AC TWO. One Dollar That is all you need to start a Union Bank of Canada Savings Account. Don't hesitate if you can't save more than One Dollar at a time. The savings habit will help you increase it. Small deposits are the seeds of success. Start with One Dollar and save regularly. MS UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, excspt Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to' all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page .....$2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion .......2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion ,. i5c per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday, August 1, 192 i. Canada Looks Good To Many. Canada looks good to many Canadians who went to California who are longing for the green fields and purling brooks of the northland. Also it is reported that Canada looks good to Some of the Meiinonites who went to Mexico and who have fallen a prey to bandits. European Settlement fa' Satisfactory. It is satisfactory that the countries of Europe that were allies during the war have been able to agree over a settlement of the reparations question, For years they have been .squabbling among1 themselves and in the' meantime" Germany has been kept back a good deal owing to uncertainty and to the necessity of proving to the other powers her inability to pay the amounts demanded. Now a final settlement is in sight and it is to be hoped it will not again have to be reopened.. Great Interest Taken In Visiting Scientists. The visit of the British Association to Toronto and their subsequent tour of the country is ah important event in the history of Canada. Most of the men who attend ape outstanding men in their particular professions and they will draw the attention of the whole, world. Great preparations have been made in Toronto for their reception and the convention will commence on August 7. This paper will give as fully as possible reports, of the proceedings which will prove of good deal of interest locally. Aid For Proposed Biological Museum. In the report of his Rotary Club address hi this issue John pybhavn tells of the plans to establish a museum here in connection with the biological station. Prince Rupert people will doubtless lake a pride in this and Vill aid it as much as possible It should be the place for the exhibit of permanent specimens of local fish, both commercial and sport, mention of which was made yesterday. R is what is badly needed 'here at the present time. Co-operation Of Vancouver. t Vancouver will co-operate with Prince Rupert in welcoming the British, round the world flyer to this port when he arrives This is satisfactory -and, will be good news to iis. It make it all the more necessary that Prince Rupert extend herself a little in milking the event a meniornldn mie Tim cmoi:,,.. big parade of launches and fishing boats and steamers and also for a special Highlanders boat with bagpipes and kilties leading with bcollish decorations seems to have proved p&pular and doubtless the committee in charge will evolve some general scheme in which all citizens can join and which will make the event not only a prominent one but outstanding among all receptions hitherto given Stuart MacLaren. Possibly other suggestion's rttay be made that may add touches of novelty to" the event. This is a good tihie to make them. Mix Mustard Yourself u i""1 fl.Vour nd tn.Bt. OF' ANOTHER PERSON Shows How Chauffeur Was Mis taken for Famous Racer and Cornel feat 16 ns Ensue The world Is full nf people who like to bask In the glory of aiiolhers popularity. It Is not uncommon among persons of prominence to learn of lessor folk assuming their names and miinickinsr their manners in the effort to further certain ulterior interests. Newspapers repeatedly point out such frauds because it never fails to make gooil An' interesting instance of how a person may unconsciously assume such a status anil be whirled along through days and even weeks of .misunderstanding. involving both pleasure and m)!h- ice is presented'' in "Sporting Youth"' shoeing locally this week-end. Denny has the mle of a chauffeur to a New York financier who is sent to California with his employer's high powered roadster." The chauffeur's nane is Jim'my Wood and he is mistaken for a certain "SpIinU ers ood, a famous Lnglish racing driver who is expected any day at the big annual race . at San Luis Obispo. Jimmy's a Carefree youth, ap parently, and at first the mis- lake doesn't trouble him particularly, especially since the harmless fraud wins him the association of a very beautiful blonde girl, played by Unviersal's newest attractive star, Laura Lo Plant, who is thrilled not only with the thought of his fame as a racing driver, hut with the handsome driver himself. Warrant Arrives Finally, however, the flavor of the deception is spoiled by two annoying circumstances, the pre semaiion io Jimmy or a seven hundred dollar hotel bill and the arrival of a defective from Lon ilon with a warrant for "Splint ers ood. 1 he bogus racer is faced with the greatest situation of his young life. . It's a clever story and the pic ture is crammed with speed anil thrills. The big road race, which coiries as a dramatic 6lfrriax fn the play, carries all of the spirit of an iulcrna'lional roaijway classic. USE HERRING FOR MAKING PRODUCTS Vancouver Paper Wants Number Three Dlstrct Opened To Its Use. The Vancouver Sun is anxious to have the Vancouver district opened for the use of herrinsr or pilchard for the manufacture of fish products. It say:, Iislricts One and Two have been opened for herrinp and pilchard fishing for fertilizer purposes. iMsfrict Three remains closed. Justifying