i I Friday, August 1, 1924v i.... ....... irn duct nws. WEliM PTVl,' The liome helps sold hnre hill save you strength. Our Elec'ric devices should lie in our lionifi. i ne sale or lipse hardware assistants is urieasing daily. They show he hoiisi'wun llic modern ay u ue nappy. lot I'f ml: Toasters . . 57.00 Rut I' nil Irons .... $7.00 la' aire Wusjier and Dryer I . $185.00 lid Pr Suction .Sweepers $G2.00 Rot 1'l.ltes. $3.85 anil SG.25 laien Hardware Co. The llamly Andy Store. Hardware and Sporting Goods K)8 3rd Ave. Phono 3 Agents for Kossard Front Lacing torsets and Brassieres initiate Oossard Fitter in Charge ,S. Wallace Co. Ltd Ave. & Fulton Street. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS istern Canada UnUed tales Triangle Tour to 5PER NATIONAL PARK HYIONTON and CALGARY. way via Vancouver. Irife or call: City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert bone 260. resh MILK land Cream From Quick, B.C. Any quantity delivered daily. fnmpl I'arly Morning De livery. KALENTIN'S Dairy hone 657. WcBrlde Street. Hoing an account of n trip Ift (he Kosfall Itiver as re-c oiiiited by Newton Piillcn of Victoria under tle nam de I'i in e of Marcus I)re.ell in u,e Victoria Colonist. '11,6 next irticie of the series appears next week. riiejdea or dedicating writings is a good One for it pro-ir.teVl. n,Pnm ",i,wlIai,1linl f"r"i "f compliment and adds i,i-m,MI,.',' ny-h;Hf-, 1 ,,aVe le" ,,,mk llicotd to initials, ..lid that is m the style I am going to adopt. 1 herel.v dedicate Abused Apricots. They were with us when we started from ' TTS!" qwen and they remained In" i T,I UV ,.wne". -iler urging each nth for the outing, and in conse quence or the ract that we hail had months to get ready, I telegraphed hastily at a cost of $1.13 several days before the starting date to chuck the old schedule overboard in favor of n new one which fitted in more readily with circumstances. A Friendly1 Man The voynge north to Iluperl on the steamer Ituperl was ideal. The Operating G. T. P. id.d6d T6n Floating Dry Dock Prince Prince ! Inside Passage is like a long nnd beau 1 i ful river. The steward who tool; my bags to my state room was a nice lime i;ocKney. .uer I had given him ten cents, Ii6 told Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert PRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD fnglneers, Machinists, Boilermakers Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle nil kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WO$t. PHONES 43 and 385. days later. There was rather an Interest ing theory about bread. The Other Captain had been gathering opinions about the amount of food we sh'oiifd 'tali'e, and one experienced individual said we would require ahout a loaf of bread a day. We bought accord ing to precedent, but we ale re ganlless of it. Figuratively speaking, we tore up the rule book Willi our teeth. We were working on Loaf Number Two when we arrived back afler our trip. . . Astonishing Amount Ftlt t - m t X i ne evening oi ine nay i nr- er rived in Prince Ituperl, we got to- he mtaVn l!' " l" lhwart"' UB '""ds. Keher an astonishing collection the f.enlP or H , bilge in a frantic attempt, to navigale a passage designed to comfortably accommodate two nlinnows abreast, .and fravellimr light, we usually managed to land on the apricots. There was nothing hesitant about the way we descended on the fruit in those troublous times.' We were decisive. Kven if we didn't, know what else to do on such occasions, we were able to buffet the apricots. we smashed in the s.iiip.i sailed side of the box which contained them; we look all the preliminary steps which I feel they m.ust use in a fruit juice factory; we bullied and bashed them, and pulped them, and they only turned the other cheek. Al niuhls we would tenderly rearrange them and try and restore the box to normalcy. We ate som'e of the less afflicted and ultimately and without ceremony we dunvped the rcnuainder overboard. Honorable Mention The apricots served us faithfully. They were fit company for our stale cakes whose nanVes must also be inscribed upon our honor list. The Other Captain I will call him that because we were both captains of the fiwen persisted in bringing a bag of stale cakes along On our trip in spile of protests that we were not a historical society and that we had sufficient modern cookery aboard to keep us alive without flirting with the archaic. The Other Captain brought his pets, nevertheless, becausfe he said he liked stale biscuits and things. I founil that he probably liked them for their companionship and their dog-like faithfulness rather