~ nee Rupert Daily News, Wednesday, July 30, 1959 “¢ B.1. GIRL” ond “RETURN OF THE TEXAN” ' . Scares Geologists Travel In Groups 7: 8:12 p.m. (EDITOR’S NOTE Rhude, Canadian ness Editor, has from a developme nt in Bava Forbes Press Busi just returned the iron-ore Labrador-Un- In this story, one of a series, he writes of the explor- party out atory work being done by | WILDERNESS GROCETERIA § : : 1 geological crews in the fron- The storehouse is packed with e ; . / a , M tier country.) groceries—just about everything — you’d find in a city super-mar- = By FORBES RHUDE |ket; but you'll seareh hard be SR Ue Canadian Press Business Editor | fore you find beans, the staple si is | If you want to ge out on the | Of the old days in the bush GPE | i i | tr trip to | 10 B aay y . ae ee pag aT tl @ | frontier, perhaps you had better At’ another deck 4s Dr. James pies a =o Pe a a ee ome ‘eee {f @ | try to join a party of geologists Harrison, of the geological geo- \} | Perhaps you had better be up| @UC, and topographical ’ i @ at Knob Lake in central Labra- a dor-Ungava and hear Dr. A. E of Canada, a native of Qu’Appelle, Sask., who has been | Moss, chief geologist of Iron Ore ;}Company of Canada, ‘exclaim: in for the last four summers His youthful party, some of |“On Monday we must. have some planes!” them students, are putting up a tent in which they'll sleep to- You look around, and there’s| ht. But in a few days they'll Knob Lake itself, two miles long, be out in the widerness, makins ja mile wide, a picturesque patch . |of water with a knob-like hill examinations which may mear® new mines a few years henc at one end which supplies the name | SEVEN-MAN SQUADS There’s even a relatively lush 2s a ae Red Dean's Views Puzzle, Today's Stocks rg TERT Worry, Outraged Britons - of geological parties to send out ; trying to extend the boundarie rador where a tree may take 125) of the 400,000,000 tons: of iron years to grow to six inches in|ore which he already know By ALVIN STEINKOPF j vechanreiieah about LONDON (AP)—The ‘Red” Dean of Canter-/ Some of the parties ~ : peven-than sone. will bury, Dr. Hewlett Johnson, 78, believes bus seats men, four, two. > wider e regy rork 1 ’ “nre: | cere le wii should be wider So weary workmen could spread out sist of three canoes, a in comfort. epi tatcpninten,| chief, two senior assistant He of a wealthy parish of factory | juniors and, perhaps most charges owners and employers at Altrin-| portant, a cook. cham | Once on the insects in China| H¢ preached mild Socialism to| in at least pairs pestilence in the}® Parish which ‘was not much} “It is poor policy to let impressed. But he did attract) man travel alone in the bush,” the attention of Ramsey Mac- said Dr. Moss. Recently, one of Donald, Labor prime minister. a pair stopped to tie a shoelace. | fare propaganda has centred! On MacDonald’s recommenda- | When he looke up he was alone | him in ne of the fiercest storms|tion, the crown appointed Dr.) of his eventful career. | Johnson dean of Manchester. The best brains in Britain) He baceme Dean of Canter- don’t know what to do about the; Pury in 1931. dean, administrator of Canter-| The dean is regarded by his bury Cathedral and ranked ec-! archbishop as an erudite theo- SPSe Se RR ae. THE STATELY PRINCE RUPERT, veteran of the coastal waters, arrived in the city late this afternoon on another of her regular runs from Vancouver. After unloading freight, she goes ol | (Courtesy S&S D Johnston Co, Ltd.) VANCOUVER American Standard Bralorne Cariboo Quartz Congress Cronin Babine Giant Mascot Indian, Mines Pioneer Premier Border Privateer Reno Sheep Creek Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold Spud Valley Silver Standard Western Uranium Oils— Anglo Canadian AP Con Calmont 18 § 60 1.50 07 40 90 16'% 2.02 23\% 05 04 1.45 Up From $2.95 will be have | COLORFUL TERMINUS Nearby is the airport, |Knob will be the northern ter- minus of the 360-mile railway which is being built to the coast, and the site for a future town At present, however, there’s not much around Knob except| the things required to get people out to the bush, Other activity is three