or1 TAXI ' W and dlJ Ambulant Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDECK, Prop. VOL. XIV., NO. 197. l'he settlers will be given the wnr). ,as )(,n ,,u, an, s aliotit choice or land In any province 500 j.,,, fl.(IIU. it 'pie vejn jS II I II l n ull (..It. I I .... - ...... I II. "lncii moy seieui. iv ia "uimu visible lor olio or ooo irei up inn Hie most of them will settle In aMIVP the tunnel and several lie northwest. hundred feet below it, and is HOSPITAL TREATMENT IN JULY COST LESS This Was Due. However, to Greater Number of Hospital Days Finance Committee Reports to Board The cost of treating patients per day pi the local hospital ilur lug the month of July was con siderably lower than usual it was reported by I lie finance coml- ;. ''"My. , , miltec to the hospital board last night. It was pointed out. how- wer, that this was due to the biel that there was a larger mini of hospital days. There were 1505 hospital days during July "id the average cost was 2.01 bi June Ihero were 1205 hospital 'lays ami tho cost was $2.80. Accounts for the month totalling 44.IIHK.01 Including Hie pay-loll were passed for payment. Jv. Campbell, chairman of Hie financo committee, reported "'at expenditure was just about knsutiijj within the budget, sident and managing engineer of the Eldorado, 1.000 sacks, of ore, approximately forty-five tons, will start coming down from that property this week for shipment. The ore will be hauled down Salmon Olacier on doublc- enders lo the Olacier group spectacular appearance. Number Three vein parallels Number One vein, upon which most of the from seven to eleven feet wide. Hie samples brought down-wore sent out to the company's Vic toria office. Silas P. Silverman, who ar rived In Stewart n few weeks ago. received instructions from cw York this week to start work on the. Fish Creek property, which is owned by Hie American Mining and Milling Co., ami has been closed down for several months. A w of men has gone to the properly, wilh Wan. Tompkins as foreman. The first work will be to put the camp Inlo shape, aflev which the preliminary mining rails for open culling and other surface work, which will have a bearing on the winder's underground development program. Georgia River The Ceorgia Hiver property - I... f- Cll.nl. Will 110 looM'U over y mr. cin;i- m'an within the next week or so wilh n view lo also starling work on It, m Die very near rulure. According to present plans it is allogelher possible I lint this properly ns well as Ihc one on Fish Creek will operate during the coining winter. SECOND SON BORN TODAY Princoss Gives Birth to Playmate for Laccollcs Heir LONDON, Aug. 21 A second son was born today to Princess Mary, daughter of King Goorfje and tho wife of Viscount Lascclloa, at Gold St. Borough. Much space Is olvon to the event by newspapers which record village oosslp to the effect that Princess Mary had ox-pressed to Intimates tho hope that tho child would be a daughter but that Lascellos had desired another son as a playmate for his heir. YOUNG LADY FROM ALBERTA HERE ON WAY TO FAR NORTH In the course of a 2,500 mile jjourney by rail, coast steamer ami river boat irom lier nome in Ponoka, Alberta, to Fortuna Ledge, near the mouth of the Yukon River in Alaska, Miss C. M. Hascom, a young lady of Ponoka, Alberta, is in the cily today. Miss Hascom arrived by train cabin, thence over (he new trail ,agl nif,lt from jmonlon RUSSIA REVIVES RAILWAY CLASSES MOSCOW, Aug. 21. Hallway class distinction, abolished by Hie Hrtlshevist revolution in 1 9 1 7 has been restored with first and second-chuss sleeping cars. It is reported that railway fares soon are lo be differentiated. WAIRUNA LOADED and in me rsumon vaiiey roan ..e.u omomm. will sail on the steamer Hie Indian mine camp, where it ,,r,ncess Alice fr Juneau. There will be transferred lo wagons Fine Samples S. P. Fitzgerald, president of she will board an Admiral Line