m rk .fid, J ns roam. Aupu BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManv, Money I'M "TOO OON'T MEA.ts OH- MRJ 0CVb DON'T-TELL. ""TOO eROTE "YOU t- oOULQ J col THlNKtNi, tJERlQOflL'Y I CT tvlP x'.PT IVN ... U.WO I' TO TELL MP VOl ME THNT YOU' uu 1 ' w i i 11 Orders OF OUT NO WOULD COY. THW LTf I e coNq to eoe eoeeEO - you con-t VOUR HMR XOO CARE tOO WCXJUbNT On Norway, Sweden and 7 boboeo OF HMR OF VOURb I I I X I SILL CHILO vouf? ft r cwe p i oeo: Denmark at Current Rates vm ' vekn i E)E.4JTiPtL HAie- RICHT - J' I V ! S v of Exchange. WELL rr i v ' i Make your reservations 1 1 jC for' that Summer Vacation visit to the Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, seo us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybliavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. DRY Birch & Cedar Wood Cut any length. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue. Phone 580. Night or Day. WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, S t 6. Phone 086. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment!. M. S. SING SPECIAL DRY PRESSING To July 1. 1 Suit . . . . 75c Phone 774. 820 Third Avenue P.O. Hox 88. Prince Hupert, 1J.G. Agent for Society Brand Clothes Now showing Spring Patterns and Styles Thor Johnson Second Avenue EDSON COAL Received few cars of our Famous I;dson Coal. From now on wc can supply the same in any quantities. Call up 58 for quick delivery. Prince Rupert Feed Co LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Speclallxe In Piano and Furniture Moving. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Pure Fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. Direct from the farm to the home. Phone Black 216. P.O. Box 895. SONS OF CANADA WINNERS AGAIN Beat Sons of England by 3 to 2 In Stuart Shield Football Game Last Night. Though t lie Sons of Canada outplayed the Sons of Kngland in lasf highl's Stuart Shield foot ball fixture, it was only hy means of a fluke shortly hefore the eml of the game (hat lliey obtained victory, by a score of 3 to 2. The Canuek.4 had the best of it all the way, except for the flrsl fifteen minutes when the Eng lishmen, playing on the down grade, started with a rush and scored two goals before the Canadians got started. The firsf was made by Dickens and the second by Tinker who made an individual run right through the Canadian defence. Krskine opened the scoring for the Sons of Canada with a shot (fiat should have been saved by tho English goalie. After a long spell of pressure in the second half, Warren was successful in scoring an equalizer for the Sons of Canada. The pressure was continued and the Canucks had the co'nlrnl of the play but were unable to score. Five minutes before time, W. I.anibie, in goal for the Englishmen, gave (lie game away with a blunder which converted u cross by Marks between the goal posts which he was guarding. Ragged Game. The game was ragged in places. Perhaps the best soccer was played by t lie Canadian for ward line, which, though good in combination, showed weakness in finishing. The Sons of England might have been able to save the game had they had a more experienced goal keeper. Tom Jones referre.ed. A. Clapperton and S. L. Warrior were linesmen and the learns took the field as follows: Sons of Canada S. Gaw- thorne; Vic Menzies and Harry Menzies; Eddie Smith, .1. Mit chell and II. Astoria; A. Mitchell, II. McDougall, S. Krskine, K. Warren and J. Marks. Sons of England W. Lambie; II. Howe and Hales; F. Hodgkin- son, George Kelsey and P. Cam eron; George Hill, Jr., Munro, linker, Dickens and George Shcnlon. Sport Chat Now that Gil's have withdrawn from the city baseball league and as equitable a distribution as possible of I h c players thus re leased has been effected between the Sons of Canada and Cijlum bus Club, the second half of the season should be featured by good evenly contested games and the interest in the sport should be enhanced considerably as a result. The first game is sclie doled to