miles away at Burnt Creek, Que But Knob has color, real and imaginative. On the dock over there are 30 canoes waiting to be flown out to camps—orange- colored so they can be easily spotted from the air, In a_ storehouse, Dr. John N Technicolc “KANGAROO! "soning MAUREEN O'HARA: PETER LAWio with Finlay Currie + Richard Boong AR “Hawaiian 07 Ap 6STARTS TOMORROW! Ae W TOTE 02 06 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAT Evenings 7: - 9» : and con party three im also believes Communist that United Nations fighting in Korea drop- forces “Movie Job, they travel| ped diseased Madness” to spread Orient | The vigor with which he has spread Communist germ war- Purses To Complement Your New Outfit one BLUE BARROW ORCHESTRA ana and was lost for three days WELL SUPPLIED The party is in the field at 7 a.m. They take lunch and, if WALLACE'S fODAY ERROL FLYNN RUTH ROMA Ussher, professor of geology at Queen's University, is checking over supplies before taking a Dept. Store FLASH SPECIAL FROM MANSON’S JEWELLERS Another Winner of a they are following something interesting, may be out to all hours of the long summer day Otherwise, they return to camp as judgment dictates They live in tents and get provisions once a week by plane including fresh vegetables, and meat, and mail which is very important “There weren't fresh tables and meat in the days,” mused Dr. Moss, native of Strasbourg, Sask., who has been tramping the country since vege- early \clesiastically “somewhat below a bishop.” Thousands wonder what made| him get that way He says his} motive is Christian compassion for his fellowmen, Through most of his adult life he has supported Socialist political aims and Soc- ialist leaders He was asked whether Prime Minister Stalin is a Christian. ‘I didn’t ask him,” the dean replied “But he was very friendlv, and where there is friendship there is Christianity.” ! | | } | | } logican. SAME FAITH He became Dean of Canter- cerely precisely the same Chris- | faith as you and I hold,”! the archbishop said to the House | of Lords. “He is not in any way} disloyal to his interpretation | of the ChrfStian faith.” | He is an ardent dress re | former. He dressed choir boys in | shorts. Women should not have | o wear hats in church, he said, | | j } } | tian Home Oil Okalta Royal Canadian TORONTO Athona Aumaque Bevcourt Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters Conwest Donalda Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake 7 - 9:00 in “MARA MARU” en The fighting story of the great Cochise! ¥ 1.16 20 36.50 3.95 ot nd he would not exclude a girl | in beach pajamas. | Lovers, he said, should be per mitted to hold hands in church right through the most profound sermon He went to Spain to exhort} Socialists in their fight against | Generalissimo Franco | Believing Russia had found the | answer to things, he went there first at the age of 62, He is a welcome visitor there now, hav- | ing won the Stalin peace prize which the Russians hold is worth $25,000 Between trips aboard, he man- aged the cathedral competently Under existing law he cannot be removed from his church of- | fice and British authorities shrink from limiting freedom of speech. But Sir Lionel Heald, the attorney-general, is still studying the record to determine whether any criminal action is possible. DIAMOND at Manson’s Treasure Trove 1942 The visiting plane samples, and has board a supervising geologist, who may stop over with the party to fol |} low up some clue Afternoon If you don’t want lo see the frontier with the geologists, per- |haps you may find a place on a helicopter when it goes out to jpick up an injured man—see | him placed in a basket stretcher ‘and secured to a pontoon for | transport out. You're not ilkely to find a place on that mercy youth he worked in his father’s trip, however, unless you area mill to familiarize himself with doctor or first-aid man factory operation deus " WON HONORS He studied engineering W.ER. Dale Manchester University but b | Takes Over. At George | convinced religion offered for bringing about betterment. He went to Oxford Appointment of W. E. R. Dale | as travelling