PA01 Fom. TH1 DAILT IfaTeTtL Pi fJa. M.,i. , .1 . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManu? SPECIALS - - " , """ mooctuc OOCTOfO I SCJOaT ET3 r-- Jicc. -s is nriUrr r jo l r Ladles or Growing Girls' iMfAF-je lT on t S I ' 1 I Velvet r.H JOrc Slippers All sues al $2.75. Ladles' or Growing Girls'. Patent Oxfords Low or nifiliuin heel $5.75. Family SHOE Store Third Avenue. Money Orders On Norway, . Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. - For Ticketj. Hales and Information, see us. Ollver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Dread is your best food. Eat more of il. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 130. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 61. Cartage, Warehousing, and ilributng. Team or Molor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel. We Speclallxe In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8L Sleam Heated Hot and Cold Water nates by Day or Month P.O. Box T5. Phone Wt. !- ii fl ml WHIST LEAGUE PRESENTATIONS Various Trophies Won Winter Season Were Award ed to Winners Last Night trrmision between the playing of ranis and daneinp. Oo behalf or Ihe Klk, the Dyltavn Cup was received by V. K. WilUaerofl, team raplain. and Mrs. It. H. Hemminss. captain of the lau?hters of Knpland. received the Xcwtnn Oip awarle to the team ruuninp up to the champions. Individual cups for high. ;eM srorina i the ladies' "and men's sections respectively, were jpre.ejtted lo Mrs. II. II. llem- mnis and Jack Miden. . . There were 6 tables aL the CniffiMTAM ClUlUrCC w j 1 mm nir a ; v rs r . Ladies firsl. Mrs.. II. F. f.lassey; iadu'.-' consolation, Mrs. Stewart: i men's first. Harry Itreen: men' iroiisolal foil. J: hni. The Elk? jorrhestra. under the leadership! of Charle Italasno. ptaye for the dance. Hen Self was ..m ister of ceremonies and chairman iff the commiXre which conui'riseil Ihe member of the whi I team. Indies ni i lie noyai t'tirpie as. Uisleil with the servin? of re freshments. V. K. Williscrofl prei.ed at the door. Tlie afair, wiiich was verj- enjoyable. broVe up at I 3fl this morninp. Sport Chat j Monilx-rs ( ihe French Olyni- iplc coniiuiltee liavc been cheereil by recent performances of liuil leiuol, the Olympic champicm in the 5,000 meter run, who has shown a return to his l'J0 form. A few days a?o Guillemot ran It kilometers in 10.30 -7 min. ule. and won by 300 meters All is set for the openin? o the individual billiard rli.impion ship contest which slnrls In-niiil with a 500 point game al Hie'Kk home between I'red l'yle ami .lark Suden. There will be ; good turnout for this match, and the interest will be sustained a the conlest propreses, II is ex peeled. There will y an um I pi re and marker, both to Ih udl cially aiininlri by the commit lee in charjre. Jack Johnson, former heavy weight champion of the world ha been appointed spnrls editor or Ihe Canadian Monitor, a now pnper published in Montreal in Ihe interests of the negro race, The winter sport season I nelmillv over. 'The generul meet- raised his taxes. lo ciyj i BOY'S BAD COLD CRITICISM GIVEN OF ! TURNED TO BRONCHITIS PRINCE GEORGE CASE' jbe fmpwiwy mita wch bronrbiui Vancouver Paper Objects to Al- derrlup, teo portiBKUla l rtUIl by ov,nQ ElMnM to InUrfeea rttj l niUfi. Ttie dwrrr of moia it, firuiubly. rU umieraond !. Il bow misy moiwri uie ibi ntxi-rrUna that a wrWinl attark t bmn- I We Vbtild arfttw alt n4Vr to fir ins of the !aerosr association wa held a fortniplil aifu, the football meetim? is m- down for nexi Tuesday ami Ihe baseball! FREELY DISCUSSED1 lie city, was vo rsl meeting of Ihe Kdnionlon I'roperly Owners' Aocialion. held in Ihe Hoard of Trade room, , . . - - . . More than S00' proiierly own-' rs in Kdmonlon were oreeul al Hie meeting ami (lie seriousness f the city's financial diflicullies ere expres- ed from all sides of the packed meeting. Different eaes o( unfair as- essmenls being made against their properly holding were riled iiy men present. One man told how lie bad foiue into Kit. irootou four years a To and thai Hie first year his taxes had been reasonable. The uexl year he ' hiol hi assessment raised twenty-one tier rent. 