PAGB SIX. S HE B.V-iY rTSWB Week-end Specials Green Corn on Cob, 2 for ... ... 15c l'er dozen . , 85c i New Wax Deans, 2 lbs. for ... .... 25c ! New (ireen Peas, 2 lbs. for ! 25o . Outdoor Cucumbers 15c, 20c, & 25c Vegetable Marrow, 3 lbs. 25c H.C, Celery, 2 for .. .. 25o Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. v 35c New Cabbage, 3 lbs. for 25c New Potatoes, 8 lbs. for 25c ;llalf sack $1.25 Per sack $2.25 Raspberries for Preserving Phone us for Prices. RupertTableSupply Three Phones aia,iu,2i2' F ollow the Crowd On Fifth Avenue Highway to the Kconomy Store. For One Dollar You gel more and more. We sell for less and keep the best SUGAR. 100 lbs. sack ... 30 lb. sack 20 lb. sack 10 lb. sack Lump. 2 lb. box Icing sugar, 2's $8.75 $4.60 $1.85 . 95c . 25c . 25c ECONOMY STORE 417 Fifth Avenue East. Phone 84. Cash & Carry Creamery Duller. lbs. 75c Lard, Swifts' Silver Leaf. 3 lbs. 65c, 5 lbs. 90c, 10 lbs. $1.75. Strictly Fresh I'.ggs, 2 dnz. 75o Ontario Cheese, per lb. 25c Heinz Sweet Mixed pickles, per pint ,. 40c Fresh Ground Coffee, 3 lbs. $1.00 Fanners' Tea, high grade?, 2 lbs. for $1.25 Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for 35c A fresh barrel of Ginger Snaps has arrived and with each order over $5.00 we will sell 5 lbs. of Qlnger 8naps for 50c. Farmers Market if v NOTICE. WIIKHEAS under the provMun of the lloyally Act, Chapter 76, Statutes 10 H, the royalty on timber to he collected ue-trlnnlnir January 1st, 1025. will, rnun Information now available, be more than three times the royalty now belli? collected, AM) AVIIEREAS iirireiit representations hare been nude that this Increase In royalty Is much heavier than the Industry can hear, AM) W1IEI1EAS the representation made have gow so far as to say that any attempt to collect this royalty beginning' January 1st next as upon the basis or the present Royalty Act would Immediately result In a sliiiidown of the entire Industry In the Province, .NOTICE Is hereby (riven that a public hearing upon this question will be held In the Executive Chamber, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, before the Executive Council or such .Members thereof as may be then, present, beginning at 10 o'clock Wednesday, September 3rd next. Anyone who has any evidence to submit or representations to make on the question of timber Royalties will be given opportunity to be heard and the public Is requested to take notice accordingly. T. 1. I'ATTULLO. Minister of l.nnrl. LAND ACT. Notict of Intention to Apply to Purchai Land. In Queen Charlotte Island l-mid District, Recording District- of Prince Rupert. and situate in the East Entrance of Justkatla Inlet. Take Notice that Edward Shannon of i Tort Clements, In the Province of Hrltlsh l Columbia, Gardener. Intends to apply for permission n jurriia? me roiiowmg ae-; scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the innrthwest point of this Island; thence southeast and on around the Island follow ing the shore line to the place of com mencement, and containing one and one hair acres or tana, more or less. El). SIIAN.NOS. Dated at Tort Clements .this 20th day of Jiity. iu:m. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ANYOX SCHOOL. SEALED TE.MIEIIS. endorsed "Tender ror one rtoom Addition to Anvox School will be received by the Honourable the Minister or public Works up to 18 o'clock noon f Tuesday, the mil day or August, 19il, ror the erection or a one room addition to the present rour room School-house at Anyux, In the Atlln Electoral District, no. Plans, Specifications. Contract and Forms or Tender may be seen on and after the ilth day of July, 1034, and rurther Information obtained at the Department or Public Works, Parliament Huildings. and at the orflces of the Government Agent, Vancouver: the Government Arent. Anvox: and the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Copies of plans, specifications, etc., ran lie obtained rioin me Department on pay ment of a deposit of Ten Dollars (I0.00) wmrn wu De rerunnea on meir return in good condition. The lowest or any tender not neces sadly accepted. r. riui.ii', Public Works Engineer. The Department of Public Works, Victoria. B.C. July Uth, mi- Sterling Furnace GOAL D.llvtred In Bulk. At $10.00 per ton. This Is a very superior furnace coal. It gives a clean hot fire and Is entirely free from soot, clinkers, slack and dirt. Some or tho largest heating plants In the city are now using It with entirely satlsfattory results. STERLING STOVE COAL, Delivered In Sacks. At $12.50 per ton. We are also Agents for the Famous LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON and TELKWA COALS. Prince Rupert Goal Go. Main Officii HoUl Cantral. Phon IS St. Regis Cafe t Prlnco Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed Third Avenue. DANCE At the Auditorium Friday Evening, Aug. 1st Hanson's Orchestra. Hefrcshments served. Gentlemen $1.00; Ladles 50c Phone Hlack 440. L. F. Marren, Proprietor. I WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. A Double Star Program. REGINALD DENNY in "Sporting Youth" Young love, young blood, young life, jnzz-bcnl in eager quest of tho ultimate thrill. Jlomance- without a speedometer, full of laughter, frills and thrills, with beautiful Laura La l'laute assiling, now a star in her own right. Hallam Cooley, Leo White, Malcolm Denny, Lucille Ward and strong cast. Rudolph Valentino in "Society Sensation" A romantic story of a young man w'Jio was rescued by a young maid from drowning and returns the compliment when she was being abducted by a tough. Kxciting scenes in which speedy power boats are used. Carl Myers and strong cast. FUN FROM THE PRESS. 