i 1 aid the government proposed immediately lo introduce legisia- I i It a . I 1 i . .1 1 II... lion giving eueci 10 ine Aiigio-irisn treaty in reguiu iu no; joimdury between the Irish Free State and the North. They will ness for passage of thai legislation through parliament regurd- ... ii. . i less oi consequences to me government. IRITISH SEEK DISARMAMENT Kn Meantime Will Continue A i- mm I - 0...... 1 1 M 1 1 ..I margin ui omuij niumut Being Provocative. LONDON, Aug. I. The Par- BHin'ary secretary lo the ad-liraf C G. Ainiiion. stated in ip Hcun" of Commons last night i;ii h ig lo pressure of inler-Hi ;;at affairs (he minister had re i unable lo give full consid- ra ion lo the question oT di-Fniiamenl. He understood Dial soon as practicable every s depl be-! ue-i fould be no departure from irhat Hie liovernmenl deemed a niarj.Mii of safely. Nothing Sglil ould be done of a provocative iture by way of infringing on listing pads. 10LENCE IS THREATENED ly Four Thousand Strikers Newfoundland Pulp Mill. Would Destroy Plant. LONDON, Aug. The Labor tarly today lost a seal as a re- Ibiston. A. W. Dean, Conserva- was elected defeating Dal-on, (ive. Socialist, and Kingfrey, liberal. LEAGUE BASEBALL American Philadelphia, 7-3; Cleveland, Jloslon, I ; Chicago, 5. W ashlnglon, 1; Detroit. (). New York, 1-1; St. Louis, 2-5. .National SI Louis, 0; Philadelphia, 3. Pittsburg, 5; New York, 0. Chicago, I; Brooklyn, 1. Cincinnati Boston, rain. Bubcrlbe for the Daily NewB. EXHIBITS COMING Mineral Shipment Arrived Last Night From Anyox. Early Advice Desired By Board. A shipment of ore from the Oranby smeller and mine, for! Die mineral exhibit al the forth-! coming exhibition, arrived in tboi city from Anyox last night. Kx- dibits from the Dunwell and' other properties at Stewart, the Belmont at Surf Inlet and from the (Juecti -Char-lotto Islands arc expected shortly. The Fair Hoard,' is desirous that those Interested In the fur- DENTAL DELEGATES PLEASED WITH TRIPl Made Presentation to CN.R. Official Who Accompanied Them From Port Arthur IN FOR FALL FAIR't " rushed ? n.. n,. v. Vancouver with them. CONFERENCE LIKELY SETTLE ALL TODAY iiiilulnrnlintr iinililpins of HlC COtl- tference put up to them for solu- Hon before the day was over. CORINTHIANS TO PLAY .MONTREAL, Aug. 1. The fa minis Corinthian fool hall a in' a leur team, will open their Cana- addict, STUART MacLAREN AT PETROPAVLOSK rouia we laneii to can mio :. ., i-n.,.,i.an i,i,i ;,, Hip ...... . . ..Ira .miii Harry tiarnalian, lieiu in me , . . . ,. , iiiuiHrt district -c-. agricultural .iLTiciillnrnl - TOKIO, Aug. I. Stuart MacLuren and his companions are stili al Pot-ropavlosk iu Kamchatka. No del ails of the cause of delay have been received, but il is believed that 'the parly is weal her bound. BLED TO DEATH IN CITY JAIL Harry Carnahan Severed artery In Wrist and Died Soon Afterwards SUPPOSED KILLED SELF soinelli in me naiure oi , - ig ng , vnuiP " . . ....... ...... '.-viiii.iifc i,.i,iiniiii pale wi h Hie city ooliee station since vesler- ,n ituen.uiionai ro n.erence office " " - at . . - , al(J sus,ected of a view ,o arr.v.iib- . ui. . - - - . , , dj((J , 1 ......In J li.ll itk til 'kllti TltV I... nxuiiiinw In. :ii.l lliere "lu,,lt i " - oiu! Sergeant liailey went lvh ..HIV., vm k i ii ..i. ii. nthi ti.pv Fi 1 tJVIIl.l 1IH.. ilUrf . II1IUUMII IUV WlJ swfc n.f,.... W , ... . (. . . , tb the hospital where he HVlllHU ullMI'l I V !l f I (tf'UTU Vila f Piml Kei.nv of Ibis city joined llio - - ull of the by-election caused l'yid,lU.Kle- l(,re HI1() proceeded t0 loss of blood be dealh of William S. Royce, Labor member for Holland-wilh- According to the prisoners in t he jail, deceased cut himself about 7 o'clock. Asked al that time what he had done, he said he had cut his finger. Later, however, it was seen that some- 'thing more serious had been LONDON. Aug. 1. 