1 i.liiy. Mm-li SH. 10-i. Hi Finish ! Thrif-T-Service Wet Wash -, 1 i 'r Tlin-c Services, one of which will exactly fill yogr wati day needs, I'hoiifl mm fijr particulars. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8. St rJng Furnace GOAL 0lltr4 In Sulk. At $10.00 per ton. Thll I I fm -iNri.,j runiar rful It a iU-tn iml ru ami l -Mli-i i fit fi-rfii i liiiki r., Ui-k ami itlrt Sim .if tin larrra plant- n ii .-Hi n in unnr M Hiih ct iirrlv liran..ri STERLING STOVE COAL, l. llv . r. in Si.-n At $12.60 per ton. W. sir i- . i. f 1 i Hi lafiiM.i. LADYSMITH.WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Main Offlcai Haiti Cantral. Phana IB Agent for Society Brand i 1 Clothes h v; r Spru e Seeds I'nl- anil SIjIoh Thor Johnson Second Avenue Seeds Jul ar .cd, 0111 fl ick of Harden and Field Seeds. Orrn Sen ni'd Frtidiior. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our frunoii" l.il"ii lloal in any iiiiaiies Phone SS. ;MUNRO TELLS OF i COPPER MARKET Outlines His Views of Prospects for Qranby News: Prices May Qo Higher .."''UnilnK from Now York, pivhore lie hml gone o allcml the janmial mooting; of Hie iliiorlor oi mo company, II. s. Mimine. vice-president M, ppnpral man j i""1 '" company, arm oil m Anyox lufl week, anil fur I lie tn riiiinalioii Xof men on I In- j outlined Muni'lliiiitf of Hie silua Mori regarding copper ami whal might or might mil be cxpecloil of il tlurititr the remaining nine month of 11)21. Al ho present; moment, Ihe niior markol i, promising, ami in some ipiarlcr' l l roiliM'lil liki.lv Mini hi-i; ei'al imnilliK uu will ho reduced almiil fiflecn million pmiml a mmitli. Are Curtailing Aiii'injt iho tiijt priliioer- rur-tailinjt are Calumet ami llt-rla. I. .Till. mm pouiol; Ureon-Oinani riOO.nnn to l.imo.Oou pound: Anarondii ami it Chili Miloidinry from n.mio.omi io in.mm.ooii pounil.: Orrit di iwill ) a repetition of 11123, Willi; 1 a great a di-maud for ilio imlnl iimny mi Hie riiri.i ante if Hu Mini oven roumlcly giic whal (might liiiiion to ihe market al j lime; anil while it a po-jsibilily that i-opper jiriee will go i4t sixteen c.-ul. In which the jiie will iimlohiil(illy lie a raphl jono, il i a i-erlniii gro that a Ipenk iini-i- of nitlei'ii renlK -u1l imiI he maiiilaiii4-4 for any pon-ixiilerahlf periml. a ilwllm- hap. iciiiiu 01 all priihahilily !i wifl- ly a no- anvam-e nail teen niaile mnrkel. ami which j appnreiillv elahlili4i, i allrihulei) largely the curtailment of ouljiiit on lli ntirl l.f rlln hl.r ...... IUMI ll. illl. I li) which il i (xp4rlo thai Hie n. l'a4h. vatioill lim i Iml. 1 Piioocl. In foit-ca.l "m,l1"'1 "" -.'.nml.nmi pound; ami IMielp 'Uoiljio aliiiut .forty per rent of noriiial output, which aiiiimnleil Jio l.'