50c and 25c. SCIENTIST SAYS CHANGE COMING Book By Haldane Suggests Rocking of Present Day Social And Industrial System. A world in which sugar ami starch will be as cheap as saw-ilnst, in which electric light will cost only (ho fiftieth pari of if present price, abolishing night in cities; in which deserts will teem wilh vegetation -and the purple oceans with immeasurable quantities of Irish, in which mind-power will do all of man's work, in which men will Irnvel h h ! I - way around the earth at speeds approaching I lie fraction of a second This is our own world of the coming century, as It has been pictured by a careful scientist.; J. H. S. Hatdane. Hie Sir William Dunn .reader in bio-clicniislry a Cambridge University. Tljis Hal-: ilane (who must not he confused with Lord Haldane) translator of Schopenhauer and interpreter of Kinstein) has been known for some time to his acquaintances as u man of encyclopaedic knowledge and portentous versatility. Hut it was not until last year when he read a flaring paper be fore the Heretics' Club a Cambridge that his ailaiumenls attracted a degree of startled public attention. Is Visionary. And now, with the publication of tin's paper in the form of i little book, under the title Daedalus, or .Science and the l"u lure" (I)ulton), Haldane has issued a challenge which lias placed him hi the front rank of scientific visionaries. So be wildering is the array of his pro. pbecles, so logical bis arguments that many people have been tempted to advocate the legal inter ruption and prevention of scientific research in the interests ot modern society. Certainly Haldane has pointed to an imminent rocking, or even destruction of Hie very founda- TIMBER SALE X 6231. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noun on the nth day of Aurust. 1 U -2 4 . in the office of the Forest supervisor at simmers, ine Licence aovsi to cut 6 1, Duo Jackpine Ties, on an area situated approximately 5 miles north and east from Decker Lake Station, Hange &, Coast District. Three Clj years will be allowed for re inoval or limber. "Provided that any one unable to at tend the auction In rterson may submit i sealed tender to be oened at the hour or auction and treated as one Did. Further particulars of the Ciller Fores ter, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, Prince Unpen, B.i.. 2t& TIMBER SALE X 62S2. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the 8th day or August, 1114, in the office or the Forest Supervisor at Smlthers, the Licence xgsx to cut IS.imii) Jackpine Ties, on an area situated approximately 1 miles north-tan or Decker Lake station. Bange 5, Coast Iiistrlct. Two (i years will he allowed ror re moval or iimuer. -Provided that any one unauie to ai tend the auction In person may submit sealed tender to be opened at tho tiour or auction ana treated as one mo. Further particulars or the Chief Fores ter. Victoria, li.C, or District Forester, Prince llupert, B.C. CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT. Sealed Tenders are Invited for the enn strurlmti ot a reinforced concrete building 2VH8' two stores. Plans and spcriricatlons can be seen at the orrice or the Cltv Engineer. Tenders marked "Tender ror concrete liulldlng" to be deposited with the City i:irk. not later than 5 P.M. August th, ivoriinanlcd liv a certified rheaue ror an amount equal to a", or lenuer. uowesi or any tender not necessarily accepted-KII.M-IST LOVE. Slipt. of I lllllles Wo recently cleaned a valuable lace dress for Dainty Dorothy and she is telling her friends what "a perfectly beautiful accomplishment it was." Laces and the daintiest of lingerie, embroidered frocks are dry cleaned without damaging them in the slightest. We look after the .man's wardrobe with skill and speed. We will deliver the suit when we promise. PHONE 8 Xfarty 60X392 PRINCE RUPERT Optician and Optometrist If troubled with EYE STRAIN or you need a CHANGE of Glasses we have the very latest consultant on Optometry with 25 years years experience. Satisfaction Is positively assured. DIAMONDS Loose or Mounted. We give you one year to think it over. If not satisfied return them and get your money back less 10 per cent. Surely there must be value or we could not offer this Inducement. SILVERWARE A large shipment Just arrived. Moderate prices, latest designs. Max Hei ner Diamond Specialist linns of our present-day indus- Iral and social structure. The predictions already mentioned are