steamer and go to Seward where slio will Inkn I ho Alaska eovern- Hie" Independence, has come down nwnl raWffly lo Nenana Al from the properly will, samples Nenntia( ,1C wi 0 ,,y river or Tine ore from the No. 1 hrec Mlllcr (low tlu, Tanaiia nive: vein, across which a deei openj() Tnnana at)(1 lonco duwn lho cut has been run. I he ore car-Ykon ,Uver ((1 her U(.s,inalin lies fine-graine.1 galena, silver wh,cl js ear lp toinl nwrke, in sulphides and iron pyriles, mvI flH MarsllaIli xhcrc si, is liberally stained with silver Wj v,sU w( rcal,vc8t nromioe ami ciuormi-, niwnn u u, M, ii,,,,,,,,,. ! ,.llt,iprpil tn- day nt the Prince Ilupert Hotel. AT OCEAN FALLS Irving McDormott .inri Long shoremen Return After Hav-In Comploted Work at Paper Town Irving McDcrmott and a 'parly of .longshoremen returned from Ocean Falls yesterday afler hav ing loaded the Wairuna, Capl Hills, of the Canadian-Australian line wilh 1100 Ions of paper. The vessel sailed Monday niglil for Union Hay where she will coal liefore proceeding direct to Aus tralia. She was piloted by Cap) Edwards, Mr. McDermnlt represented the Pacific Stevedoring Company which loads all tho boats that come I o Ocean Falls and Prince Hupeit. VICTORIA, Aug. 21. Word was received at Liberal headquarters here yesterday that Premier Mackenzie King will reach Victoria late in Seplember on a speaking lour. Ho will also speak al Vancouver but no indication is given as to what his other movements will be. 299 WHALES TAKEN VICTORIA, Aug. 21. With the whaling season Jiow at its height il is reported that 299 big sea mammals have been taken so far. Cacbalol station has taken 100 whales, Hose Harbor 150 and Naden Hurbor 10. BIRTH A son was born Rupert General at the Prince Hospital on PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, H.C., THURSDAY, AUUUST 21, 11)24. Ynterday'i Clrculitlon. isn The workmen who were engaged in preparing the stadium at Wembley for the great Empire Pageant indulged in an unofficial pageant of their own during their lunch hour. Expected That 100,000 Cases of Salmon Wi l Come This Way From Alaska Before Season Ends It is expected that, by the close of Ihi sseasou, the Ketchi kau, inoloMliiiviRelliugham,- ;Capt Leii-Villia.riisviUd)ne brought 100,000 cases of salmon from Alaskan canneries lo this port for transshipment -over- the Canadian National Railways tojlalion eastern states. Since August 1, the Hellirigham hits made four trips here from Ketchikan and has brought in those four trips 22,001 cases of salmon and 00U barrels of herring oil. The Hellingham was in port yesterday afternoon with a shipment Of 8,000 cases. She arrived at noon, cleared on her return north last evening and is expected back within a few days. MACKENZIE KING COMING TO COAST ON SPEAKING TOUR YANKS HOP OFF TODAY Flyers Are Now Enrouto from Iceland to Greenland on Their World Flight REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Aug. 21. Lieut. Lowell H. Smith and Lieut. Erik Nelson, tho United States globe flyers, and Lieut. Locatelll, the Italian aviator, hopped off this morning on the long flight across the North Atlantic from here to Fred-erlKsdals, Greenland a distance of 825 miles. The sea was smooth, conditions were as auspicious as possible and the machines took to the air easily. It Is confidently expected that the trying flight will have been successfully completed this evening. Tho whole routo Is well covered with convoy ships. N'ully, returned by tho Prince Uigust II lo Mr. and Mrs. Jaine (ieorge yesterday aflernoon from Weir, 300 Sixth Avenue West. a business trip to Vancouver. Admiral Field Says Dominion be Joseph Howe, of Howe A Mc-. Navy Would Be Good Thing For Both Dominion and Great Britain Street Sales, 4U in lax penally from fifteen per Icent, to twelve and a half per j cent., as advocated by Reeve Macnicol, the delegates were given a ! free hand should the question 'come before the convention. PLANNING MORE WORK DEASE LAKE COUNTRY V. D. McLaughlin Will Drill During Winter and Dredge In Spring VICTORIA, Aug. 21. Whcro Thibert Creek empties into Deaso Lake, iu the .Cassiar District, valuable claims attracted miners iu the northern rush many years ago. Now the possibilities are receiving attention from a dredging standpoint, working back over Ihe old ground. With that end in view William I). Mc- BOSTON GRILL Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. Suitable for dances,, banquets and wedding parties. For rates, apply to Boston drill, Third Ave. