Prince Rupert Daily News A AAA — z Thursday, July 31, 1952 ee ! _, : ‘A | Edith C IM ial Servi — More Research on Heart 42 p. Canelled Bease taser lode Fie) FRASER & PAYIN JASPER, Alta.—The annual! ~ 1 Oli Edith Cavell Memorial Service | § : = will be held in the Church of St. | if » for reasons of con “ rge y rl is oc or \ . & : @ |Mary and St. George, Jasper, at| venience, but originally it was i Y* tony s 11:00 a.m, this Sunday. iheld at the foet of 4 sia - : = This will be the 27th service) 5, Mount iit ‘avell itself DUBLIN @ € a rece! id the group suicide wa the c : since it was-first held at the! The traditional order of servic session of the Bri and Irish top of the list of unnatural} =e : end of the trail on Mount Edith | will be followed Association _Rich- ¢ nations he had performed |¢ : ; Cavell in 1925. r} wits will? attended 4 a neneste! pn Second orid ar i% : - ij The service, which will be! py Lieut-Ger +. G. Simmond ' ‘ conducted and the special ser- ! ‘ ‘ mon preached by the incumbent,|..;.,, Army: Mai.-Get *hris the Rev. &. N. P Orme, MBE... = noc west inns r he ij D A Y and SAT U x D A Y ; L.Th., commemmorates Nurse : ; se ae 2 OL LOLOL AL AALAND GOOLE ALE ALAN OI ae 2m Edith Cavell, heroic British pat-| mand, a oes cd ; : riot, who, on August 5, 1915, was/Pangman, officer commanding a FLANNELETTE SHEE HEADS PROBE —Mr. Justice | arrested in Brussels and later | wainwright military and Face ee J. T. Thorson of Ottawa, pre- | executed by German authorities|,,.. caffe The scripture les ; ie sident of ‘the Exchequer Court for assisting British and Allieq |‘ °" al I € : LTS ‘ f ja, has been elected ;soldiers to escape across the it of a congress of 200 | frontier. mal lawyers meeting | — to study law as ad- * ae some 18, ) 0 post: mi : em : as st : a 3 . t , n ni i d in communist-do- | BEST | a ea wipwing ig ng teeny ye Sg 4 War a Fe ie : First Quality, full size, assorted plaid ed yg ee = = y Fo Blue, Lemon Yellow. Rose, and Gre, ‘ fine en # eA Plaids, finished in singles will study documents ‘3 = viet-controlled coun- Courtesy S D. Johnston Co, Ltd.) UNSWEETENED r st | rt ubstandard. Ivory shade. 50 . ‘ With (ann 6 ~ heavy auality. Satin finish ' lv ee LF SPECIAL, Yard 9Bc “CELANESE” Pacific Milk gives , Sey”, Sunniweb Curlain Fabric coffee a rich, ye me Put) ot cgay ae ae apes aC) ditions in those countries ; ACIFIC VANCOUVER ; is on. t "Tea ‘id CP from National Film Board) ims om 1 Standard 17 t es for re highet a i : ; ; i & é 6.00 WHITBY. England (CP)—Whit- Sorta oom ae 1 | y 3 03 . y council has written to the 1.40 ea erwvdieree Air Ministry asking restrictions