than any value they might have as food. Personally I discovered rVi T An. .1.1 i. v . .... . iuuiu nave nreaiuast in bed early start the next morning. Ill I lln mifit...!.. rm ir t t, i .' . . ; ... .... ...... Kn , wisiicii. jie Know now inai i wouhi never eiucinaieii, pointing out the ad- make an Arctic explorer. My list vantage of such a course in the contains too mlahy essentials. I event I had a big head. The was apologetic as I added various suggestion was made seriously, things to the pile. Several arti-'Aiiylhing as will make you cles remained in my valise be-ponrfortnble,," my new friend cause I could not face the scorn confided. That's service for you. of the Other Gaptitin. My vision wii week at he stern of the was too broad. Preparedness steamer as she. lay at the dock in with me had become an affliction. ancouver shortly before she while the Other Captain was al- ai midnight, my fellow most primitive in the manner in passengers were looking each which he refused to consider my other over in the dim; light. A otjection to washing dishes willi short, paunchy fellow with a Palmolive soap. . The posters I cig ar anil no vest, struck up a knew had never urged that por-conversation with an her man celain keep its schoolgirl com-and discovered he was going to plexion, and I was dubious, but a Anyox. With strongly accented tin of clean sinsr nnwder lump, I im words he wanted to know "how in time to ease my mind. things was." j Al nreakrast I tried to hitch my chair closer to the table, and found that it was fastened down at a distance which mifrhl hnvn bVn a pood adjustment for fat men. Afler that I watched my fellow passengers finding out the same thing. What It's Like I It's like when someone else nutS VOOr lllll lin VI, n I- l.oa.l " aw ENGLISH SPEAKING . LABOR IN MAJORITY In bis report to the minister by J. I). McNiven, deputy minister of labor for the province he states that the industrial workers of the province may be conveniently divided into the follow- .!..; "... . . r we groups: plained my neighbor on nvy right iou always nut your vour hand hand up. . Natives of F.nalish snalr and put your hat on for your-v.i:. " .V . ' : ge1f .vamr.s oi conuneniai The weather was beautifully v,, ' J, . . , '-Lt' ' sunny and we played shuffleboardl Vrios . . . . . uii ui-ch. .mong moso who learned the game was a man with a i.: i . me iiuuiw nusu uiiu u young jcoi, k, From other countries who smiled a great deal and had -p -tr 15.15 13.85 1.09 a Drogue wiin thistles on it. I 1 en I earS ADTt These two were playing together, I Prince Rupert and afforded the spectators a great deal of amusement. When-1 ever the hook nose player would' I ... I I.A ....... I. I i , . them to be Coolidges strong and T , , " " u,u I ' 10 r silent. They remained with us Pf, P"C, VV,!"lexer. .il " for days. ..I ,i. i . uiiu ins mourn nuu u uiiu I "hf" ' e..,a? ' isin:'and shut like a fish breathins out legrated we wrapped them napkin like mummies. in Hut the reader must not get the idea that our trip was planned primarily to assault aprico'ts and personally conduct a tour for a bag of out-of-dale biscuits. Those nre merply outstanding trivialities, just as a bedbug might be the principal memory of a night. We started planning the annual vacation as usual some imc last winter and decided on a launch trip up the l.cstall River, which flows into the Pkeena at Port Kssinglon close to (ho mouth of the big northern river. A leisurely correspon dence laid down the main plans of water. scouy, as man was nicknamed, was encouraged to talk in order that his brogue could be enjoyed. "Attaboy," exclaimed th6 hooknose gentleman when his partner had made n good slrot. "Scolly" was learning fast. "A'a boy, eh?" he grinned shortfy afterwards, when be made a good shot himself. Not The Man A barber who sat opposite7 mo al meals announced that a man. by the sarnie name as myself bad gone willi bis wife before he (the barber; had iwt tier. I cleared myself and exonerafed my relatives. I joined the Other Captain at Prince Hupert, and oh the afternoon i arrived we ran amuck in a grocery store. The lady wbo ., - ... . . .. .. . . . The city council is preparing to put on a sale of lots for delin queni (axes. There are now 500 lots subject to sale hut i is expected (hat (he arrears will he n.ii.l I . .1 r. . ...i II... . a i . : . the other . ' V . 1 1 1 UCIr uunj uiuueiii uiiuit im. namnier. The Knott and Clifton bakeric in tlils city have been amalgamated. - Ilarclay Honthrone, engineer for Moreton Krewln, Owner of much property across the harbor, has arrived in the city. He is making arrangements for the Hearing of Ihe land in order to establish a (ownsite. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- j - H i" in 1 1 ifc SAM SLO'Unii says an owl is like a lot of other birds thai fly around at night. His market took our order wrote it all down ,,,,uu uuum l",r,y cen'8 on several pages of her order book and then handed it to us for checking. She said she wanted us to nthke sure we ,had not left out anything, nut I believe ,snc naicii, lo lake advantage of our impulses and thought we might return to sanity in lime to undo whatever wo had done. lint wft nnvpp ImrlcrnYl O'l'in MiAtAn of jam was regulated by the fad ",rn. art locfrlb Morm in tlxat H'i6 bottle had a screw top. "couver sparks Could;bc seen We debated whether or not 16 lake along nny canned salmon on a trip into a region of excellent fishing, but our courage faired us, and wo contented ourselves with a tin of sardines. Lemon Buns made a new record In the speed with which ho ordered hunts, scones, cakes and things in a bakery that afternoon. He order- eYl in dozens. I could not keep up willi him. When I saw him or- AN interesting subject for the next meeting of the debating society would be; "Does civilization follow the batfltiib' or the bathtub follow civilljlatloh." The correct answer to the question is "Yes." V- Vancouver Sun records coming ironi ine Keys -or t uo typewriter. Possibly thev gun does not know that sparking is not uncommon around a tye. writer. AVOliNT.E.MAN Is never drunk, To Other Cap lain must hove-,, rt'td nmV h uhllcil 6t ejf 11V III niMllUllllllft lllUb t UHI Illlb f v . 1 fir a f ontl aii tiV rf KpiW.lna i,,C V? 1 1 r j a ouiu itj sit i rtii iiiu nut t of way, whereupon he wjbuld promptly cancel that item! and start off again, lowevcri, I let the lemon buns get by. It was loo bad about the lemon buns, because tbey wero good of lh6ir kind, but it appears that neither llio Olhpr Captain or myself really liked that sort.. I tirade no iprofcst because I felt sure that he was fond of them. It ueem's to me that we brought soma ofr them; back home with us eight! I To ever dse the- word He in ay be spiffed and p'aralyz6tl, , Or oiled and pic-eyed, 106; (I've bad ah edtfe on once or I twice. Arid" so. t guess, have you) mastered, slewpd According to his spufik, Hut a gpntliiYfa'n, howo'er ffo'no, . Is. juver, nflyer, .drunk. , . w , I V . .... - ijllill 6f" far qHTiMwkta Rtifw CATARRH BLADDER StifcStcauM Eicb Cipiule bri Dtnx Keuar ofeountfrfetU Grand Carnival QUEEN Six District Prizes CONTEST Under Auspices of the N.R.C. Agricultural and Industrial Association $1,500.00 IN PRIZES 1st Prize: 1 Round Trip Ticket to the 2nd Prize, Beautiful Diamond Ring, valne $150 BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION 3rd Prize, BeautifuIDiamandRinj, Value $100 which includes Railway Fare over Canadian A.i D.: I .J;.' TaIJ U:t U7.iL -7C National Railway to Montreal; Steamer Fare " 1 "f LdU, UUiU "ICU, VdlUC fid Montreal to London, calling at Plymouth and fjffi PrlA ?fi niprp! flf SilvPrwarP vnlltP 54fl Cherbourg, France. Ticket good for 12 months THE WINNER OF THE CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST WILL BE THE QUEEN OF HONOR AT THE GRAND PARADE TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 A DAY WILL BE ALLOTTED TO EACH OF THE THREE CANDIDATES RECEIVING THE HIGHEST NUMBER OF VOTES WHEN THEY WILL REPRESENT THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICT AS QUEEN. CHOICE OF 97-PIECE CHINA DINNER SET. CHEST OF 26 PIECES COMMUNITY PLATE or MAHOGANY BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH, Value $88.00. Northern Hritish Columbia lias been divided into six districts according to population. To win district prize caiulidale niust liave minimum of 150,000 voles. SPECIAL PRIZE-Choice of $150.00 RADIO SET or PHONOGRAPH THIS PRIZE TO BE GIVEN TO THE PURCHASER OF THE LUCKY TfCKET AS FOLLOWS ANY PARTY PURCHASING: A Combination Ticket receives 15 Free Chances on Radio Set or Phonograph. Sports Ticket receives 4 Free Chances on Radio Set or Phonograph. A Season Ticket receives 3 Free Chances on Radio Set or Phonograph. A Grand Carnival Masked Ball Ticket receives . . 