1 lk .jaVfclV V Vi LI -Oil I l'to'i'l! 7 jUiVO ' Vila WMl' I Camp with a Kodak Whether a week in the woods or a day at the 'shore, a Kodak is an essential part of your equipment. At our counter you'll find the Kodak you need; also a complete line of ' accessories and "the dependable film in the yellow box." Autographic Kodaks $6.70 up Ormes Limited THE REXALL STORE Phones 200 and 82 Third Avenue f 1 urn :eise Lodge Lakelse Lake, via Terrace, B.C race TAXI Jvuvy open for service under management oT Mrs. M. Kavtn. Ideal place to spend your summer holidays. Heas-oituble rale-, (iood home cooking. Comfortable rooms. FiMung, Boating, liulhing in Lakelse Lake and .Streams. BATHS AT THE LODGE CONNECTED WITH THE i HOT SPRINGS. Motors operating Taxi and Launch Service between Terrace and Lyjgc landing, assuring guests of quick, comfortable trip. Also operating taxi service to all parts of the valley. For reservation and rales, apply to LAKELSE LODGE, OR TERRACE MOTORS, ' TERRACE, D.C. J$3 PLV COTTo'MVODVETfEiER PANELS isor panelling your rooms it rivals the most costly hardwoods. Hejuveiialo your Hume Quickly and Permanently. Sole Agents Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 1 6 and 564. l CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service? Sailings from PrinceRupert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS LOUISE For Vancouver, Victoria, and Seattle August 2, 6, 13, 16, 23, 27 For'iKctclilkan, Wrangoll, Juneau, Skagway August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oceai Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van cotiver, overy Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD; General Agent. Comer of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruport, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailings rroin Prince llupcrt. vOP VANrnnurn uirrnoiA o ......... .. r. . .. . ...... ..... -. .... - Bu . . w w ..vlv...n w n biivum auu Htcn par uviaili o r .m. r.. ua... . . . . . .umiuuvtK, VICTUHIM. Al.rt Bav. and Swan.nn Ray. S.lurrf.v. 10 A.M. v FfiP KUb'f. W ' m I t r w an.. ... . - . , , - - . blivi Rum, nicwAKi, want island, Sunday, s P.M. r-or 1-ort SIMPSON ind Nm River Cinnirlti, Friday A.M. B23 2nd Avinu. J. Birniliy. Aunt. Print RuDirt. B O. Tile's August Sale of house furnishings eoiiiniences Friday. 181 1 Mrs. Oossett arrived from the South on the Princess Alice this morning. Mrs. J. YV. Sm'ilh, of llanall, sailed last night on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs, J. M; Wick sail ed last jiijjht on Hie Prince Ru pert, for Vancouver. All engineers attend meeting tonight in Carpenter's Hall. Spe cials business. Secretary. The economical buyer cannot overlook the Home Furnishings values at Tile's August Sale. 181 Wrestling. Xels Jepson, Can adian champion liirhl-hcavy- weight, vs. Jack Ifurns, Spokaiie, impress lhealre, August 5, tf Union steamer Venture, Cant A. Johnstone, was in port from 7.;i0 to 8.30 lliis morninif. hound from Vancouver to Skeena and Xaas lliver points. The case of Frank Gomez, charged with breaking and en tering the residence of J. YV Moorehoiise, Kighth Avenue East, is proceeding in the County Court this aflcrnoon, before Judge Young. C.P.H. steamer Princess Alice I'apl. Oriniston, was in port from to 9.30 this morning north bound, from Vancouver lo Skajr-way. The vessel had the usual large quota of round-trip tour ist passengers. - C.N. II. sleamer. Princu-Geo.rge Capt. Harry Nedden. from Van eouver and way ports, is. due to arrive on time at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The ll-ain fronr the Easl, due a I .o'clock, is also reported on time. I'lans for the reception of Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian .National Itailvvays, and his parly on their visit to the city next week will be discussed at the monthly meeting of the Prince lluperi Hoard of Trade tonight. The Salvation Army Home League held its annual