U r, rbor 29. 1024, I". TH2 DAILY NEWS JAGTV. FTVTJ . - . Ilue Ribbon RADIO STATIC BAKING POWDER V I ... .at 4 lli-a bound la 4k Uu U-.l m lA lot Ik 7 will " tm bont. I U nem In ill. and a cleanser ior the mouth and teeth. AVrlalrv'n tnrana Ebcmlltos nlffl4ttrr. vvcllaa " SLEEPING IS TO SHIP'S SIDE Notional ari'itngemcntH to mill at f nli.l,.,l lirongi, from ,n ' io lbe ship's siilo Halifax in coii- 'd Country sall-""veiubor and Doc- PH'llfMllar reirnnl. '"al ion passports, '"cured f,.ni Oily ' nnadlnn niinni Third Ai...i,i,,. r I'hone 26o, I Next time you order baking powder say "Blue Ribbon." Then give it the baking day test. You need have no fear of the result. Try it. it CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRuDert PRINCESS ALICE PRINCESS Mflnv lencouver, Victoria, and Seattle 7, 17, 28 (October etchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway October 3, 13, 24 8.8. PRINCE8S BEATRICE. Mttdala. Swiimon Bay. Eaat Balls. H.iu n.. . falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vair Luver, every Saturday, 11 a.m. Agency ror an steamship Line Full information from W. C. ORCHARD. 0ntral An.nf f cf 4h S'reet and 3rd Avenue, Prince. Rumh. B.Cs. N STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. I S.ltinr, from frux-a Rupert. i0UVI, VICTORIA, Ixkm. Bat, ,f4 Ahri Bar, TM44r, r . pirn, victoria, aim Bar, t a.,, stira, io A.m. p. ALiee arm, tTtwAMT, a Kit, FONT SIMPSON a4 Nui Rltar OukmIh, l, AM. 4. .rn.i.r, pmik RimM, BO. ISSLEYS ias919Ba TIMBER TIMBER SALE SALE X X Mr Every Meal i Ionacst-lasling Pn you can buy 6644. )! T. rnUr- to- trrltml hi !! :in,.i.-r r unit,, at Vtrlurli, not Utrr Hull tolM o Itw tl of .Novmbr, iV.'l, I" I IIM lliiIUMf III UlTUfC XHII, li il t II.'. mimi M of priM, llmilork. iixl balia ttul la.ooo Fmi nf trilmJ tnq nnrim wrura, ou in rr. at in una or aim- srm. i.tMr un f rift. to !t' y-r win h tikrd ror r iBiti nr uniMr. rrtrr Mrnraitrt f r. cui.r rotra ler. VlrlnrU. B O, OT DUtfl'V rTM- 1'imcr Huprrt. B C H O T I 0 C. 5.1H. c l brrrby fm lhl ippdrallnn UI I mail llw l.r1UiHf Amhty .r ih. I'ruMiiri' of irlilli Ortun.uu ti ii n. .i rton ifwrfuf. fur an Art miktni i.r.iim..ii fr it vMiHir f rrwil ir-ih rn ..f tlw l'r-bvlMn rhiirrh In Mn-ada, h- VrttHKllnt r.btirrh mil Ih Con-.rrrtliiiiul i.'lnirrliet of Canaila, In lh f mini Dhurrh "f rjuaitt: fur holdlnr. unit (1inlnllfnn of lha pf'ITiy nf , . ittM-.itmn i-nlrrinr ih unhm of ll ..tin riiiiri'hM tn frn llw I'nitrd Church . . .anaili, ami rnr If- ImMUii ul. Iba rv pri'i "f ri.inrrrrilliiiin viiln not to mnrur Iti'ffl" rnr IV iruU n-Utlnr lo rmeril ami I'liin'tdlnnal prnrrtjr; and tfiwr-i: fur in arrrm f tit. aid unha into "l'i" l Vl.loria. Brill! Colombia. llil 1IH !. mniir, A O. Il, A.'t ' i 'VI-- 'utt' i1f'V"Ji'v L on urnmr or in aripuraiii TIMBER SALE X 6556. Tlwrii will b ufrcrfil for ule al Public Anril'.ii, al nHin n lh tltli day of Oclo X vr. i nf l, in mi- orriif or in iwm ii-r'nr ! SmlllMTH, B.r . Ih llrfnrf i it 55.U0I Jarkplna Tlt on n ai- a ltnll almul I iiiiik NMimnn of M. iist m lunrf S. I'jkM Dlatrlrl. Thw 1 - rr will allowed for r aiiivnl 'if limber. .I.H....I.I...I tlial .llW IA llllalllA IO .1 Irml Hie inrtlni In perm m Milmill etled tender tn be nned lh hour of iKllon, ind feated ona bid." Turilier turlirulirf or lha Ctief rore-irr Vt'inria. n.c, or nintrlci Forester. I'rlnee Hupert B.C, LAND ACT. Qui.n Charlolt laland L.ni DUtrlct. m.t.lrl af erlnc. Ruo.rl TV Miiiica lht I. Samuel Simpson, of Mmnett, II.C, orriipaiinu iinnrriimn. intend lo apply for permission til lease the rAn. in. rriii.d iimli: rmmenrlnt at a post plained pear the southeast ronirr of Classen isianu, im innur iiui! water mark, Ihenre fullowliiir low water mark In a norihesterlv direction i ills-lame of 10 rhalns (I mile)! Uienre west-rrlr & flulns; them-e southerly SO tlialns (I 'mllei lo KUt of rwiimenreiiient and roiilalnlns U arraa rmore or less), SAMUEL StMCSON. Applicant. Peter I'eay, Aftnl. Hth Srpi.mlier. 1BI4. TIMBER, SALE x 66 W. Sealed Tenders will be received by Ihe Mslrlci forester not later than noun on the Jrd day of, November. t. fur imrrlwM of.l.lcenca X M,j kltlmat Arm. C.ll. 4. lo cut sJt.OOO feet iiiM. of itrinlork. Hlw,. aprur- awl ,:,Two' ""fiar. will be allowed for removal of timber, Further parllru ars of lha Oiler Torea-ler. Victoria, or lha DUirlcl Foreiur, I'rioct nupert. B.C. By The Daily News Radio Expert. Storage Batteries The source of tin- vital energy in nearly wwy radio set, i bal-lerte, of Home kind or other. Nut unlike any other machine, a radio receiver, once its vital energy is disaipaled, U unable In function properly. Then, in order to ensure a continuous iteration of our set we mul m Dial our " batteries are alway kept full of energy with which to supply I hem. In the average, radio, using dry , mt t; ttt 1 1 m-ies. Hit; be, tiling lo do, when Ihcse run down, iw to purchase new one-,. An ordinal- 9') u. ,vnll H. battery will last for a "mi uiitM mom ns on trie etts-lomary lime tub receiver, k no anxiety nml be felt ou tbi-point. llci.l.. bey eol no Utile mai H can always afford lo stand I be emit of a new one or two (or Die unusual service Kiev Rive. . Iiuylng new A or ai'nraa. balferies, however would Soon1 break evn Ihe very wealthiest .,r j u. II i obvious I ben that some! tnetjioil must te adopted for charging Ibem. re- Charging Batteries There are two yionm l be ronAiilereil here. One Ih lo have the battery taken to a rwrviee "lulion to lie recharged. The other i lo rbarte it youryelf. The iliaivnnlaaa of lh? firnl mentioned met bod Mre evident. One ban In lug the heavy battery to I lie ftlulioif lvo or three lime a month or even more, at considerable expanse nd ineonven-iewo. Then, ?oti are alwaya leuiite to .train Ike laal bit nf j ii ire from your ballnry before havinjr il ebarfed. a harmful and Acrioua. iiiiuan. ItniudeA I hi, ynu aro without your battery for a few day every iinM han to le oliarjed. Kaperlence a how a dial. Ibii i the moat likely time thai vixilore will niinmie t hear your radio. Tlie nee.1 for a battery re-enerxixinu device in the home i ery elrwr, then if you dealre erviee, convenience and inex-lenvene. A battery Ohatfrer may. al firni, aeein a rather larire outlay but il will more than pay for itelf in a very Abort linir. There are many excellent rliarKin? device on (he market at preenl, whieh ell at very rea- Aonable price. Heware of thej iiadverlier urHlucl, however.1 When buying one beeaue theyj will not tnd u't for any lenglb of Mine. There are cheap charger like anything ele. He- inernner tin mm uet a bihmI iuh "LISTENING IN!" Entertainment and Education. Radio Supplies Speciality Prince Rupert's Pioneer Radio SIotA' W. W. WRATHALL, - Prince Rupert, B.C. Special Attention (liven Mail Orders:' to It -hu)t Ibereforn lie te.led fre-iiueiitly with a tiydroineler, to ascertain the condition of il. ceilH. When I he battery become run down o thai it reg-Uler three quarters enifdy, gel it recharged al once. Under no condition nhould a battery be diciiar?etl until it regitttera empty on the hydrometer. If il should through accident or careleiisne however, get into llii run down condition by no mean abolulely leave it in I hi tale. You are ruining a perfectly good battery by doing so. KiHier get ft charged or charge it yourself immedi ately. A good plan tn follow, if you have a charger of you own, I" to charge your balleTy a few hours per day or even a few hours every other day, o that il may always be maintained in a fully charged slate, ready for service. This will prolong ynur Daiiery tire as wen. A corrosion will oon he noticed around tbe lugs of your bat tery when il has been reobarped a hw lime. This corrosion lakes the fur in of a tfrcenish pata, whieh, U left aU,ie,. will cause imperfect con I act at the lug, and in lime eat ripht through the wire" leading from flietii . The application of vase line around the lug Uiemelve will check (hi aefioa and tbu prevent it fniin spreading. A jooluiinn of aniiHonia and water tappliel with rag will setae loo. although il will have to be used Jvery-frequently. Io nol let either Caring for the Batteries ' I lie vaieline or Hie aiiimnnia a ballcry ha been used utimi jcet into the cell Ibem- for some time, it will heroine selves or disaster will result, rundown and reqiire rcehari.'iiig. Nurr hatlerv will in tune need 4k A ... ' Mliij lair f WjUMVHKr Bottled In bond under r' ernn,,n' F i rBaBaBaBaVBWe-aaHajaaaaiajaaaaiaHaBB M This nilvcrtlsemciit is not puliljshcd or displayeM by Liijuor Control Hoard or liy the novcrnmeiil of British Columbia. the watering in Is your wife wiser than you? IF YOU read only the stock and sporting-pages, and