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENT8. MUCH HERALDED ASTRONOMICAL EVENT PROMINENT VICTORIA MEDICAL PRACTITIONER CHARGED MANSLAUGHTER Planet Mars Will Be Close To Earth Tomorrow and Chance Is Being Given For Communication NEW YORK, Aug. 21. The American press is devoting! much space to the fact that the plunet Mars will tomorrow be! nearer to the curtli than it has been in a century thus giving an j opportunity to scientists to get photographs from which to'nuikci deductions regarding the planet's inliuhitahility and so forth. i Professor David Todd has asked various South American governments lo silence their high power radio stations on Aug. 2.1 and s, lo give me innauiiauis oi .viurs, u mere ne iiiuaiHuims there, the opportunity of commiinicutiug with the earth if they liave discovered means or interplanetary communication. Astronomers at Mount ilson observatory, Los Angeles, arc not ern going to look 'for evidences of life on Mars but they are will- iiF" . I, W nw ...... w - . believing Mars inhabited, lo drop in for the 31,000,000 mile bird's eye view and will lend one of Ihcir; Number or properties w uperaie big telescopes to anyone willing I.. -1 : . 1 . II. R I1AI ....I .-...... I .. It. IU Ilium llie i,vu" itjvii, uvuuiuaiii in the hope of seeing a Martian. hi ibb Mm m w Ml rjli 1 11J A, A 1 1. A Vi 1 AGREEMENT IS NOW CONCLUDED Three Thousand Picked seiners Coming from Britain Under Most Favorable Conditions OTTAWA, Aug. 21. Settle ment ill umiiiiiu ui iiiii-M- iiiiFii-sand Hritish families lo be selected by the Dominion is provided for in the new immigration agreement concluded between Hon. J. A. Ilobb, minister of immigration, and the Hritish The Hritish government agrees to provide all I lie money ior equipment and transportation folalling $5,000,000. The set Hers are to repay this amount within 25 years. The Canadian immigration de partment will direct the settling of the immigrants and will assist them through the services u its field stalf SHIPPING ORE FROMSTEWART During Winter: Eldorado Down Salmon Glacier STEWART, H.C., Aug. 21. Tn addition lo the regular cargo of Premier high grade, ore, the big freighter Mogul on its trio out liok out -forly-five'lnns -of H.C, silver ore estimated at 8120 per ton, and thirty tons of Purler- Idaho estimated at $200 per Ion. Hie ship did not lake all the ore that was on the dock. According lo T. V. Wilson, pre Two Pedestrians Killed When Two Doctors' Cars Collide: Others Unhurt VICTORIA, Aug. 21. A. D. McLachlau and Ji.i5 'compauiou D. T. H'allanlyne were struck and instantly killediiy an automobile lust night. The car, which was driven by Dr. E. W. Hoak, was pitched from the road, evidently by rroming in Contact with a heavy car driven by Dr. C. V Duck, which dropped into a depression twelve feet'deep. Dr. Duck's car took a pftch in the opposite or right hand side of the road and plunged through thick underbrush into a tre,?. - r- ' The Iwo doctors escaped un- . . . , . Ilurl- T,,e Dorlies of tlie two men MUNICIPALITY AFTER !ki,le,, "fw"m out iipai hip rr r nntrniiiTn 65 year! ot a?", were discovered UAdULin, 1AA KtVtnUL Saanich Will Urge Policy at Union Meeting; Union of Police Forces-to Dismissed VICT MA, Aug. 21. Saanich delegate. to Hie Union of Muni cipalities will urge that the Provincial government be asked to divide