if PAdt TWO. THE DAILY NEWS. Miniln)v April 7 When You Try "SAUDI" liMiM aaaaaaHlaaaaaaaLr '''BiaaBBaaaaaaLH H478 you will realize the difference between "Salada" and "just tea." The Daily News PRINCE HUPRHT - nRITjSH COLUMBIA. Pul.Iisheci Every Afternoon. excpC Sunday, the" Prince Hupert Daily .Ne.wa, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLJX, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, y 'mail or Carrier, per month .. $1 00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales, in ndvnnre. tier vanr To all other countries, in advance, per year !V.n.uMi ro fticiL rmoowttio, $0.00 $7.no Transient Display Advertising Sl.40 per Inch per insertion Transient Advertising On Front Pago.,,, .2.80.per inh Local Readers, per insertion.... .25c p,r infi ... i icu rtuvi-rusiiig, per insertion. ...... .. ,2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion. jr.c per agate lino Contract Rales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - . 86 All -advertising should he in The Dailv News Office on day pr-cedmg publication. All advertising received' subject to approval: Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DaH.v KDH'tON did aehicvemeiit and Iuhh throughout (he whole Irip the great nation to the souili. ggJD Monday, April 7. 1024. Arrival Or Planes Thrilling Sight. The emerging or three airplanes from the miow slorm and circling aro.iuid their mooring grounds, alighting and taxiing to the biloys marked with llieir respective numbers, w-as a thrilling sight yesterday nflcriionn and in spite: nr.,the cold and wet and general discomfort or thy. long wait, those who were there were amply rewarded Tor their patience. They came in military order and the sudden landing of Number One plane and the breakage ........ i.,..,j, ? giu.u uri,i, wit?; scarcely apparent to the oii-lonkers. It vas only after the plane had been in the harbor some lime Hint many of the' watchers realized that anything ?s ; The flyers are certainly to be congratulated on Ihe excellent ...Mn. miu in pL-iung nere iinurr, siicn. adverse conditions. Vhile on account uf circumstances they did not gel that enlhu- wL-iiuiiic winni i-riuce unpen people .would like lo have mi in, uiuj t.ui ne usiiieu inai u was not neratise thev i d ..-.vi.iin. i-u.-suuj' nemre mis goes n press some arrange-incuts will be made lo give them whuWas missed yolenlay. ' General Sympathy , With Major Martin. When Ihe news got abroad thai Major Martin's plane hail been. Iiadly damaged, general sympathy was expressed wilh him I wits recognized that the conditions were very iidver-e nnd little Maine n.uld be attached lo the hardy aviator. The thick snow-slum, caused visibility tea be very poor and the men must have been terribly fatigued after their long flight f eight hours wilh constant strain under conditions of' the most trying nature W C join with this wind i-nrnniitiiilif iAi..i!... . lalious o Major .Martin and his'fellow birdmen on their nW II i . . . i they will be emiallv OillPPMWU fill Showing at the Weslholme Theatre WVdinsday and Thurglay. 