Or'.ober 20. Those New Odd Shaped WRIST WATCHES Some people are afraid In buy them because they think they might not run ns well im I he common shape. The tlifffronce, however, is moally in the case iintl trimmiuga as the wheels and work-nig pii' K are the usual kind. W' have a girl's rectangular gold filled it w.-lled wutuh, which i a good timc-Ke- pt i . a low as f 15.00 iu while,. green or vcllovv gold. Other fuiiry shape., ul Hie mne pri. c hut we have others all the way to $.S.VOO. BULGER & CAMERON LIMITED. '.'' ""I- Ail. I:"Im1,iiii Ik-(.,(' Nov I Yd. : Druvvr g uunid be nf no n. ... 'IV N' - i-nild nut rcpnitliiii- Hun. m tins Alice arm gi . -ihcr ni l-( l..- ! n !riii-k I i,..u..ii prnpei-tv K ' - it it valley by , i iin MrLend. , K . . I ..' g,.Od llllll- in- -,uin' win. TJie n-n ill) (in the J" l!y Ynrden to mil would br . iit.-. ii uii-ft property ' U k w i . closed lk ! Hi- Kcyotone 'be (H-f. it uii- 'Hf s-o Mferenee "i wage and i, i-,l aain' i I K. I.nni- V i hunt tiia K - i ii' Hiwr ltil ,.n--.i two Awuat- - ) Mie. I JohnM hixI left , r wck for Hie . In where I hejr will v. A .lanre ' luitot til - i.-ri. 1 sa Xv'j t vivi :,i'nin Manufactured bv Iperial Tobacco Company i Unada Limited Mr. umt Mi- BOAT ARRIVALS SIS, lO 25 K. hi'i'fnn I ril I 'l 1 1. Ilu-ir new li.iilH- liinl i-K. iiini! oi it rummuudiny :uiiliun w lli h -pleiidid view Ihe liOiiso i liejililifully linislicd tuaidc. It Uh ii i-iiiii icii. base- went ami in uikjVu l ion ably tin finest residence in Lhv town. Arrivals from the south on the C X.It. steamne Prince Hubert. uapl. Marry Nedden, this after toxin included: W. Bourne, Mrs. Jl. W. Mom'. !. Koentesbunr, .Mr. Sloan (Stew art, I. Minton (Anyox), I. Hojn. ton, D. C. .Scot I Anyox,, Mr lileh (AnyoK, lr. Perry, G. Gilchrist tHewart). Mr. lrl.eod Mr. Mysrs. V. A. Cober. W. ttol- nlc. H. Wallace (Klewart), K. A iio otaii i Sirwarl t . Mrs. Irene Martin (Anyox. Mi. .Murray. Vs. J. MiiHU. Mis p. Smitli K.. TlmriMHr-and rliiMWic. II ), OMroui, Mr. K. T. Hs-tln Mii. I). I low, Mrs. V. It. Kennedy. I likvit Nwideon Hisuop Uuiioi, H.,. vgirtfithersf.frs'. .I"IT- lll 'I M fMm. Mli .iim and ana fcon. O. MilMrd, J. II. WilMi. Sk(.- Wale . Mm. M. AN. Mcl.wid (Any- ox. H. J. Jstinnrk. V. K. Truintt. iivv . 0. Psulin. . ! Mi Ui.'ks. :or it ! Local and Personal H.O. Undertakers. Phone Jl. Hayners, Undertakers, I'lioue 351 f 1AM and Messenger Service. I'lionu 078. tf A delieiouM drink for all oc canions "SUPHKMH" ColTee. tf Mi'. 8. V. Taylor, 1H05 Ora hum Aveiine, will he at home on riiumduy, October 30, from, 3 to 0 and on the second Wednesday of ach month. 2rr 15 35 . Oiler liesuer sailnl on the Prinvexs Mary this morning for ancouver. George Merrill, well known restaurant man, arrived in the eity from Stewart on the Cardena ypulerduy afternoon. 11. V. Caini'iuii returned yes li'iday afternoon oh the Cardena from a huine trip to .Stewarl and other northern' points. Mm. J. H. Tanuoek has arrived aeri- from Fori Praser to join iier hufb.uid who was reei-ntly niioinled ch)f clerk In the local government agent's olliee. Miss Msrjorie McDonald of Any- s issued throogli on the Car di'iia yesterday aflernooa bound for Vancouver with California as her ultimate destination. Miss MeDonaid will be remembered a a inaid-of-bonor at the Exhibi tion Carnival here in 1U23. II C. LaTraee relumed on the Cardena yesterday ufternoon from Anyox where for the nasi weeks he lias been working on the addition to the publie school the contract for which was In the hands of K. II. Shockley of Ibis city. I'.. J. Ilauahlun, district super- mtemJent for Canadian Omern ment leleraidts, arrived fron Anyox and Stewart on I he Cur uena yeielny ar(rMoon and aroeeedetl through on the steam r to hin bealuarlers in Vic loria. He lias been on a trip of inspection. Tfir i llerevles f relies Va nco u vor ' -1 r X-r arrived in iKrt at 2.30 !hi mornifiK from loeo with 1.000 barrel- f .Slar fuei oil for the