your wife is like other women, she is wiser the n you. She reads the. shopping news. She likes to hear you jingle money in your pockets. She likes to stretch money to the limit, so she won't have to ask for more. She likes to shop strategically. Know what she does. Comfortably at home in a cushiony armchair, she scans advertising columns. She com-pares,-judges and selects the goods she desires; maps her route; with least effort and minimum time, goes direct to the planned store and buys. She obtains what she wants at the lowest price it, is offered. She is certain of full satisfaction, for she knows advertised goods live up. to their claims. She saves time and steps, and returns sufficiently alert to enjoy new advertisements and to prepare you an appetizing dinner. b These advertisements are written for ' your r. . n J if. .. I I . 1. . . 1 t. . enem 100. reaa inem. neip ner neip you save. Buying advertised products is a bond investment- not a stock speculation order lo keep the (Saturday evening, November I, by which only two fish mature i olution at its proper density. Some or tne waier nas csc.ipeu in the process of -charging and has thus nMidered the solution more concenlraled. Ask your service man about Ibis; do not attempt to water your own bat-1 lery without advice of some sort.) Too much cannot be said upon! the proper care of a storage bat- lery, but if it is always kept in, . in: ti ...III Ka ' a Cliargeil cowiiriini ii win ready for instant use at any lime; its life will be prolonged; and you will not have lo turn away friend for the nigh! .with tins lamented ,e.cuse, "L am sorry, is . - - Something very novel in noway of entertainment was offered to fan last Friday night, Oct. 2t. when Ihe regular Hoot Owl meeting from KOW, the Orcgon-ian newspaper station was re-hroadcasled through CFCX at Calgary and KKliC at San Fran- icisro. Listeners in thus bad an option of Ihreo stations from which Ibey wero able to receive Jjbe same concert. The Hoot J Owls are famous for the excellent brand.of entertainment Ibey provide, so that everybody who" ! listened in on that particular might -got his full money's worth. , It i not known' whether this feature will be repeated again or jnol. but, Judging from the sic-ces las) Friday night, it should i.be, by; till. me.ansi a , KQO Program I The l.hree-acl drama, "Tar-jiilsli," by Gilbert Kmery, will be i presented u audio form by Uie 'KfiO players, direeled' by WiUbi , Wilson Church, in the studio of Ihe Oeneral Kleclric S.I at ion. 'Thursday evening, October 3h Music between n,cls will be played 'by the Cremona Trio, Verba lluena Lodge, V. & A.M., number 403, Oakland, California, wilt entertain KUU listeners on broadcasting strel show. an old time min VALUE OF HATCHERIES SHOWN BY RESULTS IS OPINION OF INSPECTOR spawning in the .cycle yrjf- numher or risii. lhus two mature fish returned for every pair in the cycle year previous. A mature fnnialo sockeye salnxin produces about 3100 eggs from that is, th return is only 1-17 of one per cent. Tbe relurn of fiOOO fish lo McLaughlin Lake from a planting of 150.000 eggs gave a relurn of t per cent of mature fish or 08 times tbe nundier'prn-ilgred from purely natural proposal ion. Thus may be seen the great advantage to he gained Dy To show the benefits derived artificial assistance. "If arlifU from artificial assistance to nat-i ciat efforts are increased ' anil ural propagation as compared! pnsihle conservation is enforced, villi purely natural propagation, V. Harrison, inspector of inlclieries, slates that it Jias been noted" on itny sockeye ii. is an aosoiuie certainty that the industry can be built up to equal if not exceed the. production ottue best days of the pastl" - - ' rt , i TCapt. A. C II. Oerhardi or the Homestakc, Mining Co., which is conducting operations at Alice, Arm, passed through on the steamer Cardena yesterday afternoon bound ror Vancouver. Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Will relieve Rronehilis, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, niid'all affections of the Throat, Chest and Hron-chial Tubes. .' . . AAiattV We htive.i, limited ."number of samples of Ibis Mixture which will, be given away to atlnUs only. ORMES LIMITED The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store Third Ave. A Sixth St. Phones 82 and 200 i 8 a