freight agent for | the Canadian National Railways, | where he was a good oarsman |with territory between Prince | J 4 BARGE, Rupert and Jasper, is announced | ih He clings determinedly to his church office. Both Prime Minister Churchill and Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, the dean’s ecclesiastical boss, have told parliament there is no way of getting him out, even though they found his polit- ical views objectionable. The dean is a product of Eng- jand’s Manchester region and,| }some say, also a product of 19th century industrialism AS picks up Hardrock . idl ? ) Ws Harricana . ‘ Heva Duvex Joliet Quebec Little (Long Lac Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake McKenzie Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Moneta Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow Petrol Oil & Gas Senator Rouyn on Fifth winner Tuesday MRS. 1. M. SMITH, Besner Avartments Starring 3 John LUND - STARTS TOMORROW Shows 7 - 9:01 40 3.50 37 41 84.00 22 1.70 1.02 14 «Ni with Susan CABOT a Lat hh Each day another diamond is added, All other parcels are also worth more than the dollar you pay. Today's diamond winner will be announced over CFPR this evening. came means social RE - ROOF NOW Your Roof May Not Last Through. Another Year What Percentage of Your Gross Business Do You Spend on Advertising? We will give your free estimates on re-roofing with aspha!t and cedar shingles Greer & Bridden Ltd. Phone 909 115 Ist Ave. West P.O. Box 721 and won honors in theology For about 20 years he was vicar by L. A. Fonger, freight traffic | manager, western tegion | Mr. Dale will make his head- | quarters in Prince George, where | | he arrived Wednesday. | Starting his railway career a |a stenographer in the express | department, Calgary, in 1930, |Mr. Dale transferred shortly | | after to the freight departmen! He then Moose Jaw, gina until the RCAF. Returning to a JUST ARRIVED New 1952 Austin Station Wagon SPECIAL—1948 Indian Chief Motorcycle 1—1949 Austin {—-1939 Chevrolet Sedan i—1948 Thames Van 1—1950 Austin 1—. 1949 Austin 1949 Morris Panel There are Lots of Ways to Spend Your Dollar BUT You reach more people for the LOWEST COST THROUGH Putting a sef percentage of your gross business back served as a cierk at Winnipeg and Re-.| 1 1943 when he joined TRUCKS 11946 Dodge 2-ton Truck 1—1951 Austin 5.ton Truck 1-—1941 the railway it 1946, Mr. Dale was made chief clerk at Port Arthur. He was appointed freight traffic repre sentative at Calgary in 1949 and | remained there until his present new appointment International %4-ton Panel Superior Auto Service 3rd Avenue 'W. LIMITED Phone Green 217 CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A penalty of 5° will be added to all taxes into your business through advertising is one sure woy to make your business qrow. Advertising. ALONE will not make your business successful. But planned consistent advertising ‘will HELP you to dé more J. aN business, much more than the cost of advertising. Before ha bought q McCulloch, | | | for 1952 remaining ia uek by AT july. 4982. Good Sonne adrenising builds a business. Keep George walked =o inet market —— | 5 p.m. Payments made on August Ist or plugging away! Pick out YOUR PERCENTAGE to spend subsequently will be subject to penalty. on advertising and STICK BY IT, H. M. FOOTE, _ eS City Collector. Legion Auditorium D ANCE eripay NIGHT D | PACIFIC ELECTRIC | CANADA‘’S FINEST me mn. \ Yy ni i: W \7 You can do more than fell and buck trees with a McCulloch chain saw. You can limb, slab, cut cordwood and posts. But here's one of the most important things you can do—you can pick up your McCulloch in one band, and carry it easily to the mext cut. Try that with any other big-rimber saw For further particulars and demonstration see your local MeCulloch Dealer or write: LEMERY DISTRIBUTORS LTD. 220 West Ist Avenue, Vancouver 10, B.C, 861 Landsdowne Street, Peterborough, Ont. 525 1st Avenue, Quebec City, Que. al i ‘ ‘ oi i 718 West 2nd Phone Blue 992 CIGARETTE Modern and Old Time Dancing AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE eS MUSIC BY THE WESTERNAIRES