'This yeari Ihe city had sent around a vylu- ilor again and he expected that his assessment would be raised again. He told of bow he had gojie lo the council and' of Ilia! body sending out another valuator lo assess his properly. All Hi ) tlid was tell him thai pro bably next year he would not be aatsscd so high. Raised Assessment Another man told Ihe gather ing of how he had planted some trees out in fronl or hi lioue and painled his fence. When the valuator came around after he had made his home more beautiful, hi assessment raised, lie look his stable and garage off his lot and then asked the assessor lo cotiie around again BRIER With Justice The Vancouver Sun. comment.' w "W"" ",a5 10 ,nr,nH4 inun a Prince lrr cac a: .. . . . . Bt i it in iirniMi iiiuniuia inwn i . .. , . Vx .... . .their rWMrrn tr. VTi Sorway Mnr small enough fllld poor enough. Presentation a Sw Ih, rirU wmr . ,,,,, rHmill:ll j, , , af if ca4jr: ! - .m. . j 9 yiBfrn m rata r rwix, j uir nisht at a whtt .Irive and daure in, ut m. tto r aa aiura or -- " " "7 -ati rnak hi e,ca.r tu a dUlnnt trhis wpou. held iieui in in the uie kik. Klk' llorn under Ihr "om""'.' , J" j Nr. ut. girt. cmh, part of thU province, au-iiiicei- ft the rak men ? pam,i Ml M , r T . v,d ... . . . ., . winner of the Iyhhan t.V em- , b,j brti urord to breocftiit. ' i:w,P., n,-PJ .1 i allied a MW'r"'"- "rr. h aniyeu a bienwtic or nly leam chamj.i.Mi-trtra rti-rjthinr I mo-mi M t ti ma I.H.l up Ui uff.r of the of!'' - "'m a.i .hip. Mayor Xewtcn. preMdenl j..., " 1 ,. . , .... . . t belter, l tow to try pr. ir law al the point of a revoher llin rralernal hit Uasue.), lnil lfl.r tu,. am, , made Ihe presentations w1nch,t, bottle, be ri mtdern.i Mr. 1 n.t- .1,11-.,, r n.. took place durins the upper iiui P' .. " " "'" pat ap by tbe t. XWmrn On. Urn- !nta le here only fur Ihe uMct Ited. Traoto. OriL ), i,jni.l Iii.h liritw j(ietrfre estntttd find money lo pay jlhc ei4He-. of brinxint? him back for trial. Iiiee i !oiaeibin? very wtohr wtllr a .ylein of law admiuit nterests will f?.re,raiher "l;rtl;(ninirt, Uial ,, thereafter. The oiwihh? bae- hali sanii- of I lie season between the Inlaoilir M.'ss and iyr tllutt will lake :iii-e on Sunday. April Q. Property Owners Talk of Re ceiver and Tell How Taxes are Raised khmoxton proposed resolution, that a re- i I i ........... in i r. . COLUMBIA ARRIVES dau;:eroiu .men to so free-because a nmll ifiriiiiripalily- i4l ilseif unable to undertake Ihe financial burden of hriii sin? then) to justice. I t he first duly of (he stale, Ihe jfiiudanveiilal reason for ubmi. Ision lo its will, is five ItiO law. jabidinp ciliten security fur hi person and iuiei po4eiou of jh improperly. ' The failure of Ihe l'rinre Ceorsre aiilliorilie to tliehan; tfii olilik'alioti in Ihe instance March iti A!t''NI ann,,, alluwisl to rest l Here. ihe tiercel illsrinseti in the machinery for the nmlnlen tod down at llie """; - ' ""-r rectiiieti toriiiwiin. WITH FIRST CATCH New Fishing Vessel Here After ' Hard Trip to Cape St. Ellas With 53,000 Pounds Another new Iniat sold her caleh on exchange Ihi morning, Ihe Columbia, a Seattle owned craft. Hie property of Capl. Iave llae a former part owner of the Alton. She brought In 53,-000 pound of halibut from the waters around Cope St. Klias af ter a hard trip. The Columbia i a AH foot craft propelled by a !0 hore power Knlerprise deNel engi tne hi). I is a fine looking craft. On wiili daffodil mid iris. Assist. Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PCK WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad vrtlmnt Taken for Lmum than AOe FOR SALE Kf) SAI.K. --Five roome.1 hoii.e MOI.1IH on Syoml Avenue. Iluildinr on ! wants liovrrtimeiit utiarf ue a a news siaiul. Xin. IO-acre lots, one t-aere lot at Terracn. Prince tieorye, o4s 10 and II, block III; lm 10 and II, block 116; lot 4 J and !9, block 117; M ft, bb-ik lit. Apply A. t;. I.iltte. Scmd Av nue. , 7H Hilt SAI.K. Hatching Ksrf frowt S.ti. While l;nurit. heavj layluu strain wvultr layer ; mated to Muiiyrrt ll.t:. t ui-vrity eckerH. fl.ati for I? eyu. Incidvilor seins per. fal price. Ilermaa FrewkiHan, Terrace. 1 1.11. FOIt SAI.K. S5-I0 Inn. Slerllnn enaine; ltocli fguition; conij plele to ami incluilinfr eHip-lintr. $750.00 36 foot cruiser. 10 h.p. JUt overhaulel. toilet, jallry, 1,000. M. M. Stephen. tf FOIl SAI.K or Kxehaitjie for small pleaurc boat. Itebuilt boat hull. 33 feel fi iMhe Ions, V feci A leaut. Suitable; for saliiiuft I roller or halibut boat. Apply Ho ICO tally New oflice. If FOR SALK. I'uwcr boats of every description including pleasure, trolling and work boat, at reasonable price Apply X. M. McLean, Cow Hay. K0H S.W.K.- -HaSilia mot, al! colors, 35c; planted in luh m.j0: perennial (low er a row every year.. HhnlKirb hmiI. K. lley. Haysport. H.C. HI FOIt SALK. New and ned Machinery. Iloal ami F.ngines. Norlhcrn Kxchange. tf BOAHD. BOArtl). The Second Avenue. Inlander. 830 Phone 137. tf FOR RENT OFFICK FOIl HKXT. with niixlcrn living quarter. Welenliaver Hro. If Ihi trip she had a prelly hard it's' with the lea cup wu Mrs Iryout ami was away about three I . lirecu, ami the home rooking week. Her calch did not fetch in charge of Mr. edercn a very high nrtce owlntr to the Mrs. Ilallberg. 'The sum of I trill she had been away. SUCCESSFUL TEA AT MRS. THOR JOHNSON'S FOR LUTHERAN CHURCH A successful tea was held yes terday afternoon al the home of Mrs. Thor Johnson, 1053 First Ave. Ik aid of Ihe Lutheran e came Church nf I lit city. Mrs. Field around again but instead of re-iwa in charge of Hie ten table ducing his taxation, the assessor which were prellfly -decorated FOFl HKXT. Palmer lloue for cheap rale and home com fort. If 30 was nelle.1 for the cause. CP. II. steamer Princes Mary api. itrmision. nni iniiotind Ironi Vancouver to southeastern Ala ka (tort. I due in port llii af leni""ti he following nassen ger? ere booked lo salt rrom her for Kelrhlknn on the vcei: AH Strainers. Mr. am' Mrs. O Wanebo, Kdwant Fe.k, O. W Mitchell, P. A. Ilitiljen. O. Iloiilet, H. Cniopls'll. I,. . Ager W. Wliilmg. Corll 'illlilimi. Slatf Caiilaiu CarruUier. J. Kaaeu and M. Knasen. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. V. t'ielcnurl. F. P. llearns Vhiicoumt; .1. D. fiullowny llaz ellon; .1. II. Lepage. Victoria William Ahlon. (iisrome; C Cabrera and II. Wason, city. Oentral A. Corlan, Swanson Hay: Mr am Mrs. I,. Couiplnn. Oiscome; .1. I. Cioleau and l ChrUll.iiii. Moose Jaw; Mrs. Iloberlson, llaysport; Mrr. Slnioen. Tor race: V. O. I.yon. Smllhers: A I, It. Alexander. Victoria: A S .1 Oren and K C. Ilalkcl, Yatimu vcr: H. Ilrown, city WANTCD HAiuiKn men and LOST C0I.LF1K PRINCE RUPERT'TIDES women to learn Ihe Itarber Traile Patd, while learntnt;. 