the opening of District's One and Two, the deputy minister of marine and fisheries pointed' out that vast quantities of herring and pilchard abound in tl'ii! waters off the coast of British Columbia. "Owing to the demand for human food being small up to the present it has not been financially feasible to develop jheso fisheries," he continued, "'hence an available source of industry and revenue is. being allowed to remain undeveloped to' any considerable extent. "Fresh fish arid fresh fish offal can reailil be converted into fish meal, oil, etc., as well as into fertilizer. Fish meal is an excellent food for animals and there is a growing demand for it. In every oilier country that has important fisheries, the reduction of surplus fish Into sUch products Is an Important unit of the Industry. "This department will take the necessary steps lo slop over-fishing for any purpose." Every word, in the above applies as much to (lie utilizalloh of the pilchard of District Three as lb similar utilization in Ds-trcts One and Two, ft may be added, further, that the pll6hrtrd breed so .fast that I hey are kept iowri 6'nly by disease ani'f consequently nature is destroying what man might convert into useful products. The restriction in respect of" pilchard fishing should be re-movcii from D'lstrfcl. Three as it has been removed from the other two, i THE DAILY NEWS. Friday, August l, 19; r I liM Pure and Wholesome JW I S Quality W of Canada 1 B UTJder Dominion Government 1 jl( U S-24 ' - - -- ' 1 ' Pill m U((l!llli(llll!IIIHIIIIHIIH This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ,ft.f TRIES TO INTERPRET SIR HENRY'S MEANING Edmonton Paper Refers To . Threat Against Senate Over Branch Lines. The Fdmonlon Bulletin says: Sir Ilenry Thornton told an In terviewer at Winnipeg that lift considers the projected branch lines necessary to the successful operation of the National system and that he is .determined before Ions to make the Senate "sec reason.'" Coining from a smaller man that would sound like a threat on the part of if public of ficial against one of the branches of Parliament. II. will not be so iitls-understood in this case. what Sir Henry plainly meant was that he intends to demon strate that (ho National can be ihaife a sel-suslalning public en terprise, jusnrying the investment of the capital already put inlo if, and warranting the expenditure of more money in order lo enable it to Ihoroucldv develop the traffic possiblilies of the territory through which it operates. When that is done the reluctance of the Ke'nalo lo sanc tion I ho construct Ion' of branches will crumble. And the betterment thai is now being made in the financial'poslltoii of the sys. stem is strong evidence that the thing can be done, and that I!, will he done at no very distant dale. BIOLOGICAL MUSEUM TO. BE HERE AND PRIVATE INTEREST SOLICITED. TO MAKE ITS COLLECTION COMPLETE. (continued from pnge one) fishing gear used in all countries. This would be Contained in a museum provided for the purpose. A vote or $70,000 for the stations had been provided In the estimates. The difficulty they found was in getting qualified men who were willing to carry on the investigations. Plenty of people would investigate, the migrations of the star fish, but none wanted to invest fgale the life history of the halibut. Work In East. At (li'o present titne about a di2en people were do'lhff scientific Work at the station at I)e n;i l'l frt ilfiv lltlilnt Tin Plnmnri'a io far most of the work hail been done on the Atlantic, particularly in connection with the lobster fisheries. .Maps showing the temperature of the water and lidal drifts had been prepared and a great deal of work In connection with propagation in the streams as far west as Ontario. On Hie Pacific- ,lbe lack' of money and :worker-' had been a' handicap. ' Wlia't Ws 'k"'(hVtV of the halibut wfts chiefly from the efforts of Dr. Thompson, M Stanford University, who had been brought here by the Provincial noycrriinent. Dr. Gilbert, ; of the same university, had also invest Ifra'led the salmon and published a report. Fraser Hopeless. The board has engaged a man lo InVesligale the food of Ibe salmon' on the Fraser HiVer While this was of doubtful utility, Mr. DybhaVn srtid he did not think it advisable lo oppose the Vbrk. At nres'enf the KTieena' Ava's the chief salmon producer In Ibe province. The Eraser was of doubtful value owing In International cornpll-ciHions. (lanada was soendinir money studying (bo situation. which he considered hopeless, 'Ilie establishment of the new station here would 6pen up the work of the boiird on (Ills coast, both In regard to Ilie halibut and snlipon. Dr. .McLean had Ih connect Ion with (be board published nh Interesting pamphlet on marine borers, copies of which mlgfij b.e obtained. H EMORRHOIDS Do npt auffer another Any wrtt.'i Itching, mewling, or IrotnidIng T ' 1 1 . . nr ll.lnnwllnlt. K?a surgical operation required. I)r. Cliae' Ointment will relieve you at onco ami aft tint laitlntr benefit 0o a box; all dealem. or IMmannon, Ilatet Si Co Limited, Toronto. Sample box fre. YOU WANT THE FINEST CANNED SALMON n n i iuperi Drana Selected V Skeena Sockeye For picnics, choose "Rupert Brand" Salmon. A few tins in Iho pnntryVtire always handy. . Stock a supply .opyiJuMioat-tlial's a good idea. SOtti'EVERYWHERE. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTHING BETTER The Autocrat of the Candy World. PURDY'S CANDY A Toothsome Delight in a Beautiful Box. Sole Agents PRINCE RUPERT CIGAR STORE WE CASH CHEQUES. How to Stay Married! He deserves the best Give Him Electric Bread Subscribe for 'The Daily News KtfKttKtttlttKttKtliKKtSiESKttt Mn t -. .