5 Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who WEEK AT THEATRE entertain tne public. Monday and Tuesday I '.laming Harriers, Sunshine .Comedy "The Hiding MaMer." International News, Wednesday and Thursday "The, Fare on t tit It.tr. room floor," a mclo-drama. Sunshine Comedy "Applesauce," Fox News (iu.'li. Friday and Saturday Flaming Voutli. Fun from the iri-. across a hhuing bridge, are dc Ihelp him. Wait until you see Uie rijht In the road between the hern and Pickens and his hired deputy. The prize is not alone the girl and Ihe fire.truck. but the human lives denendent urton il. FACE ON BAR ROOM FLOOR NEW PICTURE Melodrama Is Shown Here at Mid Week Which Is Powerful and Vivid A powerful dr.lmatle situation (hat calls for all of llenrv II. Walthall's power of vivid drama lie pantomime is portrayed in Ihe new I-ox special. "Tlie Knee on the llarroom! Fbmr." which comes lo Ihe Wcstholme Theatre Wednesday. Walthall, as the leading mari in lly production, has Ihe part of an artist who is "framed" and sent' to prison. Hp escapes during a Jallhreak and jumps Into the sea, swimming lo a neighboring lighthoiW. Them he finds one of the keepers itea.1 and the other ill of influenza, lie riislies into the breach, lakes care of the light, ami saves a shin In dlslress, lie wins a minion through his hemic behavior. The United Stales iroveriimenL Incidentally, has recently Inken meiiMireM to minimize the human dement in lighthouse keen! HIT due lo several occurrences of Ihe above nature. A device, rn. cenlly perfecleil. is deoendenl on the light waven. When It grows dark. Hot lil.l atilonialic'nlly fas,es on. When Ihe. sun comet, nut nlrong. the. light automatically turns off. On a variahlH il.iv iin. iici.i ...in . i . in Ttie End of 1lieYViir1d is the picture .lack Pickfnnl has just started lo make. THRILLS APLENTY IN FLAMING BARRIERS Great Forest Fire is Chief Feat ure of This Picture Which Comes Tonight ned In make nicliire fans pasp wheiithey see them. If you have ecr seen a fores fire, ynu will not need lo ask wnai is ib ' niggeit scene or series of ?Wnes in this nicliire And there is a .genuine foresl fire In "Flaming Barriers." TJu picture was so tinyed that it va- mane wnen aciual tires were raging in Ihe northern Californi; limber lands and Ihe whole com. pany rushed to location in lime lo lake advantage of llieni. One of the big scenes shows iin aero, plane caught In the fierce upward iraiiglit from the flames, with a girl in sole charge nf the mach ine. Below there is -a vawnlnu furnace and ahead and behind stretch the flames . Another big scene is one In which Antonio Moreno dries his car across Ihe bridge wilh the fire licking across frnui both sides and the tins of (he flames forming an arch above his head. There are scenes in Ihls picture, wherein Ihe heroine is working just as hard lo defeat hey arc worthy representatives of ,. a, ,hp lalPl. workH Stork Gets Busy With Progressives. Fred Stork's move, in addressing the caucus nf the Progres- -.... . ...ij uii me eievaior situation here, was a slralegical move llial IS WlirlllV III 1'iim . ; ""iiu.iiiuii. .Many wnuiu not have thouirhl doing anything of Ihe soil. It gr,ve ,im the grea o,L.rt Sis o ;resen.i,,g his case lo the gron.fon lch!u!Vmmll& pcuds for ,S M,p,,ort, the group which is vitally interestcl n zC"e ss-sr M- "'; Grain Elevator Still Live Question. There arc thrill aplenty In (ieorge .Melfonl's spleiuliil para mount proibiction of "Flaming Barriers," featuring Jacqueline Logan, Antonio Moreno am Waller lliers. Many of the big scenes, notably a genuine fore. fire, an aeroplane dash through uie maze ami a motor race t" Tie Nan in the Moon SAYSt- !sl'(HI" lias his nerve in .... into a progressive, caucus .i..i address the iucuiIhts on Liberal .mailer. MISS, ulilovllch has my en. lire approval. ir -lir. y kow how iiiany;ieople watch Ihe Man in the Moon do things and then chirp their carping criticisms, she would know that I have a fellow feeling with her. IIHItrs lo'lhe girl who can write w rihonl hebifr trivial or I rile Who can drive a Irulh home My essay