loeal Imperial Oil tanks and will return couth Ihiv afteruoon Capl. Mr.Mulien is in eomuiand ol the Hereules and her male James 'nol!., well known here nut formerly maslr of the fed-Mat imblir works Iniat Walrondo. v THE DAILY NIW8 PAQB THREB Dt.t I Uhlldren loVe and hack qdainjdr O Mnmi Bakers Cocoa Their active, energetic, little bodies frequently require a W3 t large amount of nourishment and much of this is suppliedby Baker's Cocoa in a readily assimilable form. MAM IN CANADA AY WalterBuker&CaLlmlted tvTACuyico i 'oo lonWlConada DortheslerMass. eoowt or tsoia nun vimt Ilii-h. p llunoz returned from a trip snath on the Prince llupe this afteruoon. Don't Forget.' I.O.D.K. llazaar Saturday, Nov. I, al S-p.m. Af ternoon tea and uiters served. Awaitiug Easier n eomieetions the train fro.m the Hast tonigh! is late and is expected in about 0.20 p.m. It. '. Melfftosli 4i sailing to night oil the Prince Kuperl for Vancouver en route to lorouto on a six weeks' busiaess trip. Miss A. C. Ktngtyain, H-N. of Victoria relurtwtoijtjie i'inees Mary tfiis morning Jrom a holi day trip U the Atlin.dislrict. Two niglils, NQ.vetiibrr ' and 7 . "A Suntlower Seren-, ade," Melhdi.-J Cieb al 8 p.m. Admission 50e ,and 25. SCO The Prince Huperl Ily-Proilucl boat M.T.-3 was taken on the dry dock litis morning to undergo repairs follwwitvg, a recent :rounding. Hugh MolyneatiXk road sUHrin-emlenl for Atlin district, passed though on I lie Princess Mary this morning bound for Victoria whete he will sinfinl the winter A. Miller, the well know- Srnilhers mining men. arrived oi- the Princess Mary Ibis inoruiK from Ketchikan ami is regMc'i' al the Prince Rupert lintel. ' C.N. II. steamer Prince Huperl, Capl. N. Nedden, arrived f mini the south on time at 1 o'clock this afternoon and will sail for I Vancouver via Ocean Falls at 9.30 j o'clock this evening. Mrs. Taylor ol Atlin. mother of ' nrmaii Taylor, purser of the earner Princes Mary, iiassed 'liiinigli nn, the Princess Mary looroinjt euroute south o:i n vnculion trip. . - ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul F.gzcrt and son of Atlin were passengers go-; tug through on tin- 'i Mary this morninir bound f Seallle. Mr. Hggerl is a brother j or Dr. C. A. FvSiterl or this oily, j G. A. Clothier, residenl mining engineer, returned on the Princess Mary thi morning'' Trotn a (rip to the Atlin district. Ho paid an olllcial visit to the Unginecr mine. Mrs. II. W. Mnrry of Port F.s-singlon, who since returning from a I rip to Newfoundland ha been ii-iliiitf in Victoria, arrived, from Ihe oulh on the Prince ' llupert Ihls . aftvrnoon- enrouie home. Tiny Walker, Ihe, Ketchikan J wrestler .who visited the city a couple of years ago for i match with Ad Guslavn. was a pascn-j ger going soui on the Princes Mary this tnornliig aeeompanii'di hy his wire. They will visit Cat-1 Ifornia and other parts 'nf the1 United Stales and expect lo re-t u rn north in Felu-Uiirv. ) St. Andrew's Annual Hall will! be held in the Auditorium, Nov ember 28. Invitations will be is sued shortly. 25G Passengers sailing last night on tljc Cardena for the south in- luded T. Hood, W. S. Harris, Mrs. M. ilourget, M. Ilaggau, ieo. Ilryant and C. Edwards for Vancouveri V. II. Sutherland for Swanson Hay. W. It. Hagshaw was eoinmilled for trial in the city police court this morning on a charge of conniving at theifl. His sons, Cyril and Wilfrid, were also committed for trial on charges of breaking and entering the premises of the Pig Hay Lumber Co. .CP. It. steamer Princess Mary. Capl. C. C. Sainley, southbound from Alaska ports to Vancouver. was iu port from 9 to 11 o'clock this morning-. I he vessel had a good sized passenger list including a number of While Pass of ficials and employees who arc going out for the winter. There were also a few Yukoners. The Mary brought the following passengers here: (i. A. Schuiuaker Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Dobbins and Miss N. Dobbins and Arthur kel home from Juneau; Mr. Van Val kenherg and J. M. Sieg'ried from Skagway: A. Miller rwn Kel ehikan ,and O. A. Clnlhier and Miss A. C. Kingham from Car cross. 