picnic at McUymonf Park yesterday after noon. There was a good crowd in attendance. Games and races were held and xupner was serv ed. Capt. and Mrs. line were in charge. .Mrs. Sehuilz and Klhel Coombs apeared in the city police court today before Justice of the Peace . I. .MaciiHiiald. each heinc charged with creating a disturbance. The former was remanded on 25 hail until tomorrow and the charge against the hitler was lismtssed. In Ihe Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations in con nection Willi St. Josephs' Aen- demy Primary piano Miss Margaret MrCallery passed wild honors and passes were also secured by Misses Mary McCalTery and Al'etla McKinley. In elementary piano honors went t Miss Helen McCalTery, while those who secured passes were: .Misses Marie Muroliv a. in jllulde. Grace Ackroyd mid Olive' .Munro. Kxlreme reirrel was exoii-ssiil 'i'J' the inliers of Ihe Viclorin 'yro Club at llieir luncheon yes-1 jterday over Ihe departure from' uns ciiy or .Ir. Newton F. Pollen, who leaves for Vancouver on I i Wednesday night. Mr. Pullen. a charter member of the Vie-1 loria chili, who served several; Serins on the directorate of thai body, and was the local club's deb-Kale lo the Gyro internation-,al convention in Milwaukee last year, has been appointed editor of Telephone. Talk, the monthly inajrazine, issued from the Van (HIIVI! .llVil'K , f Una It ' 'Coin phoheCOniiiany. Victoria Col- Olllsl: on w ii Every department of Tile's Store at sale prices for August; '.5.0V r Local and Personal 181 John llucklex. sailed last night 'IIWH U. C. Undertakers. Phono 41. on the PrinjgJrlliipert for Vancouver, '"...If Hayuors, Undertaker. Pbmip 351. tf Mrs. II. J. llradhiiry sailed this inorniiiK by thesi'Princess Alice to Prince Hupert Annual Exhihi- visit in Juneau;: i- lion, Seplcmhcr 1) to 13. tf J. McDonald was lined $25 in I). Zarelli sailed last night on the city police' court this morning the Prince Rupert for Victoria. for intoxication. Jack Toner sailed last night t lie Prince Hupert for Seallle ith Hoston as his ullmate des tination, r ' e . Ivor FoiiKiier, Indian aenl for Delia Coola dslricl. sailed last night on the Prince Hupert for Vancouver. Mrs. J. llrcfno sailed this morning on the Princess Alice for Ketchikan,. 'where she will join her husband and' reside. ' Miss Anna Lundquist, of the lloyal Hank -sjarf, sailed this morning by the Piinccss Alice for Ketchikan, on., a holiday trip. H. F. Henson sailed last nighl on the Prince lluperi for Ocean Falls on business in connection with the Fair Hoard's forthcom ing carnival quqcn contest. r-r II. llell-Irving, of Vancouver, who has been In the district for Ihe pasl weeje... Visiting, his can nery interests; returned south on Ihe Prince Hupgri last night. . Mr. and fMrs, W. L. Stamford and family, of ihe Digby Island marine station, sailed last nighl on the Prince lluperi for Vic toria on a vacation trip. The arches ht .the Exhibition Hall have been completed by Contractor J. iilain.. The in terior ajipearaucepf Hie building is much improved; as u result of the work. . t Passengers WlHjig fliis morn ing on the Prince Alice for I lie uorlli included ..Mrdand Mrs. C. O Marwod for Junijau: Mr. Mc- Mullen, N. Xelsoii and N. Gun derson fof, Jvtyelill an Going like hfil cakes! Tickets for I lie Trad eg and Labor basket picnic on Sunday,' Ijoals leave Cow Hay 'J.30 lo 11.30. Tea ami coffee provided. Tickets, adults 1.00, includes the, family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Massey and Miss Massey, nurse of New York, and sister of Mr. Massey. who has been visiting here for the past few weeks, sailed this morning on the Princess Alice lo make Iho round trip lo HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prlnco Rupert n. ichers, .miss ji. neieii Miss Fdilh McKay, Thomas Ii iv. : f i . . .. i. rerris, u. n. rogg ami J. A. Hobda', Vancouver; J. Armstrong, Victoria; . J. JelTer-son, Sonierville; J. p. Kggle- sllilW. 