Friday, March 2, 1921 : -,!? i nr. umui ri&wn. far Hm mr MmWTmtnm-i. i - L J I I . . " Z El ' " " ifl I. . . I 7l If lir.iffiCL j j ,;( S mmtost SSwm iiiimiri r IO-2J Thi! advertisement is not published or displayed liy the l,iiuor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. TENNIS Now made in lannda by th;it t llOUsC ee Jiias mm a 1 1 u a xjrm GOODS pre eniiiieiiUy sun:e.rul Of OF CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. w WRIGHT & DITSON i ighl liloii slaml family r! I iii Aiiii'i'ifH for Tciiiu good. Our price are the ajne thee goods an obl fofljii K.ileru tornado. Ak or write for our I DIM leii-in i 'dialogue. Ocoi-ge Wright Special $11.00 Iteliauce $13.50 Ail Laoadiau 10.00 Champion 7.50 ,K. ntry Club 8 00 The I'ark 5.00 'J il'lhii 3.50 Tenuis Halls, cacti . . . . 50c Mo) iur leiuii good where oii gel the bjggcs value. '",v u" Mlrr'n?tH- Hie goods lliul will stand ii ioMhl climate. Win Her Affections A BOX Purdy's Candy wiul:doht The Autocrat of the Candv World IDEAL FOR THE HOME, THE PARTY OR THE THEATRE vA Toothsome In-light in a Kuautirul Box. All Sues. All Prices. Solo Agents : Prince Rupert Thjrdj Avenue. Good teste CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria. and 8"l"?i. . , March 11, 21, April 1, 4v 11, 22 For KaUhlkan, Wranaell, Juneau and Skagway, March 7, 17, 28, April 7, 18, 28 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For.Sutedale, Swanaon Bay, last Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. 3 f J Agency for all Steamship Llnee. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner Of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. j Local and Personal j APlH ffil3 II.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Krinff sSt" Hayners, Undertaker. 361. I.. . Palmorc sailed llin morning mi Hi.) Prince Ocurge for Vancouver. Kuighls of Pylhfa Wliint Drive old .Masonic Hall, March 31, at H p.m. Ailmixlou J. II. I'illftbtiry, iiianatfcr of I In-dry dock, wailed todays on (he I'linee (ieo'i-c for Vaneouvfr. . - TIioiiium Trotier iHunird Ihi.i inorniiiff by I he 1'i iliee Ceorca from a hiixineo trip lo Slewail. apl. I.. McUimkrie. harbor iii.1ler,' mailed Ihti niorniiiK on Hie I'riueu (Jeorye for Vancouver. Oil FI.OWKKK. JMJT I'l.ANT.S. (ianli'ii eeilK, I'erliliern. Mi'.. McCarthy. Till: KI.OIUST. Kinad; lllock. Open Saturday. tf I M. . I. McNeill xaihvl llnx uuo t ulV on (he 1'iiliee Oeortre foi Vancouver, lie e.xpccl lo leiurn lo the ci'y before the uninier t- ! oul. xteamer I'rinee John. Capl. Neil Mrl.i'fin, f-oin Vunrno-rr and the (Jucimi Charlolli- li-latid, i-t due in port early lomor-niw morn in i'. J. V. Nlcholl", eouiplroller of the Cinailhui li-li A Cohl Storage sailed lhi iiiorniui.' by lh Prince OetirBi- for Vanoou-ver on a busiues trip. Cily lliliiard - Championship serie slarls lonlphl in Hlks Home at H p.m. I.ailies free, eiillciiiiiil 2.",c. sealing arranemenls. Opt-nhi? Kauies helui en J. Sudan and K. I'yle. Slair.Ciplain CjirrnlloTs of Wrmiell. vvlin ban boin in lite rily and district for Hip pas! forlniirbl on business in coi-neeliou with Hie Salvation Army. ailetL this afternoon on (he I'rineess Mar' fr Ketchikan. l. II. Piinidfoiil, ( Master r.r llrilish Columbia of lh Odd- ellows l.ihlue. paiil mi - ollicial isil lo Ho loeal branch of -the irdT last ulht ami saileil lo lay on Hie I'rinee (Senrve for Vancouver. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS I..O.H.A. Sale or Work, Metro-do Hall, April a. Methodist Kasler Sule. Tea cwmp. home cookiiy;. Ited lios Hul, April 5. Itnyal I'urplo Itslcr llazaar nid Sale of Homo Cooking, April i. Hill Oil Chapter, I.O.Ii.i:. Aina- eur I liea'i'irnls. April 1 1. : Salvation Army l.wiic' Homo League Sale, Wednesday, April 10. I'lesbjlerian C.O.l.T. CimicimI. Vpril 10, Kmpiess Thealic tf - . Oiieen Mary Chapler I.ff.O.K. Mlfodil Hall, Ivisler Monday, tf f Concert fop Anglican Cbuich il Kmpiess Thealre. April S8. iy Symphony Orche.slra. Tickets "0c. Crtlholic Church Spriui; Sale iiihI Social cMMnnj.