1 lie vessel s list iroin here for the south included Olier Hcsiicr and L. J. Seguin. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert It. II. Young, Port Simpon; I). Tepoorlen, Vancouver; A Richmond, city. Central Mrs. John McKenzie and F. I. O'Hearn, city; George K. Merrill and H. Mcl.eod, Stewarl. STEWART Good reports are coming down from the I., and I., property on Glacier Creek and there is no in dic-alion of a shut down this win ter. J. Frank Hreeze is in chargi of operations on this properly, Splendid progerss is being made on the Gold CHIT property which was recently bonded by H. Triles and the showings arc excellent. Large quantities of supplier are being packed into the properly in spite of the ad-verse weather and trail condi tions. Dr. Duller, dentist, is. leavina this week' for the south on t-vacalion trip of several weeks. Work i lipids resumed on lh Twiniuiis group and will continue Ihoughout the wilder. Permanent camps have been buill. II. F. Smilh, superintendent nl I he Premier mine, who left .last week fo rthe F.al will be marrici! il llirlle, Man., on November ! o Miss Helen Walt, fonnei eurse al Premier. NOTICE The Cily Clerk's otllce will be open on ednesdav, 1 liursdayH and Friday or this week till ( p.m.; also from 7 to 0.30 p.ni for Ihe purpose of registering volers for the forthconiing civic election. K. J. JONKS. 257 City Clerk. HALLOWEEN BALL OCTOBER 31. YOU WILL BE NEEDING AN EVENING. GOWN. "DEMERS" HAVE THEM IN THE LEADING STYLES AND COLORS. Hosiery NUDE, FRENCH NUDE, SILVER, GOLD, SHUTTER GREEN i n i m-m i ijls The Fresh Flavor H of SALAD A" H817 reflects the absolute purity of the blend. Delicious to the last drop. Try it. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle ail kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 nd 385 "The Family Shoe Store" IADIES! FOR THE HOSPITAL BALL Call in and, see the latest in BLACK EVENING SHOES Just iu FROM $5.50 ANNOUNCEMENTS Hospital Annua" itai:, Oct 31. Ladies' Auxiliary. St. Andrew's Society, Hazaar, Tuesday, Nov. 4. 2C0 Anglican Cturch llazaar. Nov. C Lutheran Pageant, Theatre, November 5. Empress : "Sun Flower Serenade in the Methodist Church, Nov. 6 and 7. Queen Mary Chapter Wbisl FINE FOR GROWING KIDDIES TJABY specialists are recom-" mendlnft Kllm Whole Milk (in the brown and yellow tin) as an Ideal diet for growing children because the absolute purity of Kllm Is constant and unTarying. Kllm Is just pure full cream milk with the water remoTed and It use quickly promotes regularity In sleeping and waking which follows ner. feet digestion. Ask your doctor about Kllm Brand Powdered Whole Milk. CANADIAN MILK mODUCTS LIMITED MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG Sold by XMAS PHOTOS Sittings Any Time by K Appointment Hesl Work, Lowest Prices ECKOFF STUDIO Cor. 2nd Ave. and (HIi St. Phone lie C9. LAND ACT. Catilir Lnd Dutrlct. 4 V Drive . and .DanCAV Sav. -t, Klksl - Herwdinir dliMrlcl -crf-erlnre Rupert, Home. .llUaitt 111 Alllll I.SKI7. BIKIIII (IIIC 1111 Ull'l i mil. diif tut or Aiiin Tnwnslt.. TAKE NOTICE Uul Pi ill L. ttftX. nt Atlin, In the Province of British Coltnn- Monsp ioose nazaar, Itazuar Nov .ov. 18 10 unit aim 19 u. b,s. occupation Jeweller. Intends to ipply roitoiinn rnr p,rnlon ,0 pllrcnise ,ne tf described hnds-: X Ciimmenclm it ?ot planted at the Presbyterian Hazaar, Nov. 20. Lutheran Hazaar, December 2. MelropoU Hall. V'lUlll Jlltk I1 HIT Plll.ll 1-il.nU KIHIIA II U Second Island In Atlin Like, situated a aiiove; tnence northwest and on around tM Island follow inr the nhore line to the place of commencement; and ronlairin two acre, more or less. Sept. Jrd, HJl. PAUL Lnt.'l rnr.KRT I HISSXibHi U4aUlUaWp WHOLE Ml, T2t RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO.