,y. April.. I'JJI. Crepe Soles I arrival Inglih Ilrnwn OXFORDS u h he new C.repo Soli. WEAR LIKE A PIQ'3 NOSE. English Brogue Oxfords t i 1) k'i hoe in lllack ami II Wrt Geo. Hill The Shoeman N.'l SI Hcsk C afe. Eat More Wheat w ill llr-ail. take. K FiveRoses Flour The World's Best. WOODCOCK Dairies, Ltd. Fart fresh Milk and Cream Delivered Dally. t m the farm to Ihe home Phent Black 216. P.O. Boi 895. rOUR UNITED STATES AIRMEN ARRIVE BUT ONE MACHINE BADLY DAMAGED WHEN ALIGHTING; WILL BE DELAYED FOR POSSIBLY TWO WEEKS. (continued from page one) In privr Ihe If.rr.lll- and Wlin ; onirol tail there wa not enough epare left ,o a compi-lle,! ,ft Mini off Ihe enirine nn.l pancake uown in nriK-r lo avoid the ,nr . ""' building. The imnari .n Mriking Ihe water (hat it caused the collapse i,f llhe winy nn.l i,- ,rekiiB ,,f jihe' xlriilM. Repairs Dimcult J "The mp ran he rcpairl (but. !ue In Hie fact that ire are only Ihe four 0f if kin, .huill especiiilly fnr Him lltahl. lit may he dlllicull lo get ,e jiari. If repair ran ,e r(T-rte( hcre u all, i Wi 1,1. a ,j,,lPr l) ji'-n .,r two week Wore ihe JinnMiiiic run fly again, j "I feel ihe accident very keenly. Ii wa. all my own fault. II wu caused hy erring judgment jWhn I Mintild hate been more1 ,iai-il-ul(ir under Ihe condili m. Fight hour in Ihe air under ad-vere condition and entering 3 .Mratfsrr lutrhor were, .riil.ii-.. eonlriloitory factor. I ncer had any lri.ul.h- heforc and I did mil rfiiluf iinlil it vkM, IM, ,,a, I w. getting Into trouhte lhi " ' The ijuarler were t. clo.e aiMl the -hlii wa mi heavy Dial ii wa infMNtr)' lo make ihe Iwl nf a bad ji,. , (ll heen Mittwtiig and hail itie( motinltiin been iihle ihere wmild date leH no ir-.iilde I wax imi Ihe look-out m ao-d. hilling a mountain or selling in. ,l n place from which I could nol 'extricate my.elf and lha wa jui what hsppened. I fed a though I had thrown away ihe ,grejiet opportunity I cvr- had j Long Delay "ihe arrideul will mean thai ihe machine will I- here for 'en day or two week unlet c are .Ii reeled lo hip lb machine ttark Hie Slale." Major Martin lal night tml WaMnngtou for instruction. reply nhnuld lie rerehed li-la. The niaehine a laVen otil tif jlhe water al Ihe dry doek lhi iMirnins ami a minute (nperti.-ii ,i Im-iiis made to aM-erlain Hie exnrl extent --f ilamase. ' Major .Marim. I.ieul. Moilh choose! The task of washday is far too great for most women. Slowly but stirely it undermines their strength and often results in illness. Banish washday by using our Thrif-T-service. Your washing will come back snowily clean flat work ironed only the wearing apparel for you to finish. And at a cost that is wonderfully low! May we send our representative this week? Thrif-T-service gc a pound plus lc per piece Minimum Charge $1.00 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 pundru i W m w M m mi T bT i 'I' "f Msm. i W " When Hazel cut her toot, poison got into the broken skin causinj a bad sore," writes Mrs. D. S. Green, of Kingston, O.it. "For some time the limb remained terribly painful and swollen. "Then I left off ordinary salyesand used herbal Zam Buk-This soothed, cleansed and healed the sore so well. ths.t in a few days Hazel was able to wear her shoe and again attend school. THs experience taught me the wisdom of keeping Zam-Buk always handy. " A SURGERY IN A TY.'JMNCt! B0X1 etber ijur- a iki yranj b-rlfcl 7tm Hak turn unit imtantlv -umiU i! tni hralinr Uat it pve luttlrti trttae, lUmb roKi H. potwmnu 4rra Krerf bnv neV m.)Ul da- trnable LUffiorai, uit er ted Inr P '. P -e n- pimple mlmmhmtisst bbh r w. A m m - txi ' 11 i a hi and. had llu- iiiarlune leen ftirret) dim ii. ,ey would un-(uhiiillv luie h en wreeke.1. SlMtifiiV thai HyenV eoe.lilii.ii were ver" i-r Major Mari.n eiimplimenlerl hi fetlo. pilot w I heir fiMl work of Maying wilh Ihe ewure and neKolIaliu the Irifi Hfi(efully. "Wr al- way knew wliere w. were and I no uiineeear)' rik and neer NNiHi.lerel eoininK down before we reached Prince Rupeer!. Weather Reports Majr Martin referred In Ihs-mileadini: weather report that wi-r- iuei al Seallle yelervjay inorniHB iirior to taking off. Thei llier witc adtet lhat lh tiiishi lie Mme min hut were a eu nit thai then would he no fi.r Snow wa nl taken inlo cou- iii-i-aliiiti. The iiiaximutii alltlnde at nil' iil iiv the llier ettroule liorlli ;wa I thiil feet. II wa nvc ry at lime to go c than ion feel