-, Melropol" Hall, April Stf. i:iks' Minstrel Troupe, l-'irst show May 1. Ilidley Home. Itazaar. May 1. I One Dollar That is all you need to start a Union Bank of Canada Savings Account. Don't hesitate if you can't save more than One Dollar at a time. The savings habit will help you increase it. Small deposits are with One Dollar and UNION BANK Prince Rupert Branch To protect your face and hands arainst all chafing, roughening effects of the Spring winds, simply rub In a little Zam-Buli before rttii Ing at night. This males the slcin smooth and fl;aible and cletrs it of a'4 blemish. Besides valuable soothing and emollient properties, Zam-BuV has far-reathing medicinal virtues which quickly overcome all sore, irritated or inflamed conditions. It purifies the whole tissue and removes the underlying causes of eczema, salt rheum, pimples blotches, etc. Miss Rosa Wallace of Men'ie, Ont.. writes : -" My hands were all rough-eneJ and sore through the Spring winds, But Zam-Buk soon healed and made the skin fine and smooth. It is the most soot ing balm I have ever used." Tmmt ail drattist. t.ll ZIM-IUf at He Hi. k. um III! MCDICI l Ml It tic Ik. nki, 7to. k.i r tkrM. Diml tram I.w Suk mtt, C . tvMKt (t . T.rwiu. Dr. V. T. Kerjiui reltirneil by I he Prince iStrorze (his moruiiii; from Slew art. II. S. (Buck) Irwin arrived from Surf Inlet on the Venture (his iiiiirniiiy. Jih (ireer . returned' by Ho Prince tietirpe' Ibis inoruin? from a bu sines trip lo Slew ai l and Anyox. Another '501" Ions NaiVaimo Well iii'lo n I ,u)ii Coal just ar rived. The be;l yet. Albert k MeCalTery. I.ld.., , tf Ilichard KM. C.O.M.M. as sislunl superTiilt'iideut engineer. n-lunied lo aneuver on ihe Prince tietirgelbis moriiiii. J. I..-Christ h;-11. Moore and It. Kwapil wcVe aiii'o'iy the bn'-a liusines.s iiiHi' relurning fo Hit1 cily this morning after bavin? mailc the round Iriji lo Slewart atnl Anyox on Ihe steamer Prince (icor?e. O. Waiiebo, secretary of Ihe lep Sea Fishermen's I'nion at Kelehikan, and Mrs. Wanebo arc returning lo Ilieir home in the Alaska town on the Princess Mary this afternoon. Mrs.Wane- ho has been in tho local hospi lal for some time receiving spec il medical tivatmeiil. A copy of Hansard jusl to jiand shows that Fred Slork is n member of several important I'omuilltees al Ottawa. He is on the railways, canals ami lele. uruph liue.s. priltile hills, bank ing ami , coiiuncrce and marine and ' fisheries' eommiltees and also that deainii with the mines ami minerals. "" The followinif were among h iwssengers sailing. Ih'.-i morning by Ihe Prince lieorge foj" Ihe oulh: t:. Slegavjg. (i. Hayward. Mrs. F. C. Slelhorne, II. Macou- aehie. W. Cununings, C. Carlson. V. O. Lyon, Capl. and Mrs. Harris. .1. P. lliadford. Mrs. .1. Wil- ard liihstm, F. P. llearns, It. ixnox. Mrs. J. (iuesl. It. Hae, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Mantler. Mr. and Mrs. Kdpe, t:. Previwl, Mr. and Mrs. L. Coinplou .iml S K. II. Smith foe Vancouver; Mr. aiul Mr, tj. S. Murphy for Swanson Hay; .1. II. Ulake, F. S. Shaw, V.. S. fiilberl, .1. II. Lepage, Victoria: Mrs. Slrachau, It, Ihuu and O. Choloup, Ocean Fal!;,F, Long, ami Mrs. M. Palmier for Syndic the seeds of success, Start save regularly. 4J OF CANADA A. T. Broderick, Manager Capl. W. II. Losjan returned lo Victoria on the I'rinee George thin niorniny. " The C.d.M.M. Canadian Win ner will probably jfrl away for I lie Orient lomorrow night with million feet of luuibcr from Ibis port in addition to her main cargo loaded in the nouth. She will go direct to Yokohama. Union alcatner Venture, Capt. A. Johiislonc, northbound from Vancouver and way point lo the Naa Hiver, was in port from 10:15 lo IS o'clock today. The vessel has finiijlied her bkcena Hiver calls and will sail from here for the .soul li at IU o'clock tomorrow moniin;'. J. J. Walsh will uniiire Ihe openiuK same of Hie individual billiard championship competi tion toiiiahl at Ihe Klks' Home between Jack Suden and Fred I'yle. II. Howe has been appoint ed ollicial marker and . S. Hus- sell will be in charge of the re cording of averages. RED SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND QUEER TEACHINGS Child Prays "Down With Kings and to Hell Wlth.Capltallsts" Says the London Times: Lady Sydenham told the Women' Patriotic League al Chelsea the other day