'Experts of done and the alarm was raised, the tnter-allied reparations con- Not being considered a desperate ference indicated this morning'eharacter, Carnaban's cell had dial Ihev expected lo setllo all. been opened first thing this morning along with those of other prisoners as is the custom. Llllle is known of Carnahan but he staled to fellow prisoners that he was 38 years of age and had come from, United States. Acquaintances lie had formled in the city believed he was a drug dlan tour here tomorrow when An inquest will be held tomor- they will meet an all-star team, row ink) ruing at 10 o'clock before Sir Arthur Currie will kick off. Cnn..ner Walter' Gale. IIIU General Hospital shortly after 9 llheiii and confusion avoided at o clock tins morning, itieeuing to Ihe time of the Kxhibilion unen-'death from a cut on the rigiil i,,,, wrist believed (o have been self inflicted with a safety razor blade in cell No. G which he was Carnahan landed iu jail yester day niurning at 3.10 o clock, lie 'was arrested at the General Hos pital on complaint from the staff. He went to the hospital stating that he had been sent there by a doctor. This was denied by the .L.nlH It. ...mut it.ti Til.. ,1111'UOa Highly pleased with the rail, ... , . ....., At, Hp we,.. 40 de.,ga.es fmm - ken to jail. Eastern Canada' to Ihe Canadian ' . all bhorlly af er 8 o clock h. Dental Association convenlion next week passed 'o''. l"" """" uii uiu; b ,...... . ..r ii.,.' ;.... i. iP,.i,. ii i Ain i.n.1. anu uniei tcRers arrneu, uiu Ifwfiiuiiil and Puln V J'aner Co i., itiirii trot! nl P.i Pt'l 11(111 1 II. ..r-r'-' " " ' -" -" ' . nil,. I, nil (..nil.... u'M'ilHr lliul tomorrow. It Is slated. (LABOR GOVERNMENT Prisoners in the lock-up at tracl-a,e,t fore the boat sailed for (he south ed be , .t e" n of U, L ley ,1 o'clock, they had the op- ,rtunity lo see the city and meet - ' ,.",'' . "i .; ZZmu ueaten lo destroy Ihe company .friends here. , .-- Ir "iT Unt .d fores.s in .he vicinl.y. . arrival here, the parly pre- the ii irem it Monroe leaves senieu ii. i") nr. inspvtim .. - he dis.nc. iiumeilia.ely. Hvery' peeping and dininp ; cars for hmTLi , to tlu. the street station. On pian is uemauuiug nee mcuis wm. u. ,......,.. ,, fllllllH r.g,.nnhnM vinc lie governmenl government ' s expense expense after. from Port Arthur, with a nanu-V"' ' ..,..., fI- te right U, and . safety e . o Service and Vourlesies extended raor blade near him Ihe man Uy well gone at hat time them. The party was me. up the inF WAT TfiI)AY line and. accompanied here, by H. anu i ier il 1UUAI. LUatiatAl Mexa,!,,,,., CN.R. district s'llc 'inl ' ,cd , a,n1 JInkelH I -n ,als( ,,ei" saturaled. He was here as soon as they had the building ready. History of Board. In skelching the work of the Hoard in the past, .Mr. Dybhavii said il bad llrsl been establish ed in an advisory capacity in 1 8118 under Hie direction of the department of marine and fish eries for Hie purpose of carry ing on scientific and research work. A floating laboratory on a scow was used first at SI. An- Irews. New Brunswick, and they commenced work on a limited scale. They moved to Canso. to Prince Edward Island points and lo Canso, Nova Scotia, and then lo Gaspc, Quebec. Finding that Hie arrangement did not fulfil a useful purpose Hie question arose of providing more up to . date plant. This was huill at St. Andrews and also a station was established al Departure Day, near Nanaimo, for Hie Pacific Coast, with Rev. Mr. Taylor in charge. It was equipped with suitable boats and apparatus and provision was made for students who wished to use il. New Laws Passed. Dissatisfaction arose again MAJOR ZANNI FLYING FAST BAGDAD, Aug. 1. Major Zaiini,- the Argentine round the world airman, arrived here al noon yesterday, 'and left for Basra four hours later. THREE ARE KILLED FELL FROM AIRPLANE CRAWFORDSVILLli, Ark., Aug 1. Two men and one woman were killed; when the aeroplane in which they were making an exhibition flight, fell fifteen hundred feet. BIRTH A son was born this morning iu the Prince Rupert General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs, O. J. Reading, of No. I, Summit Ap arlments. TAXI BOSTON GRILL 25 and Large Upstair Dining Hall, Ambulance with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for Service dances, banquets and wedding Anywhere at Anytime. parlies. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT For rales, apply to Boston and 6th St. Grill, Third Ave. MATT VIDECK, Prop. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 457. VOL. XIV., NO. 180, PRINCE nUPKHT, H.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1024. Yesterday Circulation, 1834 Street Salea. 638 PRICE FIVE CENTS. inici. iiuon UNDARY IS TO BE SETTLED SOON HALF COMPANY OF NAVAL VOLUNTEERS TO BE ORGANIZED IN THIS CITY British Government Will Press Irish Boundary Bill in Commons Regardless of Political Results LONDON, Aug. 1. The House of Commons upon re-as K'inliliiig took up the Irish question. Colonial Secretary Thomas ON 600TH VOYAGE. CN.R. steamer Prince George is entering on fifteenth year of successful service. Biological Museum to be Here and Private Interest Solicited thai Ihe board did not serve useful purpose and friction developed. The result was that a new law, "The Hiologieal Hoard Act." was .passed incorporating a separalo uody under the department of marine and fisher ies. Dr. Knight was chosen a mimlff nf llin Imurtl unit lulni t to Make its Collection Complete appointed chairman and retain- i ed that position today. members were appointed and still it was mil satisfactory Jo Ihe fishing industry. Representations were made and the law was amended giving three addi tional members, one representing the fishing industry on each coast and the other a govern ment official who was an expert. It was suggested that educational work should be car ried on al the stations, one on each coast. One was being completed at Halifax and the otber, it was expected, would be placed here. It would include a laboratory for invest iguling the preservation and curing of ditrerent kinds of fish and also would have specimens of the various (continued on page two) GOLD PLANTS NOT COMPLETE Will Be Sixty Davs Before Two Centres on Islands Will Be Worklna. C. T. Cabrera, manager of the B. C. Mines Co.. of Masse!!, wires to say that Ihe company has two plants for the recovery of gold in course of construc tion, one at Rose Spit and the other at Massett. II win lake sixty days lo complete these and it will therefore be some time before the real production of gold takes place. Mr. Cabrera is anxious thai no one should he misled into going to Massett wit h the idea of mining until it is established that Ihe precious metal can wj. "recovered from Ihe sands on u profitable basis. Subscribe for the Daily News Steps Being Taken Here to Form Naval Volunteer Corps Recruiting Likely Very Soon During the past eighteen months a naval volunteer reserve force has been started iu the Dominion with depots at various places as St. Johns, Toronto, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary, Kdmonton and Vancouver. At each of these places the units ar up lo strength and many have a waiting list of would-be recruits. The raising or a half company, 55 all told, has been proposed for Prince Rupert and it is expected that recruiting will be approved by the department of national defence in the near future. ; First At Victoria. The first formation of a volunteer reserve force w al Victoria, in 1013, though a similar movement has been iu force iu Great Ilrlain for many years. During I he recent war the personnel of the volunteer reserve was 1.37 4, but under Hie re-organization scheme of about 18 months ago, the strength was 1,000. Where units have been 7 5 per cent, of establishment, a permanent petty officer instructor has been appointed, head- A museum is lo be established here in connection with the j'luarters secured and stores sup-proposed biological station and it is hoped that private persons lllu'd in 'order l"1- Die well as the government will aid iu making it representative ofi,iu requisite may be given. the fishing iirdultb". according lo John Dvbhavn. who addressed) Drills -are -Ix.th intereSllrffr and the Rolary Club yesterday on the work of the biological board u( useful, members being given in-( Canada. He said it was always difficult and slow getting govern Islrucllon in seamanship such as ments to do work of that kind. In Sweden they had one of the rulp of ",e ,oa''. Iiplm an com- best biological museum?? lit the world and it was largely the re- 'pa- bends and hilches, knots soil of private effort. He hoped similar work would be doue,a,lJ splices, boat sailing, etc. Also gunnery, which includes! a;ieciures on amumiiou. iz pound. i er gun drill on a fixed mounting, months, during which time in- Other 'struction is given in all guns up lo- the latest C-inch, director firing, torpedo work. The oppor tunity also arises for service afloat for a similar period. Receives Pay. I In Hie event of a volunteer CONFER OVER RUSSIAN PACT Rakovsky Left For London Airplane After Hurried Trip to Russia. MOSCOW, Aug. 1. After By approved and have a strength oree! ,,f Slurried conferences with the Government in respect to Hie status of the Anglo-Rus sian conference, M. Rakovsky'. principal Soviet delegate,, left yesterday for London by airplane. New proposals, it is ex-ix'otwi w i 11 bri m g.1 JHonfenre-i it London to a successful SERIOUS MOVE DUBLIN STRIKE also a field service carriage, signalling in all branches. I the,C,tJ!8. E'etrlc Current Cut Off Volunteer reservists from west as far as Winnipeg are given the opportunity of training a) Esquimau Naval Har- racks for periods of 14 days to This Morning and Businesses Are Forced to Close DUBLIN, Aug. 1. A serious development occurred today in the strike of municipal workers who went out last week demanding increased pay. The electric current here was cut oTf this morning involving the closing of many factories and stores in the city. Dislocation of shipping at Ihe dorks was also i-niisod nnri reservist from Prince Hu-!iepe going , danger of ele slop-pert lo Lsquimall, he would re- , of t ;traffic ceive the pay of his rank or ral-i ing from the time of departure till return, together with free transportation both ways. Recent ly 32 volunteers embarked at Vancouver for a cruise to Halifax wilh the special service squadron. Eleven went to NARROW ESCAPE SOVIET HEAD the "Repulse" and 21 to the' LONDON. Aug. 1. President Hood," these men came from Kalenin of Soviet governmenl had Winnipeg and St. John. No ex- a -Hrrow escape from death by pense was incurred by them and lightning today when the house they will have an interesting jn u,e village in which he was lime, and see places which they taking refuge from the slorm was otherwise might not. struck by a boll. The. driver of When Ihe "Thiepval" left on ,is carriage was killed. her long trip lo Japan, 5 volun-j teer reservists formed part of ami y ri7C CICUIMP lift- eiimiilenient. The .same tllillgiVllLI I ML I lulllllll applies to the last cruise of the "Patrician" lo Mexican waters, though of course there were more than live, probably fifteen. Not Professional Sailor. The volunteer reservist does not have to be a professional sailor, bul must be a British subject, 18 to 10 years of age. After filling In the application form, he has to pass a strict medical examination, at ho cost lo himself, before being finally accepted. Only two units are allowed for the Pacific coast. Vancouver has one over full strength and Rupert has the opportunity for Ihe oilier, but only if sufficient recruits ure forthcoming in the near future. In the event of a unit being formed- here arrangements would very soon be made for as many as wanted lo proceed away for training in the South. BOATS WITH CATCHES Only five boats arrived in time for Hie sale today wilh their catches. They were: American Tahoma, 43,000, lo Allln Fisheries, at n.!0 and 7.. Prosperity, 21,000, to Pacific Fisheries, at 12.60 and 7. Canadian Fisher. 13,000, to Cold Storage Co., at 13.50 and 0. Cape Spencer, 7,000, lo Cold Storage Co., at 13 and 8.50. Point May. 5,000, .tp Royal Fish Co., at 13 and 9. NOT FLYINQ TODAY KIRKWA LL u g. 1 Th a U.8. aviators were unable to resume their flight today due In fog n the vicinity of Iceland. It is likely they will remain here over Hie week end.