'IVriVlpe- .llli 'I'urriill nilu- V.. (i. Norman Crosse, Franking- f ham, 1 31 III 1'tirv1iini1 Kngland. Central L. i.. Paradis. l'aradis, Vancouver: Vancouver; .. II. 11. Mch'ernan, Smilhers; Hen Ilnvi snlllli Wiling. W l Hudson, 11. Pyne and 11. C. Dav. idson, C.N.H.. When you uuy advertising yi,u .v CIIMXLATIOJN. and see that Swat the fly' with GILLETTS LYE A teaspoonful of Gillett's Lye sprinkled in the Garbage Can prevents flies breeding Use Gillett's Lye for all Cleaning and Disinfecting Coiti little but always effective 8 Just aglow with health kids who eat Kellogg's. And how they love 'em! 1st , With milk or cream, Kellof e' ' nour-iihin?, health-building, eatily li geited food. MANY GOITRE CASES AMONG THE CHILDREN NFLSON, July 31. That there are 382 pupils with goiter in I lie three Nelson schools was shown by the health report for the school year just finished; prepared by Dr. K. C. Arthur, health officer, for Dr. II. E. Young, pro vincial health officer at Victoria, and the school board here. This report was submitted to the board at its meeting. "Most of these goiters will disappear when the subjects are between 17 and 20, if not before. without treatment," said Dr. Ar thur. "Most of them arc very small. Hut there are a consid erablc number of pupils in .whom Ihe condition will be permanent unless they arc treated, and I would recommend Ihe iodine treatment." LARKIN NOT SURE ABOUT EXHIBITION LONDON. Aug. 1. Heforo sailing for Canada where he will spend six weeks, Hon. P. C. Lar-kin, Canadian High Commission er, said he was not in favor of continuing the Ilrilish Empire Exhibition next year, but that he inighl change his opinion later. IS MADE BISHOP. LONDON, Aug. 1. Ilev. Ernest Harnes, canon of Westminster. has been appointed Hish of Hir- mingham. SALT LAKES SERVICE Tho Launch "23" will leave Swanson's Float on Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday afternoons every half hour from 1 p.m. until G.30 p.m. and on other weekdays at 2, 4 and G.15 p.m. Tho last boat homo each day will leave tho Salt Lakes float sharp at 7 p.m. Sunday and holiday picnic parties specially arranged for. Launches, rowboats and canoes for sale and hire. Prince Ruport Hnalhouse. Advertise in the Dally Newa. AllU crupr, crunchy goodneu ii a treat to erery appetite old and young. CORN PLAKES Ovtn-frtth alwayi No cook sticky dithei to waih. Kellogz'a savei a heap of work. Reidjtouj, orai. ing. No t- i August Clearance Sale of Furniture Vc must reduce our stock to make room for fall shipments therefore, starting Monday, August Mh, we will sell at sacrifice prices our entire range of House Furnishings, including Linoleums, Carpels and Hugs, Draperies and Blankets. WATCH THIS ADD AND OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS Barrie's Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue and 1st Street. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Olty Tlcktt Offlc. S28 Third At rrlnca Rupart. Phone 123. STEAMSHIP SERVICE S.S. Prince Rupert or Prince George Will sail from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points each Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 11.00 p.m. FOR ANYOX Wednesday, 10.00 p.m. FOR STEWART Friday, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SERVICE. S.S. PRINCE JOHN Tor IVtasset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay, every Monday, 8.00 p.m. For Skldegate and all ports south every Wednesday at 8.00 ii.m. PASSENQLR TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. leave Prlnre Unpen 5.00 p.m. for PIUNCE GEORGE, EDMONTON WIN -Nlt'BO, all points Eastern Canada. Uniinil states. ' Phona 2SO. SHOE FASHIONS OF THE SMARTER KIND ONYX FAULTLESS FITTINC FOOTWEAR ONYX There is an appreciated touch of novelty and smartness in the much admired ONYX styles. Made in Patent Colt, Kid, Calf Skin ami Calf Suedes and Saljn.s. Priced at $7,50 to $11.50. Family Shoe Store