that "lied" Sunday school are a growing danger, which can best be com bated in tha Church Sunday- schools. A description of tin leaching in llice Socialist and proletarian schools, as they are called, was given by the llev. 1.. L. Macjssey, vicar of St. Peter's, Hammersmith, in a lecture al Westminster. Liltle children are taught that Christ on the Cross dying for sinners is so ridiculous that one despairs at the hold this supersti lion has on the mind of the working class.". Again, "Jesus is nol the son of Cod. because there is no Ood." ""Tom Ander son's Ten Proletarian Maxims are taught. The fifth maxim is Thou shall, teach revolution.-' Lisping infants are niade to ing this "hymn": Ha'iv yini lieard o"f Ifeave'n. That land so far away. Where all the little children llae wings and play all day? Listen to me. children, II is a fairy talc; This land away in Heaven l "Jonah and the Whale." Nol so Ion? ago a child of eight years of age knelt down by its bedside and said Ihjs "prayer": "Down with kings, to hell wilh the capitalists. iKiwn with the patriot, who is an international blackleg. There is unly one Cod the lied Flag of Liberty." Mr. Macassey declared that such leaching would not be loler hum in America or France. lie also 4idocaled dexeloprnent of Church Sunday schools as an an tidote. SMITHERS The residence of Mr. and Mrs. David Pralt al Mud Creek' v:i totally ilcslroyed by fire last week. II was one of Ihe first houses in Ihe district and was familiar landmark to freighters of the early days. Mrs. P. Ilerg, resident of Smith is for the pas! years, died in IhoMiiilhers hospital on Wedifes uay alter an illness of eleven weens. Mie was l ie molliec or even children and is also sur vived by a widower. - Mr. and Mrs. 1.. . llurr and family are leaving on Sunday for Kdsoit lo which point Mr. Hurr has I a transferred ia the service of the Canadian llailway Aews, NO FLETCHERIZINQ FOR HIM The wise old doctor was impressing upon his liltle patient Ihe essentiality of mastication "My lad," he advised, "no mailer what you eat, always. chew each moulhrul thirty limes." Hut Jimmy shook his head significantly. "Thai wouldn't do at our house, doctor." "And why nol, my son?" "Hccauso I'd always be hungry. My eight brothers and sisters would clear the table before I got through with thai mouthful. "Tim Chicago Herald. If you find you cannot set I lie dally News regularly, call n anu subscrlbo for It and have It do-Hvcrei to your boina, j While Sunlight Works VOU have more leisure hours on wash day if you use Sunlight Soap. Away downstairs in the wash tub this wonderful soap will do the labour. You rub the thing with Sunlight you put them to soak and then its penetrating, cleansing ingredients search through and through the fibres. loosening even the hardest dirt or the oldest grease stains completely. No wash board rubbing, no boiling, no hard work. Then, with rinsing, the dirt runs avay and your clothe arc . ready for the line, purified and snowy clean. Wash day should not take your labour - only Sunlight's gentle strength. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO ' ' SMOKED FISU kJAT ITS BEST $ - There are just Two Rules to Follow to Enjoy the BEST Smoked Fish, AT ITS BEST. These Hides arc 1 Buy "Rupert Brand." Iliipcrt UramI is always delivered to Ihe slui"5s in clean new boxen clearly slumped "lluperl Brand." S Wrap in cooking paper, cook in moderale over for 20 lo HQ minutes-, remove paper and serve al once. Four Kinds Breakfast Kippers, Bloaters,- Smoked Black Cod and Kippered Salmon. Al all Fish und Meal Markets, and (J incurs. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT A BARGAIN! 3 PA(1B TIinRB. A BARGAIN! PIECE Chesterfield Suite Formerly $300, Selling now at $225.00 See il in our window mid be convinced of this rcniarkhlile, value. BARRIES' HOME FURNISHINGS The House of Quality. Phone 123. Third Ave. If You Are BOAT-BUILDING We have Hardwood, Kir and Cedur Boat Lumber, If 'You are Ursd of Kalsoiuine and Paper, try Fir Voiiecr Panelling. If you are thinking of building a house, we have. on- lumber you require, tiUu 8sh, Doors, Glass. SHOCKLEY'S Planing Mills Cow y Phono 383.