.noiuino pi hi ml per month. Tin wmihl appear o le a oni-lilo 1110II101I lii apply to clipper irnmliliiiii a il will oiiatdi1 hix producer! lo conere llwir ore reorve until Mich time nmre iea4onahl4 price prevail. I.nw-jcol prt4lue4'r. like Keiiiii'Cill dropper G. will keep up pritilllC-iion. Tlnrli-eii colli copper will 'put a K""d niauy priwlunn? enm- onppor, ina-muoti a il would not he ulijioloi to a tarilf. Kn(r with iwhat Rent' - - Ladies' Ready-to-wear lClti O Store, Third Avtnue "You can shop at Btnt's for less than you can at any other store" t TH1 DAILY HKWB, FJWrt FOTI. TERRACE ATHLETES ELECT OFFICERS FOR THE COMING SEASON M. Htt Is President of Organiza tion With J. H, Young Its Secretary TF.MIACI-:, March 2H. The Athletic Aociaiuni held il an-nunl meeting 011 Friday ami elected officers fn- Iho ensuing year. President, M. Hall. Vre-prei4ent, W. I'.. Smith. Si'tioUiry, .1. II. Young. Co rre po m I i n g .v cere I a ry, M r, tiriffin. :f& The merlin? wjll he liehl on the noroml Frhlay of earh month. The tncmtiorship fee Iran been re-(duced (o line ilollar and il i j hoped a large numher will join. MANSON CONSULTING HIS CONSTITUENTS , through Iho buylnz months iifjlcdgor. J lli current yoar. Iml al u sllglil-1 European Situation Owing to Division of Territory jly lower uwi-ago I liau Iho price Willi r'tiii i4 1 lo ho KuropoaiH Must Make Change, In DIs- ianaiiiHi in IU2.I. ',o ituii. silnalion. il iloe mil look any trlct He Will Represent limn. nowocr. 1 Midi dial iiohiNly loo liopeful. the coll;ipi of Iho I'reiicli fraiie hi-iiiy an jmmiiientl Sn Ihe Interior ,'ow of pniiliilil) ; hut kIhiiiM imliislriaUniillier-i: llial Ihere will ho no Ili4'r4 anil tlirniisliiiul Ktirope flection for some lillle lime yet hark lo oum a pii'-war ulalu. N the iiifiirmalinn llmi. A. .M. with a O4iiienpomliii? ilniiaml fur Manon. K.t'.., alloniey general in roppor, one il.c mil a very Ihe Oliver Koveriinient ami menu ineal HiUantape remilliuu: for I'T for Iho old riilinff of Oruineca. Ihe nhvioii" iea-nn thai the 111.111- hriiiff 011 hi iil In the ron.li. ufiirtiir'-il Herman, i"r"ieli or Inency after a flriwiuniu .e.ioii ilher Kuropoan article wmilil Ik- "f 'he I,4-i-Ialiiie f.illnwHil ,y plare4l in Iho wirhCx markets in '" r'yal rotnmUnion followinpr infkpIiL-atioii of VAl.K. ehnruo. Tin- roHfiui lor lhi lalo flrmnei'.merican maniifaclureil arlirle! Mr. Maimon arrive'l al Smilher ami hot lor otilliMik for a riiiiir of Hie nmo etas, ami no wiml.I "n Sumlay ami next il iy iuiihlei rale of production exittinir oeV-; uml4Mhle4y otirlafl the ileiiiaml lai ,n "aelUin. Yo.lorilay w-a 4if ihnnoolje iiianurarliiriTK fur i" 'Mkwa ami the halunce Ihe metal. Unirerninif -the firn- ,,r ,,,p w,k wi" "I"""1 in a poC4l lariir 011 iloiuolie. mpper ,,rir r,in Hirouah tin w Omiii- l.y Ihe lioveriimcnl al Vahiiif- rra rMUw. which extern! beyond Ion. ami whal elfecl lhi iniht Van.leihoor. lime oil the Canadian pio.ureil wu,u' -Mr- MaiiHin' show no IdMer. .Mr. Mnr..o foil that Mich ronoorn xer an Immedialo oler. notion 011 the uarl of Ihe .m,r. ",,n- ' CMMtMni,' hi Mip- ifan i.,von.i W..11I.I he of ml- V'rlr Hie uuplion or which 1.. i,..,.,ii.... ....i..o.i riilmjr ho will run In; To Ihe In. lorior Xew he laled that no ntaller whal deciion wa arriveil ... 1.. . 1 t. 1.1 1. . Ilmiii?h lo II... rofinorv in l.on.t. ,,M" r. p.