'Mil m your opportunity to learn a trade1 and fttt into steady employ-! menu Graduates earn from) lto.00 to 450.00 per week.! Wrlle for free dialogue. llastiPB B. Vnneoover. iWAMKO - First rta net and tally ihm for Skeena Ittver ci.nery. Ue referrue In " m' "ly ,tmt- WAXTKO.-Furniture of ry dewriptnm. Higtient prices imid. I'rirHPe import liiHiinge, Auctioneer. I 'Mm flag. WANTKD. -Oeneral enant. Ap ply Mr. F. Melt. Young. Fourth Avenue KaJ. tf .OrT FoMum p-rkel I took row. tniiiing iiiiHirlaul pier and money. Knvbr well rewar.le.1 by reiiirn-iia ui . H. Aniirfl. Co Table Siinply C 77 OikmIs AUCTION SALES. lloughl. Sold MAIL SCHEDULE For the East ' or Kxchanged H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. 'hones Itlack 130 and Ited 113 TAXI Tail 7 Phone. (Call Oeorgs or (lust) Rosa Brothera. Prompt Service and Comfort Dy or Xlffhl SI and Grotto Cigar Store, Third Ave. Mondays, Wednesday and I'rl-days, rloes at 5J0 p.m. From the East- Mondays, Thursday and Sat-unlays, 4.30 p.m. From Vancouv Sundays Wednesdays Fridays Premier i To Port Simpson, Anyoi Sundays r. t. t t M I Wednesdays 10 P.M.' From Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, A.M. From Port Simpson. Alice Arm Anyoi, Stewart and Premier- Tuesday . A.M To Alaska Points- March 7. 17 nnd 28. Wednesday, March 26 High . t:f1l .i ii I M .O.I j. l.ow 1 1 :3(l ii tSMfi pit. Thursday. March 27, so I Hisrtt . ... am Iv 11:16 i. Friday, March 28 High :l . IM Lw tt:iV .i M:w; i" THE ROMAN CATHOLlCtflSHOP OF PHINCE RUPERT Notice i hereby i.i vt jFjiul Mane. Ihinot. It V iv :i! itihot oi I'm County of Prince Hi , inee of Drtlisli l aJa, will apply t ' men! of Canada, al Ion thereof, t.-r a V: I In nn"raie "l ii- : Cat hoi ir ii-li.'i of pert," as t CoiffiHnli.. Dated al U t'Mvm " Rupert. Counfy "if Pri- Proving f Hrilis.' Uiie lllr'ttor at rVt" Williams. XHMin Hnyal HaaX 1'. Pnore 11 Sollcllor for Kul Mi T fMlllMt CAactilATion or mscsvl m -NeUre U tw-rrtM- tir.. iimt riffc ( ara - ' t MXjSI- UeMiee . id 1 HeieiMBt . ratleHyi rtUl the hnr itnro line line to t' .oialMHt ti tmt f r.nif trrr. li."re 1 TIoM W 4 TIMBER SALE X G1C1 . L ' .M l Nl eTsSeV;t lW sad 1 .. ii." ra.. it, fttf a." i Mural at Mnu tec. m. t '',&- A.M. ltU" PS u t,J" CP It. March 7, 17. and art. I i m,i Lh4 iNtnn. To Vancouver .TLlff-Sa Tuesdays. Mall I. H P.M. TtT Trid iys 8.15 A.M. iiiker , ut rttt" tfir-'" " n.m. , I Id, Mln ('..I' ll March nnd 21 To Anyoi, Alice Arm, Stewart, Uiiim.iu weihett? at a lwl 'jajail iai i ray it. I V aai.if 4 I.Un.f is itirli rvl Htra.; M""' haled frt.ntfy III" NOTJClt j, T.U .XplICK thai lhl WlW lrr a'n Ilr tk ItMl ""tit Tjf Alice Arm ,iifiirr r Jutaj st.prk . SUwart and Premier-,1.,." to'o V r y 1 ' M-L,r.yri." ra.hM:' From Alaska Points- March II and 27. To Queen Charlotte Island Points .line '' aist saiMl, r'.'Jn Mnrch is und 20. From Queen Charlotte Points Mnrch 10 nnd 21. To Naas River Points and Port in an fairriy ,.. Simpson , v, (tn lr-l. arntrilin i Tliursdaye to P.M. I.TuVeTuv Tn From Nil, ajiva. baIhU . imiii-utiwiieni. ana aii4 Saturdays . mil . ... )W cit or tmi coaeoasTioN or ppinos aurCRT. TtkS OTU: Til JtT" 1. 'The Uinnell t II (' ', r.lly f frim-e liBpe" "" ""' ,, i.a-nirm mii-ti -.f a mallrr "f tlml' ""' i i.Uffii a iiii n i, ' ' "', I"' ' ! ,enne ItIii lt" ' .lnl at the MO b.Mliw r n-L..i ' ia i k. mirrerliii " ami llay l. or :irrle. ami nt 1th Amiih- an.l ll llilrnu ik. ..'...i uniin Ihe 1 a... .it. 'i. . A.M, dirrrltjr ihi Hie wnik '"''. ' nf tlr rt-l a i iiirur.el ai - ' i'ienJnf .t al l-X-J- ft m ...iIiiiaI.mI lMii. .aVar . SI If S3 (I, r whirl! ? ,! T, inmial ........I ..ytfiil ralr lHr r' " t.ftltl7 The lr!' V"'':,! ' tVi-el in in annual tntain V. I'etsrn rte.nmt W r" ; uroie tins "tU "f,Mr ' ,