or oorne And espouse the side of the right IF I were a statesman I wont. I try. to give everybody a million .dollar a year and no work lo do 'tcCpl Jook arier Ihe cash or lend bar for Ihe people who are NI living on Ihe interest of tiiefj- money. , . ( if i ; ' ' WllKM-ril lbs sun Is shinhi? We whisiier,.Vlr'lM;hrbiir." The Irees and 'flower are lilonni- Ing 'iri- -i. ..if. r ' no uiros are on me wing. Out when the skv is lowe And Ihe wiml Is wliislll lirr lilnriV e coiuiilain thai winter' ln gering nound every niouiilaln jieak. Wall of the Married IT'S lucky your'c not a married man. And do not have, lo care one dam When you go out ainl slnv ul iilifhl m. Hon't have, when you come home, lo fight ... V . , . . our vvue pernuse she says you're light. i , , IT caused imiiiv a 1 It i-i 1 1 lo II. ...... 1. 1.. 1 in.-" in uirpiauc in gooii or der lly over the city at Ihe, end of a six hundred and fifty mile M'in. '.' Xh' "SPIN" Is the proper' word In use In coiinecflon'. with airplane travel, J know that from ocular flli.n and off n conditions ro- ,piue. J lie tremendous iiiuri ance or this deioe can not- be overestimated. II has already prove.1 us efficacy. STORY OF MODERN GIRL , IS TOLD IN PICTURE AT WEEK END OFFERING Series of Love Affairs Kli.lnn ana Petting Parties in Life of Society Darling I hose who enjoy hichly rum a li ne situations laid in an nlm.x pliere of uncntnrnlional. exolie. merrymaking, will find mneh lo please m "Flaming Youth." a rlrst .National nicturizaliou of Warner Fabian's daring lory of coniemporary life, which Is to show here, at Ihe week hii.I i reining, with life a lied in certain circles of American so ciety, "Hunting Youth" slamls out as pure entertainment, and il is also a sermon that could well be heeded by llioe who are wont to scoff at Ihe conventions. naming Youth" paints a true picture of the c in which we ure now living. The reckle.neH of youth, the mad.cao rrainir fop pleasure, the .abandonment of Ihe conventions and psychology of the moilern young irirl who "lake her fun where she find a" all these are dramatically drawn In this startling picture.' Ihe story for the most part teals with Hie youngest of three laughters of a household where indulgence and pleasure is (he only consideration. We follow Ihis daughter through a series of low affairs and through the rn we gel a glimpse into the idiilosnnhv or Hie modern young girl who deals in red -ami white kisses, w ho loves 'pel ling" and who uri.le. herself in being .V popular "necker.n ' I This girl, broiishl on in n home where marriage Is taken bill Nghlly. gets in and out of l with the same interest llmf . would pay tp changing .r Clolhe until she meet mie of her mother s farmer sweethearts. Do not rub the nap away BLANKETS arc given a nap to make them soft and fluffy, and to pive them warmth. Thev tlimild therefor i.iir ri.l.l.j..! i. tl.S. J v ..".. v ii.vi viui . IIVIVI I IIIIWI.W a . 1 1 1 will remove some of the nap, and it will also felt and shrink them. To thoroughly cleanse your blankets without rubbing them try this method. ' Washing Directions A rich lite tudi it riwnliil throughout tht lifr proem of wuhinn blankttt. To obtain tht, utt mo labbipooo. fult of Lui lo tttry .lion of -ner in ihe -tthinf. Dit.olrt the Lut tborouichljr in my hot witrr. nhltllnf It into a thick tudi. Add rut J Mater until tukfwarm. Put the blanket Into the rich tudi, toue it up ind'down, and tijueeie the tudi throuh the entire bltnkft. If the tudi die down, add mote Lui, taking rare that il dia-tottet before you put the blanket in apin. Take tare to