-. i. 11 w.iuiu vr niv.1 tlr ...I.I ... llrol llrilwin , W'" reKrel fir Iho .HviMon iiffllo' district n ....h.i- .ii.Ai V,. necoar 1 -.. i - j : 1 1.: . , 1 1 1 . i l IIIK I IlllllrsIVvnl .i.. ,.f iroin .1 hecuon 01 uie rrienn wuo Iho rmiiro hold f,.r the P.hmI to hfin Mine . . ,14.1111. Iml. In lsilnl Itix u'IkiIa " i'i ' FEMININE FINANCE Hull nuro a I will I can' iM-c linw I II lie aide lo ecapc the income lax. ivsr.. ii .... r.inii v.tii jililrirl wouhl over have a claim jon him. . lion. Mr. .Mntixm exp4cl to rear 11 a (i'Cllnn eany nexi wook. heforo he depart frtr Victoria. iW'ith Mrii. .Manon and the fam. .... I. ,, . ily he ox per In lo leave hortly for Ihc ' 'lioiihl have piven me all . , iimni-y I ufsitl yiii -tolon Adverliae tn the Unity New Ladies! HisJ bbbh Opportunity to obtain a lovely spring coat at never-heard-of-before Bargain Prices These coats are made up in beautiful materials in very stylish designs 20 Spring Coats will be put on Sale at Bargain Prices for One Week Only commencing Tomorrow, Saturday Sizes 16 to 44 CALL EARLY AND SEE THEM A small cash deposit will hold one for you a holida? trip to iiUfnrnia. PRETTY WEDDING ENDAKO TUESDAY hy her father, wa frowned while ci'ciic-ilc.rliine ami shadow I Miss Cousins jlari wilh lulle veil ami oraiiste.fiom Smilhers. Iilnssnms. carrier a Jioipiuel of I daffodil and while curnnlifm' Mia. Harry Frank and was ntlemh'ii hy Mis ln, Uence Sweet man. W hile K. Mc- llayner, brother of Ihe tirilot -acled us hesi man. Followinp (lie ceremony n reception was hed in SI. John ipat'soiuiKe. Amongst hop in- vilod wi're Mr, and .Mrs. T. J. Maynor. Mr. ami Mr. P. M. Hay, ner. Mr. nml Mr. McKay, Mr. nml Mr. W. J. Fosloi Mr. and Mrs. II. I.eDuko. Mr. nml Mr, p. Couins, Mrs. Andrews .Mr. and I Mrs. P. McC.ellipan, Mr. and Mrs. Kellyle, Mr. and Mrs. A. O, Annnn, Mr. ami Mr. W. Wilson, ami Hcv. V. and Mrs. Sweelman. Mr. and Mrs. Jardie left later f4ir their fulur home In llasslno, Alia. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. and Miss' Halliwoll liave returned from Prince rtuperl. Tho. TjlTon Joft Wednesday evonliiLr for Kdmnutmi lo Join rCZEMA Toe ar not tptrlniauW ins woeu tnu ua Ur. mailt ltr Iciaws m 8km Irrita, H?'v M rallaa t ixia sod srs4u- alia hila lii akin aMml-ftJT- n (liaaa't Olnloiant fraa U you BifuUon Uili Kpf ami avna So, suimp .fur ijoxtaia. a. xi alltl.aleri or Kdiua.iai.- .(. & itv. Uml(l. Tomtit" You need a PILOT EVERY good ship, nearing port, takes on a pilot, Usually, the law requires it. The pilot knows the channel. With his capable hands at the helm, the vessel is safe. Without him, there is danger of the shoals. When you set sail on a shopping tour you, too, should have a pilot. Everybody needs one. And well-informed shoppers always have one ADVERTISING. Advertising keeps you off the rocks of extravagance and waste. It takes you straight into the port of economy. It tells you plainly where to go for what you want. It shows you how to save steps and money and time. By watching it carefully, each day, you are able to buy to best advantage. Often, the advertisements will keep you from making an unwise purchase by pointing out just why one article