lo obtain viihility wlik-h u-xer exceeiled one mile ion Milter ide after Ml iking the ram iin-t mhiw area. The. speed of Ihe llighl varied from 70 lo 5 mile. The machine on Ihe light yelrrday were carrying ihe maxituum load lli;il will he called upmi lit tuke on any Imp in Hie riHire of Ihe enlireylohe- iicirelhig cruie. I hey vm1i catriiil 31! gallon of gnoline. !0fi gallon of which wa uel del ween Seallle and Prince Rupert. Starting Point While Ihe olUrial Marling point of the flight wn Santa Monica. Major Martin Mated thai from California lo Seallle rouMiluted nothing more than a em eounlry fliphl. Wilh Ihe starling of the llighl with pontoon at Seallle. the chance beranie greater and, flying from Prince Ituperl lo Japan, a coure never covered before hy aviator, he and hi fellow pilots hecame pioneer of Ihe air called upon lo exert the bet of Iheir The machines are known a Ihmgla world cruior. They were huill al Santa Monica and are ,iinilar In l.mgla lorpedo idait'e with .ome modification, however, which Milt Ihem particularly for Ihe work which they are lo be railed umm In perform. Loaded wilh pilot, ga. baggage, elc. the machine weigh n llllle . . I . I.. over eiglil inousami jiouuu. wilhoul. 5.10(1 pounds. Thnwingti are 35 Vj feet long and have n pread of 50 feed. Their height Is 13 feet 7 tnche The fuselage TH1 DAILY VBWH. and win? are made of aluminum and are partly rmered wjlh can va. The mnlnrs are r00 hnre Miwer l.iherlle. The maximum -peeil of Ihe mnrhlne.-t in Iftrt mileii per hour with ponlonn and 1 05 mile- with landinir pear. Their rruiftiti? epeed it 75 miles, Ihifl havfnsr heen exceeded at llme during yeitlerday n flijrhl. 1'lie aviator and m-ehanieK all heUiiiir lii Ihe Unite.! Sialex Army under Ihe u-Iirr of whleh Ihe Klolie iliyhl i hein? aflenipled. Ihe purKie of Ihe llihl. Major Martin naid, i'ln I'tiin(rulr Ihn feaihilily of eommiiniealioii hy nir helwwn III"" naiim of Ihe iWorM. Major Martin ay no allem. i Jx-insr made In rare wilh Ihf llrillli. lie admllo that Sluar Mac I. a re n ha a pond oijmr- lliinily ft healina: Ihe American around. The only handicap l Hhe IIHH-li. he Male. i Dial jlhey lime iud vlimuli Mijiilic j I a i -1 enroiile. If tlwy have kihmI (poiinr. lKiweer, (hey MiouM lieal Ihe AmerieaitK hand down. In a lintf ditatire , flihi a ninxle machine hax Ihe- advantage over a rreater niimhr providing there are t ntinhap. Well Sheltered Major Martin Maled thai Ihe )Cove M-h-eleil for Ihe landing of jhi machine was well 1iclicred and uilei (o the juii-j.-e al- lliiiiiph he did nol realire al fir I thai it watt iio xmall. The American machine will Hy wilh pontoon unlit they , reach (Ulrulla. There they will Ii!- replared wilh whee fur laud 'llyitiy. At Tokyo Hie jotiloin- and engine will tie .channel There will alMi lie engine change al llalciilla and Hull. Ii.:. stand. 11t1rl'-fve nnw en- Bine are el mil alone Ihe route. The deck of the pontoon are ery Hun lliree ply. veneer, tin the tup ihe MishlfM crack wilt hreak Ihem bul uuderiieulli they will wilhiand iiHre. An examin I.ieul. .-U - r,.!l--w-d Ihe ..i,..,, .,,.. a..lee.1av xlahli.he.l in-ide kteaniiM.af paair ah IhcjHiat Ihe jMinli.ti of Major Mar- ... ..a,..- ,1,1, maeiiin.' wero mn icavin wiien nicy went ..uii.le. I he j ,irou?h hi imparl wilh Hie e i in-1. a. i it mn irry must unim- First Foreign Territory The 11 1 phi to "Pifnee Itttpert wa Ihe ftrl wilh jMinlion and oer water and al mark Ihe introduction of the maclune-. to fnrelpn lerrilor". Major Martin alo roinpli inenle.1 I.ieul. Wade ui In tia1-snlioj! ahilitie in iiceefully makin? Ihe His hi ami following ere roiMiiw... ... our '". ),. nPr n.herM- condilloli. r nexer ten inai we were ink I.ieul. Wade came up Ihe tnide paage ail Ihe way ami did not so outMde of tape l!alerl a Ihe firl lliree tnarlim-- did. All Hie oDlcer. of the High! re cent ! underwent a pecial cour-e of Irainin? at lnngley l ield, Virginia, for Ihe flight iiion which they are embarked. All United Slate Army llier. Ihe personnel of Hie ll is lit I a fid-low: Pilots Major I.. T. Marl in. flight commander, who wa in Chatge of Chauonl field, Ilanloiil, tlbnoi. Marhine No. I.; Lieut. Lowell Smith .or Itock-well Field. San lliego. (Maehlli" Xn. . Lieut. Leigh Wade, Howling Field. WaMiinglnn. I.H. Machine Xo. 3 . Lieut. Kiik II. XelMin. McCool; Fiel.l, llaylon, tlhio. (Machine Xo. t . Mechanics Lieut. Lelie Arnold, llowlinc