pren the tudi through the virjr tuiled tpoit, but never rub the blanket, Kinte in three or more lukewarm watert, ol the tame temperature at the tudi. Fold etenljr. and run thrpujh a looe -ringer, and hang dripiiinc. Neter wrinf them, Strrlrh and pull into thape at intertalt -hen drying. Blankets washed the Lux way will retain their soft, fluffy appearance even after innumerable launderings. LUX leiiionslraliou. Till; Man in the Moon is sorry for Major Marl in. hut there is' the consolation Ihal il might! have been worse. A (HM"I. many gfrl think it easier to keep house llian In work i" an olllce or behind Ihe coiiuler ami for that reason they, many. i TIIH race in which everyone may win i the human race. ; TERRACE LITERARY SOCIETY MEETING' Enjoyable Time at School Event' on Friday afternoon in Which Pupils Take . Part I I:HII.CK. Anril 7. The Lit erary Society of the Kitsumgal-lum School helil their fortnightly meeting f riday afternoon. I he program opened with a drawing contest anil n reading contest, the former won hy Fred Scott and Fsther Mrore and Ihe latter by llessle M'oom and Alva Moore. Fannie McLaren gave a reading and there were speeches hy four or ihe pupils. Kdna Unhide gave .. Iwn mlniile talk on an Kskimo view of the llusslan government. Hoy and l.verell Thomns sooke on "How o make a Poor Unv mil of n fJo.nl One," while Marguerite Marl.in gave the mverse side nf Hie proposition In" "How lo make a Oood Uay mil of a Poor One.'4 There was a very good nlleiidance of parents. FLOATING SPECKS BEFORE THE EYES MEANS LIVER TROUBLE When iiiM-kt Hart lo rionl li.r,,r n,. ejft, wlini everythlnt rnri to linn tlark nir .a mw uprniiiM and ymi rel ai f j.,,ii were rolnr to faint, von run rem unmi in. i juiir HTrr it inn murmur jinifierly. Tbi' essential thlnar 10 do In all i. where Ihe liver la alow, latv .r i.i.i.i i. anr ii un in- t rn ii.. r uiii.iin.'. i-avi-uvcr phi And rli-ar away tli imi miilaieii ma of wane ami pmsia uiHiirr ipun in ayatein. Mr. Chan. Aylaml. FiinVUM,. im wmeti -i uml to ! awfully Ixitliereil won iiiiiiuiv aiicrka in-rmn mv heaila.lica anil alrkncaa in mv i,,n..,h t.sik Just tiair a vial nf ymir Mlllitirii'a ...a-Mrrr I'liM ami ever ultim I Iiiik r.i. ' I w .llil. iw I atwaya keep iiiii ini nmiu. Mlllmrn'a Lata-Llvnr Mil. ... an. . vial at all v(ilr, nr tntllpil dirert m rerrlnl nf nrlr liv Th. t u ' " 'Limited, Toronto, Ont, m XX7' fTT7' I 'Lux is ScJJ only i staled packrtl LEVER HROTIIEKS LIMITED TORONTO U44I ITrTtliliiittiitiTirnTJ Are iou Pavine Too i Much for Your Whistle? ji Heiijamiu Franklin n a sinnll boy w;is o eager lo own n rerlnin whistle tli.it. he gave all his pennies for il and then found it wouldn't blow. Jnl so, rich fond keep vou poor- and then don't nourish. For your heallh s sake." cut flown mi them and eat GOOD BREAD The loaf at once n luxury ami an rc.in-omy. Makes ou feel ynu are living like a prince even while it cuts your foo.l-lii. Al your IS nicer or - La Casse Bakery Ever sharp Pencils The Most Famous Pencils In the World on Saje at Greatly Reduced Pricesl J I ere are a few Silver plnled, plain . . . Silver plnled, octagon . .Silver filled ... Hlcrling, plain Klerling, rluised 'old filled, plain fold filled, chased .... This Hale will muiii be of (lie bargains offt formerly $1,511 Formerly $2.5J5 Formerly $:i.in . . Formerly $1.00 , . Formerly $l.r.o . . Formerly i,fM) . . Formerly JjiLoO . . over, (let your Kyr red: '"'VJ $1.00 . . VjjvV $1.50 . . Now $2.00 . . Now $3.00 . . Xmv $3.50 . . NiKv- $3.00 . . NfiSy $3.50 ORMES LTD: The Rexall Store. ViiMs The Pioneer Drusgltt. m