suits better than another. It points out for you the pick of the country's market and the selection of the particular kind, shape, size and color that best suits your taste and fits your pocket-book. Whether you want food, clothing furniture or a toy for. the children, the advertisements can help you. Let Advertising Steer Your Steps Mr. Tiiren who is In a ttrilical 'romlilion in the hupllal Ihere. Miss Evelyn McRayner of Fran-.foii.iwinjr an operation for ap-cols Lake Becomes Bride of Wmlicif i. W. Jardle I'N'DAKt). March 28. A pretty wisldiu look place at SI. Johns Monmrint Church, Kudako, on T'iei!ay. March 25. when Mi Kwdyn Mcltayner. daughter of T. .1. Ilayner of r'raiicnU Lake, formerly of I.oiuhm. Kuplaml, wa united in inarriase In W. .Inn lie llov. W. Sweelinan officiating. The hride who wa civen awny I 1 H. F Fraer has hi-en inspoct-injf the chools of this locality Khi week. He visil-il I.aketo! sidiool on Monday and spent TuoMlay ami Wednesday at the KilMimpallum scIhhiI. He pave a fuvoraldo reimrl 4if Iho work he-in? done-. He made some allor-atjons in I Im rail inn, so that Iho Principal, Mr. Hrillin now lia only srado VIII. and IX. ha relurneil and her laufrhler Mildred spoilt a few- lays al ltepio this week as Ihn, miosis of Mr. and Mrs. A. . Wilson. Mr. ami Mr. Simmon loft for Chilliwack this week. Mr. Walhorg went up to Ihe lluicllnn hospital for Irealmrnl 011 Monday. Miss Clirislio tvlio iic.companicil her mot her rohfrn- ed mi Tuesday. Chas. It. (lillu'i't is east ni a business yip. Mr. ami Mrs. Hnmks are as'ain pecupyinir their homo after having rented it f'T some months. A work train h in linvp with a crew of men employed-in re painting Iho 1. ridge along Iho line. Tht St.- Andrew's Society gave a very pleasant dance M'rjday evnning in Progress Hall. AUCEARM Two pile driver arrived this ween iroin Aiiyox. I hoy are bo ing used o drive piles for tho flrauby Co. u booming ground V Canadian National Railways PrincelRupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. and-also for an approach lo tho1 ailway track. Timber has ar-. rived for Iho (iranhy camp ami 1 being taken up the river. All pile are now driven fori ihe tovyer and approach in (bo east hank of the Kilsault Hiver at Hie bri.Ige site jmd tho pile driver has been mpved to the west side. Timbers are all ready for Ihn towers and holes have been dug for the anchor bolls. Mr. and Mrs. It.' W. Clayton have arrived hero from Anvoxlole w r m jlake over )lie management of the Alice Arm Hotel .lining room nml kitrhen. Jame Trjndrr ia arrived from I'rineo Hupurl lo open a restaurant here. Tho ighlhous4i lender .Newing. Ion was hern last wik Jn put up a spar buoy at Alice Point. W. h. Slainford. engineer, wa aboard, The Pastime Cigar Store Opp. Empress Hotel. Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and 80ft Drinks, Wo have a pleasant back ro(.m. Como in and make yourself at home. W. M. Whiting, Prap. . Geo, Papadoplil, New and Secondhand Furniture STORE We buy, sell and etchangs nil kind nf new am) secondhand goo!, S39 Third Avenue. Phone . P.O. Bas M