Field. Washington. U.Oi (Machine Xo. S . Second I.ieul. John Harding. A Fairview Cake SI JWeuifJ. Pacific Milk nukes Cake that "melt in your mouth" a Fair-view cook tell u. Ami she proved it. While we admit Ihe cake with H deep choctlale icing wa .lexcepUonally fine both in flavor and .texture, we muM make a genernu. allow. auce for the splendid skill of Ihe cook herself. Still she say lhat not een freh cream give her Ihe .same quality a Pacific Milk puis in iter baking. Pacific Milk Go. Limited 328 DRAKE STRICT, VANCOUVER. Factories at Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. McCook Field, Not Like a Clam LAMS live to themselves. You can't. You link lives with your neighbor across the street, across the province, across the continent. You are influenced by what he wants, buys, uses, enjoys. When enough of your neighbors want, buy, use, enjoy the same thing, you begin to see advertisements about it advertisements to arouse you to similar use and enjoyment. They paint glowing, truthful pictures ... try to get you interested in what will really interest YOU. Convenient, courteous information is yours at a minutes glance. Style, variety, price, where obtained. That minutes glance may mean the difference between buying unworthy wares and the best. You dont Want to be like a clam even in your judgments. Read the advertisements to be guided by others choice. When they choose something again and afgain, it must be good. Each Advertisement is Written to You to Help You Choose to Save You Money. Oaytnn Machine Xi. .. SlalT Sergeant Henry ttlen. Selfrblge Field, 11. Og-I let roil. i Marhine ."o. a.) Slaff Sergeant A. L. Harvey, Chanou) Field, Itanloul -Machine Xo. I.; j Mayor Xewlon and I ho cily. council. S. J. Mcl.cod, president) of Ihe Hoard of Trade, and Joe Jrcer. preMileul of the Fair' Hoard, were on hand lo lake in a pnoeii oinciai recepiion yeMerday afternoon hut Ihi wa poMponcd al Ihe reiuel of Major Martin who wa very anxious n make an inspection of hi machine. Jin-vis Mcl.end. local represent alive of the tlight. had charge of Ihe arrival arrangement and i looking after Ihe interests oT Ihe airmen during Iheir slay here. Major O. I'. Tinker met Major Martin last night and offered the IliersMhe courtesies of the Xorlh 1H.C.. Itcgimciit. SILVER WEDDING IS CELEBRATED Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Klllln Guests of Honor at Event at Central Hotel Saturday Night The silver wedding of Mr. and Mr. Hugh Killin wa relehraled on Saturday evening al Ihe Cen tral Hotel when a fine spread was prepared and goodly parly of guests sat down al X 30. In the course if the evening a presentation was made to Mr. and Mr. Killin by l'eler HlaeV on behalf of those present, the gift being a lieauliful Silver tea service. Song am), game and dancing were indulged in and Ihe time passed all Ion quickly. Among those present were Mr. and Mr. A. Hunter, Ohier of Police and Mrs. W. Vicker. Mr. and Mr. W. Ilnbb. Mr. and Mr. McKechnlc, Mr. and Mr. J. Wat Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating & T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders,' Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINC Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. son. Mr. and Mr. J. Murray. Mr. and Mr. J. Arthur. Mr. and Mr. W. Murray, Mr. at.id Mr. 11. Wigjrins, Mr. and Mr. A. Clapperlnn. Mr. and Mr. P. Hlack, Mr. and Mr. W. Hor-robin, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Killin, Me. dames Davis and Arthur. Mi. 11. tJoodwin, II. Arthur, M. Murray. C. Watson, K. Vicker. Mcssr. It. . Murray, W. Murray and J. Kelly. Tuesday next week al eight o'clock (be Oakland broadcasting station of the General Kleclric Co. w ill give If Trovalore ami on Thursday at the same hour there will be a three act drama' "Kind ling" and tuusio by Ihe Sweet, hriar Trio. Saturday a musical program by the, concert orche. Ira of Ihe Soropllmlsl Club, Oak land, California. On each nightj dance music after ten o'clock! Subcribe for the Dally News. Seeds Seeds Jut arrived, our lock of Garden and Field Seeds, Onion Sets and Ferliliier. Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies Our famous Edon Coal In any quantities Phone 5S. Prince Rupert Feed Co Geo. Papadopulis' New and Sooondtiand Furniture STORE We buy, nell and exchange all kinds of new ami secondhand goods. Stt Third Avenue. Phone 4. P.O. Box St sail.'