For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, March 28, April 12 and 20 PA33ENQLR TRAIN. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leavf I'rlnc Rupert O.'ll pju. fer PIU.'VCi: OEoaOE. FI'MO.tO.. !0. all all IXllntt oiata Eatiero ra.l.rtl C.n.. Canada. li..fai,l UihM Sialpa !... CUPKO. aOKNOr ALL OMAN STKAMSMIP LINKS Clti Tlakai Office. BZS Thlr Aa Print a .rl. Phani 110- UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.,' LTD. Ballinia frotn Prinre nuirt. Ur KANOOUVl, VIOTORIA. Oct PIJ, n Iwanaan Say, Tuaa.if. rM. ft VANOogvtR, VIOTAWA, Alan lai, n. fwanaaa eat, Saturday "' rf Arayox, ALIO! A MM, STIWART, Walta 114, P.M. , -: ftf POT SIMPSON an Naaa aia Cannaflaa, PrMy A . " eil tort Atnua. i, amalay, AfanL Prlnca uprt.