the revenues from the gasoline lax wiMi the municipal in a ditch on the southeast side of the road. An investigation into the circumstances is being held today. It seems that McLachlan and Hallantyne were walking along the road together when they were hit. Doctor Is Charged Dr Hoak, who is a well known practitioner here, was charged with 'manslaughter today and re leased on $10,000 bail. The police ! ,.l 1 1 .I 'Du-ck buninef'released riilaner. share , on a basis , of t school t . popu- . ,..;..,., ' Dr. Hoak's hearing is set tn for If I had my way, there would . ,, ,, "'meantime, the pol.ce aro Ihe! only one police force in whole of Hritish Columbia," said Reeve Macnicol in asking for direction, as to the attitude delegates should lake, on the proposed consolidation of police and school aulhority in the hands ofi district councils. Reeve Macnicol deplored overlapping in police activities, and agreed Willi Councillor Oldfield's view that schools would be a task of great tabor should their administration be placed on councils. The view Ilia! changes recommended by the convention should be optional on referendum to the voler.H was also supported, the Saanich delegates being left u free hand on this After discussion of reduction i-iiuc.i ui nig iu gainer iiit-uiiT Ihe threads of events. Dr. Duck's I car, say the police, was in the jlead and ran off the road to the west side that of Dr. Hoak fol- ng and clearing inlo the djlch on Ihe East side. How lho two dead men were actually struck is still unknown. ' THREE HALIBUT BOATS Only three, halibut boats arriv-. ed today wilh 81,000 pounds -which -sold as follows: "-. Seattle 08,000 at 11.30 and 5 to Cold Storage. Star 12.30 aim 7 to Atlin Fisheries. Scrub 10,000 at 13.70 and 7.50 to Atlin Hsherics. TWENTY-FIVE ARE EXPECTED VISIT INTERIOR Twelve Already Pledged to go and Many Others Considering: Will Attend Dinner A dozen Prince Rupert people have already pledged themselves lo attend the Smithcrs fair and Ihc Telkwa barbecue on a special trip and it is expected (hat a party of 25 will be made up before Thursday next when they leave for the interior. President Mcl.eod of the board of trade has received a special invitation for Ihe parly to attend Laughlin of the Arctic dredging ne ,ijmu.r r shippers and grow- lease, is now in the city organiz-; ers ,,r l)iei Uulkley Valley to bo ing for tho coming season. His 'held at Smithers on Friday even- lease extends over the delta of. n(r 0f next wtek. This they are Thibert Creek and two miles up tho creek He intends to conduct an ex- QUEHEC, Aug. 21, "When you ask me as to the naval ploratory survey with drills all. there. planning to do and It is hoped that as many as possible of the Prince Rupert people will be defense policy lo be adopted by the Dominions of the Empire I (winter, und to commence opera- While the excursion' will tnko would say that it is a very delicate situation to consider but if lions with a dredge next spring, rather long, it is pointed out by you like me lo express an opinion On the subject I am willing water conditions win largely ue-iK president of the board lhat It to slate that provided this Dominion or any other overseas Do minion within the Empire is desirous of maintaining their own navy il would bo to my mind Ihe finest thing Hint could possU bly happen to the Dominion thus affected, while at the same time it would be a magnificent help to Great Hritnin." This was n statement made- in mi . interview by Admiral Field, commander of the British special service squudrou now here. (ermine his plan of operations. wiU be a unique opportunity for He enme lo lciorla to meei non.j Prince Rupert peoplo to get lu William Sloan, minister of mines, (ouch with the people of the in- wIhmu he knew in Ihe Yukon at the (line of the rush. Advertise in lho Daily Kew. (prior and (he trip will tend to improve business relations between Interior ' points-and Ibis city,