really only a few or ins vi ry superficial one. Haldane g.ies on lo show how continued in volition will niako agriculture obsolete and cities self sulfi- cienl, bow it will "substitute the flower garden and the factory for the slaughter house and the dunghill," bow an industrial world government will supplai)! cur independent nations, just as nations have supplanted primitive hunting pack; how the dis covery of ifiany new stimulants such as acid sodium phosphate, ilieady in use in German)), to he added to our present array of alcohol, tobacco and coffee will increase our efficiency ar- 'ifically bow Iho abolition ol disease through medicine and surgery will make death a physiological event lo be dreaded no more than -sleep: finally (ami most startling of all) bow thcl moiogicai invention oi ecto-gcnclic birth,'; already close at hand, will transfer the scene of the embryonic- growth arid the ictnal birth of children ftoi.i hospital beds to the vats and hollies of the laboratory. A few carefully selected parents will. by a simple operation, be made the progenitors of a whole fen eration. General enforcement of birth control ami a thorough going application of rugi-ni-.s will make (his possible, although it will have to be driven through desperate operation. Kvery "biological invention," Haldane points out, was viewed first as a perversion of nature mil bitterly opposed by religion and organized jmoralily, but was eventually accepted and even made the basis of a new religion or elbical cult. This happened lo such early inventions as the domestication of plants, animals and fungi for the production of alcohol, and later lo bactericide and the artificial control of cor- rnnfimi. Ii will a so happen to eclogonesis." EDMONTON POLICE SHOT A PORCUPINE An ma I Took, Shelter Beneath Veranda But Could not Evade Officer's Gun EDMONTON', Aug. 1. W ith r the possibility tbat a mountain , lion had secrjled itself beneath his house, but in any case confident that a. wild animal of some description was endeavoring lo conceal itself on his lot, Frederick Lalh, of 10510 72nd Avenue, telephoned the South Side Police requesting that an officer take the 'matter in band. Constable W(. It. Howie, feeling confident thai; he could hit any stationary object within reason able distance.! proceeded lo the address indicated with a six- shooter in bls'pocket. ! Under the i direction of Mr Latch, the officer approached the steps, of the bouse, and was duly 'convinced of the presence of an intruder, by the $udden utterance Jof a roar or squeak, as the case jmay be. Taking a steady aim at a dark object .beneath I lie veran-'da. Constablo Howie disposed of the anlml with his first shot, and after a little shovelling, and with Hie aid o7 a pole, It was drawn out Into daylight and found lo )t a fully grown ' Friday, August i jg, TITE'S AUGUST Home Furnishing HIT GIRL A BLOW ! WHO SLAPPED HIM ! FOR BAD LANGUAGE: HALIFAX, July 30.- Nellie I Laphan, a young woman or I His j city, had an objection lo swear ing on tbe part or her friend, Frank Hegan. In court she tesli- lied that she had told llegan that she would' slap him unless be stopped swearing, and had carried her threat into operation. He had then drawn off and hit her a blow near the eye. KETCHIKAN INDUSTRY. KKTCHIKAN, July 31. An industry new in Ketchikan, that or boinoginizing milk, has just been established by K. V. Hrown, who until recently has been connected wilh the Skagit Dairying Assoc iation, The new business is op erating under the name of the Alaska Creamery Company with unlimited capacity in the pro duction of ice cicauii cream anil l-lhe usual dairy products, featur ing homoginized milk. Bargains in Summer Dresses "DEMERS" Phone 27. P.O.' Box 327. SALE For real economical buying this sale will stand out as a record breaker for tumble down prices We invite the public to see our large and varied stock and be convinced of our Cash Values in every department of our store Furniture Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Linoleum, Carpet Squares, Dinnerware, Blankets, Sheets, Pillows, Towels, Brass Rods, Silverware, Curtains and Drapery The very latest effects in Window Draperies are offered in this sale at slight margin above cost , LOOK FOR SALE TAG VALUES AND WATCH WINDOW for Special Display Prices At our low down prices, this sale is for cash GEO. D. TITE Quality Home Furnisher Third Avenue Cash & Carry Specials for Saturday, August 2nd, only Pure Plum Jam, lb. pails 55c Hamsterly Farm Canned Tomatos, solid pack, 2 Mi's, ir tin 15c Cream Olive Soap, ijnality guaranteed, Hjiecial, lleg. a for 2: , ... 4 for 25c Men's Fine Brown Calf Boots. Heg. $3.51). Hnenal $3.85 (Hee Ibis line in our window. It's a bargain . Fancy Turkish Bath Towols, size i I x 21 '3 for 85c This Is a one day special. Buy plenty. Men's Flno nibbed Underwear, Two-piece Ourmeiit. M1" tun wdigbl. Ilegular value $1.7.", Special, 05c Garment. Universal Trading Co. Dr. J. F. Maguire Is ntlemling Hie Denial Convention in Vancouver. " office will again bo ' Open on August 13