take place this evening and fans will no doubt lie out in good numbers to see how Things rurn out under tho new arrange- MACDONALD'S 9 Iiiienl. Since the Gaiiueks are ahead as a result of the flrsl half, it may be expected that the strength of the disbanded lobac conisfs' leain will be turned in the direcloh of I lie Columbus Club. In sending a football team to Ocean Falls next week, Prince Hupert. is keeping faith in an un dertaking made fast year by the Fair Hoard .when, in reTurn for the sending of a football leain here from Ocean Falls during Ex. hitiilioii week, a' promise was given that there would be, a re turn engagement in Ocean Falls this year. The excursion now planned will mark the meeting this year of Prince Hupert and the paper town in all. the three sports of lacrosse, baseball and soccer. Plans of the Fair Hoard for Exhibition week tills year will undoubtedly provide for a visit from some sport aggregation from t he Falls. If is expected that Anyox and Ketchikan will also be represented here at that lime and I lie indications are that Hie inler-to'wn sport bill for fiie occasion will be as interesting as any of the past. PLAYERS SELECTED FOR OCEAN FALLS Team To Meet Paper Makers In Two Game Series Next Week Chbsen By Executive of Association. Die executive of tlie Prince RUpert Football Association met last night and chose the following players to make J hp. (rip to Ocean Falls for a twd-game serifs with' the paper-inakers on Augus II and 12. Knox and Hunter, G.W.V.A., II. Hamilton, Callies; W. Murray, (J.W.V.A.; .1. Harris, Callies; P. Cameron, S. of K.; O. Cochrane, Callies; A. Mitchell, McDougall and Krskine, S. of C; Tinker, S. of E.; Andrews, Callies, and Roberts, G.W.V.A. The schedule for I he second half of the competition for the Stuart Shield was set out and will be released by Ihe secretary of (he leligufi in a few days. It will otieii On tho week of August 18 after the. Ocean Falls' games. PRINCE GEORGE IS ON 600TH VOYAGE C. N. R Steamer Arrived Here First Oh July 24, 1910, And Has Been Operated Steadily Since. Today the C. N. H. steamer Prince George, Cap). Harry Ned- don, is making her Onnth voyage in the coast service, after fourteen years of successful opera tion. Huill at Newcastle, England, and arriving on this coast by way of Cape Horn, the Prince George entered the. harbor of Prince Rupert on her maiden voyage. Her first skipper was Cfipt. George Robertson. Since that time the vessel bus operated steadily In Hie local service and has heed blessed wlllf d career thai has been marked with few: accidents, these few being of a minor nature. In the fall of 19(1, the Prince George saw war service, having been requisitioned as a liosfplal ship for a few months, while German warboats were at large in the Pacific ocean. The present officers of the Prince' George are: Harry Ned-den, captain; E. Mabbs, chi6f officer; Alex. Munro. chief engin eer; J. A.' Crawford, purser; Adam Ramsay, chief steward. LET THEM KNOW IT. If you have a thing to sell I.e the public know it I If its merits will compel, Advertise and show ill People do riot often buy Things they-cannot see or try, Pell 'em or they'll pass it by, Let the public know it. If you have a crop to raise, First you have to sow it. If you want your trade io grow, Grab your horn arid blow ill H'uyers ilon'l have second sight, The unknown never wins thefi'i, quite! ' Hul you can rouse an appetite, If you let them know it. Whim your lamp is I rimmed and bright.. ' . It slmuldn'l be concealed. What profit- can-nu' hope to make . From virtues'" unrevealcd. .'o mailer how you may despair ill If your goods have any merit, Men will buy if you declare II, For knowledge makes 'em yield. BUILDING ACTIVITY Fourteen Permits Issued During July Involving Expenditure of 544,877 Including two churches, four new residences and eight repair jobs, building permits issued hy the cily for the month or July represented an expenditure of 877. i The permits were hs follows: A. MacDonaJd, repairs