1 Free Chance on Radio Set or Phonograph. DESCRIPTION OF TICKETS COMBINATION TICKET CONSISTS OF 1 Sports Ticket, 1 Season Ticket, 1 Carnival and Masked Ball Ticket, and sells for $4.50 A SPORTS TICKET SELLS FOR $2.50. A SEASON TICKET SELLS FOR $1.50. A CARNIVAL MASKED BALL TICKET SELLS FOR 75c. NOMINATION BLANK Please find enclosed $ for Ticket, and credit M (.Name tif Camtlilate) P.O. Box Town , District with votes for same. Name. Address. On receipt of Nominations the Candidates will be supplied with necessary tickets for sale. Knch candidate must be endorsed by some responsible individual or VOTES GIVEN WITH NOMINATION: RULES AND REGULATIONS I. Carnival Queen Contest officially opens AuriiM 5th, Closing Spptcinlier 5'ttl, t 10 l.m. AH Candidates ijust have U'wlr returns In the fcitiibltiori Ofrice. City Halt, p'rlnre ltiiMn, n.i., or their respective post offlcra and pot-niarkrd by 10 p.m.. September 5lh. Each candidate sflall nend a complete return with their final returns. 3. On receipt of nominations candidates will be furnished with all tickets Tor sale. j. Any Klrl. 18 years of aire or over, rrWrled or MnaI Jicept tliu.te whiur- parents or relative are connected with the Fair Board In any way, may enter1 the contest Tor Carnival Queen. 1, The carnival Queen, winner of ,he Grand Trite, and all other winners will be derided by their accredited votes. S'ald votes' belnir issued on the sale oi ticket as per above schedule. 5. It Is strictly understood that candidates will be re-sponsible for all tickets senl them, and no vote will be credited them until remittance Is inadA. 6. A candidate cannot withdraw' In favor of or transfer her votes in another party. 7. No statement or promlsemade by any candidal t varying finm the rules w'lU be reeornlsej by the Kxhlbl-tlon no'a'rd. . - - 8. In a.e of fypofrraiirtlcat (it other errors the floard ,vllf njt bo refjiofislMe, but will make the necessary corrections'. 9. The hoard reserves the ri(th( to re'Jcri any nnmlna-tfon. 10. The Exhibition rtoard reserves the rlfrtit to aine'r.Vl the rules If necessary. It. The Exhibition Board guarantees fair and Impar COMBINATION TICKETS WORTH DOUBLE NUMBER OF VOTES. Get Your Nominations In Early. Write, Phono and ask your friends to help you. C6ui petition i$ Only open for one month and here rs a chance to make the next thirty days profitable for you. Nomination, lllank with $2X0 for Sports Ticket, or $1.50 for Combination Ticket or equivalent, entitles Candidate lo five times the pro rata iiuijiber of votes for their district. Contestant may be nominated by reputable individual, fraternal or other organization. HANDICAP For the purpose of equalizing Ihe chances of the various Contestants, Northern llritfsli Col umbia lias been divided into Six Districts as follows Prince George, Terrace to Vanderlioof, Prince Rupert, Ocean Falls, Anyox and Stewart. Queen Charlotte Islands is included in Stewart district. The following table will be used to credit voles to the various candidates For each Dollar's worth of Tickets Prince Rupert Candidates will receive 100 votes' For each Dollar's Worth of Tickets Ocean Falls Candidates will receive 200 votes For each Dollar's worth of Tickets Anyox Candidates will receive 200 votes For each Dollar's worth of Tickets Terrace to Vanderhoof Candidates receive 300 votes For each Dollar's worth of Tickets Stewart-Queen Charlotte Islds. Candidates receive 300 votes tial treatment to all competitors, but stiould any question arise the decision or the Board shall be absolute and final. 1. A committee tjf prominent citizens, one 7rrn each district, will be appointed lo verify Uie colinti of Urn candidates. 13. The Contestant receiving the larften number of votes will be declared the winner of the drand Cariilva: Queen Contest, and will be entitled to one Hound Trip Ticket to the British Kinplre Exhibition. She will also be .Ihe Queen of Honor at the Orand Parade, to be held on Wednesday. September loth, and wjll be attended by the winners of the second, third, fourth, and fifth prlies, who will be eiperled to come lo the Fair ami act as Maid of Honor, all ejpenses to he paid by the Exhibition Hoard. The winner 6r the First I'M will atso be tlte Qnrrn of Honor at the Orand Carnival and Masked Ball, on Friday Evenlnt, September Uth'. The Crown anil itobes wili also become her property at the termination or the Carnival. ft. The winners of the First, sVcoml and Third i'rl'iei will represent their district at the fair dnrlti ralr'week, when a day will be Set apart for them to relirn as Queen The dai' will be called nay" belnir the name of the district they represent. 15. It Is strictly understood by all contestants that no District I'Nies will be alvert to contestants unless she (contestant) is successful In tnmlnir In tSO.o'no i&iin t. In acceptlnr nomination's ran'dliYates iblde by the above rondltlons. air roe to 17. Address all correspondence to rrlie Campalim Manacer, Northern B. o. Atrlrultiiral and Industrial Association, I'rlnce Rupert, B.C. El Is g f Mt