lo resi dence oh Sixth Avenue West, 500. A. Hunter, residence on Hays Cove Circle, $2,500. Presbyterian Church, Fourth Avenue East, $23,500. S. M. Johnson, residence on Hays Cove Avenuo and Eighth Avenue. $1,500. Jean Johnson, repairs lo build ing on Second Avenue, $300. M. Shimiizu, repairs to building on Eraser Street, $700. School Hoard, repairs to King Edward School, $727. M. T. Lee, repairs lo residence on Mcltride Street between Third nnd Fourth Avenue lo be Used as laundry, $i50. Atlas lloiler Works, addiliort lo building at Cow Hay, $500'. tlishop of Caledonia f(r conv plefioh of Church of England, $10,000. J. XareMI, repairs In Royal lloel, $100, . W. , Ia,wrjiurlt. . residen.ee nr( Viz Lb15 c Fine Git i W For those Smokers who like their tobacco Cut Fine or who roll their own MACDONALD'S fine Cut Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leaa than BOc WANTED WANTED. rFurrilturo of every description, Highest . prices paid. Prince Rupert Exchange, Auctioneers. Phono C52. WANTED Position as house keeper or work with private family. Apply liox 197, Daily News Office. 182 FOR OEKT FOR RENT Three roomed cot tage, furnished; near Ilordcn Street school. Apply 818 Summit Avenue. Phone lllack 293. FOR RENT. Two largo apart ments down town near" Post ' Oflice. Apply Stork's Hardware. If FOR RENT. Three large house keeping rooms,' furnished complete. 218 Second Avenue. FOR RENT. Palmer House for cheap rales and home Comforts. Houses for rent also, tf FOR RENT Four room, modern, heated apartments. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT Modem apartment, 'furnished. McCafTery & Gibbons, Ltd. MODERN Four Roomed Flat for rent. Westenhaver Hros. FOR RENT Four room dwelling. 731 Eraser Street. 182 1 LOST LOST Auto crank handle. Finder please return to 25 Taxi. FOUND FOUND. An I.O.U. Owner car. have same at Daily News oflice by proving ownership and paying for Ibis advertisement, t.f. MISCELLANEOUS FOR DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, phono 27. Eighth Avenue East Section 7, $1,000. F. Fugimolo, residence oh Al- lin Avenue, Weslview,. $2,500. Helgerson & Co., repairs lo Albert Illock, $000. ' FIRES FOR MONTH Department Responded to Three Alarms and Damaae Is Estimated at Over $5,000. The fire department responded lo three alarms during tlio month of July, and tho damage is estimated a something over $5,000. The most serious fire destroy ed a residence at H 1.5 Comox Avenue, A defective chimney caused n blaze in I lie residence of George Waiidell, Fifth Avenue East, rcsultiig in $100 damage. The accidental lighting of a match caused minor damage in a residence on Heach Place oc cupied by Mrs. Karkle. WEATHER REPORT Maximum Temperature During July Was 80 and Sun Shone on Nineteen Days Tie following weather report for the month of July was issdei this morning by II. O. Crew. Do minion meteorologist: Mean I e nine ml lire. CC.i. Maximum: teni'peralure, 80 on July 25. Minimum temperature. 15 on July 10. Rainfall, fi.38 inches. Sunshine, 152 hours. Days on which sun shone, 19 Ol24 if Imt-l Fcatu I Crrsl Rriuin FOR SALE FOR SALE One 1921 Oldsmobile Six, 5 passenger louring car; run 3,000 miles; just like new. $1,150; easy tonus. Kaien Garage. 180 FOR SALE One 1919 Reo Six. 7 passenger louring car. $1,000; in good condition; terms if necessary. Kaien Garage. 180 FOR SALE One 1920 Ford lonr- int,' car; in good mechanical condition. $250.00; make your own terms; Kaien Garage. 180 FOR SALE. Sixteen room room ing house and store; all furnished. Full sized basement with new hot air furnace. Terms arranged. This building Is right in front of tho Dry Dock, 929 Ambrose Avenue, tf OR SALKFivo acres on Law-son Harbor, Lewis Island; with dwelling house, chicken houses and outhouses and large garden; price very moderate. Apply Hox 196, Daily News Of-lli'c. 181 OR SALE. Waterfront lots, one and- two -acres, surveyed; good anchorage, Jap Inlet, Porcher Island. Apply Hox 194 Daily News Office. FOR SALE Ford Runabout De livery; in good running order; $200.00 cash. Also several other good buys in used cars. S. E Parker, Ltd. tf FOR SALE- Two used Ford en gines; suitable for conversion for marine use. $50.00 each. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FOR SALE -Chevrolet Touring Car; overhauled and 'in good condition; $250.00 cash. S. E. Parker, Ltd. PLEASURE HOAT FOR SALE 28 feel long, 5 foot beam. C. L. lleindel. Cold Storage. tf FOR SALE. New and used Machinery, floats and Engines. Northern Exchange. tf fOR SALE or Lease, Royal Cafe. BOARD AND ROOM- HILL FARM, TERRACE -Hoard and residence for the holidays. On (he bench overlooking town ami airy on tlio warm days. " Farm fare. Good cuisine. Tennis. Splendid accomodation for children wilh playing field, etc. Enilre charge of children when desired. Lanfoi;.' A French, Hill Farm, Terrace, 11. G. HOARD and Room at tho Inlander centrally located, one half block from Post Olllce, 830 Second Avon. Phono 137. If AUCTION SALES. Ooods Bought, Sold or Exchanged H. H. HEMMINGS, Auctioneer. Furniture and; Crockery, Third Ave. Phones Ulack 136 and Red 442 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni lure Store. We Duy, Sell and Ex charigo New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPULIS, 839 Third Ave. Phone 616. TAXI ' Taxi 67 Phono (Call George. Paul or Gust) Prompt Service and Comfort Day or Night Stand: .10SS BROS. POOL ROOM Mooker Block, Across from Empress Hotel. Scnvitt1. I nghu rfKtvw mm t MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL tiays, closes at 3.45 p.m, From thb East Mondays, Thursdays and Sat. urdays, p.m. To Vancouver- Mondays, mail closes a' 10 PI Tuesdays, Mall closes at 4 tx Thursdays 10 PI Saturdays . , Saturdays 10 n C.P.R. July 25 and u From Vancouver-Sundays . Mondays . PI Wednesdays PI Fridays A.I Fridays " PI C.P.R. July 21 and 8 To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays t P.JL Sundays : , f pjl r- . ii I rrum Hnyox, miicb rm mm 'f'.. JL- .1 vt u m'M i uusii.iys i- .1 1 Thursdays """ V-'l To Stewart and Premier- Sundays T D Fridavs 9 'J From Stewart and Premier- Saturdays .... Tuesdays 1 J To Port Simpson-Sundays 7 U Thursdays ii I From Port Simpson- Tuesdays Saturdays To Alaska Points- July 2t and 28. From Alaska Points- July 23 ami 26. To IVIasseit, Port Clemen Buckley Bay- Monday mail closes C p"! From Massett, Port ClemenH Buckley Bay Wednesday mail due To Naas River Points and t' Simpson- Thursdays 10 P" From Naas Hlver Points Saturdays A. M Tuesday. July 29 High 12:30 n.m. 17 1 " Low 0:21 a.m. 4 18:13 p.m. Wednesday. July 30 High 0:14 a.m. i- 13:11 p.m. I Low 0:59 a.m. 1 K 18:53 p.m. Thursday, July 31 High 0:51 a.m. 13:14 p.m. 8 Low 7:3 4 a.m, 19:32 p.m. J LAND ACT. -.I.. . . ... i ... I In Oueon Charlotte Hliimls MJ' ':,.,, itoortllnr MM let t Skraiw. n'V.I 'il In front of Mock IS, U.L. I ' ,,n (.iiipoii Ch.ulotic IslnmU. ....i.ji rane woucii Hint utirno n. Massf it, occupation rinnrry ""n?f'tt in I incl to apply ror permnnlun t. i", fnllnu'lncr fnrAghitn. m.L I clwr at a tmt planted at the , " ,ff corner of. illock U: thence '' a south ahoiit (00 feet to, low '', 'Lj tlirncB northerly alonr low "rt to a point west 83 Or1, wwltt , 'ii, i west cornernr Mock 19: tticm; ih nnnhwest corner of Block Miuthcrly alonK hltrh water nirx 11 r nrwi ftiiMininiF 1 .ppiii more or ': Kill I" I LAND AOT. ....... .... .. . . . i i .in none or imanuon io p&". miit in oneen niinrlotte ihihi a . npAF.iino rii.fi.it nr Prince Itilpr.ri. and Rlluiite nenr Tow HID. Ornlm'" 'D,f TAKE NOTICE that I, ; llnir. of 3A89 CflinlirhUc street, )" ii. c, occupation ninnuraiiiirer. apply Tor pcrinliUlon I" ','"' v'... it Inir itenerlhed lands: f-imnienr.n post planted near the font " ', K east aide, thence northerly ;' . iif murk; llicncn westerly following u mark RO chains: thence soiit e 'J ry. chains; thence easterly 80 rhain of romtnencpinent and eontalnins more or leas. nnwl'v . nr.onnn w 'ini;Jlj,tifi PAVE rtUTTEN, ' Dale, June t, 1891.